Chicago area Diser's - check in here Part 2

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<font color=red>Proud Redhead<br><font color=blue>
Sep 8, 2004
SamIAm21- :wave:
Glad to hear your mom's breast cancer hasn't metastisized to other organs!
I will continue to pray for her :wizard: . That has to be so difficult, emotionally and physically to go thru all that.

Hello all!

roseprinsess- Thanks, yeah Hayley is about to GO GO GO!!!

SamIAm21- Yeah I need to cheerish these last moments when I can still pick her up without her running from me, LOL. My baby is growing up so fast

DisneyMommyMichelle-Thank you, they are cute and its cute to watch her when she is up on her knees bobbing back and forth, she won't be bobbing for long then Ill be really busy running after bith girls:headache:
Rosemarie--> thanks for the info! we are just sooo excited to have some get away time as a fam and then sunday night is the Tim & Faith concert! wooohoo!! We thought about the cafe there, but then didn't want to spend the money when Autumn is still too small to eat there, even though she has a couple dolls already! i swear i buy this stuff for me more than her ;)

SamIam21--> thanks for everythign and :banana: for your mom! oo my tags are crazy! don't know about witty!! more or less just type before i think!!

Macraven--> Choose MNSSHP on the 5th!! all the COOL people will be there then! ;)

Alright people if you are staying at POP during or around the following days 9/29-10/6 click on the link in my siggie and join us! :)

Have a great day everyone!!!
slo & SamIAm Glad to hear both your girls had a great 1st soccer games!!! :thumbsup2

slo Sorry to hear abut your current job! :sad2: Bummer!!!
Real Estate classes sound like a good idea and I'm sure you will be successful at whatever you set your mind to. :thumbsup2 :teeth: :goodvibes

Sam Glad to hear the news about your mom. :goodvibes I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts!! pixiedust:

rosemarie Good to hear that you car was able to get fixed without too much damage to your WALLET!!! :thumbsup2 :teeth:

2sweetangles Cute pictures!! princess: How's your trip planning coming? Is your mom helping you?

macraven Thanks for the updated MNSSHP info!!!
Can't wait for May 1st!!! :banana: :banana: :teeth:

Michelle I can totally help you with AGP and places to stay and/or eat around there!!! :cool1: We've only been there a dozen or more times with Lauren!! Just PM me!! Don't wanna bore anyone here! :teeth:
But I can't believe you have a couple of dolls already for Autumn!!! We didn't get Lauren her first Bitty Baby till her 3rd b-day! We wanted her to beold enough to be able to be responsible with it. Now we are on doll #9!!! Plus outfits and accessories, funiture, trunks, Lauren size should see her room!! :rolleyes: When DH wants to remind himself where his hard earned $$ is going, he just needs to walk in her room!!! :rolleyes1 :teeth:

Today I took Hunter to the doctor, we couldn't get in the other day as we planned. He got 3 scrips: 1 for allergy meds, 1 for allergy eye drops and 1 to fight an ear infection he gave himself from sniffeling!! :sad2: Poor little dude!!

DH & I finally got out of Lauren (on the sly) what Princess she wants to be for Halloween so we can let the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique know. :teeth: :thumbsup2

We're both really excited about the trip!! And the funny part is both kids keep asking us when we are going this year and why haven't we made a reservation yet. They ask us this every other day!!! :teeth: I love secrets!!! :banana: But I still don't know how to suprise them with it!!! Or how to suprise Lauren with her b-day BBB castle package!!!!! :confused3
Hi, everyone! :teeth:

Sandy - I'm sorry to hear that morale is low where you are. Trust me (as you know), I can relate. What's worse is the ones who don't care about their job because they're ready to retire soon. What they don't understand is that when they "slack" on their job, others are affected, too. But I'm sorry to hear about the whole thing with you. Is it daycare that you said will charge you the same even if you cut back? :confused3 I'm sorry to hear that business has gone down too where you work. Is there a reason business is down?
I'm sorry you have to consider a career change (though it sounds like it may be good for you!). Hope everything turns out ok.

The weather has been SOOOOO nice lately. I heard it's supposed to get cold tonight, though. That's too bad. Right now our window is open and I can smell someone BBQ-ing outside. Yummmmmm. DH is asking me if I want to go out for ice cream. :p
Good WINDY morning !!!!
I think this is a good day to drive Stephanie to school because I don't want to stand outside in this wind :rolleyes: (What a wimp!!!)

macraven - Thanks for the MNSSHP update :) I need to get going and start making all my ADR's, especially for Liberty Tree the Friday of MNSSHP.

SamIAm21 - Thanks for the support with me doing Real Estate, I appreciate it :hug: I need all the support I can get because I'm getting a little nervous about doing this. I've been at my job since I was 16 years old, and I am now 34 - that's half my life. I think I will enjoy Real Estate, I'll have to keep you guys updated on how things are going.
I'm glad to hear that your mom's cancer hasn't spread to any organs - that is very good news :) . Please continue to keep us updated on how she is doing and I will continue to keep her in my prayers. Many hugs to her and you :hug: :hug: :hug:

Michelle - I'm glad Gabriels baptism went well and you all had a fun day :yay: Have fun at the Museum - that is my favorite Museum :thumbsup2 . I'm not sure where to eat around The American Girl Store - I can tell you there is a Ghiradellis across the street so you can have ice cream for dinner :goodvibes :goodvibes . Seriously though, geffric would be one of the best people to answer this question because she works downtown is more familiar with things there.

Rosemarie & Amy - Hi there!!! :wave2:

Bunchkin - Thank you for your support also, I appreciate it!!!! :hug: I'm sorry Hunter is on 3 meds :guilty: - I hope he takes them well for you. My kids have been on so many medicianes in their little lives that they take them w/o any arguments. What allergy mediciane is he taking? I used to give my kids perscription mediciane (I can't remember what :blush: ), but I have recently switched them to Claritan. I'm sending lots of PD for him to feel better soon :wizard: :wizard: . So......what Princess does Lauren want to be, I'm dying to know :Pinkbounc .

jedi_librarian - You and I are going to really like getting away from our jobs when we go to WDW in Sept :cool1: (it can't come soon enough!!!). I think the reason why our business has gone down is because of two things. (1) there is a new JoAnne's Fabrics close to us that offers picture framing and they are always having 50% coupons in the paper. They can do this because picture framing is not their bread and butter. If no one frames, it's no big deal because it's just a small area in the store. We can't give 50% coupons because we'd go out of business :sad2: (2) the gas prices is another reason. With people having to pay so much to run their car and heat their homes, they are going to cut out unneccessary spending and we are an unneccessary item. People can live without custom picture frames :guilty: WDW here we come!!!!

Well, I better get going and jump into the shower. Have a good day everyone!! :wave:
morning everyone..........even with all the rain we are getting now, it is still a lovely day !!

ok disneymichellemommy, you twisted my arm. i want to go when the kewl people go to mnsshp. i will buy my mnsshp tickets for friday sept 29 and also for thursday oct 5. maybe i wil start a thread for the 5th date.

ap holders can get a discount on some of the dates for the party.

i'll be done in the motherland sept 26 and come home columbus day.
i am taking 4 days on the end of my trip for the dark side.

anyone else here going to to there?
Rain, rain go away!! :umbrella: :fish:

This weather stinks!!
I'd like to magicly appear in a warmer, less rainy place! :teleport: Like WDW!! pixiedust:

I have a question Michelle ..... are all the people who are not going to MNSSHP on Oct 5th the un-cool people??? :confused3 ;)
Maybe we're just the ultra cool ones for going on a different date!! :teeth:
So where did you all end up eating at after Gabriel's baptism? Did you get your dad to help with the bill?? :teeth:

slo I totally forgot to mention which Princess Lauren picked!! DUH!!! :upsidedow She wants to be Belle!! I'm very excited she wants to be her. Lauren has been Ariel so many times that it will be a nice change. She has 2 Ariel costumes. :rolleyes: And she has Esmerelda from Hunchback. She has also had Cinderella. Lauren has auburn hair so she'll make a cute Belle!! princess:
Hunter doesn't mind the allergy meds, but he hates the Amoxacillin he's taking for the ear infection. And today he seems to have a slight fever from the infection. I hate that about ear infections!! :sad1:
Keep your head up about your new adventure in life!!! :hug:

macraven Do you mean you're going to Universal when you speak of the dark side?? If so, we've never been there. No one in our family seems to be interested in going there. But I hope you have a good time there!
HI THERE EVERYONE!!! ughh yesterday was super busy! we just went shopping for the kids entire summer wardrobe! shoes, socks, sandals, shorts, pants, dresses (well for Autumn only), tanks, we're broke ;)'s crazy how much teeny tinnny clothes cost! seriously! i could have bought some seriously nice hand bags for that price!!!

Bunchkin i will PM you for info thanks! and yes the uncool people go on a different day...HAHAHAA just kidding! I LOVE BELLE! how cute she will be! Poor Hunter and all the yuckiness he is going through! i have no clue how to surprise the kids and i don't know how you all can keep it in! we talk about WDW EVERY day at dinner, at bedtime everytime! and thanks for the compliments on my siggie!! We bought her a bitty baby and Marisol when she was like 3months old and we took her there! hahaa....i told you i really think i buy all these toys for me ;) she pushes the baby all around in the stroller and wraps her in a blanket and changes her diaper!! it's soooo cute! she even puts her to 'bed' in the laundry basket! so we figured it's time to buy clothes and the like for everything!

Macraven, woohooo!! welcome to the cool club ;) i do have a thread for the 5th party already ahaha..i'm kind of wierd like that! Here is the link:
MNSSHP October 5th

ohh and the Baptism went soo great and guess what i did get my mom and dad to take care of some of the bill, they offered to pay for the alcohal! woohoo!!! that's hte most expen$ive part! espeically with sals family (EYE-talians drink waaay too much!)!!

Everyone out there have a fabulous day!
hi there! it's been forever since i got these taken, so i figured i should post them! These are my 2 sailors! Gabriel couldn't stay awake and they got him looking soo wierd! haha oh well he's still cute to me!

And here is my little Princess:


She wouldn't take her fingers out of her mouth!
bunchkin, yes the dark side is UO.

i always go there at the end of my disney adventure.

i like UO for the hhn hard ticket event. i hit it on the friday, saturday and sunday

i have been doing disney and universal annually since 1992. i couldn't imagine missing either of them. always spent more time at the motherland than the dark side though.
wow, it's been forever sincei have been to Universal. i think i went in 98 for HS graduation! YIKES.....that has been a loong time! i'm sure everything is different now!
DH never wants to go.
DisneyMommyMichelle- they are so adorable!!! I love the fingers in the mouth, it makes them look so inocent and shy, its just so cute.

Well hello all! DH left today for work, he will be gone 4 days or so. It is so cold today and they turned my radiators off :cold:.
Good morning everyone!!! :surfweb:'s cold outside!!! :cold: It's going to be hard standing outside waiting for Stephanie's bus :rolleyes:

macraven - I have not been to Universal since 1993, I bet it has changed so much since then. The last time I was there, some dinosaurs from Jurassic Park and the Jurassic Park Explorers, were on display because the movie was on the BIG screen (no ride yet :sad2: ). And, the Jaws ride was not open yet :sad2: I would like to go back when Katie is older so no one is left out to go on the rides.

Bunchkin - I'm sure Lauren will be a very beautiful Belle princess: She's going to have so much fun doing this :yay: How is Hunter feeling today? Has the fever gone away?

Michelle - I love the pictures of the kids, they are so cute!!!! :cloud9: I remember if it were yesterday when you told us that you bought those outfits - boy time flies!!!! That's great that your parents helped with the bill - that's always a nice help :)

Amy - I sure hope they turned your radiators back on. Were you able to stay warm last night?

Well, I gotta run - have a good day today!!! :wave:
hello my chicago homies, it is now

no work today. SAT time for the high school today and tomorrow.

i signed up for curves last month and think i will go early this morning.
i used to hate excercise but have started to enjoy this :teeth:
Morning.. you guys have been chatting it is hard to keep up..

macraven sounds like a great trip.. I wish i could work it out so i could join you but fall is so busy with football and cross country that DH couldn't manage the schedules by himself. he also has been a bit crabby about my solo trips with the boys.. So maybe next year..

SLO IMHO your kids and you would love US/IOA. There is so much to do and it is so cute.

Amy - Were you able to stay warm last night? The pictures of the girls is very cute.

DisneyMommyMichelle the sailor outfit pictures are great. They have grown so much recently. I am not the best one for resturants by American Girl since i work in Sear Tower at the other end of downtown. But the food court in Water Tower is nice and so is the cheesecake factory at the John Hancock. The usually go to Ghiradelli's and skip lunch. If you go to Ghirqadelli's , sign onto their website so you can get coupons.

Bunchkin How is Hunter doing today?

SamIAm21Glad to hear that your mom's cancer hasn't spread to any organs . Please keep us updated on how she is doing. We will keep her in our prayers.

jedi_librarian sorry that things at work aren't the best right now.. Did your DH apply for those other 2 jobs here?

Back to work..
Sandy, Geffric, Macraven--> thanks for the compliments! ahh the kids are even bigger since that picture was taken, it's crazy! can you believe that Gabriel is only 4inches shorter than Autumn!??!? That's CRAZY!! he's catching up soo fast! i am just soo amazed at how many people are already asking if they are twins! i don't get it though, it is evident that he is still a 'baby' even though he is long. Autumn is walking and talking, just a bit petite! haha...oh well.

Have a great day everyone!!!
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