Cruise 10/11/2003 Part 2

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Hi everyone,

Pinky will be on top of Scarlett on the way to Tennessee. Of course Cathy and Art will be sharing with us. He will be 6 months in Pa. and 6 months here.:teeth:

Sorry to hear about anyone having teeth problems. My DDIL is having a time with her wisdom teeth and two molars. The dentist told her that she needs to have all 6 removed immediately.

My DB has one son in the war in the Marines and my DS has her only son in the war with the Army. He jumps out of perfectly good airplanes. Thanks for all your good wishes.

I was so sorry to hear about the helicopters crashing tonight. My heart goes out to their families.

Dr. Haque is a peds doctor here tonight and he is from Pakistain (SP?) and he told me that he is so glad to be here. He did not like Kuwait at all. He said they were a mean and selfish people especially to other races. I don't know why that surprised me but it did. I guess I really don't get out much. :(

Gotta get off now. My coworker will be back soon. She had to go on a C-section. Dr Haque just got back and said it was a good baby and will go to normal nursery. Yea! We have already admitted one into the NICU tonight.

Take care everyone. Sorry I don't get to comment on what everyone else is doing but I don't get to the computer very often. Kathy with a K:D
Please Ave and Mary, keep your hair color different. It will be too hard to tell you apart!:teeth: I remember twins I went to school with in the 7th grade who traded classrooms a couple of times. That was fun for them until they got caught. The powers that be made them wear different clothes from then on. All they had to do then was exchange clothes.:cool: They were a lot of fun together.

Congratulations on all A's! That deserves a celebration. What are you going to do?

Hum, a desingated driver on the cart! Yes! Key West will never know what hit them. I am so looking forward to this cruise. You all just don't know how much.

I really don't like beer THAT much but Mike has been getting me Heinikens and they are really good on a hot day. He got some Holland beer that was BITTER! Yuck! I let him finish off the six pack and waited until he bought the Heinikens. (sp) Also,there is nothing better than a pizza and draft beer in the pizza resturant.

Stacey let me help paint on her fish. She let me use the liner brush. It is about as big around as half a pencil. Then she drew lines on the fish and told me not to get outside the lines. :o Then she told me what a good job I did while she proceded to paint the whole fish while I painted a little spot. (I helped get her started in the artist business and this is the thanks I get.) ;)

Glad to hear about the raise Dan. Glad Scott will be able to go to the spa more than once. ;)

Cathy, Mike is wanting some saw that cuts across a big board. Our skill saw was eaten by my sister's chocolate lab on the day she borrowed it! We didn't find out about it until just two weeks ago when she tried to give us her new saw. (After a year of having/hiding it.) All we have to do is replace the electric cord but it will probably be just as cheap to get another. Hope you don't have that problem with Ashley.

Take care. Kathy with a K
Good morning all. About time for the bouncers isn't it Mary??

Looking forward to oberfest chat this morning.

Have some cleaning to do so that the little one can get down on the floor and scoot around. Thoughts and prayers to all of the troops and their coming home soon. Mike
Hi Folks,

we had a great chat today: Papa, the Tulis, Hopelea, ScootersMom and me - And a stranger dropping in, but I guess we scared him away ;)

Have a great weekend everyone
Sorry I missed the chat. We went out last night to celebrate DD report card, and DH new job! He has been going through the interview, testing, medical exam and so forth for the last few weeks. But he was offically offered and accepted a job with the Trane Company. (The company that makes air conditioners). He starts this Monday. So what better way to celebrate...we went to "Billy's Oyster Bar" and ate oysters and steamed crab! Yumm!:p
Got to run and do the laundry thang.;)
Later, Ave'
Originally posted by Twinave
Sorry I missed the chat. We went out last night to celebrate DD report card, and DH new job! He has been going through the interview, testing, medical exam and so forth for the last few weeks. But he was offically offered and accepted a job with the Trane Company. (The company that makes air conditioners). He starts this Monday. So what better way to celebrate...we went to "Billy's Oyster Bar" and ate oysters and steamed crab! Yumm!:p
Got to run and do the laundry thang.;)
Later, Ave'

Congratulations on the "cool" job ;)

I think you mixed up the timezones and just missed the chat, Ave :jester:
BTW, we will switch to summertime (I think you call it Daylight Saving Time, don't you?) next weekend, what about you?
29 WEEKS TO GO!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

We spent the day building walls for a house. The house is being built by "Habitat for Humanity". It was a beautiful day with no rain in sight (finally!:p ) and we had a good time. DH and father -in-law really did most of the work, while mother-in-law and I mostly bent nails:eek: !
............It was a beautiful day with no rain in sight (finally!:p ) and we had a good time. DH and father -in-law really did most of the work, while mother-in-law and I mostly bent nails:eek: !
ROFL!!! Mary - you would think you would know how to do these things just by association (or by marriage!). Nice way to spend the day.

After enjoying an enjoyable chat this a.m., we took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL day outside today. Got lots of stuff done and had a great day.

Ave - Great news all around in your home. Way to go to celebrate. So... basically you are saying you couldn't get up this a.m. after all that celebrating last night? I like that better than hearing that you still can't get into chat. Must be extremely frustrating.

Colleen - Can't wait to meet you. However, DH confused you with Sarah'sMom. He asked, is she the one with that daughter who gets her to type reports, etc. ? I had to tell him, no, Colleen is the one with the 10 year old son who just had a B-day and got a guinea pig and they are from Ohio and she looks like Carla! OH, okay, he says. lol

Eric and Mike - Always, always a pleasure to chat with the two of you... smart alec remarks and all. :-)
Eric and I smart alec's??? We are as pure and innocent as the driven snow. The very models of good manners, respectful to the ladies and shy demur husbands. Friends of the working man and woman, oh wait a minute our new governor tried to use that line on us:teeth:

Enjoyed chat this morning. Hopelea lives where the airlines send all of their unclaimed or lost luggage from all over the United States. They have one big warehouse that they have sales at from time to time. You have to buy the luggage without opening it. Kind of like a pig in a poke.

So are we taking bets as to how many pages this is going to end up being before we make it to the ship? You all sure talk a lot!! :teeth:

Sue Ellen
Katie turned 10 months old yesterday! This afternoon she got her first tooth! Stacey was feeling down about her daughter growing up. I thought to myself. Humph! You don't know the half of it...This makes my SECOND time around to watch a child grow up. :teeth:

Well, just thought I'd brag a little.

Take care everyone, Kathy
thanks for defending you and me against those unjust accusations of the lady, who gets the punchline of every second joke only :jester:
Congratulations on the progress of Katie :D

Sue Ellen,
I wouldn't bet on anything under 5.000 posts and 75.000 views ;)

Congrats all around. Trane started in La Crosse WI. about 70 miles from here. Always seemed like a good company!!
Congratulations to Ave and the family. Hope that everyone has a great day and the weather cooperates for you. If the sun keeps shining here I will have to drag the lawn mower out and cut the grass along with the weed eater to trim around stuff.

Eric we go on daylight savings time here the first Sunday in April and we fall back to standard time the last Sunday in October. I think that is correct. Someone will make the correction if I am wrong. I know that it is spring ahead and fall back. Kind of like using your knuckles and the space in between to keep track of the months that have 31 days or less. Start on the knuckle of the little finger and work toward the thumb. January is that knuckle and February is the depression between knuckles and so on. Have to use all these little tricks when you get over 40;) as you are about to find out. Mike
I've been using the knuckle-trick for the months since I'm a small boy, my Granny taught it to me ;) So you can consider me a senior for the last 35 years :jester:

So you're switching to DST a week later than us. We have a funny side-effect from the switch-over: Over here shops must close on Saturdays at 4pm (But will be extended to 8pm starting 06/01/03) and the Berliners always make an exemption on the switch-over-weekends by extending it til midnight. When we arrive on Saturday-morning we just bring our luggage to the hotel, then do some sightseeing, return to the hotel in the early afternoon to have a nap (Or watch Smallville;) ) and then we're off to dinner and after that: Shop-til-U-drop :p
Ave ... What great news - DD's report card with A's (give her a special hug) and hubby's new job - great. Funny thing is that when I was about 13 or 14 I worked for a caterer and we did a lot of parties at the owner of the Trane Co. They actually only lived about 1/2 mile from my parents. Small world!

Mary ... So nice of you guys to work on the habitat house. Too bad we couldn't get the world to work together so well!

Mike & Kathy ... Hope your fish is coming along. Remember to let us see pictures of the finished product (including the belly of the fish :smooth: )

Art's down in his "play room" making a porch rocker out of wood. Hey, everyone needs a hobby.

So sad with the soldiers ... GOD BLESS THEM!

Check on you all later.................
Papa, Thanks for your hint about Daylight Savings Time. But now I have no excuse to show up at work an hour late!:p I can't believe Katie already has a tooth! Seems like yesterday we were talking about Stacy being on bed rest.
Eric, I love messing with people about the "other" FL time zone. :jester:
To Everyone: Thanks for the well wishes for DD and DH. :D
Mark starts his new job tomorrow. He doesn't like change, so this is a big step for him. But I know he will do fine.
Beautiful day here in FL today. DH took the kids out on the boat, and brought back several Spanish mackrel for dinner. I stayed home and did the weeks laundry and watched "Message in a Bottle" video. :( Sad movie.
Oh well, weekend is over. Hope everyone has a great week.
Later, Ave'
Ave -

I'm glad that you had a nice day here in FL. We had rain, rain, rain everywhere. It rained from the moment we got up today, until later this evening. But, I guess I shouldn't complain, because I'm sure that we will be in the drought again soon. Then, it'll be hurricane season again.

We had a good weekend at our college's founders/homecoming weekend. A few events were cancelled, one was the fireworks and they were cancelled because of the war. The college decided that they didn't want to scare the people of Lakeland with the loud booming of the fireworks. It was sad, because that really kicks off the events for the weekend, but I guess that it makes sense.

Emily has learned something new in the past 3-4 days. She has figured out how to climb up onto the couch. The only problem now is that she wants to stand and jump on the couch. I'm just waiting for her to lose her balance and fall off. She just makes me so nervous. We keep trying to tell her to sit, but you can never seem to get a 1 1/2 year old to listen. I swear that she has selective hearing.

Oh well, I hope everyone is doing well!!!
:( My boss's brand new daughter in law, just got set to Kuait ... she is a captain in the army and works with the patriot missles. She just married his son on the day after Thanksgiving! We are bummed her.

Cathy she will be in our thoughts along with Kathy's nephews that are serving in Iraq also. Hope that this ends soon and everyone can come home.

Man I need to be working again. Since I have retired I am now a house husband, full time baby sitter and chief cook and bottle washer.

Have a great day and hope to see you all soon. Who knows if I get the time we may get in a short trip or two before the cruise. So pick up the black jelly beans in the yard Cathy. We may even cross the mason dixon line ;) Mike
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