Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over










Hmm, guess I can't move to Canada now.

Nuttin' you say can affect me!! :rotfl:
Continued From Previous Post

Next stop, we visited an area with
props from Harry Potter,
Fantastic Beasts
and a few costumes
from Wonder Woman and Batman.




The stuff nightmares are made of.
The extra giant spider, went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and...

Well, really it's too big to be flushed anywhere.
And frankly, I don't think it's fitting in anything
but an industrial sized water spout.





We exited, and... one last glimpse of the tower...


And that was about it for the tour.
We were dumped off at the requisite
gift shop to hopefully spend
tons of cash.
However, there was another area
that you could walk through.
And it was here that I found some
of my favourite sights.

Like these figurines from Corpse Bride.


The clothes worn by Humphrey Bogart
and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca.
(Except I'm pretty sure the hats weren't authentic.)



I could be wrong. Thoughts?

And those worn in Rebel Without a Cause.


I had to tell myself
that I felt lucky
to have seen this:


I wonder how many of you
will understand that reference?

Also liked this from what could
arguably be called the best Western
ever filmed.
If you haven't seen Unforgiven.... see it.


And, the piece de resistance...
The actual Oscar from Casablanca.


I mean... how cool is that???

After the tour I got back to the car
and headed out to...


I'd heard of Santa Monica Pier
for a long time.
And it a-piered to be pretty crowded.


Well, I'd driven here so...
Let's brave the crowds, shall we?






A quick look at the beach
and all the brave
(aka foolhardy) souls
in the water.


Well... okay. Maybe not foolhardy.
I understand that most of them
didn't get eaten by sharks that day.

At the end of the pier is a restaurant
called Mariasol.
I knew that a restaurant located at the
end of a tourist attraction probably
wouldn't be very good and would
probably be expensive.

But... YOLO.


I was tempted to order the tableside guacamole,
just to see it prepared...
But considering I don't really like guac.... it seemed silly.
So I ordered a clam chowder instead.
And it was good!
Plus... the table next to me ordered the guac.
So I was able to watch it being prepared
without having to order/eat it.

I also ordered another dish that I'd heard of
but never tried.
Fish tacos.
I'd never quite been able to wrap my head
around that.
Tacos? With fish?
And.... not bad.
Would I order it again?
Probably not.
But if someone served it to me,
I'd gladly have it.

After that, I headed back to the hotel.
I made a detour over to Bartel's Harley Davidson.
I'd missed it when I arrived, but was practically
driving right by it now.

And... for the first time ever,
I almost walked away without a poker chip.

I don't know if I've just been very lucky,
or if it's company policy...
But every HD store I've gone into,
I've been greeted by very friendly staff.

This time?

I walked in and no one spoke to me.
I saw one staffer who was talking
to another customer.
I expected a "I'll be with you in a moment"
as I stood at the counter, but she just
glanced at me and glanced away.

Okay. I'll look around.
I found another counter and spotted
the poker chips.
No one around.
I saw two staffers come out of a back room and
walk right by me as they chatted.
I considered going behind the counter
and just taking a chip, hoping that
would draw some attention.

I thought better of it.

I approached the couple of yappers
and interrupted.
"Does anyone work here?"
Reluctantly, one of them deigned to
glance at me and said "Yes?"
I told her I wanted a chip and she meandered
slowly behind the counter.
She obviously got paid by the hour.
I waited until I got my chip
and then got out of there.

Less than impressed, Bartel's HD.
I won't be back.

Speaking of chips,
@Captain_Oblivious asked me
how many poker chips do I have.
(i.e. how many stores have I visited.)

To date, I have 78 poker chips.
None of them repeats.

And that was my day.

In the previous chapter, I posted this photo


And asked what was missing.
Some of you got it.
Others missed it.
For those of you who missed it...
There's Kleenex on the counter.
For the rest of you who got it,
you can just see the toilet paper
peeking out from under the counter.
If you didn't know it was there....

Good luck finding it.

You certainly wouldn't be able
to see if if... er... you were sitting down.
(This is the voice of experience here.)

Coming up:
More adventures, a few DISmeets,
a Disney Day and a Grand Prix.


And did you see it?

I saw it! Also, it wasn't until you posted the bathroom picture the second time that I got what was missing.
Holy crap!
You're alive!
Some days I don't feel alive. Work tends to do that to a person.
I just assumed you'd taken
that wrong turn at Albuquerque!

I work in Albuquerque. Hard to make a wrong turn now-a-days, unless the GPS quites working.

How've you been?
How's Lady H?

Do you really care how I've been? All you'll hear is blah blah, blah blah blah.

Lady H is doing great and is still looking better than ever. She said she misses chatting with you.

Did I get it right?

When you going?!?!?

Dates haven't been set in stone yet but either first week of August or last week in July next year.
Cruisin' California


The rocket was a nice added touch....
"the need for speed"... I was two years old when that movie came out and I still know it!

Also... I meant to say in the last chapter at the tar pits.... that is clearly a baby yelling for it's father, with it's mother behind it.
How do I know? You can clearly see the expression on the mother's face that says "if you would have stopped and asked for directions you wouldn't be stuck in tar right now".
I loved seeing all of the pictures from the Warner Bros Tour! That looks like a lot of fun to experience when in California. I loved seeing all of the old costumes and the oscar from Casablanca!

The farmers market looked really cool too. Did that seem to have a lot of tourists or did that have an equal amount of locals as well? Those dessert cases had my mouth watering!
Very cool!

I love a real backlot studio tour. Universal Hollywood used to be like that. Disney's MGM studios in Orlando never was.

You saw some great sets, stages and props!

I had to tell myself
that I felt lucky
to have seen this:


Such a fantastic scene!

I've never been to the Santa Monica pier. Looks like a fun place to visit.

Silly! You don't wrap your head around a fish taco. You wrap your hands!

That is so annoying about the rude service at the HD. Don't they know you are the company's best chip customer?


Also, Moose and I also watched Lucifer and are SO upset it was canceled!
I’m sorry...


Ooops sorry I was going to tell you that as well. My nephew and brother are avid watchers and they told me. I hear that there is some campaign to try and save it.
Some days I don't feel alive. Work tends to do that to a person.

How's the "new" job going?

I work in Albuquerque. Hard to make a wrong turn now-a-days, unless the GPS quites working.

Nah. Those things never stop working.


And I knew you worked there.
That's why I said that!

Do you really care how I've been? All you'll hear is blah blah, blah blah blah.


Lady H is doing great and is still looking better than ever. She said she misses chatting with you.

I miss both you guys, actually.
And... 100% honest,
was thinking of you guys yesterday.

Spoke with Nebo.
He's doing not so great.
But... better than a few
months ago.

Did I get it right?

More details please.
And drop by more often.

Dates haven't been set in stone yet but either first week of August or last week in July next year.

Maybe I can swing something...
The rocket was a nice added touch....

Was pretty pleased with that. :)

"the need for speed"... I was two years old when that movie came out and I still know it!

Good girl.
You can stay.

Also... I meant to say in the last chapter at the tar pits.... that is clearly a baby yelling for it's father, with it's mother behind it.
How do I know? You can clearly see the expression on the mother's face that says "if you would have stopped and asked for directions you wouldn't be stuck in tar right now".

My favorite Canadian is Nathan Fillion. Funny, charming, great hair, good lucking, a brown coat (KUDOS TO YOU IF YOU GOT THAT, WE ARE NOW BEST FRIENDS!).

pkondz does not wear brown.

Just... nope, nope, nopitty, nope.
I loved seeing all of the pictures from the Warner Bros Tour! That looks like a lot of fun to experience when in California.

It was a great little tour!
Really enjoyed it. :)

I loved seeing all of the old costumes and the oscar from Casablanca!

I know, right!
I couldn't believe no one
was really paying it any attention.
I felt like yelling at them.
"Casablanca! People! It's the Oscar
for Casablanca!!"

The farmers market looked really cool too.

It was!

Did that seem to have a lot of tourists or did that have an equal amount of locals as well?

Hmmm.... Not really sure.
It seemed to be mostly locals?
But I don't really know.
Maybe they were all tourists
and thought I was a local! :laughing:

Those dessert cases had my mouth watering!

Very cool!

I love a real backlot studio tour. Universal Hollywood used to be like that. Disney's MGM studios in Orlando never was.

But the MGM backlot tour was pretty good.
"Was" being the key word.
I remember seeing some interesting
costumes and buildings.

You saw some great sets, stages and props!


Such a fantastic scene!

Isn't it?

I don't know if there's anyone
cooler than Clint.

After me, of course.

I've never been to the Santa Monica pier. Looks like a fun place to visit.

It was fun.
But not something
I'd feel the need to do again.

Silly! You don't wrap your head around a fish taco. You wrap your hands!

Can I wrap my mouth around it?

That is so annoying about the rude service at the HD. Don't they know you are the company's best chip customer?

I know, right?!?!?!?!
Ooops sorry I was going to tell you that as well. My nephew and brother are avid watchers and they told me. I hear that there is some campaign to try and save it.

Apparently, the last episode
is now the series finale...

And just yesterday,
Ruby and I were discussing
where we wondered what would
happen next season. :sad2:

They're airing two bonus episodes
(previously recorded for the next season)
back to back on the 28th I believe.
And then that's it.

I've heard of the social media campaign.
Not sure how successful it'll be.


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