Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

The only thing I can think of...
Would be of the event
that you sent me the PP pictures of.

I'd like to keep that for my TR
if that's okay.

The rest is fair game. :)

That's what I meant about the obvious. Of course that's yours! Can I show my parts with the other gals? I didn't take many pictures since I was just enjoying our company!
Great end to a great trip and report.

I did better than I thought I would on the contest.

I see you flew home on your own special plane.

Would love to hear about Vegas if you want to write about it.
(A snail walks into a car dealership
and buys a car and then asks
if they can paint a big "S"
on the side.
When questioned why,
the snail replies...
"So people can point and say,
"Look at that S car go!"")

Thank you.
I'm here all week.
Try the escargots.


No? Too squeamish?
Looks a little... horrid?
Can't get past the
"They're snails!
for goodness sakes!" part?

Pretty much, yeah. I should also point out that I really can't stand squash. Mostly for the texture. It feels like tasteless goo--kinda slimy. Can't stomach it. And I suspect escargots would be similar.

When I was around 17-18 years old...

so.... over 200 years ago...

...I discovered something called "the wheel". Revolutionized my life!

In passing, I asked him where
he'd eaten them before.
"I haven't." He replied.
"Then how do you know
you don't like them?" I asked.

"I just know." He said.

This sounds...familiar.

Well, my date and I couldn't pass this up,
so we began to harangue him too.
"Come on! Try it!"
"Don't be a baby! Eat it!"
"Do it! Just do it!"
(This was pre Nike slogan, too!)

Finally... after a lot of abuse,
Dan relented.
More to get us off his back,
I suspect, than from any
desire to try it.

This is how it always works, isn't it?

Actually, this kind of relentless nagging usually makes me just dig in my heels more. I hate being forced to do anything. If I try it, it's gonna be MY choice!

Immediately, Dan's face
turned a bright red.
And he involuntarily began to gag.
The gagging continued
until he started to vomit.
He tried to hold it in until he could
run to the bathroom,
but we were in a booth
and there were bodies between him
and salvation.
Great gouts spewed out of his mouth
and onto the table cloth.
We all drew back in horror, trying to
evade and avoid the splash radius.
His girlfriend was not so lucky.
I don't know if Dan was trying to turn
to her to apologize or he was just trying
to escape in that direction or if it was
simply his revenge on her.
Either way, he turned and yakked
all over her red dress.
Well... it used to be red.

Aha! I knew it!

To this day,
whenever he goes to a restaurant
where escargots is on the menu;
he orders it every time.

So try it.
You may not like it, not everyone has
the same tastes.
But... you may surprise yourself.

I know, I know....and I fully acknowledge my own hypocrisy on this issue, especially since I usually tell my kids the exact same thing: "Try new things! You either discover something you love, or you have a great story later!"

So....maybe someday. If I'm drunk enough.

Just before I get back to the
last update for this trip...

I gotta know...
This dude.
Coolest ever?
Or just annoying?


Depends. If the bus is empty? Pretty cool. If the bus is full of people? Total jerk move.

Chapter 17 - The End.

We mostly just drove and flew.
The end.

Wow! That was easy!




EVER!!!! You really outdid yourself with this one!

I need to torture you some more
by throwing in a whole bunch
of unnecessary verbiage.

Son of a...

I mean...yay.

Roughly an hour later,
we arrived at the midway
point between Calgary
and Edmonton,
in the town of Red Deer,
named after shame-faced
husbands who apologize
to their wives.
"Yes dear." He said, with a red face.


Notice all the empty tables...
but the lineup extends out the door.

Your timing, sir, is impeccable.

In case you're wondering,
or have never been.
That's about half of an order
of French fries.

::yes:: I think the french fries are the best thing there.

The burger was good,
definitely a cut above
the regular chains
(McDonalds, Burger King, etc...)

It would be so much better
if they would melt the cheese.
I wonder if you can ask for that?
It messes up the grill, so maybe not?

I'd agree with that. Five Guys got a bit ruined for me. I heard from too many people who called it "best burger ever" or something similar before I tried it. So that's what I was expecting, and instead I got...a decent burger. It was fine. I went again recently and it was better than I remembered. Melty cheese would help!

We spotted a Cookies by George
and made a bee line.

I should have guessed!

Flying the curmudgeonly skies again, I see.

And, as always,
upon arrival back home...

I immediately started planning
my next getaway.

Because that's how it's done!:thumbsup2 I only go to work so I can pay for the next vacation.

Which would be Vegas.
About 3 months later.

Want to hear about that?
If so, I'll tack a chapter
or two on here.

Sure! I don't like to admit this in public, but I'm always up for reading another pkondz trip report.

Steppesister - 737 points
Captain_Oblivious - 716 points

Soooo close! I'm proud of the rally I made at the end there. I usually never do this well in contests.

Congratulations, @Steppesister !

If it's all right with you,
Instead of mailing out your prize,
I'll just drop it off at your
parent's house, okay? :)

Whoa, you're making the trip! Nice! I wish that was feasible for me.

Did you see it?
Go ahead and blurt it out.

I think I already did! But your choice in airlines is consistent, at least. If ever there was an airline I would have expected to be rudely beating up customers and throwing them off the plane, it would have been that one. I was so surprised when it turned out to be United!

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Without all of you,
this TR wouldn't be a joy to write
and would be far less interesting
to read.
Thanks again. :hug:

Don't sell yourself short. It is a joy to read. Every one of your TR's betrays a joy in life, a love of your family, and joy in travel. Not to mention a great sense of humor. Thanks for putting so much effort into entertaining all of us! I can't wait to read about the next adventure.
That's what I meant about the obvious. Of course that's yours! Can I show my parts with the other gals? I didn't take many pictures since I was just enjoying our company!

Everything else is fair game. :)
Great end to a great trip and report.

Thanks! :)

I did better than I thought I would on the contest.

You did very well!

Next time (assuming... ) maybe you'll win it.

I see you flew home on your own special plane.

I get a bit of overhead bin room
set aside for me.

Would love to hear about Vegas if you want to write about it.

It'd be a quick one or two chapters, I think.
When I was around 17-18 years old...

so.... over 200 years ago...
Dang it! Beat me to the joke!

(This was pre Nike slogan, too!)
Well of course it was. You were 17-18 years old.


No, hang on....


My bad.
That's not what happened at all.
He didn't barf.
Well this story got really boring, really fast. :rolleyes1

I gotta know...
This dude.
Coolest ever?
Or just annoying?

I need to torture you some more
by throwing in a whole bunch
of unnecessary verbiage.

There was a Five Guys
less than 10 minutes away, so...
Well, I expected Wendy's because you tend to stop at Wendy's it seems, in your TRs. But I think you chose wisely here. I really like Five Guys.

We weren't even a little surprised.
We just expect it.
All it takes there is a couple of people walking in at the same time and it is suddenly backed up. I appreciate the fresh food, but when it takes 7 minutes to make each order this is bound to happen.

We walked over and saw
that our plane was waiting.
Oh man... that airline sucks. Did you see the story where they threw somebody's grandma out the door as they taxied out to the runway because she had gas and someone was offended by it? Made the poor lady walk home, but at least they gave her a voucher for a free smoothie back at the terminal.

Which would be Vegas.
About 3 months later.

Want to hear about that?
If so, I'll tack a chapter
or two on here.
Gambled, drank, slept very little. Vegas.

Sorry, just wrote it for you.
Your escargot story was funny...and especially because so many people say they don't like things without trying them (like my kids every day who eat all of five foods)

Have a great trip(s)
Pretty much, yeah. I should also point out that I really can't stand squash. Mostly for the texture. It feels like tasteless goo--kinda slimy. Can't stomach it. And I suspect escargots would be similar.

Escargots definitely does not taste slimy.

Possibly closer to calamari,
but not as rubbery.
Also with an almost bit of a...

But mostly, like lobster,
it's a vehicle to get
garlic butter into you.

...I discovered something called "the wheel". Revolutionized my life!

Still pretty proud of that one...

This sounds...familiar.

Thought so.

Actually, this kind of relentless nagging usually makes me just dig in my heels more. I hate being forced to do anything. If I try it, it's gonna be MY choice!

Yes, but...

Never underestimate the effect a young girl
can have on a teen boy's will.

Aha! I knew it!

Or... not...

I know, I know....and I fully acknowledge my own hypocrisy on this issue, especially since I usually tell my kids the exact same thing: "Try new things! You either discover something you love, or you have a great story later!"

So....maybe someday. If I'm drunk enough.

Who knows.
Maybe after reading that
some day you'll throw caution to the win.

Depends. If the bus is empty? Pretty cool. If the bus is full of people? Total jerk move.

That was my thought as well.

Funny/cool at first.
And then....

Are you making a busload of people wait for you??




EVER!!!! You really outdid yourself with this one!

Brevity is all.

Son of a...

I mean...yay.

I knew you'd be excited!

Your timing, sir, is impeccable.

And dependable.

::yes:: I think the french fries are the best thing there.

Oh, really!

I will agree that their fries
are also a cut above the other big chains.

I'd agree with that. Five Guys got a bit ruined for me. I heard from too many people who called it "best burger ever" or something similar before I tried it. So that's what I was expecting, and instead I got...a decent burger. It was fine. I went again recently and it was better than I remembered. Melty cheese would help!

There are far superior burgers at smaller places,

Like, in Winnipeg... Here:



I should have guessed!

Yes. You should have.
I think it would've tied you for first place.

Flying the curmudgeonly skies again, I see.


Because that's how it's done!:thumbsup2 I only go to work so I can pay for the next vacation.

I have a motto.
I didn't make it up,
but I agree with it 100%.

Work to live,
don't live to work.

Sure! I don't like to admit this in public, but I'm always up for reading another pkondz trip report.

I won't tell a soul.

Soooo close! I'm proud of the rally I made at the end there. I usually never do this well in contests.

Congratulations, @Steppesister !

You really came in strong there at the end.
I was wondering who was going to come
out the eventual winner.

Close one.

Whoa, you're making the trip! Nice! I wish that was feasible for me.


You'll see the lengths I will go to
to meet some nice people.

I think I already did! But your choice in airlines is consistent, at least. If ever there was an airline I would have expected to be rudely beating up customers and throwing them off the plane, it would have been that one. I was so surprised when it turned out to be United!

I was a bit miffed when
they hired away some of my staff.

Don't sell yourself short. It is a joy to read. Every one of your TR's betrays a joy in life, a love of your family, and joy in travel. Not to mention a great sense of humor. Thanks for putting so much effort into entertaining all of us! I can't wait to read about the next adventure.

Well... uh.... :blush:
Gee... That's awfully nice of you to say.
I'm not sure I earned such high praise,
but it's very much appreciated.
Escargots definitely does not taste slimy.

Possibly closer to calamari,
but not as rubbery.
Also with an almost bit of a...

But mostly, like lobster,
it's a vehicle to get
garlic butter into you.

Hmmm...that actually helps. I would have expected slimy. And that would be a deal-breaker.

Generally not a seafood guy (and yes, I have tried seafood, wise guy). I prefer to skip the lobster and go for the butter. It's frowned upon in public, though.

Yes, but...

Never underestimate the effect a young girl
can have on a teen boy's will.

Now this is 100% true. 1000%, even. Boys do so many stupid things for a girl's attention.

Who knows.
Maybe after reading that
some day you'll throw caution to the win.

Never say never! I do get sick of PB&J after a while.

There are far superior burgers at smaller places,

Like, in Winnipeg... Here:


I think I remember you mentioning that one. Looks like my kind of place, too!

Yes. You should have.
I think it would've tied you for first place.

Well, now that just plain figures.

I have a motto.
I didn't make it up,
but I agree with it 100%.

Work to live,
don't live to work.


I also love the phrase: No one ever lay on their deathbed and said, "If only I'd spent a few more hours at the office."

You'll see the lengths I will go to
to meet some nice people.

Unlike some other lazy people around here...:rolleyes1

Now you've got me feeling guilty for not trying to schedule a long weekend to make it! I really wish I could. In any case, it's great that there will be such a cool DIS Meet going on. One of these days...

Gee... That's awfully nice of you to say.
I'm not sure I earned such high praise,
but it's very much appreciated.

You're welcome. It's deserved.
The only thing I can think of...
Would be of the event
that you sent me the PP pictures of.

You guys are sharing PP pictures? I didn't know you all were into that kind of stuff. :eek:

*ETA -- think like a 5 year old and you'll get the joke
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It's amazing how quickly this thread moves along sometimes! I'm not even going to try and multi-quote, because I don't feel like going down and hunting everything down.

I realized I never did decide on a favorite food (or foods) - but I wasn't anywhere near close to winning. Congrats, Liesa!

I also noticed the airplane.

Escargots - yum! I think dh was the first one to convince me to eat them. Mainly, I hadn't gone to places that had them available. (Even in France - we were more likely to eat street food like crepes and sandwiches made from cold cuts and fresh bread). When we do get them, it usually from a localish seafood restaurant where dh used to go regularly growing up, but we haven't gone there in ages, since it has gone a bit downhill and is a bit on the stodgy side.

And...I can't remember if I was going to comment on anything else!
Hello Pkondz
Another of your adventures comes to a close and traveling home on your own airline as well. As usual your trip report was well written with great photos to a company the text enjoyed following along . Hopefully your report about Las Vegas will live up to your usual standards.Enjoy the coming weeks holidays your road trip looks most impressive.
Dang it! Beat me to the joke!


Well of course it was. You were 17-18 years old.

Something like that.

Well this story got really boring, really fast. :rolleyes1

Go watch Monty Python.
You know which movie...
And you know which part.


Hmmm.... seems unanimous.

Too late!

Well, I expected Wendy's because you tend to stop at Wendy's it seems, in your TRs. But I think you chose wisely here. I really like Five Guys.

Five Guys >>> Wendy's.

All it takes there is a couple of people walking in at the same time and it is suddenly backed up. I appreciate the fresh food, but when it takes 7 minutes to make each order this is bound to happen.

But at Five Guys they take your order and you sit and wait for it.

Pretty much empty restaurant when we walked in.
Full (with people looking for places to sit)
when we walked out.

Oh man... that airline sucks. Did you see the story where they threw somebody's grandma out the door as they taxied out to the runway because she had gas and someone was offended by it? Made the poor lady walk home, but at least they gave her a voucher for a free smoothie back at the terminal.

Did you smell what she did!?!?

It was self preservation, man!

Gambled, drank, slept very little. Vegas.

Sorry, just wrote it for you.

Nope. That's me on a solo trip to Vegas
(done that too)

But with Ruby along, things are different.
Hmmm...that actually helps. I would have expected slimy. And that would be a deal-breaker.

Nope. Not slimy.


Would you consider a mushroom
covered in garlic butter slimy?

Kind of like that, but a bit more chewy
and sometimes a bit grittier.

Generally not a seafood guy (and yes, I have tried seafood, wise guy). I prefer to skip the lobster and go for the butter. It's frowned upon in public, though.

You know snails are not seafood, right?

Now this is 100% true. 1000%, even. Boys do so many stupid things for a girl's attention.

Oh, man.
Don't we know it.

Never say never! I do get sick of PB&J after a while.

Standing by for the inevitable TR.

I think I remember you mentioning that one. Looks like my kind of place, too!

I will gladly sing VJ's praise.

I also love the phrase: No one ever lay on their deathbed and said, "If only I'd spent a few more hours at the office."


Unlike some other lazy people around here...:rolleyes1

Now you've got me feeling guilty for not trying to schedule a long weekend to make it! I really wish I could. In any case, it's great that there will be such a cool DIS Meet going on. One of these days...

Not to worry.
You do what you can do.

Maybe some day it'll work out.

Hoping for a pretty big road trip in
the next year or two so...
You guys are sharing PP pictures? I didn't know you all were into that kind of stuff. :eek:

*ETA -- think like a 5 year old and you'll get the joke

Without that "ETA", I never would've
figured out what you were driving at.

there are far cheaper options to ingest garlic butter...although they aren't quite as "sophisticated."


But... try the Keg's.
You'll change your mind.


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