Cam & Howard's Vow Renewal PJ -1/12/09 - WP&WH--p.98: TRIP REPORT BEGINS

Yea! I am so excited this TR is started :cool1:

And please, no matter how much you think it bores us, do not spare any details! I love reading about every single little thing!
Cam, I love the trip report so far! I OOT bags were so cute, and you had lots of great stuff in there! Can't wait to hear more!
Oh Cam - and Howard and Jenn and Andrew and Ade - and even Craig too I now find out - you all did so much! :faint: No wonder it was all so wonderful!!!!:goodvibes

So, when I left you, I alluded to my program/vase issue. ;) I learned a LOT about myself when my first “project failure” occurred. :rolleyes: Originally, I thought I’d do a single sheet cardstock “program” and they’d stand in this gorgeous rectangular vase we’d found with a huge pink fluffy bow tied around it. Well, when we unpacked the vase from the Owners Locker and put the programs in it, about 3 “fit”. LOL! AND, I didn’t have enough beads for the shorter programs to now stick out of the top, as I’d envisioned. :sad1: Kathy (fondly known now as “the problem solver”) came up with a plan -- one or two programs in the vase as a display and the others fanned out on the table in front (this also meant, as we found out after rehearsal, that the programs couldn’t go on the marble ledge that they were supposed to be on – UGH!)

I cannot believe that I said to Kathy “whatever you can come up with will be fine. Thank you so much for dealing with that for me.” :flower3: Totally NOT my typical, compulsive self. I have a hard time giving up "control" to someone, but hey, this was "KATHY"!!! I was so grateful for the help and her beautiful solution (which required the creative use of bubble wrap, to “plump up” the beads a bit -- geez, I wish she'd suggested that when the bodice of my gown was too loose on wedding day!! :lmao: ). Her quick solution ended up looking like this:

Gorgeous, right? :thumbsup2

Soon, we were off to Chef Mickey’s which our kids understand is our traditional “Must see Mom’s favorite Mouse” quest even if we can’t get to the parks on our first day at WDW. We had an absolute blast!

We had a pre-“wedding” celebration with Mickey:


We are the “Donald” girls – in 2 days, we’d be on a quest for a Donald (half-marathon) medal!


Kathy and Mickey:

After our wonderful dinner, Kathy dropped Jenn and Ade back at her room to sleep. She’d very generously decided that I needed a good night’s sleep and since Howard and Andrew would be up around 4 a.m. to go do the 5k, the girls would stay at Kathy’s room and I’d sleep in. WOOHOO!!!

Kathy also took on the task of delivering all of the Welcome Bags for our POP Century guests to the front desk there, to save Howard and me a trip. Howard and I took bags to Wilderness Lodge, Grand Floridian, and Saratoga Springs. Since we were headed to Jellyrolls, we had all the Boardwalk bags with us as well, and Howard was able to hand them to our friends who met us at JR.

When we got to JR, we met up with our dear friends Kevin (our officiant) and Kristen, whom we hadn’t seen since January 2008. Kevin is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army and is “away” a lot – we keep him and his family in our prayers constantly. They are precious to us and I cried when we saw them.

I hadn’t seen Lily, Martha and Rhonda in AGES and it was so great to have four of the “Minnie Girls” together again, even if we were missing Heather, Judy & Carrie terribly. :sad:

Soon after arriving, Howard requested “Rainbow Connection” for me – my favorite JR song. Back story: when we were first married, Howard drove an Audi Fox that had an 8 track player. He made many trips between Easton PA (my campus) and his hometown (over 320 miles) and the Muppets 8-track kept him company on those long drives. We always loved “Rainbow Connection”:

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far!
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing?
And, what do we think we might see?

Someday we'll find it,
That Rainbow Connection,
The lovers the dreamers and me

Perfect, huh?

Anyway, one of the very talented performers at JRs does a phenomenal rendition, including singing in a Kermit voice, and then picking up a short dowel (stick) and holding it between his hands and acting like Kermit the puppet. I LOVE Kermit (hey, why don't we have a Kermit smilie?) Totally awesome!! It was such a fun evening!!

We left around 10:45 and were so grateful to climb in to bed. I feared the 4:00 a.m. wakeup call would come all too soon and we’d all sleep through it.
Oh come ON! You can't leave us hanging like that! :upsidedow

Cam, this is so great! ::yes::

I have to admit though, I got a kick out of the mental picture I had of Howard circa 1983 in an Audi Fox playing an eight track. :lmao: Love you very much Howard! Don't forget that!
Judy told me you had put up another installment!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Slight addition:

Upon my arrival to Orlando, I picked up my rental car and called Cam & Howard to see where they were as I had promised to come and help with the welcome bags... she told me they were heading over to the WWOS to get their race stuff and then would be heading over to check in at the hotel. I told her that I would check into my hotel and then meet them at theirs... Little did they know I was plotting my surprise.... I drove directly to WWOS instead.. and planted myself on a bench right outside of the area where the volunteers were checking in.. knowing that they would be heading that way eventually... and sure enough soon I spied bride ears heading my way... I thought for sure one of the kids would spot me.. but NOOOOO... They almost walked right past me.. until I said.. "Cute ears.. you guys getting hitched?" and they all looked in my direction.. it took them all a minute to realize it was me.. and then the aforementioned tears, hugs and registration occurred.. LOL!!... and .... Ummm..Cam.... you didn't ABANDON me... I left you to go register for the 1/2 myself after picking up our volunteer registrations...LOL!!!

AND Cam was sooooo organized.. and well prepared for this momentous event... It was an honor to be included!!! :) I only helped when needed.. I don't deserved any accolades.. I was pleased to be at your service :)

I don't know how you are remembering everything Cam.. since you had soooo much to think about.. and of course being distracted by that gorgeous husband of yours!!! :thumbsup2 :p

Looking forward to the rest of the trip.. cause I get to relive one of the best weekends of my life!!!!!!
Awww, Cam. You've got me smiling from ear to ear! Thank you for sharing your special days with all of us! :love: You and Howard are so thoughtful and caring to everyone, and that really shines through in your VR. We're lucky to know you. :goodvibes
I WANT TO BE A GUEST TOO! :thumbsup2


Anyway, one of the very talented performers at JRs does a phenomenal rendition, including singing in a Kermit voice, and then picking up a short dowel (stick) and holding it between his hands and acting like Kermit the puppet. I LOVE Kermit (hey, why don't we have a Kermit smilie?) Totally awesome!! It was such a fun evening!!

I love Kermit too. I'm a big Muppet's fan. I love that song too. I thought we had a Kermit smilie but that's another site I belong too.

I am loving the TR so much already and I can only imagine how much exciting it gets. I do have a question about the marathons for you. I want to start running myself because that's a huge goal I have set for myself is to run in the WDW marathon. Can anyone do the 5k? I figure maybe I would start with that one first and work my way up to the 1/2 marathon. I bought the book you had suggested for me to get "marathons for mortal" I finishing a book now and then thats my next one.
Laura -- Absolutely anyone can do the Disney 5k if they register. I know there were a lot of people who walked it this year. I think registration filled up really quickly last year, though, so you might want to register soon. You may also like "No Need for Speed" and "The Courage to Start", both by John Bingham. Good luck! It is an awesome feeling to earn one of those fab Disney medals!
Cam I am LOVING your TR!! You are so detailed and organized! :worship: Everything is just so awesome and I want to be a guest too!! Kathy what a fantastic friend you are for helping so much! Cam is very lucky to have you as I am sure you feel your are very lucky to have her.

I can't wait to hear more!


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