Couch to 5K running plan...has any tried it?

Ok w4d2 is done!!!!

My legs are now sore not hurting but just sore, which just means I need a rest day tomorrow :)

I hope to be off on Wed and do Thu and Sat. I like to do 4 days a week, since it a great way to insure my body can handle moving to the next week.
I did W1D1 this past Saturday and it nearly killed me! I was so sore! If the weather is ok this evening, I may try for D2.
Did W1D2 this morning.

A few things to compare from D1:

1. I like the mornings better. I don't feel as drained going and I feel a lot more motivated to get stuff done after exercising in the morning.

2. I LOVE the podcast. It worked really well. I had to take longer on the recovery after run #5 (out of 7), so I waited for the signal to do run #7. I have to remind myself, do what I can and see how much an accomplishment that is, even if I'm struggling to do everything exactly.

3. I think I am going to do the Week 1 walk/run for another week, because my body is so out of shape that I am really pushing to do this and want to take my time and build up my endurance without burning out.

4. I remembered to bring the bottle of water along and could set in the window sills around the track and pick it up when I needed it. This helped a lot. I drank more and didn't have to stop at the water fountains. I think this helped with the muscle soreness.

5. I had about 45 seconds in the runs by the third time where I could zone out and just enjoy it. After that came the gasping, but I'll take each little window of "good" I can get.

6. I can really feel it in my quads and butt this morning. I keep stretching and reminding myself, "this is what it feels like to become a lean, mean running machine." I like the slight soreness. It makes me feel like I'm really doing something, but not overdoing it.

7. I was reading this morning on SparkPeople about the habits of the 5% who manage to lose weight and keep it off long term. Thought I would share it here:

The 5%…

1. …Make It Public. The 5% generally don’t keep their weight loss efforts to themselves. They recruit supporters. They ask for help. They swap war stories with friends. They give and take encouragement. Often a goal buddy is involved, or at least a positive, supportive friend who holds the dieter accountable. Studies show that just by writing down or announcing your goals, you automatically increase your chances of success. Keeping a Community Journal or blog is a non-threatening, productive way to make your goals public.

2. …Pay Attention. A permanent, healthy lifestyle is created on purpose. Planning, tracking, reading menus, asking questions, following progress reports—they’re all part of the 5% strategy of knowing what’s going on and preventing setbacks. This crowd doesn’t believe in fooling themselves or relying on chance to make things happen. Usually (if not always) aware of the foods they eat, and on the lookout for opportunities to stay active, they know that good health is no accident. Nutrition Trackers and Fitness Planners play key roles in this strategy.

3. …Enjoy Themselves. There’s a reason that a healthy lifestyle sticks around for this small minority. They make weight loss a positive experience and have fun with it. Because they feel good about their goals and their new habits, they also feel good about themselves and what they’ve accomplished. Programs based on negative messages, dread, resignation, or criticism are doomed to disappear. Optimists are proven to reach more goals than pessimists. They also live healthier, longer lives.

4. …Make Gradual Changes. The 5% know that permanent change is a process, not a 21-day event. Able to see what waits on the horizon, they spend time building a few small habits at a time, rather than diving into a program that’s totally incompatible with their current lifestyle. Too much too soon is like moving to a new country and expecting to adopt the new culture and language in a week. It works much better if you simply stick around and pick up a few bits and pieces at a time.

5. …Allow Themselves To Fail. It’s a guaranteed certainty. Every one of the 5% has failed at some point along their weight loss journey. The difference is that they learned to forgive setbacks and refused to beat themselves up. Every failure is simply one step closer to ultimate success. With this outlook, and using lessons learned along the way, they kept these setbacks from turning into full-fledged disasters.
A great recovery drink, that is proven to be the best, is good old "CHOC MILK". Just 8 oz provides enough protein and the other good stuff that helps the body!!!

Just alittle FYI.
Yesterday was my REST day, and tonight I did W4D3 and my legs are sore.


Tomorrow is going to be a rest day, and then I am going to do W4 again. I am doing 4 days a week, but only to insure I can do the week to come.

How is everyone else doing??????
:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Bad day for me. Legs are really painful. I'm hoping it's not shin splints. Thinking it may be my shoes. I'm headed to the running store tomorrow where they can watch me run (hope I can!) and help me figure out "pronation" and arch and all that. Maybe they can look at my shoes and say, "Well, there's your problem!" and I can get back on track (literally) on Monday.

I'd already decided to repeat week 1, but after today, it's a must.
I am on my first week of Marathoning For Mortals. I am starting out on the treadmill and will do one day a week outside starting in the spring. I think I am overthinking the techniqe though. I am trying to figure out the foot strike, breathing, posture and the more I think about it the worst I do:rotfl: I am hoping in a month or so to go to a running store and get properly fitted. I have one pair of shoes that seem to be okay, but I would like to have a professional help me out. My plan (though I have never run before) is to to the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon in August. My trainer has said she wants me to run the first 3 miles of the race, I would be happy to run the first 3 minutes:lmao:

Mama got a new pair of shoes!!

Love these babies. Can't wait to try them out on the track Monday. Saucony Progrid Trigon 5.

A few things I learned:

Find a shop that will videotape your gait and check your arch. They can find exactly which shoes give your feet the support you need.

Try on both your regular size and a 1/2 size larger to try on. The running store will let you try them on the treadmill so you can get a better sense of the fit as a running shoe.
Congratulations, Llama! I'm sure the three of you will be very happy together.

Can I add one thing that I learned? Dress for a little running when you go to the running store. I always seem to be wearing jeans when I go. :rolleyes: I almost always end up running out on the sidewalk or treadmill when I shop and I always seem to forget that until I am in the store.:laughing:

How are your shins today?

Hello, AuntieM03! Welcome! I bet by the time that race rolls around (it's later in the year, isn't it?) you'll definitely be able to run the first 3 miles if you want to!
Glad to see that everyone is doing great!! New shoes do make a huge differance :) :thumbsup2

Last night was to be day 4 of week 4 (an extra) but I decided to enjoy a night out with my husband and exchange student!!! So tonight I am going to do my repeat day of week 4.

Monday is the start of week 5!!!!!

Happy Sunday :):goodvibes
Congratulations, Llama! I'm sure the three of you will be very happy together.

Can I add one thing that I learned? Dress for a little running when you go to the running store. I always seem to be wearing jeans when I go. :rolleyes: I almost always end up running out on the sidewalk or treadmill when I shop and I always seem to forget that until I am in the store.:laughing:

How are your shins today?

LOL, I was in jeans! And the legs are feeling better, thanks for asking! I'm still feeling a little soreness in the shins going down the stairs, but I'm hoping that just out of shape fussiness, not shin splints. Looking forward to getting out with my new shoes on the track tomorrow morning!
I did it!!!

Ok, so I'm slathered in Icy Hot now and smelling a lot like a nursing home (at least the ones I remember from my childhood) and am pretty sure I will be walking like Frankenstein the rest of the day...

But I did it! The whole thing, all 7 runs, no fudging, no skipping, and it felt good! It didn't start to hurt until the cool down. Then my legs started screaming leg-obscenities at me.

No matter.

The shoes helped a lot. But I woke up at 2:00 a.m. with my knees and ankles throbbing. It was weird. I tried not to panic about the run this morning, just found the most comfortable position I could and relaxed back to sleep. My legs were really tight when I got out of bed, so I popped the maximum dose of ibuprofen, used a bit of Icy Hot on the tightest spots, and made sure to walk about 10 minutes BEFORE stretching. I've learned that's the best way to really loosen up.

By the time I started the first run, I was feeling good. I can already tell I'm building up baby steps of endurance. No impossible breathing, no thoughts of "I can't do this" today.

By about the third run, it hit me: I'm going to do this!
Congratulations DemonLlama!

Last night was my 1st night, 2nd week. I pushed a bit harder on speed, it was still 32 minutes-walk 3, run 1. My right calf was really tight after. I stretched and foam rolled. I ended up taking 2 ibuprofen and by morning it was fine. I thought maybe I tried to go a bit faster than my body was ready for. Although my max speed was 5.0 on the treadmill, but when I was going to the gym my max was 4.5.

I do think I am going to get new shoes the beginning of February.
Great Job everyone :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Last week, I completed week 4 (the 3 days). I like to do 4 days, but things got too crazy.

So tonight I was to start week 5, but instead I did week 4 one more time. Just to make sure I could do week 5! I did it, but my legs were very tight and my knee was just funky...........but I did it :goodvibes

Tomorrow I will start week 5, wish me luck because it looks tough!!
Good luck swim-mom!

Just back from my workout. I managed to get through all of it again (yay me) but my legs are killing me. I had to sit to get down the stairs at home. I've got ice directly on my knees and it's helping some.

I've got to meet a new class today at 10:00, so I'm sure I'll make a great impression shuffling through my Frankenstein walk.:)
OK, I posted a question about this on the CB and got pointed here by SeeDisney. Thank you!

I did Week 1 Day 1 last night. DH wanted to start with me but got snowed in at work, so I went alone. Grabbed the podcast thanks to this thread, so that can keep me company tomorrow morning when I move on to Day 2.

Those 60 seconds of running were hard, but I did it. That in itself is something I'm clinging to! I want to look back in a few months and laugh at this accomplishment. :)

Can you tell me a little more about the podcasts?? Where do you get them, what's on them? Do I download them onto my Ipod? Keep in mind I just got an Ipod for Christmas and have little to no knowledge about it. ;)

I'm thinking of starting this couch to 5K plan in a couple weeks when it warms up outside in the mornings, the low is supposed to be 10 degrees this weekend :scared1: .....I don't have a treadmill and if I'm going to start walking I'd have to do it before the kids are off to school at 7am.

Did anyone that start this really, truly have NO previous exercise experience?? I honestly don't excercise at all, haven't ever really. It's a wonder I don't weigh 2000 pounds, I'm lucky and just have about 15 to lose.

Here's the link to the podcasts:

They are great. He tells you when its time to run, to walk, to cool down, along with little "you can do it" and "remember to stay loose" types of encouragement.

To use them on your iPod

Click on the podcast and save it.
Open iTunes.
Choose "file" and "Add file to library"
Find the location you saved the podcast and select it.

I put mine in a C25K playlist ("File" and "New Playlist")

Be sure to click on "subscribe" in iTunes where the podcast is listed.

Then sync you iPod and you should be good to go!

And, really, I was a couch POTATO. No, a squash is a better vegetable -- larger around the bottom..;)

I am repeating Week 1 to build up my endurance before lengthening the runs, but I love this program.
Here's the link to the podcasts:

They are great. He tells you when its time to run, to walk, to cool down, along with little "you can do it" and "remember to stay loose" types of encouragement.

To use them on your iPod

Click on the podcast and save it.
Open iTunes.
Choose "file" and "Add file to library"
Find the location you saved the podcast and select it.

I put mine in a C25K playlist ("File" and "New Playlist")

Be sure to click on "subscribe" in iTunes where the podcast is listed.

Then sync you iPod and you should be good to go!

And, really, I was a couch POTATO. No, a squash is a better vegetable -- larger around the bottom..;)

I am repeating Week 1 to build up my endurance before lengthening the runs, but I love this program.

Thank you so so much! This was so helpful!


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