Christmas Shopping 2010

I bought my first ornament for DD14 stocking today. :banana: I bought it at Hobby Lobby and it is a resin black high top. (Think Converse.) It's a start. :rotfl2:
I am trying to stash away money to take. Anytime I come in the house with money in my pocket it goes in the box. Plus $20 a week. It doesn't feel so expensive to put away a little at a time, lol.

So thats my plan, and I am (hopefully) sticking to it!
I love this idea! Hope you don't mind if I steal it. :)
I was one of the lucky ones to make it to the Target toy clearance. My two are dd 5 (will be 6 in Jan.) and ds 2 (he'll turn 3 in Nov.) so it's all fun stuff. :)

Thus far I've found my ds - 2 games, handy manny flashlight, tag jr. book & matchbox farm set - total cost $15 woohoo!
my dd has gotten - 2 pixos (sp?) craft sets and an our generation doll shoe set with shoe rack - total cost $12

It's looking fairly good being all typed out!
I love this thread -- lots a great ideas/tips/inspiration last year!

I have started shopping too -- marked down Legos at Target, so that part is done and Lego DS games too! I also picked up some of those butterfly chairs from the back to college stuff that is out now, but will be scarce in December. I am saving my $$ for the big wow gift - not sure what that will be yet, and I dont want to buy too early and get blindsided in November at what Santa is expected to bring. Kids are getting too old to buy too much too early...oh, how I miss those toddler days when you could clean up at the Target sales and the kids were delighted with everything.
Count me in!!! I started watching QVC last week when they had their Christmas in July specials! I always start out with a budget but some how I always go over. Just because I see something that I think they will like.

How do you all keep within your budgets? :confused3

Also, does any one know if HSN will be doing Christmas in July?:confused3
Hooray it's that time of year for the Christmas thread again!!!! I can't believe this is the third one already. :confused3

Last Christmas we surprised the kids with a Jan trip to Disney. I sure wish we were doing that again!

I don't have any specifics for anyone yet but...

I have DS6- He's into anything and everything Star Wars, TS3 and of course Legos so Hmom- I'm looking for Lego deals too! I'll be sure to share anything I come across. Us Lego moms have to stick together- those little things are pricey! He's picked out some TS3 Lego train set from the Disney store that was over $80...Santa will have to see about that one.

And DD3 is into the princesses and baby dolls- she's easy to shop for!

I'm also considering the new Leapster Explorer for both of them. DS has an old Leapster hand me down from my sister's kids but it's on it's last leg. DD is constantly taking his so I'd have to get one for both of them.

See this thread has me brainstorming already! :thumbsup2
I love this thread -- lots a great ideas/tips/insiration last year!

I have started shopping too -- marked down Legos at Target, so that part is done and Lego DS games too! I also picked up some of those butterfly chairs from the back to college stuff that is out now, but will be scarce in December. I am saving my $$ for the big wow gift - not sure what that will be yet, and I dont want to buy too early and get blindsided in November at what Santa is expected to bring. Kids are getting too old to buy too much too early...oh, how I miss those toddler days when you could clean up at the Target sales and the kids were delighted with everything.

Maybe I should put a trip to Target to get some marked down Legos on my to do list- I wonder if my stores are done with their clearance yet?
I think you got to be quick (and stalker like) to catch those Target Lego markdowns -- they usually dont make it to 50%!

My guys LOVE the Lego minifigures, and you can order those from (in the pick a brick section) relatively inexpensively....they are great stocking stuffers and really stretch a Lego gift (and are great Easter Egg stuffers too).

I am wondering if DS Lites will be significantly reduced this year since the DSi and DSiXL are out and the DS Lite is a bit obsolete.....would love to pick up one of those on clearance or as a Black Friday special (and Monny2AE just something to think about too, as that would have a longer toy "life" for your DS than a Leapster...also saw a Didj at Target clearance too).

Anyway, the shopping strategies begin!
I just bought my first Christmas present yesterday for my dd. She has been eyeing the Zoobles at Target and they finally got a shipment in. According to the guy at Target they are suppose to be the must have for girls this Christmas. He said he can't keep them on the shelf.
I am wondering if DS Lites will be significantly reduced this year since the DSi and DSiXL are out and the DS Lite is a bit obsolete.....
If you do get one, I'd recommend the Nerf case. Those really protect the DS and help the kids hold on to them better. It held my DS8s broken DS together for months. (until we traded it in on a DSi for his birthday :))
Yay! :yay: We get to talk about decorating!!!! :yay:

I love you guys already!!! :love:

We start the day after Halloween. :rolleyes1 I wish I could start NOW! Going to Disney at Christmas has gotten me in the mood!!!!! As one of my friends always says... I'm so full of Christmas Spirit I could spit TENSIL! :santa:

That's funny!! My hubby loves Christmas, so I can't start to early for him. We usually put up our lights before Thanksgiving--whether we turn them on or not--for us it never fails that the days he is off for Tday the weather is wet!!Tday he wants to rest and the next day is crummy...always!! So, we started hanging lights the weekend before and every year we seem to get a day or so earlier!! But,since we will be leaving on the 13th, I am sure we will do it the first week of Nov...probably not turn them on till we get home from Disney, but the work will be done!!!!
I acutally started my christmas shopping last wednesday!!! Now granted, I only bought one thing...but it counts, right???

my family consists of me, DH, DD-7, and DS3. But between now and Christmas I have DH and DS's Birthdays. Nov. 21 for DH and Nov 20th for DS. so I have to buy bday presents somewhere in there.

dont have a clue what to get them this year either!!!
Yes, it counts!!! My moms bday is the 27th, and my oldest son's is Dec mine is a mix of shopping also!
No problem! Really not sure what kind we want-she wants one of the small laptops-it's all about the look and color for her!!!!:cutie:
We want something she won't grow out of too fast-she enters middle school this year, so I'm sure she will be able to do a lot of homework on it. Windows 7 is a must and at least 1-3 GB harddrive. She would also like to play DVD's too. By the time I finish adding up "must haves" it will probably too expensive to buy!:rotfl:
Let me know if you come across any deals and I'll do the same for you!:thumbsup2
I will keep looking and let you know!!!
I can't believe its time for this thread again, where does the year go?

I shop all year but this is the time that I usually start really getting ready because of Target's toy sale. Unfortunately I haven't been there to get anything and I'm sure its all gone by now.

I think this year I'm getting my dd (who will be almost 13 at Christmas) a small flat screen TV for her room and a bunch of movies to go with it. I'm thinking she will probably want clothes/purses/make-up and stuff like that this year because she is pretty set on electronics and she doesn't play with toys anymore :sad1:
My 2 dses will get video games and legos, just like last year :laughing:

Happy shopping everyone, I'm looking foward to read about everyone's plans and progress :)
Yay for Legos...they are lifesavers!!!!! Sorry to hear your baby girl isn't into toys anymore...that makes me sad!! I like the flat screen and movies!!! That sounds fun!
Yeah.. the Christmas shopping thread.... I love it! I started by buying all my wrapping paper, ribbons, tags, etc. I have also made my list.... gotta have a list... that way I can check off things when I get them...

I bought a few stocking stuffers already.... Victoria Secret had lotions and body scrubs on sale... got a few of those... then I had a great coupon for Things Remebered... so I had a little silver jewlrey box monogramed for Daniels girlfriend... Also bought a bunch of Yankee Candles that I use for hostess gifts when we go to parties...
I do love this thread!!! Glad you are back!! I love the jewelry box idea!..and the Yankee Candles!

Well, I just got one gift for my DD8 in the mail yesterday. It came with DD6's back to school items from ToysRUs. We're full steam ahead in this house. :rotfl2:

Now it's back to focusing on some outfits for the first day of school. Then the rest of back to school shopping happens the end of September.

From now on out I'll keep my eyes open for deals.

DD6 wants a digital camera, so we'll be researching those and looking at reviews. There is a cute magenta colored camera in Meijer that was neat. I just need something that's nice and a kid color. She really wanted a DSi last Christmas and we refused to get it for her, so we're making it up to her with this camera.
A camera sounds great!! I know my ds11 would love a good one...he has my old one for making Lego movies...he plays with it A LOT!!
I love to shop!!! Actually, I shop all year long for Christmas. :santa: I have a gift closet in the attic where I store things as I see them on sale.

Pottery Barn Kids has a Friends & Family sale in mid to late October. I don't think they really publicize it too much. You sort of have to ask at the store to get on the list. I think it is 20% off any in-store items??? :confused3 It has been a few years since I did PBK for DH. I love the bookcases & cubbies we got at the sale! I've seen PBK bed linens on ebay.

DS is just getting into Legos. Does anyone know when or where to get the best prices?

Thanks for the invite on the November thread! :thumbsup2

Your welcome!! Glad you came!!! this is such a fun thread!! I don't know when they do Lego sales...usually it's on the ones my ds doesn't like/want!! Of course!!! If I find a sale I will post it here for ya!
Every month when the 25th comes around my Mom and I race to the phone and say ___ months til Christmas. It could be January 25th and we are already saying 11 months til Christmas. My Mom and I are crazy Christmas and Disney. My husband thinks we are crazy. He should be used to it by now since we will be married this December 19 years! I haven't started shopping yet but I have started a list. SO MUCH FUN!!! The best time of year. :)
Happy 19 years!!! that is wonderful! I do the same thing for the bday is July that is a perfect time for me to start thinking about's far enough out that I can start to plan...and the year is more than half it works!!!
I used to start shopping on Dec 26th.........for the next year. Now that the family has decided to draw names for adults and there are only 3 kids to buy for.....well, I have to find a way to spend my money, so I am taking my mother and best friend to Disney at the start of December to "celebrate" the season with an awesome trip. I also decided that my family (14 total) have plenty and others don't so instead of huge stockings "from Santa", I plan on filling shoeboxes with gifts to send to a charity organization, pick "angels" from the salvation army to buy gifts for, provide surprises for the local childrens home and contribute to the sleigh of gifts for the family that my workplace with adopt for the holiday. Gee, I think I will have spent as much money if not more than I did for the extravagant gifts I gave to my family for the last 30 years, and will enjoy the shopping this year just as much as I always did!
Happy shopping to all :santa:

That is a great idea!! And the recipients are very thankful and appreciative, I am sure! Thanks for sharing!
We went to K-Mart today and found tons of toys 50% off! Good selection of toys for boys and girls! Not sure how long it will last!
Yay for you!!!
I am going to start this month. I used to love shopping for Christmas, but the last few years have gotten overwhelming. There are 11 neices and nephew, and until last year (when I said no more) we were buying for all the adults as well. :scared1: This year all the kids are getting older, so they are all (except the 2 smallest) going to get gift cards. I think for movies or chuckee cheese or such. I figure I will buy a few gift cards each month until christmas.

Then I have DS (5) and DD (1). DH and I just do small gifts. For the kiddos I am going to try to sneak out to Targets toy clearence this week, then finish up on black friday. I absolutly love black friday shopping, its one of my favorite days of the year, lol.

We are also going to disney dec 11-18, so I am trying to stash away money to take. Anytime I come in the house with money in my pocket it goes in the box. Plus $20 a week. It doesn't feel so expensive to put away a little at a time, lol.

So thats my plan, and I am (hopefully) sticking to it!
WOW!! That is a lot of kids to buy the GC idea...also love your $$stashing plan!!! A little here and there adds up!!
I bought my first ornament for DD14 stocking today. :banana: I bought it at Hobby Lobby and it is a resin black high top. (Think Converse.) It's a start. :rotfl2:
No gift is too small to start with!!Anything to get the ball rollin'!
I was one of the lucky ones to make it to the Target toy clearance. My two are dd 5 (will be 6 in Jan.) and ds 2 (he'll turn 3 in Nov.) so it's all fun stuff. :)

Thus far I've found my ds - 2 games, handy manny flashlight, tag jr. book & matchbox farm set - total cost $15 woohoo!
my dd has gotten - 2 pixos (sp?) craft sets and an our generation doll shoe set with shoe rack - total cost $12

It's looking fairly good being all typed out!

Impressive!! You are doing a great job!
I love this thread -- lots a great ideas/tips/inspiration last year!

I have started shopping too -- marked down Legos at Target, so that part is done and Lego DS games too! I also picked up some of those butterfly chairs from the back to college stuff that is out now, but will be scarce in December. I am saving my $$ for the big wow gift - not sure what that will be yet, and I dont want to buy too early and get blindsided in November at what Santa is expected to bring. Kids are getting too old to buy too much too early...oh, how I miss those toddler days when you could clean up at the Target sales and the kids were delighted with everything.
Perdi..:goodvibes welcome back!!!! Where have you been? I have not seen you on any threads I have read!!!!! I missed you!!! I too miss the toddler shopping days!!!
Count me in!!! I started watching QVC last week when they had their Christmas in July specials! I always start out with a budget but some how I always go over. Just because I see something that I think they will like.

How do you all keep within your budgets? :confused3

Also, does any one know if HSN will be doing Christmas in July?:confused3
I just set the budget and then once I get what each kid is getting, refuse to keep buying. If I do, it's just small stuff for the stocking..if not, I get more than they really need and they become overwhelmed as well....
Hooray it's that time of year for the Christmas thread again!!!! I can't believe this is the third one already. :confused3

Last Christmas we surprised the kids with a Jan trip to Disney. I sure wish we were doing that again!

I don't have any specifics for anyone yet but...

I have DS6- He's into anything and everything Star Wars, TS3 and of course Legos so Hmom- I'm looking for Lego deals too! I'll be sure to share anything I come across. Us Lego moms have to stick together- those little things are pricey! He's picked out some TS3 Lego train set from the Disney store that was over $80...Santa will have to see about that one.

And DD3 is into the princesses and baby dolls- she's easy to shop for!

I'm also considering the new Leapster Explorer for both of them. DS has an old Leapster hand me down from my sister's kids but it's on it's last leg. DD is constantly taking his so I'd have to get one for both of them.

See this thread has me brainstorming already! :thumbsup2
Hey Kim!!! Glad you made it over here! Your kids would love the little dd played with hers fact she wore the screen out of the first one and we bought her a second lasted until she just recently got tired of it. Now she has my older ones DS as a hand me down! I thought about getting them the new ones for Christmas,but I don't know.....
I just bought my first Christmas present yesterday for my dd. She has been eyeing the Zoobles at Target and they finally got a shipment in. According to the guy at Target they are suppose to be the must have for girls this Christmas. He said he can't keep them on the shelf.
I will have to check this out...haven't heard of them...are they like the Zu Zu pets or whatever they were from last year?
WOW!! Our little thread has taken right off!!! 3 pages in about 12 hours!!! Ha!! I love it!!!! I am sooo excited! As I mentioned earlier about the lights, we will put the tree up the weekend before we leave...we have to do fake trees because I am soooo allergic to real ones. And guess where I live? Right in the middle of the pine tree capital of the south!! Ha!!!! This whole part of Texas ain't called the Piney Woods for nothing!!!! Anyway, I will put the tree up the weekend of the 6th, and dh and the boys will hang our lights...Christmas presents will hopefully be bought by Oct 1st, and so, I will hide them and wrap 'em up after we get home from Disney....We will still have ds14's bday, my moms bday, and Thanksgiving to get thru. So, gifts will probably get wrapped the first week of Dec...that's the plan anyway!!! Plenty of time to decide....Kinda crazy to be talking Christmas for lots of people, I know...but with it being so hot and full blown summer here, it's nice to think of cooler days and cozy Christmas trees!!!!!
I am actually almost done with Xmas shopping for the kids we buy for. I hit the Kmart and Target toy sales and between my Mom and I we did really well. We have a ton for my DD and really I don't need to buy another thing for her.
I started shopping mid July and have gotten quite a few great deals for dd.

  • 3 sets of Barbie dollhouse furniture- clearanced at Target $8.64 each
  • Zhu Zhu pets- Justice half price plus I used a 40% off coupon: 3 add on rooms, 2 hamsters, fun house & starter set $60
  • Disney store online - Phineas, Ferb, Candice & Perry stuffed toys $28
  • Disney Store online- Pocohantas Doll and Mulan Doll $4.99 each
  • Disney Store online- Tinkerbell Art set $4.99
  • Disney Store online- 3 Club Penguin sets $10.99 total
  • Disney Store online- 2 ds games Raven & Suite Life $10 each
  • American Girl- outfit for Bitty baby $10

Hoping for Cyber Monday American Girl Sale and dd will be finished!
I thought I was the only freak who has started Christmas shopping! :lmao: I usually don't start this early, but we have a trip to Disney the week before Christmas. So I have to be done way before that AND save spending money for the trip.

I actually purchased my first few items this weekend. I don't have a list yet so I'm just keeping my eyes peeled for great deals. I found some really cute, beautifully patterned oven mit/pot holder sets ($3) on clearance at Marshall's. I plan on giving them to a few close friends. I'll pair them with a cookbook or a set of ceramic measuring cups I saw at Pier One.

I also hit Target earlier this evening and found a Ni Hao Kai Lan bath toy for 75% off for my niece. I also got DS6 a TechDeck skateboarding pool at 75% off.

Oh, I almost forgot that a couple of weeks ago, Vera Bradley had an online sale on all patterns of their backpacks and messenger bags. I bought my sister a backpack for $40...originally $92!

I'm excited about this thread! Let the shopping begin!

YAY! I've been looking for this thread (although I kept looking in the budget board area :confused3). Glad I found it again. It was a big help last year.

I've started a little shopping too, just by chance. Got my niece & nephew taken care of with the buy 2 get 1 free zhu zhu pet deal at Toys R Us. Got a few zhu zhu things for DD7 too to add to the things she just got for her birthday. Also picked up a Hallmark Princess Tiana ornament for her, but she'll get that when we put up the tree Thanksgiving weekend.

I'm an early shopper, looking for deals, plus I'm just that way, like it over early so I can actually enjoy December. I did go out for my first Black Friday last year with a girlfriend and it was sooooooooo much fun. I wasn't shopping for anything in particular, but I picked up a few things and just enjoyed being out in the crowds. We just hit Kohls, Target, Petsmart, Old Navy and then went out to breakfast. I hope to be doing it again this year.

So, this is my list:

DH - he's tough, gadget geek, but I can't keep up. Although I am hunting a new grill so I keep checking Lowe's because he wants the one that is charcoal on one side and gas on the other. Waiting for the $299 :scared1:price to drop!

DD7 - she's tough. She loves girlie clothes, but that's boring and she doesn't need anything right now. She's NOT into video gaming stuff (which is fine by me, but makes shopping tough). She's sorta at the point where is is outgrowing toys, but she does still play with her zhu zhus, LPS and Barbies. She loves to color and draw and "write in her diary", but she got paints & stuff last year. I might stock up on crafty stuff from Michael's. We had a horrendous winter last year and were stuck inside a lot. She mentioned wanting a TV in her room, but I struggle with that. She doesn't watch a lot of TV, but she LOVES movies. There would be bigtime restrictions (in fact, it probably wouldn't even have a connection to cable), but I just don't know if I can cave on the TV thing :confused3. The Lion King is coming to our area from Nov to Jan and I've thought about tickets to that, but man are they ever expensive and I definatley want to do Beauty and the Beast in April 2011 when it comes our way and I just don't know if we can do both :confused:, so I'm anxious to read about others with DD's that are around the age of 7.

DNiece5 & DNephew2 - already done :cool1:

DNephew11 - he's easy. Into skateboarding and video games, so I'll come up with something.

My parents - they are easy for the most part. They are doing a lot of fixing up of their house to sell in a few years, plus, their just easy.

My in-laws - UGH!!!! I dread shopping for them. They are picky and would just assume I buy them what they tell me too and wrap it. It's what we've done the last few years and I just feel like we should just swap $100 bills. I mentioned to my MIL that we just stop exchanging amongst the adults and just do the kids, just have a big holiday gathering and spend time together, but I don't think she liked that.

So, thankfully, my list is getting smaller and smaller every year, because my brother and I don't exchange anymore. We just do for the kiddos and we lost my granny this year :littleangel:, so Cmas will seem strange without her. But, I love the holidays and can't wait for holiday season to get there. And for me, that means October 1st, when my Halloween decor goes up. I love that my house is decorated for something from October 1 through the New Year :goodvibes
Jumping on Board :santa:

I use to work retail so all year was one big shopping trip, always had an eye out for markdowns and items I thought someone on my list would like. When the boys were younger mega toys and layaway beginning of October to snatch up the "most wanted" toys of the season and be able to spread out the cost of the next couple of months.

As my family grew older my shopping patterns changed I did not start until late October or November.

I am hopeing this thread along with my trip to Disney in November help to get me back on track with the Holidays this year. Years past I always had the big feast at Thanksgiving for the family then the sunday after we would head out to cut down a live tree and start decorating the entire house but sadly last year we skipped the Holidays due to my youngest son's passing in July.

I plan on doing some shopping while at Disney in November, no ideas yet at all but I am sure I might pick up a few from you guys here on this thread
I am actually almost done with Xmas shopping for the kids we buy for. I hit the Kmart and Target toy sales and between my Mom and I we did really well. We have a ton for my DD and really I don't need to buy another thing for her.

Good for you!!! And I love your screen name!!
I started shopping mid July and have gotten quite a few great deals for dd.

  • 3 sets of Barbie dollhouse furniture- clearanced at Target $8.64 each
  • Zhu Zhu pets- Justice half price plus I used a 40% off coupon: 3 add on rooms, 2 hamsters, fun house & starter set $60
  • Disney store online - Phineas, Ferb, Candice & Perry stuffed toys $28
  • Disney Store online- Pocohantas Doll and Mulan Doll $4.99 each
  • Disney Store online- Tinkerbell Art set $4.99
  • Disney Store online- 3 Club Penguin sets $10.99 total
  • Disney Store online- 2 ds games Raven & Suite Life $10 each
  • American Girl- outfit for Bitty baby $10

Hoping for Cyber Monday American Girl Sale and dd will be finished!

I will let you know if I get any emails from AG! I usually get the free shipping PIN....when is Cyber Monday...I totally forgot about it because I have never done it.
I thought I was the only freak who has started Christmas shopping! :lmao: I usually don't start this early, but we have a trip to Disney the week before Christmas. So I have to be done way before that AND save spending money for the trip.

I actually purchased my first few items this weekend. I don't have a list yet so I'm just keeping my eyes peeled for great deals. I found some really cute, beautifully patterned oven mit/pot holder sets ($3) on clearance at Marshall's. I plan on giving them to a few close friends. I'll pair them with a cookbook or a set of ceramic measuring cups I saw at Pier One.

I also hit Target earlier this evening and found a Ni Hao Kai Lan bath toy for 75% off for my niece. I also got DS6 a TechDeck skateboarding pool at 75% off.

Oh, I almost forgot that a couple of weeks ago, Vera Bradley had an online sale on all patterns of their backpacks and messenger bags. I bought my sister a backpack for $40...originally $92!

I'm excited about this thread! Let the shopping begin!


I usually get my mom VB of some sort for most occasions-can't beat those sales!


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