Confessions of a Disboard Dropout...New chapter 3/14


I haven't been on nearly as much either recently (school, new job)--I just didn't have time. :( but I've been back a bit more recently. It's so great to see you again! Can't wait to read along!!
Well, well, well! I feel like it’s Christmas morning with all these comments! Great to see so many familiar faces…er…signatures! And welcome to new ones!

I am even worse than you - I pop up only when it's time for me to plan my yearly trip. I take notes, photos and such, fully intending to come here and type a trip report...but then I never do. :headache: Instead, I hang around here pestering people with questions but never give them the pleasure of the hilarious trip reports I have locked in my head.

Mare, you can share some of your hilarious stories here. That way you don’t have to go full on trip report. These threads turn into a free for all. Anything goes…

As for your hair, I feel your pain! I am a curly girl, as is my youngest daughter. I spend more time than I care to discuss each morning in our resort with my flat iron. I shellac my hair with various and sundry products to make it lie straight because there is no way in Hades I'm:
1. Wearing a ball cap
2. Going full on curly. I'd look like Carrot Top, only not as good looking.

It’s always nice to have a fellow curly girl to commiserate with. About 10 years ago I tried to go the straight hair route. I even went into Chinatown to get my hair straightened when that Japanese perm came out. That was a scene. I think I was the only one in the salon who didn’t understand Chinese. I spent most of the day there only to have the stylist chop my bangs in this weird fringe at the end. And with all that, I still had to blow dry and flat iron the heck out of it. Needless to say, my hair did not fair well from this abuse and it took me a couple years to get it back to normal. I hear keratin is less severe but I’m kind of scared off from straightening products now.

Same as you - everyone in my family (I'm in charge of planning for my family of 5, the grandparents and the various and sundry aunts and uncles who decide to come along) teases me about this, but the few photos I'm in have to be good! :rotfl:

I know! What’s so hard to understand? LOL

We've never met but I like the cut of your jib, so I'm subbing in. :woohoo:

I like the cut of your jib with that user name.

Forgive me if I wax poetic about the Tower of Terror, Turkey Legs, huge caramel apples, and the time I met Chip N Dale. It's pleasure to be among friends who will let me.

Wax away!

I will forever want Bernard and Bianca meet and greets and will always wonder why Jane and Meg weren't good enough

I had to look up who Meg was. What about Esmerelda?

Hello! Saw your title and I had to peak inside! Hope you don't mind if I join the party! I'll just find a comfy spot and listen in if that's ok. :surfweb:

Welcome Princess! Join in anytime.

She's one of the best trip report writers here. Feel free to contribute, it makes it more fun when we all tell funny stories while we wait for updates.

Aw Marie, you’re making me blush.

Yes, it’s really fun when everyone joins in.


Haven't read a thing on your TR yet.
And I'm totally wiped, so I won't read it right now either.

But soon....


Welcome back Laura.
Very very nice to hear from you again.

Ponzi! So glad to see you here! I missed you. Now I will wait patiently for your smart butt remarks.

yay!!! Laura's back!!!:cool1: now we must do The Dance of Joy!!:dance3: :

Smidgy! I forgot how much I missed everyone. How’s one of my favorite tea drinkers? I’m looking at you too, Shannon.

I admit I don't care for the new and improved FP system... I like it the old way, when you collected fast passes in the morning and used them at night!

I agree. That was the best way but I guess too many people had discovered that trick. Disney ruined it last year with that not honoring late return times thing.

The new system has some benefits though. It’s weird making reservations so far in advance but the nice thing is that for instance, you know that you’ll be able to get a fast pass for TSM without being there at park opening. It worked out pretty well for us this time. In fact there were a couple days when we didn’t even need them.

thumper and lady H were smart enough to stay away from WDW until this whole thing is worked out.. they keep tweaking it. which is good. i means they're listening to us, I guess. we wanted more than 3 FPs, they gave us more.

but you're right, a lot of people booked their FP+ for later in the day
, planning on going it sans FP in the AM, when lines are shorter.

I'm still a bit confused if I can get a 4th FP if my 3 FP+ have expired. we actually didn't use ours a lot. we took it nice and slow, relaxed a lot, and used the DAS a few times, mostly for shows. but I tried once, Jim the wonderful concierge guy at BWV, assured me I could get a 4th when my first 3 expired. but I guess not.

They are definitely working out some kinks with the magic bands but you should be able to get a 4th. The problem is that you only get to choose from what’s left over.

IT'S SO CONFUSING!!! and I still haven't gottne around to buying a smart phone.. I really don't need one, except for disney., so I'm not very motivated there. lol

I love my iPhone so much but I love my iPad even more. A tablet may be the way to go for you. There are so many great apps and it may be a comfortable way for Nebo to go on the internet. There are quite a few dictation apps. If Nebo wanted to say, reply to someone’s thread, he could use an app. There are apps for just about everything and the mini ipads are small enough that you could bring it to the park and use the free wifi.

at least I don't have the hassle of trying to hook up with 2 other families like you did! yikes!!!

It was quite comical at times. I get a kick out of reading all the text messages now. I’ll share some with you as they fit into the story.

just so you know, Nebo and I both helped Katniss and Peta along in their endeavours while we were at Disney pools. and I liked that series a lot better than the Divergent series.

I haven’t read Divergent but I dropped Monkston and her friend at the theater to see it by themselves a few weeks ago. It was the first time I haven’t accompanied her to the movies. [sniff] On the positive side, I got to go to the mall by myself without having to go into Forever 21 or Aeropostale.

so anyhow, I'm in. I can't make any promises about Nebo. sorry. his wrist still is killing him,making typing difficult and it hurts his back to hunch over in order to see the keyboard.

Poor Nebo. Tell him hello. And look into that tablet. He could use it lying down.

so.. tell us more......:love:

Laura! I'm so glad that you're back!!!!

Shannon! Thanks for coming back! So good to see everyone!

I feel a kinship with Monkston now that I know she packs her entire underwear drawer. I too will never find myself caught without enough underwear. She's a wise young lady.

Can't wait to read more! Welcome back!

I probably pack too much too, but I pack too much of everything.


I haven't been on nearly as much either recently (school, new job)--I just didn't have time. :( but I've been back a bit more recently. It's so great to see you again! Can't wait to read along!!

Welcome back! Wow! School and a new job! What are you studying?

Hi Laura! I remember enjoying your TR! Looking forward to reading again! :yay:

Tammie, great to see you again!

What’s the story with Blizzard Beach Do Over? Did something very terrible happen there?
I like the cut of your jib with that user name.

Wax away!

I had to look up who Meg was. What about Esmerelda?

Why thank ye! I had a hard time deciding between this one and Marahoot, but I think this works out. :cloud9:

Heh. I've only been to Disney one time and I have really fond memories of all those things, including one memory I only want to talk about in my PTR when that happens because it was so special. I may also just be a turkey leg fanatic.

Esmerelda, Kida, Bianca, and Perdita are my other four. I didn't want to clog my signature so I chose my higher two. You're the second person to have forgotten who Meg was. I suppose, if you really think about it, Nala should be on the list too but then the list becomes unwieldy.
I wanna tag along! Feel you pain with the humidity... The instant moisture hits my hair it goes from sleek and straight to a bad Tresemme commercial(without the oolala).
I actually have been trying to talk nebointo a tablet. i was thinking the Ipad air. it has a stand he could put on his lap or belly if lying down. magnify the words. and yes I was thinking something about voice activation software. didn't know about dictation aps. I keep telling him there are many devices designed to help those with vision disabilites...

I will definitely tell him about all your suggestions!
Hey! I'm getting my master's in public administration. I just finished my first year and it went really well. But it sucked up all my Dis time :( ;)
She's one of the best trip report writers here. Feel free to contribute, it makes it more fun when we all tell funny stories while we wait for updates.

Thank you Marie and I will definitely do my best to join in it seems like such a nice and friendly bunch on this thread! Laura you are indeed a really awesome trip writer I have really enjoyed reading your updates. :thumbsup2
I'm still a bit confused if I can get a 4th FP if my 3 FP+ have expired.

What I discovered one evening is that you can modify an unused fastpass to whatever happens to be available in that park. I went up to a kiosk, since my fastpass times had expired and that is what the cast member did. I thought I would have to book new fastpasses. The next day, we returned to MK after our fastpass times had passed. I went online at the hotel before I left for MK and modified all the fastpasses to evening times. Worked like a charm, and much faster than attempting the same thing at the kiosk in the park.

There are tricks to this new system and Disney doesn't seem willing to share. Harrumph!
Well, well, well! I feel like it’s Christmas morning with all these comments! Great to see so many familiar faces…er…signatures!

Merry Christmas in May! :santa:

It’s always nice to have a fellow curly girl to commiserate with. About 10 years ago I tried to go the straight hair route. I even went into Chinatown to get my hair straightened when that Japanese perm came out. That was a scene. I think I was the only one in the salon who didn’t understand Chinese. I spent most of the day there only to have the stylist chop my bangs in this weird fringe at the end. And with all that, I still had to blow dry and flat iron the heck out of it. Needless to say, my hair did not fair well from this abuse and it took me a couple years to get it back to normal. I hear keratin is less severe but I’m kind of scared off from straightening products now.

I know from my curly DSIS that it is a challenge, but living in the humidity in Texas now, I think I would trade. I have thin, fine straighter than straight hair, which looks like a drowned rat unless I plaster it with products while curling. That doesn't do well with the "theme park moistness" and the FL rain! :headache:

Ponzi! So glad to see you here! I missed you. Now I will wait patiently for your smart butt remarks.

He keeps getting smarter. :rolleyes1

The new system has some benefits though. It’s weird making reservations so far in advance but the nice thing is that for instance, you know that you’ll be able to get a fast pass for TSM without being there at park opening. It worked out pretty well for us this time. In fact there were a couple days when we didn’t even need them.

I am not looking forward to booking in advance, but I am looking forward to missing the mad rush to TSM and SDMT

They are definitely working out some kinks with the magic bands but you should be able to get a 4th. The problem is that you only get to choose from what’s left over.

Can't wait to see how that plays out

It was quite comical at times. I get a kick out of reading all the text messages now. I’ll share some with you as they fit into the story.


Tammie, great to see you again!

What’s the story with Blizzard Beach Do Over? Did something very terrible happen there?

Thank you! :hug: It's in my TR - the "Pirate and Princess" title in my siggie, but it wasn't horrible - it was Disney. We got rained out - I mean seek shelter now, attractions are closed. Then just as the sun came out and we went to our various slides, it happened again. :headache: We just had the one day planned for BB, and DDIL really loves that park, so on our next trip we will attempt a do-over. :goodvibes

Nice start to your TR! I think your nicknames for the kiddos is perfect! Merida and WALL-E look like perfect names in that pic! :goodvibes
Hi, Marita here to join the fun. You are off to a great start, looking forward to hearing all about your trip!
Why thank ye! I had a hard time deciding between this one and Marahoot, but I think this works out. :cloud9:

Heh. I've only been to Disney one time and I have really fond memories of all those things, including one memory I only want to talk about in my PTR when that happens because it was so special. I may also just be a turkey leg fanatic.

My niece and nephew are both turkey leg fanatics. It’s a bit too much of a mess for me plus I’m worried I’ll rip out one of the veneers on my two front teeth. (due to a third grade accident involving one Jeffrey Barker who pushed me into a wall and broke my tooth)

Esmerelda, Kida, Bianca, and Perdita are my other four. I didn't want to clog my signature so I chose my higher two. You're the second person to have forgotten who Meg was. I suppose, if you really think about it, Nala should be on the list too but then the list becomes unwieldy.

I think I missed a few of the movies from that period.

I wanna tag along! Feel you pain with the humidity... The instant moisture hits my hair it goes from sleek and straight to a bad Tresemme commercial(without the oolala).

At least you start out sleek and straight. I go from curly and unmanageable to more curly and unmanageable.

I actually have been trying to talk nebointo a tablet. i was thinking the Ipad air. it has a stand he could put on his lap or belly if lying down. magnify the words. and yes I was thinking something about voice activation software. didn't know about dictation aps. I keep telling him there are many devices designed to help those with vision disabilites...

I will definitely tell him about all your suggestions!

I think he would really love it. Also, if you get an apple tv attachment for your TV you can very easily see everything on the ipad on a big screen. Apple is really great about making their products easy to use. My mom brings her ipad everywhere. You can do so much with it…read books, watch Netflix, hbo, showtime, hulu, amazon. You can surf the web, check email, go on facetime with your grandchildren. And there are endless games if he likes that.

Hey! I'm getting my master's in public administration. I just finished my first year and it went really well. But it sucked up all my Dis time :( ;)

Wow! Good for you! Good luck!

Thank you Marie and I will definitely do my best to join in it seems like such a nice and friendly bunch on this thread! Laura you are indeed a really awesome trip writer I have really enjoyed reading your updates. :thumbsup2


What I discovered one evening is that you can modify an unused fastpass to whatever happens to be available in that park. I went up to a kiosk, since my fastpass times had expired and that is what the cast member did. I thought I would have to book new fastpasses. The next day, we returned to MK after our fastpass times had passed. I went online at the hotel before I left for MK and modified all the fastpasses to evening times. Worked like a charm, and much faster than attempting the same thing at the kiosk in the park.

There are tricks to this new system and Disney doesn't seem willing to share. Harrumph!

Good to know!

Thank you! :hug: It's in my TR - the "Pirate and Princess" title in my siggie, but it wasn't horrible - it was Disney. We got rained out - I mean seek shelter now, attractions are closed. Then just as the sun came out and we went to our various slides, it happened again. :headache: We just had the one day planned for BB, and DDIL really loves that park, so on our next trip we will attempt a do-over. :goodvibes

Nice start to your TR! I think your nicknames for the kiddos is perfect! Merida and WALL-E look like perfect names in that pic! :goodvibes

We had a similar day at Animal Kingdom last year. We really lucked out with the weather this year. Not one drop of rain! I hope you have the same luck on your trip, especially on Blizzard Beach day.

I wish I could take credit for the names but I couldn’t think of any nicknames so I just swiped their characters from their DME profiles. But, you’re right. They are perfect.

Hi, Marita here to join the fun. You are off to a great start, looking forward to hearing all about your trip!

Marita! My Marketing Director! Glad to see you!
We had a similar day at Animal Kingdom last year. We really lucked out with the weather this year. Not one drop of rain! I hope you have the same luck on your trip, especially on Blizzard Beach day.

I wish I could take credit for the names but I couldn’t think of any nicknames so I just swiped their characters from their DME profiles. But, you’re right. They are perfect.

I'm glad you had good weather! It happened to us almost every day of our trip, but it was still the best trip ever! :cool1: Thanks for your good thoughts!

I just wanted to point out why this is the happiest picture of me that Laura could locate from this session.

It was a hot day and Sheena, who took these pictures, believes that every moment should be savored and preserved.

The problem is, it takes five minutes to capture every moment… and this is a universe I don’t understand.

I’m very impatient about posing for pictures (I’m told).
I just wanted to point out why this is the happiest picture of me that Laura could locate from this session.

It was a hot day and Sheena, who took these pictures, believes that every moment should be savored and preserved.

The problem is, it takes five minutes to capture every moment… and this is a universe I don’t understand.

I’m very impatient about posing for pictures (I’m told).

So, more of a "live in the moment and savor the memories" than a "must document every moment and live it later" kind of guy? I tried to be more "savor the moment" on my last trip. The trip journal took forever to write each day. Not a lot of pics, but really had a good time. Maybe someone caught a pic of you looking thoughtful? Or did you hide from the photographer? :scratchin
Ponzi! So glad to see you here! I missed you. Now I will wait patiently for your smart butt remarks.

Well... If you insist.
Who am I to say no to a pretty lady? :confused3

He keeps getting smarter. :rolleyes1

She's right, you know.

If you could see me, you’d see that I’m standing with my head down and my tail between my legs.

Pictures please!
Or perhaps I could photoshop one for you? No?

(Ponzi, if you’re reading this, I’m sure that set you up for a snappy reply.)

Was it?

A couple of years ago I wrote this trip report…

It was a loooong time ago.
There were dinosaurs still!

Oh... wait....
That was at AK...

It was taking up a bit too much of my life though. So I disappeared.

Confession #1: I was a Disboard junkie.

I spent much too much time here. If I wasn’t updating my report, I was checking it for comments. And if I had comments, I tried to come up with witty replies (I said tried!). Sadly, I’m no Ponzi or Nebo in that area. And if I wasn’t in my own report, I was reading a dozen others trying to comment wittily there too.

I totally get it.
I've had to limit the number of TRs I read, because I want to break down all of them.

Yeah... no. Not gonna happen.

Also, I'd say you didn't just try to "come up with witty replies" but succeeded admirably.

And no. You're no Ponzi or Nebo.
Thank goodness, 'cause there's already too many of us!
I can't speak for Nebo.... I can't quite get that Chicago drawl... but I would honestly say that you're a far better writer than I am.
And no, I'm not just saying that.

And then I couldn’t remember the last two days of my trip in any kind of detail.

Could you narrow it down at least to the correct continent?

If it couldn’t be perfect, I wasn’t interested. I just sort of gave up, dropped out.

Take it from me.
It's hard to keep it up....

OMG! What did I just say?!?!?! :blush:

erm.... uh.... Let me rephrase that....
Take it from me.
It's difficult to keep a consistent writing level.
Well it's easier for me, when that level is so low, but you get the gist.

I didn’t say goodbye to my Disboard buddies.

I was so hurt.
Every night I'd cry myself to sleep.

Eventually I moved the bedside table that I kept stubbing my toe on.

So I apologize to Ponzi, Nebo, Smidgy, Marita, Shannon, Marie, Monica, Nilla, Montague, Sandy, Jill, Thumper_Man, Maribeth, so many of you… I can’t list you all.

Don't apologize.
Life gets in the way.

I know.

But so glad you're back and writing again. :)

So go ahead. Yell at me. I can take it. Really I can!

Actually, I can’t.


What? Oh, not you. I was just berating the dog 'cause she messed on the floor again.
Sorry, what were you saying?

Confession #4: I missed everybody.

Feeling was mutual.

I read about Ponzi’s amazing European vacation

Sounds like you liked it.

and I’m looking forward to reading about his teenage Niagara Falls road trip.

hmmmm..... there's a really good title in there...

I read Nebo’s latest but I don’t see much activity from him and hope he’s ok.

I think you've been updated on him, yes?

So I here I am, turning up like a bad penny,

That's so weird!
Just a couple of days ago, I was explaining that saying to Kay.

coming back to the Dis to share some Disney memories from our trip last week. Can I do it without becoming obsessed? Will anyone show up?

Be honest.
How blown away were you with all the people that came running back to you?

We sadly carted our carry on bag to the pool


to get the last bits of Florida sun before returning to reality…and cold.


There was electric sliding. There was chicken dancing. There may have also been some hokey-pokeying.

Water slide with live, bare electrical wires lying in the water.
It danced until it had to lay an egg.... sort of like this comment.
I prefer the hokey pokeying to the cerebral pokeying.

We weren’t paying much attention to them though. Monkston (my daughter) was in the pool getting some last slides in.


Mr. Squid (my husband) was in the hot tub.

Of course. Otherwise he'd dry out and then where would you be?

The same place, of course. Just with a dried up squid.

No, I had to read some more grim tales of Katniss in a dystopian future. At least I was working on my tan while doing it!

I do believe Katniss was doing the same at the end there... :rolleyes1:

He probably didn’t get his supply of Disney amphetamines yet.

:lmao: See? I told you were a better writer than I am.

It’s about 5 minutes now.

And he repeats the question!

Was he waiting for someone to yell out the answer?
Divine intervention?

Monkston worriedly asks, “Mommy, we’re going to stay for the whole thing, right?”

Uh, oh.

At this rate, I could run back to the lobby, ask a CM for the answer, and grab a soda for the walk back.

But wouldn't it be more fun to go on some rides, too, while you wait?

What sort of bribery will I need to use to extricate Monkston from the pool?

“How about some Disney chocolates for the ride home?”

Thought so.

:laughing: Heck, that'd work on me!

Anyone else have any trouble with My Disney Experience?

Nope... but considering I haven't been there since Bush was President...
the first Bush...

Here we are at Animal Kingdom on one of my worst hair days.

If that's "one of your worst hair days"... lady, you got no worries.

Here are all the kids, Merida, Monkston, TGM and Wall-E...

Yup. T-Man nailed it.
But Monkston is driving me crazy! She really reminds me of someone....
but I can't put my finger on who! (Which is good... 'cause that's still assault)



Merida reminds me of Alyson Hannigan.

We got back on the line with Disney customer service. They said it was a DVC issue. Got on the line with DVC and they said it was a technical issue.

Sounds like you had a lot of fun with that. :sad2:

I could just hear her say, “It’s ridiculous to plan what rides you’ll be going on a month in advance.” And she’s right of course, but you have to play the Disney game.

Oh, I dunno.
It's ridiculous to plan rides a month in advance...
But it's more ridiculous to stand in line for 90 minutes for SM when you don't have to.

This is one of those times when you want to see them standing in an endless line as you breeze past them.
"Hi! I feel ridiculous going on this ride right away! Don't I look ridiculous?
No, don't answer now. We'll talk about it after I've been on SM, Splash, BTMRR and Peter Pan.
I'll come back and we can talk about it while I sip a drink. After all, you'll still be waiting in line. Bye!"

This year, we’re flying out of our small regional airport on Frontier. The good news is that we have a 10 minute ride to the airport. The bad news is we only get one checked bag per person.

At first I thought, so?
Then I thought... nevermind what I thought.
Suffice to say that for my upcoming four day trip, I'm not checking a bag.

I think half my bag is shoes and hair products.

I knew that!

Sheena she suggested a baseball cap.

“Are you mad? Do you know me at all, Sheena?”

:sad2: Apparently... not so much. :rotfl:

Insecurity and vanity are an exhausting combination.

So I would imagine.
I'm a schlump. So I don't have that problem.
But I don't wear sweat pants, so I haven't given up completely.

Yes, you physics experts, I know I can weigh myself and then weigh myself with the suitcase. But I don’t want to do that before going to a place where I will be wearing a swimsuit.

I did pretty good in physics.

Why didn't you get Mr. Squid to weigh himself with/without your bag?

I will have to go with the scientific fingers crossed for luck method.

That works too.

I double check Monkston’s suitcase and she has all the essentials…Duffy bear, sorcerer cards, bathing suits, her entire underwear drawer…

Oh, I can relate.

Oh, how I can relate... :sad2:

Now if we can just get some sleep…

Thanks for posting Laura! :goodvibes

I just wanted to point out why this is the happiest picture of me that Laura could locate from this session.

It was a hot day and Sheena, who took these pictures, believes that every moment should be savored and preserved.

The problem is, it takes five minutes to capture every moment… and this is a universe I don’t understand.

I’m very impatient about posing for pictures (I’m told).

Oh, I dunno. There's 7 pictures, right there!
I'm subbing!!!

#!: I also have curly hair and it also hates Florida humidity (think Monica goes to Aruba on Friends)

#2: I am always at the 50lb limit on baggage.

#3: I love the pics of your family...adorable

#4: Can't wait to read more.
Hello everyone, this is Druid here, father of TGM and husband of Sheena. I am and have been good friends with Laura74 and Mr. Squid and Monkston for many years. I am a 7 year veteran of Disney trips with this crew. If I had my way, I would live on property. This is my first post to the Disboard so I hope that I don't disappoint, Laura74 is a tough act to follow. I would just like to join in and share some of my memories while they are still fresh.
It was TGM and myself who started the group phone call to get the fastpass+ set up for all of us. It seemed like the coolest idea ever to have all 11 of us on a ride or an attraction at the same time, or so I thought. Anyway, it was my 12 year old son who taught me how to make a phone call to a group of people, who knew that was even possible? So we got Laura74 and Mr. Squid on the phone, then called Jack Skellington and Mickey, then we merged the calls. Now we had four people in NJ on the phone, one in Kentucky, and one in Indiana, all talking at the same time. Can you imagine what that was like? Apple was smart enough to foresee the problem with a call like this, and made it so that only one person can really speak at a time, if you try to speak at the same time that someone else does only one voice can be heard. So as the conversation went on there was a lot of "sorry" "what did you say" "no, go ahead" until we learned how to speak with that many people in the room so to speak. So here we were, trying to decide which rides we would all like to do, at what time, on which day, simple right? It was really Laura74 guiding us as to what would be good to do, and when would be the best time to do it. I think that she had done some research about this and was ready to be our WDW guru, again. If no one has ever mentioned it before, Laura74 is one of the smartest people that I have ever met, and you are likely to meet. When you have done Disney with Laura74 as many times as I have, you learn to listen. As we were trying to have this multistate decision making session, Sheena was in the background yelling about how we should be spontaneous and see what the day brings, and how could we be planning our day two months out? I was thinking of what the stand by lines are like at Soarin and Test Track. So plan we did, as best we could, but I think that the first call only got us to Wednesday.
Hello, TGM here!

:welcome: to the DIS!

Hello everyone, this is Druid here, father of TGM and husband of Sheena.

And :welcome: to the DIS to you too!

This is my first post to the Disboard so I hope that I don't disappoint, Laura74 is a tough act to follow.

True. But you're doing fine.

Anyway, it was my 12 year old son who taught me how to make a phone call to a group of people, who knew that was even possible?

Just like how you probably showed your folks how to use a VCR... or a microwave? :laughing:

Laura74 is one of the smartest people that I have ever met, and you are likely to meet.

That doesn't surprise me in the least.
It's evident in her writing.


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