Canadian Buffoon's Semi-EPIC Vacation - 10/29 - Link to new TR!

I'll keep those tips in mind :rotfl:
Thanks! Guess I saw this a little late... :laughing: It was a great trip! Almost no rain... and most importantly... no vertigo! :thumbsup2
Glad you had a great trip
and even more glad for

no vertigo!! :goodvibes
Ain't that the truth :sad2: :laughing:
If they make it like Epcot,
I'm gonna...
Well, I guess I'm gonna be

waiting in line.
I reallllly hope they did, too!
It's been about that long since my last visit to BatB. I'd wanted to try to catch it this past trip, but it just didn't happen. And I'm not that sorry even :laughing:
I'm quite content now to
never see it again.
It wasn't bad, but...

It's a one-and-done for me.
:rotfl2: Sorry for the incredible level of frustration that occurred during and after that conversation, but thank you for that one-liner :laughing:
You're welcome!
I don't normally post two
updates so close together.
(At least, not anymore.
I got complaints... :rolleyes:)
But this is really just finishing
off the last update.
So I'll just go ahead and
upset those of you who
want me to wait at least

Well since I've blown through four updates in the last day. I dont think another one is going to hurt.

This should have been my
first hint that maybe he
wasn't the best Lyft driver.

Yeah, I still don't trust those rode services.....Besides they wouldn't take a scooter anyways.

Our driver moved his car
out of the way and stopped.
While he was trying to
set up his GPS for our next
stop, he managed to pick
a spot that blocked a
delivery truck from leaving.

Definitely not the brightest bulb in the box. :sad2:

Our view from our room:

I've stayed there three times now, i think one of the times we had a similar view, but our room was on the ground floor on the other side of that covered walkway. But from our angle we couldn't see Islands of Adventure.

Try as I might, I couldn't seem
to find a phone number for
the local office where I was renting.

I've given up on that sort of thing. You get the same kind of run around if you try to call your local branch at Citibank.

I decided to spend a few minutes
wandering around taking photos.

The place looks exactly like it did the few times I've stayed there. Right down to the parasols. And there is almost never anyone in the lobby.

Place to drown your sorrows
after a baffling phone exchange:

I thought it was the sushi restaurant.

Did you see it in this chapter?


Unfortunately for you, and everyone else, the PTR part from here until I go, is going to be pretty rapid-fire so I can get everything done I want to. But you are right.... short and sweet. Badly written, but easily managable.

I clicked on the link, with every I mention of reading, I was rather dismayed that it was already 11 pages, but now I realize that browser somehow got closed and I never subbed in, so now I have to go back and find it. :sad2:
OK, Since no one has made any updates to their TRs since last night,
And by now... everyone has.
yours is the last one that I have to catch up on. See I saved the best for last! :laughing:
Uh, huh.
get smart 1.gif

And if you don't recognize the profile,
the preceding scene...
get smart 2.gif

Actually it just worked out that way. I tackle them in date order, oldest first and I was working on Liesa's before she posted her 8/22 update (where she P'd), so technically I should have moved to your TR before finishing hers, but I know that her updates are short and sweet, while yours are.....longer.
I get it.
I do the same.
"Okay, that's not an update,
just a few comments.

I'll tackle that first."
So I had to go back nearly 15 pages to figure out where I left off.
I'm that frazzled.
:hug: I'm off.
Good luck! (past tense now.)
They don't have mobile ordering at that Dole Whip stand?
They do, but...
On both occasions, at least
one of us wanted the Hei Hei cone
and that wasn't available to

mobile order.
And I'm gonna be hanging out with them in just about two weeks!
I know!
I so wish I could be there too!

I don't remember who you ended say ing had the bigger cone, but yours is closer to the camera, making it *appear* larger. Hard to tell if it really was.
I actually said just that.
That mine just looks bigger
since it was closer to the camera.
Yeah, but even though I know which targets to try and hit, there is still the silly business of actually hitting them!
Actually when I saw the picture and before I read your comment, I thriught, "They did a great job putting Jack Skellington on there!"
I thought that... and at least one
other person did too!

The pictures I have seen have convinced me that it would be disappointing.
Doesn't look like much,
does it?

I I see that every day, there is one hanging in my bathroom. Then again it is substantially smaller.
Okay... so... you see the
pantsless prince every day...
Just what is "substantially smaller"?????
We have done it once, it's cool, but that was enough for us.
I only did it because I
wanted Elle to see it.
Yes I did, but I already mentioned that.
I'm sorry to hear this. :hug:

Is this the friend with the nasty KFC story?
Yes it is. :(
So like an actual squirrel running through MK? They usually hide until after hours.
Yep. Real live squirrel.
But... I never saw it, so...

It's okay.
Just a cheap prop. :)

Totally awesome!
It's not your worst choice....
That would be IASW.
I definitely need to take another spin on this one!
Get the foot shot.
My legs look more like Elle's as I learned not to shave when I was on swim team. We were only allowed to do it for special races, so now I dont bother since Fran doesn't care if I do or not.
I remember you telling me
about this. (The swim team part.)

Back in the day i had a boyfriend who told me it was gross that i didn't want to shave my legs, and i knew he was on his way out.
I prefer shaved, but...
That would be the day that I would
tell a woman (whether I'm seeing her or not)

that she has to shave her legs!
Now i get that they were veggie bangers, but you still need mash to eat them with. It's not like potatoes are not vegetarian. Plus there is way too much green stuff on that plate.
Agreed on all counts!
I usually don't find other people's meatloaf as good as my own either. Nice she liked her sausages!
Home made meatloaf is
the only way to go.

Nice she had your dinglehopper!
I literally LOL'd.
I bet she gets a LOT of creepers coming after her....
Unfortunately... you're probably right.
I hear its finally getting a make over...
Good I think it needs it.
OMG. How cool!
Right???? :)
I totally get that. Fran doesn't value the fireworks enough to pay for something like that. Plus doesn't think we'd eat our worth.
I really enjoyed sitting and not
being jostled, but...
I did it for Elle, not me.
Yes I did, he really had to go!
You're missing out, this time there's going to be like eight of us!
Well, there ya go. No room
for l'il ol' me. :)

Where ya goin' next? I suppose I might find out when I get to the next update......
I believe you know, now.
I believe later on you mention something about not being Star Wars fans......
I'm not not a fan.
Just not rabid about it.

I hate that TSMM and SDD are both Tier 1 FP, and that ToT and RnRC were put back in there too. When I visited in March RnRC and ToT were Tier 2, when I was making FP+ for October all the good rides but Star Tours are in Tier 1 again. :sad2:
Isn't that terrible?
There's really no point
in visiting the park now

except to see SWGE.
You got a CAT!

I get CAT so seldom!

Doesn't surprise me one bit!
Me neither.
I expected that, actually.

I'm not even sure what they are doing on that ride give their expressions!
I believe... screaming.
That's interesting. I hadn't heard much about it, when we took a VIP tour package during Star Wars Weekends. Lunch was included in the package price and it was at Mama Melrose. We chose our entrees over breakfast so that they would be ready for us when we sat down. One of us had Minestrone soup as their starter. And she got a mushroom flat bread and I had some kind of spaghetti with meat sauce, I thought everything was really good!
Another vote for Mama Melrose. :)
Here let me help you out with that.
Thanks! :goodvibes
Huh, that sounds pretty good too.
Gawd, it was sooooo good.
Interesting...I'll have to notice when I go back in October.
Let me know what you think.
I can understand that, it must have been as hot as the sun when you were there.
I think it was either the
hottest May on record
or the hottest in...

several decades.
Oh, well I just say, that's more Star Wars for the rest of us.
Are you a big fan?
I like it and have seen
all the movies, but...
haven't seen any of the
animated shows nor

read any of the books.
I'm not sure I've ever heard from someone who saw it. Most people say they sent their wives or daughters while they rode anything else. I may have some extra FP slots left due to my complaints above. Maybe I'll convince Fran to see it.
Well I have and I loved it!
I'd go back. :)

That's kind of how all the positions work. You may not notice this cause you dont tend to ride things 2-3 times in a row, but everytime you come back different people are working the various positions, like the ones who ask how many in your party, the ones who check to see if your seat belt is fastened, etc.
Oh, that I know.
But it was the constant
marching back and forth

that really caught my eye.
That looks like a perfect portion, and nicer that they split it in the kitchen for you. Even the pickle!
I really appreciate when they
do that. :)

And that looks like the perfect amount of ice cream for me!
Me too. :)
You're welcome! I actually learned that from Jill.
Well, she's not around here
anymore, so say thanks when
you see her again. :)
Yes I did. Quite talented. Made the corps.
Cash under the table... good alternative to your screw up and having to reserve a second Lyft.
Yeah, I didn't mind that.
Coruscant, obviously.
Finally! Someone figured it out!
Look, I can block a delivery truck for 30 seconds or swerve all over the road setting GPS while I drive, what'll it be???
Well, considering he blocked
two vehicles and still didn't
set the GPS right...
Sometimes these TRs
write themselves. :rolleyes:

That's what you think... just wait till you see who your Lyft driver is going to be... :rolleyes1

Probably not
Not a chance
You'll see. :)
Well since I've blown through four updates in the last day. I dont think another one is going to hurt.
No. It's probably too late
to save you now.

Yeah, I still don't trust those rode services.....Besides they wouldn't take a scooter anyways.
That would be problematic.
Definitely not the brightest bulb in the box. :sad2:
I've stayed there three times now, i think one of the times we had a similar view, but our room was on the ground floor on the other side of that covered walkway. But from our angle we couldn't see Islands of Adventure.
Oh! I hadn't realized
you'd gone so many times.

I've given up on that sort of thing. You get the same kind of run around if you try to call your local branch at Citibank.
It was ridiculous.
The place looks exactly like it did the few times I've stayed there. Right down to the parasols. And there is almost never anyone in the lobby.
So that wasn't an anomaly, then.
I thought it was the sushi restaurant.
I don't think so?
But... you could be right.

It was a great trip! Almost no rain... and most importantly... no vertigo! :thumbsup2
Yay! Glad that wasn't an issue and you had a great trip!
It was WONDERFUL meeting you!!!!!

It's been about that long since my last visit to BatB. I'd wanted to try to catch it this past trip, but it just didn't happen. And I'm not that sorry even :laughing:
I actually like BatB. While not on the caliber of FotLK, I think it's still well done.

Unfortunately for you, and everyone else, the PTR part from here until I go, is going to be pretty rapid-fire so I can get everything done I want to. But you are right.... short and sweet. Badly written, but easily managable.
Badly written - :sad:
Easily managable - party:

They don't have mobile ordering at that Dole Whip stand?
Yes, they do.

And I'm gonna be hanging out with them in just about two weeks!
Give them hugs for me please.

I I see that every day, there is one hanging in my bathroom. Then again it is substantially smaller.
Oh! That could totally be mis-construed or made to mean several things. If the double entendre was intended, but quite good either way.

My legs look more like Elle's as I learned not to shave when I was on swim team. We were only allowed to do it for special races
Interesting...I would think they would WANT you to shave considering there's a lot of focus on reducing any drag in the water. Don't male olympic swimmers shave now for that very reason?

I bet she gets a LOT of creepers coming after her....
Especially those crazy dudes from Canada. :duck:

I hear its finally getting a make over...
I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, it is very dated, but on the other hand, the nostalgia.

Look, I can block a delivery truck for 30 seconds or swerve all over the road setting GPS while I drive, what'll it be???
VERY good point!


Was away camping on
the weekend (this time
with the older DD.)
Great! Hope you and Elle had a good time.

Also not feeling very well,
Not great. sorry.

I think the Uni chapters will be
photo heavy and prose light.
Yay! Less drivel and jabber.
What a blessing for everyone reading.

Which is probably a blessing
for everyone reading.
That sounds vaguely familiar. I believe you might be correct.
I hate that TSMM and SDD are both Tier 1 FP, and that ToT and RnRC were put back in there too. When I visited in March RnRC and ToT were Tier 2, when I was making FP+ for October all the good rides but Star Tours are in Tier 1 again. :sad2:
Isn't that terrible?
There's really no point
in visiting the park now

except to see SWGE.
It is terrible and although I am a Star Wars fan, I don't think a trip to the park simply for SWGE is worth it.

You got a CAT!
I get CAT so seldom!
You poor th....HEY wait, you're a guy....of course. That's the case for all of us.

I think it was either the
hottest May on record
or the hottest in...

several decades.
I don't remember if they said on the news it was the highest ever, but definitely hotter than normal.

Well I have and I loved it!
I'd go back. :)
I enjoyed it too. Initially, I avoided it like the plague, but then I did it for Penny and actually enjoyed it.
And if you don't recognize the profile,
the preceding scene...

My first thought was Young Frankenstein, but clearly I have no idea what movie it is.

(Hangs head in shame) :sad2:

They do, but...
On both occasions, at least
one of us wanted the Hei Hei cone
and that wasn't available to

OK, I can see that. We have a new place (opened last December) where they serve Dole Whips. I like the one swirled with raspberry, which is how the Hei Hei cone appears.

mobile order.
I know!
I so wish I could be there too!

You will be missed.

Okay... so... you see the
pantsless prince every day...
Just what is "substantially smaller"?????

Oh! That could totally be mis-construed or made to mean several things. If the double entendre was intended, but quite good either way.

OK, I clearly replied hastily on that occasion. Ahem.

I have a smaller replica of the mural, found in the foyer of the Beauty and the Beast restaurant, hanging in my bathroom. The entire piece of artwork is smaller.


I prefer shaved, but...
That would be the day that I would
tell a woman (whether I'm seeing her or not)

that she has to shave her legs!

In my defense, the hair is so light, one can hardly see it, plus I am always wearing nylons in public. The only time I'm not wearing nylons, well, if someone was there with me I'm not sure my legs would be noticed. :rolleyes1

Well, there ya go. No room
for l'il ol' me. :)

We can have 10, plenty of room!

I'm not not a fan.
Just not rabid about it.

I realized when SWGE opened, especially reading Lesley's TR, that I might not even be able to call myself a "fan". Perhaps just an observer.

Isn't that terrible?
There's really no point
in visiting the park now

except to see SWGE.

Well, there is RnRC....I probably won't really visit SWGE at WDW after my initial visit to verify that it is identical to the one at DL. We've kind of done everything there is to do there. The ride is fun and I'll go on it every so often. But it's a long walk to that part of the park, and with only one ride, its not a place I frequent. I'm even skipping the Cantina visit with Liesa, Kari, Su-Lynn and Steve.


I get CAT so seldom!


I believe... screaming.

No, I meant if that's their reaction they have no business riding that coaster!

Are you a big fan?
I like it and have seen
all the movies, but...
haven't seen any of the
animated shows nor

read any of the books.

We watched, well Fran did, one of the animated shows. We listened to one of the books on CD. However I'm even kinda fuzzy about how the 3rd (6th), episode tied into the 4th (1st). I dont even quite understand the difference between the Empire and the First Order. So I might not even be able to call myself a fan.

Interesting...I would think they would WANT you to shave considering there's a lot of focus on reducing any drag in the water. Don't male olympic swimmers shave now for that very reason?

The thing is they only want you to shave on the times when it really counts. During normal training season you want as much drag on your body as possible. Coaches would check ladies legs for razor stubble and if they had shaved recently, they would be required to wear panty hose in workouts for a couple weeks. By the same token we would wear two or three swimsuits during regular training. There were three times a year we were allowed to shave and that was for the big "end of season" meets. The workouts were altered. Whereas during training, coaches would work you hard and push you to do 10,000 yards per day, and give you very little rest between sets. At the end of the season, we would "taper", which meant less yards and faster times with more rest inbetween. We would also "carb up" before these big swim meets.

I have no idea if these practices are still used today, this was the late 70s, early 80s. I'm sure a lot has changed in sports medicine and nutrition. I've heard that the phrase "No pain, no gain", has been tossed to the wayside. We heard that All. The. Time.
Finally caught up! Whee!

I do think when you had the contests, it made a much bigger difference how often you posted. Now, not so much. Post as often as you want.

Somehow it keeps surprising me that everyone is raving about steak at Mama Melrose's. I guess the secret is not to order pasta at the Italian restaurant?
Finally caught up! Whee!

I do think when you had the contests, it made a much bigger difference how often you posted. Now, not so much. Post as often as you want.

Somehow it keeps surprising me that everyone is raving about steak at Mama Melrose's. I guess the secret is not to order pasta at the Italian restaurant?
That's kinda what I said. I kinda figured if you're going to an Italian restaurant, you order Italian. I love a good steak, but never thought to order it. Who woulda thunk it?
Great! Hope you and Elle had a good time.
We didn't have the best
weather, but we got time
together which is the best.
Not great. sorry.
Bit better today.
Yay! Less drivel and jabber.
What a blessing for everyone reading.
It is terrible and although I am a Star Wars fan, I don't think a trip to the park simply for SWGE is worth it.
No. I'll go because I do want
to see SWGE, but...
after that, what's the point?
You poor th....HEY wait, you're a guy....of course. That's the case for all of us.
I don't remember if they said on the news it was the highest ever, but definitely hotter than normal.
I see Liesa's already answerd. :)
I enjoyed it too. Initially, I avoided it like the plague, but then I did it for Penny and actually enjoyed it.
Yeah, it took some convincing
for Elle to go, but...
I told her I'd heard good things, so...
My first thought was Young Frankenstein, but clearly I have no idea what movie it is.

(Hangs head in shame) :sad2:
Wait.... even the second
photo... and the quote...
wasn't enough????

You never watched Get Smart?
You will be missed.
OK, I clearly replied hastily on that occasion. Ahem.
Oh, I don't think so.
I think it was just right.

I have a smaller replica of the mural, found in the foyer of the Beauty and the Beast restaurant, hanging in my bathroom. The entire piece of artwork is smaller.

This was not as fun
as your first post.

In my defense, the hair is so light, one can hardly see it, plus I am always wearing nylons in public. The only time I'm not wearing nylons, well, if someone was there with me I'm not sure my legs would be noticed. :rolleyes1
We can have 10, plenty of room!
Oh, sure.
Now you tell me!

I realized when SWGE opened, especially reading Lesley's TR, that I might not even be able to call myself a "fan". Perhaps just an observer.
Hmmm.... observer.
I think I'm just a bit
higher than that.

But not by much.
Well, there is RnRC....I probably won't really visit SWGE at WDW after my initial visit to verify that it is identical to the one at DL. We've kind of done everything there is to do there. The ride is fun and I'll go on it every so often. But it's a long walk to that part of the park, and with only one ride, its not a place I frequent. I'm even skipping the Cantina visit with Liesa, Kari, Su-Lynn and Steve.
I picked TOT.
And it wasn't easy.

No, I meant if that's their reaction they have no business riding that coaster!
Perhaps you're right.

We watched, well Fran did, one of the animated shows. We listened to one of the books on CD. However I'm even kinda fuzzy about how the 3rd (6th), episode tied into the 4th (1st). I dont even quite understand the difference between the Empire and the First Order. So I might not even be able to call myself a fan.
There's a difference between
Empire and the First Order?


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