Confused about "extra guest"


Remember The Magic
Aug 21, 1999
Hi! I posted about this a while back as a "would I be able to do it" question. Well, now the time has come to find out, and.......

......I'm confused! Please help with lots of Mickey Magic! I don't know if I'm just not asking the right questions, or what. Until this point I have done all this via E-mail, but I'm at the point of needing to call WDW and talk to a real person.

I have a reservation for CSR for 10 nights (DS, 7, and me). Part-way into our stay, DH is going to get a chance to come spend about 3 nights with us. My question was/is, can we do this, and how?

I E-mailed WDW---RESPONSE: I made my reservations through a "travel agent" (EXPEDIA.COM), who is legally responsible for the ressie, therefore WDW cannot "touch it."

I E-mailed, then talked to a real person at EXPEDIA.COM ---RESPONSE: This would not be considered a change in reservations, but mearly an "extra guest staying in room" situation. Said that all that would happen was for WDW to assess the extra charge when DH arrived.

E-mailed WDW again --- RESPONSE: since I made my ressie through a travel agent.........

[pulling hair out]

All I want to know is, CAN MY DH JOIN US FOR 3 NIGHTS! He would purchase a separate Parks Pass, and we are more than OK with an "extra guest" charge, but I still don't know if we can do it!!!! I'm afraid NOT to get it OK'd ahead of time as I would hate to have us all kicked out for "breaking the rules."

Am I asking my question wrong and just not getting my intent across? How could I say it different? I'm going to call WDW in the morning, so wish me luck.
I believe that disney policy is two adalts and up to two kids 10 and under in a room at no extra charge.
It shouldn't be any problem. I joined my parents in 1993 for several nights at CBR. My mom arranged for an extra key and she paid the extra adult charge for the nights I was there. Just talk to the front desk when he comes.
CSR occupancy is 2 adults and 2 children under 18, so you are well within the limits.

If you want to when you check in, let the Front desk know what day your husband will join you and his name, so they will have record of him, in case of an emergency.

Also you might want to request an ID card/room key for him. As stated CRO can't adjust the reservation since it was booked through a travel agent but the Front Desk can add his name after you check in.
We had a similar situation last time we were at Disney. My DH, DD,age 9, and I arrived at Disney. I told the front desk that another DD, age 20 at the time, would be arriving two days later. She checked in while we were at the parks and got a key. I later paid the extra guest charge. However, you shouldn't have to pay any extra charge since you will only have a total of two adults in the room.

You will be fine. Your husband is not considered an extra guest. You are allowed 2 people over the age of 18. Just mention at check in that your husband will be arriving in several days. When he gets there he can get his own card or you could just get it for him in advance.
I guess I was going about asking my question wrong. After I read your replies, I called Disney Reservations (well, actually called CSR 1st, and they refered me to DR) and simply said "My DH will be joining us for a few nights, what do I need to do?"

It was just as you said, and they were as nice and helpful as they could be! I'll take care of it when DS & I check in. DH's plane will be arriving at MCO around midnight, so it will be a very-early-in-the-morning check-in for him. And apparently we won't have to pay an "extra guest" fee.

DS was SOOOOOOO excited when I told him his Daddy would be coming, too! In fact, he was so happy, his only comment was, "Oh good! Now we can go to Universal, too." Oh well, he's only 7.

I was even able to get my ressies for Hoop-Dee-Doo changed so we could add DH!:Pinkbounc :wave: :bounce: :wave: :Pinkbounc
I'm so happy you got your questions answered! I've had similar experiences with customer service people. They just don't listen/don't understand and very happily answer the wrong question. :)

I have a question for you! Are you getting a package with passes? Or just the room + park hoppers? If you have only booked the room through Expedia and are getting the passes elsewhere, perhaps they (expedia) could add DH to the reservation now? If it's just the room, it would be handy to have all 3 of you checked in at the same time. Once you add the unlimited/ultimate/length of stay passes, things get more complicated though, so you'd be better off just telling the front desk when he gets there.

Have a wonderful trip!


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