Caryn and Mark PJ- SBP/LSS/PI >>>>>>AND WE'RE OFF<<<<<<

I'm having so much fun reading this. I love the wine bottles from Clearwater. Very clever.
ok, so i went to davids today and bought 2 purses...i couldn't decide which one i wanted and they're going to dye them both to match my dress and i'll choose which one i want to carry on the wedding day! here's pics of the 2 that i bought...

this is the one that matches my reception shoes...

this bag seriously did not photograph well. i OBVIOUSLY will not be using the black strap...

i bought this one for my sisters, it looks much cuter in person (it's so little!!!) i'm going to get rhinestone letter pins and put them on there for them!!!! lindsay, i don't want ANY negative feedback on this one...

so i ALSO started looking for df's wedding attire...the lady at david's (they are so WONDERFUL there...) told me that Al's Formal Wear is their sister (or brother) store...they carry the same colors for men that they do for women, so that we can's a pic of what i want him to look like, only he'll be wearing a black suit and cream/ivory/champagne or gold vest/tie...

here are other pics i've picked out for him, i LOVE the sophisticated and he'll look fabulous in it!

the suit

tie/vest combo 1

tie vest combo 2

what do we think?

also, i'm having an issue with our reservations...i really want to stay at bw...but that doesn't seem to be working out. i think we're just going to save some money and stay at all star movies with the rest of the fam. it'll be easier to get ready that way, then i'll have the vintage rolls take me to the bw...the vintage rolls would be fabulous...
so i FINALLY got the disney wedding planning package in the mail. texas mail is an atrocity, they are SO SLOW...i thought that the package was bigger and it was waiting to be delivered...i guess that's one of my tiara's...i've asked the post man to throw it over my gate several times and he just won't do it...SO AGGRAVATING...

anyway, we've finally decided on the mad hatter cake!!! pictured below...though i'm going to add a mickey and minnie cake topper to it!!!

i need music help...

vivaldi- the four seasons, spring (#3 on cd)

bach- jesu, joy of man's desiring (#19 on cd)

my entrance
somewhere in time (# 21 on cd, this movie is so tradgecially, i butchered that spelling, i know...but the music is so beautiful...)

ok. this isn't on the cd, and i really need an opinion...i wanted the recessional to be by "the Verve, Bittersweet symphony"

we are having a violinisty, so all of these pieces need to sound good on the violin...what do we thing???
so i FINALLY got the disney wedding planning package in the mail. texas mail is an atrocity, they are SO SLOW...i thought that the package was bigger and it was waiting to be delivered...i guess that's one of my tiara's...i've asked the post man to throw it over my gate several times and he just won't do it...SO AGGRAVATING...

anyway, we've finally decided on the mad hatter cake!!! pictured below...though i'm going to add a mickey and minnie cake topper to it!!!

i need music help...

vivaldi- the four seasons, spring (#3 on cd)

bach- jesu, joy of man's desiring (#19 on cd)

my entrance
somewhere in time (# 21 on cd, this movie is so tradgecially, i butchered that spelling, i know...but the music is so beautiful...)

ok. this isn't on the cd, and i really need an opinion...i wanted the recessional to be by "the Verve, Bittersweet symphony"

we are having a violinisty, so all of these pieces need to sound good on the violin...what do we thing???

Really enjoying your PJ so far!

I think you've made great choices for your music selections. Vivaldi's Spring is beautiful, and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring is one of my favorite ceremony pieces. I was thinking of using that one myself. I also think "Bitterweet Symphony" is a really great choice. I recently read in a bridal magazine that it's become a pretty popular recessional choice for brides who want to use contemporary music.

I am intrigued by your choice of Somewhere in Time. I had no idea that song was an option for the ceremony! It sounds like for custom brides they give you a CD with a bunch of songs from which you can choose? I'm a intimate bride and we don't get a CD (or at least I didn't). That song definitely wasn't on the written list of choices. If it is an option, though, I would absolutely consider using it.

Anyway, I give your choices a big :thumbsup2 !
something is making me very nervous and i don't know what it is...i had a terrible nightmare that i FORGOT MY DRESS here in texas and it was the night before my wedding and i was totally freaking out and no one would help me except my best friend courtney who told me that the only option was to fly back here, get the dress and bring it back in the morning, but i didn't want her to do it becaue the airfare would cost $ then i asked my uncle allen where the david's bridal was in orlando and he said it was by mall of millenia on i-4...EVEN MORE WEIRD, so THEN i thought, well, i can just go get that Jackie O type dress that they have on display (i look at it everytime i go in there and i didn't try it on for 2 reasons...1. mark would hate it and make fun of me and my floofiness and 2. it was 1k and i PROMISED my disney dad that i wouldn't spend that much on something i'll wear once...)...very odd's a picture of the dress in my dream...actually, the one in the store is a little different, the floof's aren't so pronounced, they're more like poofy circles...


sorry for the rant, what a weird night...
something is making me very nervous and i don't know what it is...i had a terrible nightmare that i FORGOT MY DRESS here in texas and it was the night before my wedding and i was totally freaking out and no one would help me except my best friend courtney who told me that the only option was to fly back here, get the dress and bring it back in the morning, but i didn't want her to do it becaue the airfare would cost $ then i asked my uncle allen where the david's bridal was in orlando and he said it was by mall of millenia on i-4...EVEN MORE WEIRD, so THEN i thought, well, i can just go get that Jackie O type dress that they have on display (i look at it everytime i go in there and i didn't try it on for 2 reasons...1. mark would hate it and make fun of me and my floofiness and 2. it was 1k and i PROMISED my disney dad that i wouldn't spend that much on something i'll wear once...)...very odd's a picture of the dress in my dream...actually, the one in the store is a little different, the floof's aren't so pronounced, they're more like poofy circles...


sorry for the rant, what a weird night...


I'm 4 months away from my wedding and I've been averaging a nightmare about the wedding every 3 weeks. And they have all revolved around not having dresses, or bridesmaid dresses, or tuxes. LOL. Hopefully now that we've decided on the tuxes for the guys and 1 of my 2 attendents has bought her dress (they're wearing black cocktail dresses, so they're not matching) I can calm down about it. It's sooo weird what details come out in these dreams. I always try to push them away, but they motivate me to "get more done." So, don't worry too much about the dreams and good luck in your contiuned planning. Sorry I can't help with the music, I haven't even looked into music yet, lol. I do really like bittersweet symphony though and think that that would be a great choice!
Last week I had a dream about your wedding and OUR dresses! It was the day of your wedding and you, Megan and I were all in our dresses and you looked at me and Megan and told us that you didn't like our dresses and we needed to get new ones. So we went to DB (on the morning of your wedding) and got new navy blue tafetta dresses. We are taking more pictures when you look at us and say that you don't like these dresses either. So we go back to DB AGAIN and get white dresses with pink sashes and flowers. Finally you are happy with the dresses but I had a purse with me and you forced me to leave it on some chair in the Magic Kingdom and it was stolen. So look on the bright side, you aren't the only one having nightmares about your wedding.

That purse is fine. I think sparkly initial jewelry would be very nice (one of the brides here KTsomething-had a lavendar bouquet and put sparkly initials in it- it looked very very nice) We don't have to use the ugly metal chain right?
so the invitations came in and my mother sent me a sample of one. i hate them. i think the paper is so thin and they look cheap. the writing isn't even centered. i am so annoyed. i think i'm going to just make them myself, then at least i'll get what i want. so annoying.
ok. so i don't know what to do about our's my parents and the entire rest of my family are going to stay at all star movies. having worked at the all star for a memorable week when i was a cp, i hate that place...if i could have had my block at pop i totally would have done it...but the three all stars are annoying and i remember sweating and running through parking lots to get to my pool on time, ok, i'll stop being dramatic and get to the issue at hand...i want to stay at boardwalk since the wedding is there that morning, but i don't have a place to stash mark while i'm getting ready, and i don't want him to have to wake up so early to have to drive all the way to all star to be with his parents...then drive all the way back to bw for the we think it's a big deal to have him see me getting ready, but not totally in the dress? i'm not sure what to do, i figured out that the price difference to stay at all star and bw is nill when you factor in the extra limo cost for transportation and the extra money i'll have to pay for hair/make up and photography to be there i guess we'll just stay at bw and mark will have to get over it. we're also going to stay at poly on our wedding night and for the next three nights...i was also thinking that he could go early in the am to the poly and check us in, so we don't have to worry about it that day...

sorry for the rants today, i'm just stressed with the new job, bad invitations (that btw my parents think are fine but df and i HATE...) and this reservation situation...thanks for reading!!!

o, ps- lindsay, i will be detaching the strap before i ever even give you the purses...i'm supposed to have them back by the time i come home...
Really enjoying your PJ so far!

I think you've made great choices for your music selections. Vivaldi's Spring is beautiful, and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring is one of my favorite ceremony pieces. I was thinking of using that one myself. I also think "Bitterweet Symphony" is a really great choice. I recently read in a bridal magazine that it's become a pretty popular recessional choice for brides who want to use contemporary music.

I am intrigued by your choice of Somewhere in Time. I had no idea that song was an option for the ceremony! It sounds like for custom brides they give you a CD with a bunch of songs from which you can choose? I'm a intimate bride and we don't get a CD (or at least I didn't). That song definitely wasn't on the written list of choices. If it is an option, though, I would absolutely consider using it.

Anyway, I give your choices a big :thumbsup2 !

thanks for the thumbs up!!! Somewhere in time is on the cd they sent me. i REALLY love that movie, it's such a lovely love story and df likes it as well. there's an old hotel in galveston (the hotel galvez) that reminds us of the boardwalk and of the grand hotel in the movie, so i thought it was a perfect choice...

I'm 4 months away from my wedding and I've been averaging a nightmare about the wedding every 3 weeks. And they have all revolved around not having dresses, or bridesmaid dresses, or tuxes. LOL. Hopefully now that we've decided on the tuxes for the guys and 1 of my 2 attendents has bought her dress (they're wearing black cocktail dresses, so they're not matching) I can calm down about it. It's sooo weird what details come out in these dreams. I always try to push them away, but they motivate me to "get more done." So, don't worry too much about the dreams and good luck in your contiuned planning. Sorry I can't help with the music, I haven't even looked into music yet, lol. I do really like bittersweet symphony though and think that that would be a great choice!

yeah, these nightmares need to stop. they're annoying and df gets annoyed everytime i shoot up in bed screaming about tiara's...
You've been busy! Love all the plans, and good luck with the invites. As for him seeing you that morning, how big of a deal is it for either of you if you see each other? You could always put the dress on at the latest moment. DH and I wanted to have a private moment, just the two of us, before our ceremony. We got ready separately and then met in one of the church rooms. It was so magical, we were able to take each other in without other eyes, and have a private meet before pictures. But, we also were not huge on the not seeing each other before the wedding thing.
I'm sorry about your invitations! Where did you get them from? Do you have a picture?

I think having Mark go to poly in the morning to check you in there makes sense. I didn't want Jason sitting around while I got ready either, so he spent the night before with his parents. So I was just by myself that night, which was nice for me. And then he got ready with his parents and his sister's family (who had an adjoining room.) We were all in the same hotel, though.

I agree with you that it doesn't really make sense to make Mark get up early and drive to the All Star to get ready that morning. He should either go there the night before or just let him hang around the bw and/or take care of the poly check-in.

And don't worry about the rants! You're not being at all unreasonable about any of the stuff you're dealing with.
lisa-thanks as always for the kind words!!!

oneyodafan- that's a great idea to look have a private moment before the ceremony, i'm giving it serious thought...


here is a pic of the invitations we got...i ordered them from carlson craft...i'm thinking of wrapping them in gold tissue paper and putting a ribbon around them-or something-to dress them up...i don't want to waste them...and i figured out that the writing IS centered, but it looked odd because of the fold...
I don't know how I missed your PJ! But everything looks great, I LOVE your colors! Beautiful!

And where did you get your veil?? I love that, it's similiar to what I've been looking for!
I don't know how I missed your PJ! But everything looks great, I LOVE your colors! Beautiful!

And where did you get your veil?? I love that, it's similiar to what I've been looking for!

i got it at david's bridal! you can probably get it on ebay though...i should have looked for it there first!
here is a pic of the invitations we got...i ordered them from carlson craft...i'm thinking of wrapping them in gold tissue paper and putting a ribbon around them-or something-to dress them up...i don't want to waste them...and i figured out that the writing IS centered, but it looked odd because of the fold...

They're very cute! Tissue paper and/or a ribbon are great ideas!!

You could also "dress up" the envelope a little, if you want. is a website that lets you make your own customized stamps. You could also "seal" the envelope with a sticker: we made light blue mickey head seals with self-adhesive printer paper and a Mickey punch.


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