Code vent....But for a different reason... (VENT)

How do you feel regarding room-only discount codes??

  • Codes are nice but not expected or necessary for planning our trip.

  • No, you're wrong; WDW owes us these codes, they've issued them before, they SHOULD issue them again.

  • I don't think they *owe* us codes, but a code/discount determines where we'll stay.

  • Codes? What codes? I don't know about any stinkin' codes!

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Disney World fan since 1976
Jan 11, 2001
Note: I am not talking about AP discounts here, because I honestly don't know whether a discount is a true perk (Listed as a benefit) of having APs or not. For this discussion, I am referring ONLY to general public room-only discount codes.

I usually do not use message boards as a means for "venting" but I am just wondering if I'm the only one who feels this way;

It seems that a LOT of people expect the codes, period. They think that Disney almost owes it to the public to distribute codes to the general public, and when they don't, many people get angry about it.

People, the rooms at Disney are NOT inexpensive. Book what you can afford OR are willing to pay, and if a code comes out, then great. But get over the feeling that you are "owed" a discount.

Yes, Disney is a business and wants to make money, but so what? So does every other business in the world. MOST companies do not give out random discounts.

I know supposedly these discounts have to do with selling more rooms if they see a time frame in which they need to fill rooms, but a lot of people are making recommendations to other people that they NOT book their room if they DON'T have a discount,with the understanding that "Disney won't give a discount if too many rooms are already booked". Well you know what? Too bad! Do you want to be that family who missed out on booking a room they wanted because they waited too long, hoping for a code??

If the difference in price means THAT much to you, then I think you have bigger problems than whether Disney issues a discount code or not.

Don't get me wrong, I am booked at the Wilderness Lodge concierge using the AAA discount (I've been a member of AAA for years, and why not use the discount that's already there), and it'd be nice to save a few more bucks if a room-only discount comes out, but we'd be going to WDW and staying at the Wilderness Lodge in a concierge room whether we had ANY discount or not.

Pick a room you can afford OR that you're willing would pay for, and then just be happy if a code comes out! DISNEY OWES YOU NOTHING, in the form of a discount.

Am *I* the only one who sees this situation like this?? Or do all of you basically feel that Disney SHOULD be issuing discount codes...?

P.S. This is not directed to ANY one person; this is the way I've felt on this issue for years now!
I agree with you. Although I am watching for a code I will not be mad at Disney for not making them available and the way rooms are booking up I would not doubt it if no codes or very limited codes come out. I maen why do they need to offer codes if there rooms are full? I booked my room at AKL paying rack rate and if I have to pay rack rate so be it, but I am not saying a code coming out wouldn't be nice. I say book with what you want to pay and if a code comes out try to upgrade. I feel lucky just getting FL discounts on AP's and tickets.
I feel the same way - Disney does not "owe" me a code or discount. Sure, I love getting a discount, but I always book what I know I can afford at the time. If a discount comes along, great - I'll switch. If not, that's OK; I already booked what I knew we'd like and could afford. Last summer, I booked Pop Century!! We were very excited to be trying this new hotel. Then the codes came out, and so we did a split stay - Pop Century for 3 nights, Wilderness Lodge for 5 nights. We were perfectly content to be staying at Pop Century, but the ability to be able to try Wilderness Lodge (which we did LOVE) was great - and we were still able to stay within our budget!
I'm an AP holder, and I feel the same way as you. With my DVC, I rarely use the AP discount rooms, and when I do, they are usually for the first night of our stay since we tend to arrive a day early when we drive to FL (I allow extra time for weather/road conditions). We stop in Ocala to check availability, and if there is an AP discount for a night at POP or AllStars, great. If not, we stay offiste that night...while we certainly prefer to stay at Disney that first night, it has no major impact on our overall vacation. Book what you can afford, and then if a discount code becomes available you can upgrade. Either way, the value resorts are every bit a Disney resort. If you have to stay offsite, there are MANY nice locations for that, too.

I'd never even encourage anyone to buy an AP with the express desire for a room discount. Buy an AP because the number of park admission days makes sense for you, anything else is pixie dust.
I don't personally think that WDW owes anyone codes or discounts, but they do really help out when they are released. Sure during regular or value season, the AAA discount works well.

Now my Febuary trip is just a spur of the moment thing because AP rates were available. For my May trip however, I will book CBR again with my AAA rate and then if AP rates come out we will see. $140.50 a night is still better than $166.13 a night.
I fully agree with you.

Thankfully I have AAA and have booked our upcoming trip to WL with the AAA MYW package + dining. But I won't book something I can't afford and hope that a code comes out enabling me to stay there.

I think codes are great. However, just because Disney has released codes in the last few years - or even last few months - doesn't mean they will automatically do so in the future. If rooms are booking without them, the chances are far less likely that Disney will offer a discount. If they do release them, it's just a bonus.

I've worked in a hotel and know that if rooms are not selling, you offer special discounts or packages to fill them. If you're selling out, the rooms go for the higher prices and no discounts.

Our Sunday newspaper's travel section indicated that cruise prices are also going to be going up due to increased travel.

It's a matter of supply and demand.

Just my 2 cents.
I voted for the last option (what codes?). I'm currently planning our first trip to Disney. We have AAA, so I was glad to hear about the discounts they offer. Then I started reading about all these "codes". And you're right, people seem to think you can only go if you have one of these codes. So, I'm freaking out. I don't know anything about codes, how do I get them, where do I find them? I still haven't seen any of these codes and am not sure I'm going to. I'm glad to know that some people do actually pay full price. Because I think that's what we'll be doing.
I agree with the majority of what you say but if a person is just going to cancel their reservation if they don't get a code, then they shouldn't reserve a room in the first place. You are 100% right, book what you can afford and are willing to pay.
I just don't like a lot of people giving the advice book it now, then when codes come out, have them apply it to your reservation. If they are not willing to pay what they book the room at, then they should wait to book it. If they're willing to pay rack rate or AAA rate, then by all means go ahead and book it.
Personally, we wait for the codes :flower:
My first trip to WDW was all rack a package. Who knew any better. But, after finding wonderful boards like this one, I have been lucky enough to not have to pay rack rate again. Do I wait for a code to come out before I book? Nope. I do have APs and have used them to get a better rate. But, since we own DVC we tend to only need AP rates for a night or two each trip. Does Disney owe us codes? No, not in any way, shape or form. Are they nice to have? Absolutely. But, take for instance my upcoming June trip. We are booked at BCV for the first 6 nights. Then I have AllStarMovies booked for the final Fri and Sat nights. I have already told my DU agent to switch me over to POR if/when AP rates come out. I don't want to pay more than $100 a night for those last two nights. I will be quite happy in Movies if nothing comes $111 a night. However $80 a night at POR would be even better.

I have to agree with SeaSpray though. People sure do get worked up about those codes. For crying out loud...just book when you can afford. THen, if something terrific comes out, change your resort. We did that in '03..were booked at POR and when the Fairy Tale pkg came out we were able to switch to Polynesian for almost the same amount of money. But don't sit here and whine about when the codes are coming out and how you just won't be able to go without them. Stay at a lesser resort. Climbing down off that box now.
Totally agree with you. Right now we have 10 nights at WL reserved. If a code comes out, great--we will save some money. If not, we will still stay where we want to and have a great time.
I don't know how many people actually expect codes but I know a whole lot are hoping for them. We are booked right now at Pop with AAA but may change to a moderate with AAA. We have 3 trips planned in 2005 so a short trip at a Value is okay. If codes come out for WL we would like to try that but I wouldn't book anywhere that my budget wouldn't allow at the time I book the room. I also would not book no room at all until codes came out because're right may end up with nothing. You're just setting yourself up for disaster that way. If you're counting on a code to get the rate down & then one does not come out or there are none for your resort then what do you do? You may or may not be able to book something else & you could be S*** out of luck with a room. That would be bad.

I don't feel as strongly as you do on this subject. Being from metro NY $84 for a room doesn't seem excessive to me although I have gotten Values for much less. That's the way it goes. So it's not make or break for me but I also would not spend $300 a night for a room that we're hardly in. I just feel that's a waste of money. I'd have to have a LOT of it for that not to bother me. I don't cringe at a lot of prices there because of what food costs here. Except for the bottled soda...that kills me!! LOL!!

So for me codes are nice but we're going anyway & we'll stay wherever that trips budget allows but it will ALWAYS be on property, no matter what!!!
I agree with you that we see a lof of people who post and seem to think that a Disney "owes" them a code. I have read lots of posts in the past from people who announce that "we are never staying at Disney again since we didn't get a discount" (wonder if they all carried through on those threats?)

However, I see it as Disney is a business whose job is actually to provide a return to the investors. So if Disney can get rack rate then they should. IF thier stock goes up I can sell and make more money then I would have saved on my reservation (hopefullly!) Codes/AP discounts and any other "freebies" are designed to fill rooms. If the rooms are full or close to it, Disney has no reason to offer a code.

I figure that Disney is hoping the combo of the new tickets and free transport will help them fill the rooms without discounting the rooms and they may be right. Only time will tell.
I don't think I'm "owed" a code, but I still watch for them. We've taken about 15 trips to WDW in the last 4-5 years and we haven't paid rack rate for any of them. When there wasn't a code available we just rented DVC points instead. As long as I'm getting a good deal I don't care how I get it. ;)

My vent right now is that there are just way too many posts on this board about codes. Can people not see the huge thread with hundreds of responses from people looking for codes?? I guess not because they keep starting new threads. Pretty soon this whole board will be about codes. :rolleyes: I've had posts and threads of mine locked by moderators, so I say lock all these new threads or merge them into one. And let's get back to talking about the RESORTS!!!!!!! :teeth:
I take the reserve what you can afford approach, then I upgrade if codes become available.

I don't agree that there should be fewer posts about codes. If that's what people want to talk about, that's fine with me. I found out about the Winter Code special and the AP discount by reading this thread. I suppose it might be nice if there were a Codes FAQ thread sticky at the top of the board, if there's not already. If people want to read more threads about the resorts themselves, then they should start those threads. The DIS board seems to operate under the supply/demand concept;)
I voted for the third option. This is our first trip to WDW :Pinkbounc and codes are the only way we're going. We were going to go President's Weekend but then found out that for just $400 more we could stay for twice as long the first week of July with a postcard code. Um, no brainer!!!! :) I don't feel WDW owes anything, but I sure do appreciate what they do!
I don't think WDW owes us codes, but for some trips, I wouldn't have gone had it not been for a code. Last summer, I got such a great rate for AKL with a code, that I couldn't pass it up. I wouldn't have made a trip to WDW at all at that time but the code was very enticing. We'll probably take a trip this fall, and if a code doesn't come out for our timeframe, we'll stay at a value resort. Otherwise, rack rates for moderates and deluxes are just not worth the cost to me. My rant with people waiting for codes is that they should NOT book a room and then hope of changing it or upgrading resorts when a code comes out. If WDW sees a lot of rooms are already booked, then why would they release a code?
They don't owe anyone codes, of course. We booked a moderate and will stay there whether we get a general public code or not. The savings would just mean more dinners at the world. The money goes to disney either way.

However, I am insanely jealous of the people getting email or postcard codes!! And if there weren't several new threads every day saying, "I got a pin code and saved boatloads of $$$" I'd probably be less grumpy about the subject. :teeth:
One question--If you feed birds everyday and then stop feeding them, what happens? Do you "owe" the birds food?

Disney created the system you are venting about. If people come to depend on the system Disney created, who's to blame when people get tense when that system is altered?

One point I agree with, wholeheartedly. I have a ressie booked with a AAA for Dec. I do not condone the thought of not making a ressie so the bookings are depressed to help create a need for Disney to release codes. I book when I want to book, I book a room I feel comfortable (not giddy, just comfortable) paying the price. I do not begrudge Disney for charging for whatever they want for a room.

Also, I do not begrudge people for getting tense when hundreds of dollars are on the line. Especially when they are loyal customers who have helped Disney through some tough times.
Book what you can afford OR are willing to pay, and if a code comes out, then great. But get over the feeling that you are "owed" a discount.


I certainly don't see the majority thinking they are owed a code. Myself, if one doesn't come out that makes Dis affordable to me, I'll vacation elsewhere. I happen to think with a code, it just makes the room more in line with what other vacation areas offer. You betcha I'm going to reserve a room and hope for a code..and I might even cancel that room if one doesn't come...or I might not..but that's my right and choice. However, in the past few years, that hasn't been a problem as the codes have come out (we are now going 4-5 times a year, using either "regular" codes or AP codes..I don't see Disney turning away my money). When I call to reserve my room, Disney CMs suggest I reserve a room, and change over if a code comes. So I go by what they suggest. Why should I reserve "just what I afford", if the past has shown codes for what I want? I don't want to stay in the All Stars with no shade in May, I want to stay in POR in May, and I'm willing to take the gamble. Of course if it doesn't happen, then our vacation plans will change. We , and discovered things outside of the park to enjoy and spend our money on. So if there doesn't end up to be codes, I'll cancel within the time Disney (the people who own the hotel) give me.
Also, we don't spend a ton of time in the if the AP's stop offering discounts (room, food) we can use, I won't get an AP. Nothing wrong with my thinking that. Anyone can decide for themselves what value an AP is to themselves. Some people think AP's should only be bought for park use..well, that's never been why we buy ours...and that's our right to think that.
Most of the threads I've read has been people "anxiously awaiting" codes. ;) The tone hasn't been--disney better give me a code or I'm not going. I will admit, I haven't read all of the threads on codes. If I did, it might take me all day. ;) It seems to me that people are so used to codes, that anticipating them is part of the planning process. They already know where they would like to stay, so now they are waiting to see if codes come out. Hence, this is what they choose to talk about. We are going in May and it won't matter if there are codes. I have already set the money aside to pay rack. If we get a discount, then I will apply the extra money to food and souveniers.

I also think the person who mentioned the postcards has a point. I'm sure it can be very difficult for some people to keep reading about how others have gotten a great discount for the same resort they are staying at. Especially for those who have booked what they can afford, but would love to have a little extra money to spend in the parks. After all, it all ends up in disney's pocket anyway! :rolleyes:

Rachel :earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl:


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