construction at AKL

Poohs Pal

DIS Veteran<br>Beautiful and smart so she says<br>
Feb 29, 2000
Not sure where to post this or even if it's been posted. I returned home yesterday and while at disney visited the AKL. I walked around and snooped a little. I walked out the front of the building down to self parking and then walked to the right of self parking toward the service area. I then walked down the exit road to the area where you can turn to the left to exit or turn to the right and there is a circle area that is a dead end. In this area BIL took picture's of construction that is currently going on. Right now they only have dirt dug up and stakes in the ground. It looks like a road or where a BUILDING may be going up. BIL put the picture's on a cd and DD put them on my computer. If I figure out how to put them on the dis I will do so if anyone is interested. Susan
Sounds like this is the new feeding/service shed for the animals for the expanded savannah. That project was announced a while back. BUT....I still want to see those pics! Thanks for being a snoop! :goodvibes


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