Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Well then I take that back.

I find it interesting how that particular attraction affects so many folk who are normally not bothered by simulators or coasters. I wonder what it is that’s so different about that one.
It might make for some interesting medical research.

From personal experience, it's a much more intense ride than most everything else offered at WDW. My guess is due to G-forces and duration of those forces. From what I've found online, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.2-2.5 Gs.

ToT is around 1.6 Gs.

According to this website, RNC and EE max out higher, but those are apparently for smaller increments of time.

So it's likely not just the max G force, but a combination of magnitude and time. Perhaps similar to how temperature and duration affects a burn on your skin.

*ETA -- this would coincide with my earlier experiences with a centrifuge ride at a carnival when I was in high school. I rode it once and had no issues. I then rode it a second time a few minutes later and had vertigo (of course I didn't realize that's what I had). Stupidly I drove home shortly afterwards -- just thinking my head would eventually stop spinning. Fortunately, I got home without incident...but I would never attempt that drive again.

I went to bed as soon as I got home but had a tough time going to sleep. The spinning didn't stop until the next morning. I think my parents thought I had been drinking since I basically exhibited all of the symptoms, so I'm not surprised they thought that. All I can say is that I basically felt like I was super drunk despite having never had one drop.
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Hey! I happen to love hamburger steak!
Especially with gravy. Yum!

We call those "cloppities" in our house. And I haven't made them in a long time. I think they'll have to go into the dining rotation.

Yeah, I get that.
The convenience factor
is pretty darned high.

Which is why if I can steer us clear of the place I will.

Oops! No.
Sausage and Egg McMuffin.

That's why I do the surgery on the egg to remove the yolk, it's much better than without, but I don't always feel like having an egg.

I'll have to try and remember that
and give it a try.

Just don't be too grossed out by the amount of grease you find on the napkin!

But if I'm not worrying about calories...
I'll go someplace better.

Hello, eggs benedict!

There aren't too many drive throughs with Eggs Benedict. Disney is one of the few places I can convince her to go to breakfast. Usually outside of Disney breakfast is included with our hotel.

Oh. Wait.
That wasn't an offer for me, was it.

Depends, were you offering my Breakfast in Bed? :confused3

I get that!
Not my idea of a good dinner.

I call it dinner of last resort!

Not bad!
I'll have to try it then.

Do you put it in a fondue pot?
Or just a regular one?

I just put it in the fondue pot. I have an electric one and I melted it on low, then turned it up once it was all melted. As we ate all of it, I had to turn it back down so the cheese didn't burn in the pot.

Yeah, but that's because you plan better.
If I freeze something,
there's a good chance it will sit there....

I do plan well (sort of). It didn't help that two years ago at Thanksgiving we bought 11 turkeys. Then at Christmas we bought a whole bunch of standing rib roasts. The one I mentioned previously was dinner two nights ago and then dinner last night as well as lunch today. I still have one more in the freezer. Of those 11 turkeys, I still have four or five left. We didn't buy any last year, so I need to eat those last four or five by November. So I guess that means one turkey a month for the next five months. :laughing:

Like that spaghetti sauce, gotta have one of those every month too!

Nope! I expected it!

Wow! Am I that transparent?

I did see that post.
I too am never again
going to wear a bikini.

What about a speedo?
Hi Pkondz
yes one whole onion left whole and normaly three further onions chopped and added at the start of the cooking time. Every one has a different way of cooking mince here it just depends what your preferance is .It may be a surprise but when the carrots and peas are cooked with the mince for the total cooking time they don't turn to mush because of the low cooking temperature that's why it takes so long to cook.It's the cooking smell for so long that builds up your apitight.
Okay, wait. So four onions?
How many grams of beef are we talking about here?
At minimum 1kg, no? Probably more?

Interesting that the peas don't turn to mush
but I'll take your word for it.
Is it cooked stovetop or in oven?
Definitely the extra time to do one load of laundry with the same machine.

That seems to be most folks comment.

But also the fact that large appliances made now, pretty much suck.

Don't remind me.


And if you have one machine that has so many moving pieces that does extra things... just seems like a recipe for disaster. I'd rather work on or replace one machine if it craps out on me than have to replace 2 in 1.

Yeah. If the dryer's busted, you can still wash clothes and hang dry.
If the washer's busted, you could hand wash a few necessities and dry.

One machine means you gotta do both.
Most excellent!
We got to do pretty much everything that was on our list, saw some of the new shows, tried out some new dining options, spent more than I ought on knick-knacks and some excellent booze, saw a couple new Florida sites along the way and generally had a mighty fine time.


What new Florida sites?

We missed the grand opening of “Pandora” by one day, but I’m ok with that. It ended up being the madhouse that I suspected it would be and I know us; we’ll be back, so I’ll see it then.


Mixed feelings here.

I, like you, would rather not go
on opening day. Too crazy.

But I do want to see it at some point.

I’d write about it, but truth is I can’t get myself motivated enough to finish the TR I’ve got open and honestly, not that many folks would care all that much.

Well, I'll tell you what.
I can't speak for anyone but myself.
But I still have it in my list.
And wait for updates.

I'm never going to tell someone
that they have to keep going.

I hope... but...

If anyone knows how much
work these things are....

There are many far better (and more reliable) writers around here.

Yep. I know of a few.

Not me... but others, yes.

Because you foolishly allow me into the club house.
It’s your own fault.

Dang kids leaving the door ajar...

In the last five-ish years I’ve had credit cards hacked three times and at least two accounts falsely opened on either my or DW’s name. Luckily, it all got caught quickly by either us or the institutions so no major losses incurred yet.

Three times... ouch.
That sucks.

Not a fun experience.

I know that nothing out in cyber-world is completely secure (and never will be) so staying on top of what’s going on and being skeptical of bleeding-edge tech is the only real option.

Yeah, I check my financials
fairly regularly.

And there’s the rub.
Now when “they” start integrating electronics directly into our brains at birth, that’s when things will be different. Unless, of course, we forget to make the notes in the first place despite the “onboard” enhancements.

What I'm concerned about
is people will get those.

And someone else will hack into them.

Can you imagine someone messing
with your memories?

I do feel your pain here though.
I recently misplaced a thumb-drive that had a whole lot of my notes and research on it.
I was smart enough to back it up elsewhere, but…
I hadn’t done so recently.
Needless to say, the bulk of that data is still available but there are a lot of newer bits and general enhancements that I’ve lost.

At least your iPod did turn up.

Oh, man that sucks.

I've done that here.
Have a TR mostly written and...


Being of a 1962 vintage I suspect it’s me.

Not by a whole heck of a lot.

If that wasn’t a virtue before, it certainly has come to be seen as one in recent years.


“Kittens” of course.

Feel free to replace that one with whichever euphemism strikes your fancy. :rolleyes:
Heck, make a contest of it. There are some clever folk ‘round here.

:lmao: I should!

But the subsequent banning
would be unfortunate.

Or fortunate, depending
on your point of view.

But you’ve since rectified that situation, correct?

Haven't had a chance yet.
But I will!

up to a point.

Depends on the person too.

Some people will amaze you.
In either direction.

“Here’s your sign”…

:laughing: ::yes::

An old I/T & Tech Support joke, that one.
It often shows up as a resolution code on incident reports explaining the problem that an end-user was having with their computer. Another one is: PEBCAK

An even older one is:

What's the most dangerous part
of an automobile?

The nut behind the wheel.

Of course “fan” is derived from “fanatic”, so my mental state (or lack thereof) may need to be taken into account here as well.



:laughing: I like that!

I find it interesting how that particular attraction affects so many folk who are normally not bothered by simulators or coasters. I wonder what it is that’s so different about that one.
It might make for some interesting medical research.

Apparently, this has been answered.
Read on...

I was treating the sidewalk as a road.
In that scenario, he’s in the right place.
He still looks foolish, but he is in the correct “lane”.

Yep, I got that.
That's what I meant.

A good exception, to be sure.
Of course, your car’s trunk works like a cooler, so you could just simply have taken any leftovers along with you and had them as a midnight snack.

One simply does not
have Keg leftovers.

There are no leftovers.

Guys like us we had it made…

And truth be told…
I wouldn’t mind having an old LaSalle
Of course I’d replace the engine and drivetrain, install proper restraints, an aftermarket A/C and a decent sound system, but still…

Recall that when this aired,
there was no internet.

I had no idea what he meant
but when Archie sang:
"gee our old LaSalle ran great"
I thought it was some sort of
government program.

And then of course,
I forgot about it.

This is excellent!
Now I know.
Something that I've
wondered about for a loooong time.

Come to think of it though, were I do that much renovating to a clunker…
I’d probably start off with a Nomad.

From personal experience, it's a much more intense ride than most everything else offered at WDW. My guess is due to G-forces and duration of those forces. From what I've found online, it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 2.2-2.5 Gs.

ToT is around 1.6 Gs.

According to this website, RNC and EE max out higher, but those are apparently for smaller increments of time.

So it's likely not just the max G force, but a combination of magnitude and time. Perhaps similar to how temperature and duration affects a burn on your skin.

*ETA -- this would coincide with my earlier experiences with a centrifuge ride at a carnival when I was in high school. I rode it once and had no issues. I then rode it a second time a few minutes later and had vertigo (of course I didn't realize that's what I had). Stupidly I drove home shortly afterwards -- just thinking my head would eventually stop spinning. Fortunately, I got home without incident...but I would never attempt that drive again.

I went to bed as soon as I got home but had a tough time going to sleep. The spinning didn't stop until the next morning. I think my parents thought I had been drinking since I basically exhibited all of the symptoms, so I'm not surprised they thought that. All I can say is that I basically felt like I was super drunk despite having never had one drop.
Thanks for doing all that research.

I think you're right, too.
I know that at first I was really enjoying the ride.
But after a while...
I just wanted it to end.
We call those "cloppities" in our house. And I haven't made them in a long time. I think they'll have to go into the dining rotation.

"cloppities"... :laughing: I like that.

I tried to find a picture,
but the only one I found
was too small to see much.

Which is why if I can steer us clear of the place I will.

Good call.

That's why I do the surgery on the egg to remove the yolk, it's much better than without, but I don't always feel like having an egg.

I still don't get why you can't
order a Sausage and Egg
with only egg whites.

Just don't be too grossed out by the amount of grease you find on the napkin!

Nah. I cook.
That doesn't bug me at all.

There aren't too many drive throughs with Eggs Benedict.

And if there were...
I doubt it would be edible.

Disney is one of the few places I can convince her to go to breakfast. Usually outside of Disney breakfast is included with our hotel.

Ah yes.
Love "free" hotel breakfast.

Depends, were you offering my Breakfast in Bed? :confused3

Depends. How badly do you want it?
Show me where stuff is in your kitchen
(and a tray) and... sure.

I call it dinner of last resort!

Better than last meal.

I just put it in the fondue pot. I have an electric one and I melted it on low, then turned it up once it was all melted. As we ate all of it, I had to turn it back down so the cheese didn't burn in the pot.

We got a Le Creuset fondue pot
as a wedding gift.

Awesome gift.

I do plan well (sort of). It didn't help that two years ago at Thanksgiving we bought 11 turkeys. Then at Christmas we bought a whole bunch of standing rib roasts. The one I mentioned previously was dinner two nights ago and then dinner last night as well as lunch today. I still have one more in the freezer. Of those 11 turkeys, I still have four or five left. We didn't buy any last year, so I need to eat those last four or five by November. So I guess that means one turkey a month for the next five months. :laughing:

Like that spaghetti sauce, gotta have one of those every month too!

Wow. That is really organized.

I can't imagine turkey every month.

Wow! Am I that transparent?

That adorable.

What about a speedo?

That's somehow better than a bikini??

And... trust me... no one wants to see that.
I still have a few TRs to get to.
But if I want to wrap this sucker up
before I leave, I better get to writing.

So apologies to the four of you
I still haven't gotten to.

I will... eventually.
Okay, wait. So four onions?
How many grams of beef are we talking about here?
At minimum 1kg, no? Probably more?

Interesting that the peas don't turn to mush
but I'll take your word for it.
Is it cooked stovetop or in oven?

Ok here goes I make my mince this way,
1 Empty 1Kg Steak mince (less than 3% fat) into a big pot on your stove top and brown your beef
2 Add two beef stock cubes to two plints of boiling water disolve the cubes then add to your mince
3 Turn the heat down to low so it just simmers.
4 Peel 4 onions Chop three up and add all the onions to the mince.
5 leave to simmer untill the onions are cooked. I normaly cook for a minimum of 3 hours.
6 Add bisto best beef gravy granules to thicken just before serving with mashed potatoes
7 Boil your potato for 30 mins until a fork goes all the way to the middle of the largest potato
8 Drain the water from the potatoes add Whole milk and butter to your taste and mash to a smooth constituency
9 It is best eaten by having both some potato and mince on your fork at the same time.
10 You can add Carrots and peas at anytime during the cooking process it depends on how you like your vegetables cooked. Myself I prefer all my veggies anailated virtually pure mush for me.
We normally use the mince over two days have it with frys the second day.
Ok here goes I make my mince this way,
1 Empty 1Kg Steak mince (less than 3% fat) into a big pot on your stove top and brown your beef
2 Add two beef stock cubes to two plints of boiling water disolve the cubes then add to your mince
3 Turn the heat down to low so it just simmers.
4 Peel 4 onions Chop three up and add all the onions to the mince.
5 leave to simmer untill the onions are cooked. I normaly cook for a minimum of 3 hours.
6 Add bisto best beef gravy granules to thicken just before serving with mashed potatoes
7 Boil your potato for 30 mins until a fork goes all the way to the middle of the largest potato
8 Drain the water from the potatoes add Whole milk and butter to your taste and mash to a smooth constituency
9 It is best eaten by having both some potato and mince on your fork at the same time.
10 You can add Carrots and peas at anytime during the cooking process it depends on how you like your vegetables cooked. Myself I prefer all my veggies anailated virtually pure mush for me.
We normally use the mince over two days have it with frys the second day.

This sounds like an interesting dish, is this Scottish? And what is the actual name of the dish?
This sounds like an interesting dish, is this Scottish? And what is the actual name of the dish?

Hi Alison
yes it is a traditional Scottish dish Believe it or not it is called Mince and tatties.If you Google it there is lots of diferant recipes on how to cook it

scotchkitchen. com ls a recipe sight for scotch beef.
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I stumbled across your trip report today while I am in bed sick and just have to say it is the Best TR ever!!

Thanks for getting me through a stinky day.
Ok here goes I make my mince this way,
1 Empty 1Kg Steak mince (less than 3% fat) into a big pot on your stove top and brown your beef
2 Add two beef stock cubes to two plints of boiling water disolve the cubes then add to your mince
3 Turn the heat down to low so it just simmers.
4 Peel 4 onions Chop three up and add all the onions to the mince.
5 leave to simmer untill the onions are cooked. I normaly cook for a minimum of 3 hours.
6 Add bisto best beef gravy granules to thicken just before serving with mashed potatoes
7 Boil your potato for 30 mins until a fork goes all the way to the middle of the largest potato
8 Drain the water from the potatoes add Whole milk and butter to your taste and mash to a smooth constituency
9 It is best eaten by having both some potato and mince on your fork at the same time.
10 You can add Carrots and peas at anytime during the cooking process it depends on how you like your vegetables cooked. Myself I prefer all my veggies anailated virtually pure mush for me.
We normally use the mince over two days have it with frys the second day.
Hey! Thanks for the whole recipe!
I stumbled across your trip report today while I am in bed sick and just have to say it is the Best TR ever!!

First of all :welcome: to the TR!
We're all pretty nice folks around here.
Settle in, join the conversation.
We don't bite.

Well @franandaj does.
But I'll try to keep her off you.

Second, sorry to hear that you're
not feeling well.
Cold? Flu?

Feel free to not share if you prefer. :)

Thanks for getting me through a stinky day.

I'm glad I was able to help you through. :goodvibes
First of all :welcome: to the TR!
We're all pretty nice folks around here.
Settle in, join the conversation.
We don't bite.

Well @franandaj does.
But I'll try to keep her off you.

Second, sorry to hear that you're
not feeling well.
Cold? Flu?

Feel free to not share if you prefer. :)

I'm glad I was able to help you through. :goodvibes

Cold flu something like that. Came out of nowhere yesterday. It will pass so really can't complain. Thanks Again!
Hi Alison
yes it is a traditional Scottish dish Believe it or not it is called Mince and tatties.If you Google it there is lots of diferant recipes on how to cook it

scotchkitchen. com ls a recipe sight for scotch beef.

Sounds interesting, I might try it sometime, we like new things!

Well @franandaj does.
But I'll try to keep her off you.

Ha! I don't bite hard, and how do you think you can control me?????
I stumbled across your trip report today while I am in bed sick and just have to say it is the Best TR ever!!

Thanks for getting me through a stinky day.

Welcome aboard.

And do yourself a favor a take a look at his other TRs. They're hilarious.


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