"Can I still call it baby weight when she's IS 4?" - comments welcome

Hey Amy! You are doing SO great! Thanks for posting the before pics. Trust me, I know how hard that is! But it's also awesome to be able to put that pic next to the "after" pic when you've reached your goal. Or as you're assessing yourself along the way. :thumbsup2 I love the idea of putting your before pic all around to stay on track. I have one of my before's here at work too. I wasn't brave enough to post it on my monitor...but I have it here taunting me, just the same. :rotfl2:

Good luck with your surgery and I hope it comes soon. I had my tonsils and adnoids out when I was around 5, but one of my friends had it done as an adult. I know it's quite harder on adults, so definitely plan on having the cold, refreshing type drinks available for a while afterwards. I'm not sure about water though. I think you're gonna be limited as to how much you're gonna want to swallow (for a little while) so you might want to make whatever you're swallowing to be "filling" or soothing, you know? (I don't know if that made sense at all). I can put you in touch with that friend since she's here on the boards if you have any questions.

Keep up the great work and have a wonderful weekend!:goodvibes
Sounds like you've got a busy, busy weekend in the works. I know what you mean about being thrown for a loop when you lose a point. It helps keep the weight coming off, but it's a definite adjustment. I know you'll be able to make it work. After all, you've still got the flex points and activity points to work with. :thumbsup2

I'm glad the snow isn't sticking around for you yet.

Have a fantastic weekend!
I bet you're seeing a lot of water retention right now - that was a lot of saltier food this weekend, and if you didn't drink as much water as usual, your body will use that salt to hold onto every bit of moisture it can. Which is heavy! So drink your water today and hopefully it will all wash away for tomorow's weigh in.

Great job on the sugar! Well, not on feeling ill, but on getting to the point where sugar doesn't make you want more sugar. That's really a great place to be!

Weekends are definitely very challenging. Good luck with your WI tomorrow!
Oh, I almost forgot - how are you feeling with your antibiotics and strep? Better? When are you done with the medicine?
Hi Amy! :wave:

Just checking in to say hi and how are you doing today? I hope your Wednesday is going well.
Hi Amy,
I hear you on the scale-peeking being bad for morale at times! Two pounds is a GREAT loss and not easy to achieve. Good work! :thumbsup2

As for the rest of the day, you know we've all been there, too. :hug: It sounds like the situation was maybe part of the problem as well - if scrapbooking and decadent snacking have gone together for a long time in your life, it makes sense that when you get into that situation, the usual pattern is so in place, it's harder to overcome. Especially when everyone else is eating, too. And the food is sooo appealing. It's going to take time to re-train yourself for what the "new OK" is, as far as eating and scrapbooking. Whether it means you need to bring snacks along for yourself that are safe to munch or plan a certain number of points to spend on it and then switch to, say, hot tea or water, you'll find a new way to relate food and your hobby, I'm sure! (Oh my gosh, I just reread this and - oh my, I don't mean to sound like such a know-it-all..... I should not give so much advice!!)

I think you're right, too, that it's harder to get back on track after a big, unintentional slip. You can do it!

I'm so glad your infection has subsided and you're feeling healthier. Have fun at your Yoga class tonight!
Well, I'm glad to help in whatever small way I can. I'm glad I didn't come across as too know-it-all. But even gladder that you got something from what I wrote. You'll be ready for them at the next one!

BTW - GREAT job on the shopping and lunch success. Your mindfulness made a huge difference. It's so great that things can still be so enjoyable even with less or different food!
Great lists, Amy! I have to admit, your Danger Foods list is making me, well, not hungry, but foody? Food-lusty? I hear you on the ice cream - I can not even keep it in the house, I kid you not. And I definitely feel the same about "sneaking a treat." A point here, a point there and I never really feel like I've had a snack!

I love your "changes" list - that's a great way to see how much progress you've made, regardless of what the scale says on a given day. :thumbsup2

And it looks like we are both caffeine free Green Tea fans! :yay:

And there's always more to work on, of course. One thing at a time. :) And a lot of those things are definitely "process" aren't they? The goals are probably one of the hardest things. It's so hard to know how fast or slow things are going to go, and when we pick a number with a deadline, is it going to be more beneficial to have that to strive for or more discouraging if we don't keep pace? Tough one! But I bet in December, you'll look at whatever progress you've made and say "I am better off than I was when I started."

Great job on those lists. It seems like so much of it is mental, doesn't it?
Hey Amy! I really like the lists! I think I need to work on some of my own as well. That darn Corinna...she's inspiring us all! ;)

You're doing really great! Great job with the water. And you know, I agree with the leftovers. I am doing the same thing. Making bigger portions and eating the leftovers for lunch. That'll save money, and I'd prefer to eat "normal" food for lunches rather than lean cuisines all the time.

Not sure if you wanna hear...but I made an awesome dinner in the crockpot today. I put frozen boneless chicken tenderloins in the crockpot, a jar of salsa and a brick of lite cream cheese. Cooked on low for 8 hours. It didn't look too appetizing when I got home from work, but I stirred it up (the chicken kind of fell all apart) and then it looked better. And OH MY LORD, it was fantastic!! And really not bad at all for us! I did put it over some egg noodles, but it wasn't necessary. Could've just had the chicken by itself or with salad or something. Anyway...just thought I'd pass it along b/c I loved it. :thumbsup2

Keep up the great work, Amy! And have a great weekend!

Oh, wait, when you say "set up the tree"...do you mean Christmas tree?:confused3
It is not that I ate that bugs me, it is not even what I ate that bugs me. What is bothering me today is that I am trying to make a lifestyle change, not just diet, and I totally caved!! Why could I have not just sampled a couple of things and moved on? Why did I have to eat everything? Why did I have to have seconds? Why did I just give up and throw it all away? I know it was just one day, but I had already had my "treat" day on Saturday and wanted to have another one this Saturday. I did not mean to mess things up so early on. Has anyone else had one of these moments? Like I said, I really want it to not be a diet, and yesterday I ate like I was on a diet and then gorging!!!

I am right there with ya girl. I was raised by some very old Southern women who thought that gravy was a beverage, food must be deep fried or at least panfried in lard (bleh!:crazy2: ) to taste good and that if it was good for ya, you were eating like a rabbit. And I was raised to be a member of the 'clean plate club'--you HAVE to finish everything on your plate whether you like it or not.
I know that I am going to have to change to make this work and it's hard. But at least I'm not alone in this whole thing.:hug: It'll be a long hard road but worth it in the end, yeah?


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