CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

Try not to think about that ahead of time, because when the time comes you won't care about the needle, only about what it does for you!! ;)

I'll tell you, for me, the needle was nothing, what really bothered me was the tape they put on me to hold the tube. Now THAT was painful!! (I think I was allergic to the tape.)

I had "spinal blocks" for a couple of my foot surgeries since I can't stand to go under, ins't that the same thing as an epidural? If so, how can you see the needle behind you? Hmm, maybe I don't want to know.

Since the gang's all here...

Apologies for being AWOL (reminds me of a story, back with that in a bit). I got called in for a midnight shift and I thought, "Great! I can catch up on the Dis!"

It was not to be. It was weird. I got to the first TR I was going to respond to. Read the chapter... and that was it. I couldn't go anywhere on the Dis for the rest of the night. :confused3

Yeah, the Dis does shut down in the middle of the night sometimes for upkeep they say.

Slept today, got up. Found out that my sump pump was burnt out (luckily it was still on warranty). Got a new pump, installed it (only after I dropped the $@$# flashlight in the sump pit), made dinner, watched a movie with the fambly (Seeking a Friend for the End of the World... it has Steve Carell. I thought it was a comedy... not!), and now I'm beat... but had to post here first.

Howwas that movie anyway?

And even if it wasn't a family forum, we'd still be mentally equivalent to children... slow learner children.

Oh, and before my fuzzy brain shuts down for the night... the AWOL story.
Back in my teenage days, my sister came up to me with a book she was reading and says, "What's a pow?"
"A pow? What? I dunno, use it in a sentence." So she reads something like, "The man was a pow during the later stages of the war."

"Oh!" I say, "You mean P-O-W! Prisoner Of War."

She replies, "Oh, okay. Then what's A-W-O-L?"

To which I reply, "awol? That's Absent With Out Leave."

Had to read it a few times before the nickel dropped in

Oh, and since she's on here too... Congrats to O kitty squared for winning this week's caption contest. I think that's her first win.

Nighty night, all.

Uh, what are you talking about? Is there a GOOD thread somewhere else that nobody told me about?

Yep, that's the song. I have a cover version that Jimmy B did, and didn't realize it was a cover. Oops!

Speaking of swallowing shot glasses...

Just got back from dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday. Nice restaurant, meal was great. We all had those mini desserts in shot glasses, and out of nowhere, my friend Jennifer spits out a half-inch long shard of glass. She thought it was a heath bar or something & gave it a few good crunches before realizing what it was!

The chef came out and apologized profusely, dessert was on the house, and he gave her a $50 gift card. Not sure she'll be back!

Whoa, they always say avoid dessert, it's bad for you.

Happy Anniversary Smidgy & Mr. Smidgy!

Awesome! I'll be at WL with my mom & sons. DH will be sitting this one out-- a little too much "quality time" with my mom for him!::yes::

I'll PM you a picture of us-- say hi if you see me!

Don't forget the rocking chair picture so you can post it on my next report, it's mandatory you know, you too NoWells and the Thumps.

Ok, gonna go finish up next chapter, should be up in a little bit, depending on how much damage I did to to it yesterday trying to fix it.
Ok, my pre posts got all muddled up, I'll straighten them out a bit, but if it doesn't flow like it should, that's what happens when I start to talk about a chapter and then just start doing one right after. Anyway, I end up with a pile of
mishmosh, but you're all used to that now anyway.

So, let the mosh begin!

Ok, ok, I"m working on it.
Maytbe tomorrow night. Maybe.

Yes, I know, my old= Wham bam, thank you Ma'am , post the chapter days are over.

Well, they are, even if the results are still the same.

No, hold it, the quality of these reports has Greatly improved. Really. Just ask somebody who knows.

I don't dangle my principals nearly as much, I have no where near the amount of tyops as there used to be, and I have finally limited myself to ten commas per sentance.
I think I've come a long way. ( I sound like I'm in a Virginia Slims commercial)

And you're thinking that, ok, if he's in this much of a mood to blather, why not do it working on your next chapter. And while you may think you are right on that
count, I can tell you this:

;You are right on that count.

I don't know why I'm not working on it.

I think it's because of Monica, she makes me nervous,
cant' you tell? I know she wan'ts something spectacular for HER chapter, but there really isn't anything.

There in lies the rub:
A lot of people think;
All these things can go wrong with Nebo so often, well WHY
can't it happen when I am there?

Well, as an answer, most of the time i'd say,,, be glad you aren't.

Although Colleen and son Adrian were with for the fish
fiasco, the night that Rose and Crown celebrated "Prehistoric Night" and didn't tell me. oh,, and she caught Diane cleaning the mystery blood off my shirt as well, but you never know, you see, sometimes
things just happen to go right.

for a bit.

Well, at least not go wrong.
And I DO try harder when I'm meeting new type people,
which also seems to happen more often than not, at the end of the trip, which means by then I am usually out of painkillers, thereby lessening the chances for spontaneous

So, onward?

Satuday morning, final day:
Wow, you want to talk about your mixed emotions?
Baby, I got em all right here, whatcha need?

Yes, I am kind of looking forward to getting out of Pop, this is not how my trips at Pop are supposed to go.
But no, I am not looking forward to driving home, I never minded it before after a nice vacation, but this time?
And I'm not sure at all how long I can handle driving with a head that still won't stop pounding!. I have a feeling that
concentrating on the road is quickly going to take a toll.

Ha ha, I made a pun,, and ,, oh, never mind.
What's a T-O-L-L ?

Bikini Atol, where they detonated the hydrogen bomb back in the fifties.
And how did I get on this? Never mind. "Yes, I'll have another."

This is day 6 now since Hammerfall, and I had no idea that I would still be hurting this much, no, it's not killing me, but it's enough to still annoy me, that's for sure. But it really has healed up from what you can see on the outside, heck, how long does it take for a bump to go down? Or, as Inspector Clouseau said, "A bimp".
Doesn't matter.

Today I am going to have some fun while it's still there before everybody else uses it all up.

We had to get up a bit early to finish packing, when I got done, I checked the door handle;

huh, no eviction notice hanging there.
While I am standing outside, who do I see but the evil Landlord handing out eviction notices to all the other unfortunates, I was pretty sure he had already passed past us, and as he turned a corner near the ice machine, I went after him.

Or is that past passed us?
I love the English language.

As I was chasing him down, I 'm thinking, "Hey, they have us checked in for another night, maybe they found out what happened and gave us an extra day? Maybe Diane set this up since the kids are leaving and now and we have it back to normal again?
Maybe elephants can fly?

I turned the corner and had a hard time finding him again, oh, there, how did he get that far down already?
I caught up and asked why he skipped our room, he said
that the records must show that you are set up for electronic check out, meaning we will get an email of all our charges.

I wasn't happy with this, I wanted to see something in writing, hard copy if you will. But not a hard drive copy.
I want a piece of paper copy, you know, a floppy copy, you copy?
He told me I can get that if I
go and request it from the main desk.

Crap, I hate talking to desks, I do much better with chairs.
Just not stairs.
And I am this close to a full blown Seussian rhyming attack,,,,,,:lmao:

But this trip there was a lot charged to our room, and I just wanted to make sure it was in order. Normally I try to NOT charge our room key, but with us splitting up a lot this trip, it just happened, ok? So lay OFF!

All of a sudden, time had become very valuable, in that we had so little of it.

We had told Whatsher,,,, Monica, that we would meet them at dope drop at AK, she said she would TRY to get her troop there on time. I pictured having to wait about 15 minutes or so, you know how women are, but I certainly had to make sure that WE were there on time.

Smidgy then ran the wheelchair back to where it belonged, then came back up and called for bell services. Which is where the wheelchair is now resting. I started to ask why she didn't just say then that she wanted somebody to come and get,,,,

"Don't ask" she said, it's easier this way, as she picked up the phone.

Yes, that wheelchair sat in our room all week to give me something to trip over. I even felt like I should sit in it on the way back to bell services with her pushing, you know, just like old times, but that would have meant walking back.

I quick went back out to see if there's a final picture to be taken. Yeah, I'm weird that way, don't wanna let go.
Yeah, that last day is when all the death row inmates that pleaded guilty and want to die get a change of heart.

" I said WHAT?"
"Can we talk about this?"


Now, look how pretty the pool is this morning. Imagine you are just checking in, what a great sight, no? Look.

I then had an idear and ran back to the room. :rotfl2:
"Bellhope guy says about 5 more minutes?" I asked Diane.

" Ok, while you are waiting , I'm going to get the charges print out from the "Main Desk" and I'll meet you by the car."

And no, I'm not sure if Belle Hope is married to Bob.

(Hey, I always have to miss out on breaking down my own
chapters, sometimes I want to play.)

I made it to the check in lobby when the stupidity hit me, for one thing, I don't really KNOW where the car is, since I haven't been the one using it!


I got the printout and started running :rotfl2: back to see if I can catch
Diane with the bellhop.

Hmm, that didn't come out quite right, did it?

This isn't exactly Bob and Carol, Bellhop and Smidgy, is it? And nobody remembers that one at all , do they?
If not, don't worry, it stunk.
(Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice, bad early seventies movie)

How about:
(Diane, with the Bellhop, in the Conservatory)
Yeah, I like that one better.

They were just getting out of the elevator, whew!

She didn't know for certain where the car was either,
but she said Todd told her he put it back pretty much
where it was.

Well, for all I've been using it, "where it was" pretty much means Carpentersville Illinois.

Luckily it wasn't too hard to find. Nothing looks dumber than walking up and down parking lot aisles pressing the alarm button on your fob to activate your car, which really is like getting your vehicle to yell out;
"Yoo hoo, over here you moron!"

I have also discovered a strange phenomenom when you have to do just that.
You've heard of the "Doppler Effect"? The way sound will suddenly get louder and fade at what seems like the wrong times for like a passing train?

Well, an activated alarm in a parking lot has no source;
Left, behind you, in front of you, to the right, for some reason it 's really hard to pinpoint the source, thereby making everybody else look at you and wait for you to turn it off.
Then, if you do turn it off, now you have to be facing in the right direction when you turn it back on again, looking now INCREDIBLY stupid! Especially when you have to start spinnning around to get it to turn on again to find the damn car!

I call this the Dimwit Effect.

I remember once Smidgy and I used this trick once at Baly Lake Towers, and after the alarm went off, we both just stood there and said at the same time,, "Ok, I hear it, it's coming from over here", and she took off to the right and I took off to the left.

It was behind us!

There's nothing worse than having your car not respect you
in the morning.

Well, we found it, we loaded it, we looked around one last time,
and we left.Usually, my last image of Pop Century is of the huge bowling pin staircases.

We are on our way to finally meet Monica after 6 years,
and I'm not too proud to admit I'm a tad nervous.

We hit Animal Kingdome about 5 to nine, just as those in front of us were being let in.
Just past the finger scan in the Oasis, Monica magically materialized in front of us, and came and greeted us.
Yeah, they had actually beaten us there.

I was just thrilled to finally meet her and Tim and her family, we have known each other for 6 years now, and this is the first time we met.
She not only sent us baby clothes for our new Granddaughter, but when she found out Diane needed the second Twilight book, she mailed that one over as well.

Although her late fee dues were a killer, she did set up an easy payment plan, the thought was there, never the less.

We gave each other hugs and kisses, back pats, and then Tim said you better not leave Monica out, so I went and gave her a hug too. Well, yeah, I get shy in situations like this, but it was truly great to meet her.

I have long been a fan of Tim's, he's had a tough time that started 4 or so years ago, beating cancer. Hopefully that segment of his life is done for good!

He also accomplished something even greater a few years ago, that I am still in awe of;
He put together and outside playground set, "Do it yourself" not only, on his own,,,,,

but he did it with Monica working with him!
Now THAT"S amazing. They say nothing will expedite a divorce quicker than a couple hanging either drapes, or wallpaper together.

But an outdoor Jungle Jim thingy? The potential mayhem possibilities are endless. I wish I could have been there to report on it!

Right now, Mony is going, "How does he know about that?"

Ah, the Shadow knows.
I mean the Nebo knows.

So far today is back on track and I'm going to keep it that way, this will be fun. After all the intros were done, Mony's mom, Matt and Zach and Maddie and Malorie
? We also got to
meet Lynda again who we met briefly at the Poly Beach meet back in '07 when I posted pictures of her and hubby Josh. They lived at the time in southern Illinois, and now have moved to central Florida.

In other words, they DID what I wanted to do.
She has a new baby now as well, and there was another friend there from the DIs i think, but darned if I can remember her name. Nonny? I had not heard of her before, but she seemed nice also. What I remember the most about her,,,Oh,, Mickey's House? that her name?
Anyway,, I do remember that she liked to talk.
And she kept us entertained while we waited for the beginning of the Nemo show to start.

We had a pretty big troop as we headed over to the Safari ride, which would get bigger when Lynda and Nonny would join up with us after the ride.

Yep, as I said, all was going well,
and this morning before the 1300 mile drive I'm wishing I had a guide dog as well with me, just to make SURE things KEEP going well this morning.

Once we had decided to head to the Safari ride, my good friend Monica is already asking whether people are making book that Nebo falls out either in the hippo pool- 3-1, the croc pool- 6-1, or out in the Savannah, 5-2, .

Apparently she did'nt get my August 11 Resolution memo.

I didn't know that Disney had it's own Parlay cards.

I turned to Tim, and said "can you believe this?" "This is nuts, hoping I'll fall out into the Crocodile pond".

"No kidding, he looked at me and smiled, " Don't worry, if that happens I'll be right there after you" . "No, I won't let
you get eaten by the crocs."

Whew, I felt, that's good.

"No, not when I've got a twenty on you going overboard
in the Savannah!"

I had a good time talking to "the boys" on the way there, and all three of them were wearing Tigers shirts, I guess to get my goat, which almost made me gloat, instead, since my Sox were a couple games up on them at the time.

I also got a kick when the youngest one came and asked me, "Is your head doing better Mr. Nebo?" That would be Maddie, right?

Oh pictures, yeah, I got a couple. I hate the way I look but
its' all I've got and I can't be self selfish.





We never sit way in the back for Nemo like we did today to accomodate Mony's Mom, but i have to admit you can see a heck of a lot more going on at one time back there, where it's all in front of you.

I still prefer up close to see the performers faces, but this was a nice change.
Like I said, that Nonny or whatever liked to talk, so with all of us there was a lot of talking going on, and the poor cuple sitting down from us finally gave up a really loud,

"Geesh, Sigh, Shrug, and disgustedly said we can have these seats too, as they got up and moved way down from us. Which was stupid cuz we didn't need anymore seats, they were just making a point.
That only resulted in us all laughing at them, it's not like we would be talking during the performance.

When the show was over, it was now time for us to take
Crush's Advice and go with the flow as well, we had to take off for other states.

What can I say? Those three hours there that morning were the highlight of the trip for me, Monica and her family made it special.

Just before we turned to leave, little Maddie said,
" I hope you don't hit your head anymore Mr. Nebo."

It was so cute, I wanted to buy her on the spot, but we turned and headed back to the exit.

You know what one of my last impressions were of Animal Kingdom that day was?

It was having to leave my special love that day, prematurely, for sure, but with the long drive ahead, it had to be done. I'm sure she understands though;

Good bye, Flame Tree BarBQue!
hoo boy! that last picture.. just look at Nebo charming the ladies! and don't they both look all a twitter.. almost blushing. nebo is happy cause he has his cheerleaders:cheer2:. :rotfl:
I posted some things about this meet, but I posted them on mony's report you'll all have to go over there to read them!!! (nicely played, huh monica?.. ps I'll be watching for that check in the mail)

steve, very funny chapter.. I'll leave the breakdown to others who are much better at it.

I love the rainbow picture!

funny, seems like Pop leaves a bad taste in our mouths often .. why is that? I love the resort. maybe just the law of averages I guess, we tend to stay there the most often.

the first cold trip was there (before we moved over to boardwalk..then the FREEZING trip was there. I would be more inclined to stay at all stars next value trip (oops, forgot. little mermaid ) problem with all stars: even though they are the same price, Movies is often the least discounted, and 3 WHOLE sections are now preferred. Music, you could get stuck in rock Inn, or worse, Country Faire. and sports, we absolutely HATE the football section. I would pay for preferred, but it doesn't guarantee you Surf's up.. you could be in the one half of Touchdown.. that huge football field is VERY noisy. the surf's up pool though, is nice and big and very pretty. one problem? the lack of tables.

upcoming trip, found out recently that pop warner will be using CBR this trip!!! oh well, we'll have to go with the flow and it'll give Nebo something to write about.

but the hardest thing about leaving pop is it looks just too Gol' durn cheery! the colors should darken and it should be in mourning,knowing nebo and smidgy areleaving!:sad:
It's been a weekend here in Indianapolis... if you've seen the news, you probably know why.
But, I appreciate getting to take a few minutes out of my crummy weekend to read happy stuff on the DIS.
(Seeking a Friend for the End of the World... it has Steve Carell. I thought it was a comedy... not!), and now I'm beat... but had to post here first.

Howwas that movie anyway?

Not bad... if depressing. I'm not sure if the director was trying to make a comedy (there was some funny bits) or a drama (I mentioned depressing, right).

Would I recommend it? Umm.... maybe?

Oh, and since she's on here too... Congrats to O kitty squared for winning this week's caption contest. I think that's her first win.

Uh, what are you talking about? Is there a GOOD thread somewhere else that nobody told me about?

I moderate the DIS caption contest. You can find it here: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2492482
It's been a weekend here in Indianapolis... if you've seen the news, you probably know why.
But, I appreciate getting to take a few minutes out of my crummy weekend to read happy stuff on the DIS.

Had no idea what you were talking about until I Googled it. Were you anywhere nearby? 80 homes! That's huge!
Great update as usual Nebo! I love hearing about your DIS meet-and Smidgy's right. The ladies do look all atwitter around you. ;)
Great update! Always so sad to leave, but I'm sure more so for you since you couldn't enjoy your trip the way you usually do.

Great pics as well. Love the rainbow and pool pics. I'll be back there on December 8th for my yearly conference. Are you guys going to be in the World at that time? Would love to say hello if you were. I'm there from the 8th-12th.

Thanks for taking me along on your most recent trip. It really does mean a lot and gives me something to look forward to each day, though this year I was MIA on this thread much more then I would of liked to be.

Looking forward to one your next installment. Hopefully not much drama for you guys on the ride home!

Thanks again and I hope Cutler's head is ok after last night! Maybe you can give him a call and you guys can swap concussion stories!!

It's been a weekend here in Indianapolis... if you've seen the news, you probably know why.
But, I appreciate getting to take a few minutes out of my crummy weekend to read happy stuff on the DIS.

No Kidding, talk about strange, glad you weren't part of it, were you?

Not bad... if depressing. I'm not sure if the director was trying to make a comedy (there was some funny bits) or a drama (I mentioned depressing, right).

Would I recommend it? Umm.... maybe?

Way to ride that fence, Roy.

I moderate the DIS caption contest. You can find it here: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2492482

Wait, YOU a MOD? That's like putting a democrat in charge of counting the votes in Chicago!

Great update as usual Nebo! I love hearing about your DIS meet-and Smidgy's right. The ladies do look all atwitter around you. ;)

Don't YOU start too!

Great update! Always so sad to leave, but I'm sure more so for you since you couldn't enjoy your trip the way you usually do.

Great pics as well. Love the rainbow and pool pics. I'll be back there on December 8th for my yearly conference. Are you guys going to be in the World at that time? Would love to say hello if you were. I'm there from the 8th-12th.

Thanks for taking me along on your most recent trip. It really does mean a lot and gives me something to look forward to each day, though this year I was MIA on this thread much more then I would of liked to be.

Looking forward to one your next installment. Hopefully not much drama for you guys on the ride home!

Thanks again and I hope Cutler's head is ok after last night! Maybe you can give him a call and you guys can swap concussion stories!!


I really hate these network games at night, that was brutal to watch again last night.
And Jay, you are ghoing to just miss us, we leave on the 5th of Dec. from Cbr.

Ok, I'm going to wrap this up next chapter, so if you've got the words, use em or lose em. Next report we'll start fresh again.
Time to go see if the Thumps have been working.
And you're thinking that, ok, if he's in this much of a mood to blather, why not do it working on your next chapter. And while you may think you are right on that
count, I can tell you this:

;You are right on that count.

I don't know why I'm not working on it.

I think it's because of Monica, she makes me nervous,
cant' you tell? I know she wan'ts something spectacular for HER chapter, but there really isn't anything.


There in lies the rub:
A lot of people think;
All these things can go wrong with Nebo so often, well WHY
can't it happen when I am there?

Well, as an answer, most of the time i'd say,,, be glad you aren't.

Although Colleen and son Adrian were with for the fish
fiasco, the night that Rose and Crown celebrated "Prehistoric Night" and didn't tell me. oh,, and she caught Diane cleaning the mystery blood off my shirt as well, but you never know, you see, sometimes
things just happen to go right.

for a bit.

Well, at least not go wrong.
And I DO try harder when I'm meeting new type people,
which also seems to happen more often than not, at the end of the trip, which means by then I am usually out of painkillers, thereby lessening the chances for spontaneous

So you tried to hurt yourself real good because you were meeting me this trip?:confused3

So, onward?

Satuday morning, final day:
Wow, you want to talk about your mixed emotions?
Baby, I got em all right here, whatcha need?

We had told Whatsher,,,, Monica, that we would meet them at dope drop at AK, she said she would TRY to get her troop there on time. I pictured having to wait about 15 minutes or so, you know how women are, but I certainly had to make sure that WE were there on time.


I had that delieverd just for you, wrapped it up nice and pretty and asked the kind CM at POP to put it outside your door.

We are on our way to finally meet Monica after 6 years,
and I'm not too proud to admit I'm a tad nervous.

Honestly my bark is worse than my bite.

We hit Animal Kingdome about 5 to nine, just as those in front of us were being let in.
Just past the finger scan in the Oasis, Monica magically materialized in front of us, and came and greeted us.

I found one of those underground tunnels and how perfect you were standing right next to the trap door.

Yeah, they had actually beaten us there.

And we found another underground tunnel that goes under the entire city!

I was just thrilled to finally meet her and Tim and her family, we have known each other for 6 years now, and this is the first time we met.
She not only sent us baby clothes for our new Granddaughter, but when she found out Diane needed the second Twilight book, she mailed that one over as well.

Although her late fee dues were a killer, she did set up an easy payment plan, the thought was there, never the less.

My college classes are 353.00 a credit hour, geesh!

We gave each other hugs and kisses, back pats, and then Tim said you better not leave Monica out, so I went and gave her a hug too. Well, yeah, I get shy in situations like this, but it was truly great to meet her.

That is soooooo something Tim would say.

I have long been a fan of Tim's, he's had a tough time that started 4 or so years ago, beating cancer. Hopefully that segment of his life is done for good!


He also accomplished something even greater a few years ago, that I am still in awe of;
He put together and outside playground set, "Do it yourself" not only, on his own,,,,,

but he did it with Monica working with him!
Now THAT"S amazing. They say nothing will expedite a divorce quicker than a couple hanging either drapes, or wallpaper together.

But an outdoor Jungle Jim thingy? The potential mayhem possibilities are endless. I wish I could have been there to report on it!

Right now, Mony is going, "How does he know about that?"

Ah, the Shadow knows.
I mean the Nebo knows.

Now, talk about having a stalker! Tim even has no clue how you know this, but Tim has not a good memory and forgets easily about what he had for breakfast, a person's name right after meeting them, or birthdayd and anniversaries. Plus I woke him up at 1am last night and asked him if you had this conversation on the trip and he said no, but was back to snoring 3.2 seconds later, I will have to ask him again.

So far today is back on track and I'm going to keep it that way, this will be fun. After all the intros were done, Mony's mom, Matt and Zach and Maddie and Malorie
? We also got to
meet Lynda again who we met briefly at the Poly Beach meet back in '07 when I posted pictures of her and hubby Josh. They lived at the time in southern Illinois, and now have moved to central Florida.

They are living the dream!

In other words, they DID what I wanted to do.
She has a new baby now as well, and there was another friend there from the DIs i think, but darned if I can remember her name. Nonny? I had not heard of her before, but she seemed nice also. What I remember the most about her,,,Oh,, Mickey's House? that her name?


Anyway,, I do remember that she liked to talk.
And she kept us entertained while we waited for the beginning of the Nemo show to start.

We had a pretty big troop as we headed over to the Safari ride, which would get bigger when Lynda and Nonny would join up with us after the ride.

Yep, as I said, all was going well,
and this morning before the 1300 mile drive I'm wishing I had a guide dog as well with me, just to make SURE things KEEP going well this morning.

Once we had decided to head to the Safari ride, my good friend Monica is already asking whether people are making book that Nebo falls out either in the hippo pool- 3-1, the croc pool- 6-1, or out in the Savannah, 5-2, .

Apparently she did'nt get my August 11 Resolution memo.

I didn't know that Disney had it's own Parlay cards.

I turned to Tim, and said "can you believe this?" "This is nuts, hoping I'll fall out into the Crocodile pond".

"No kidding, he looked at me and smiled, " Don't worry, if that happens I'll be right there after you" . "No, I won't let
you get eaten by the crocs."

Whew, I felt, that's good.

"No, not when I've got a twenty on you going overboard
in the Savannah!"

I had a good time talking to "the boys" on the way there, and all three of them were wearing Tigers shirts, I guess to get my goat, which almost made me gloat, instead, since my Sox were a couple games up on them at the time.

I also got a kick when the youngest one came and asked me, "Is your head doing better Mr. Nebo?" That would be Maddie, right?

Oh pictures, yeah, I got a couple. I hate the way I look but
its' all I've got and I can't be self selfish.





Ugh, the front side is NOT my best side. Nor is the back side. Sigh.

We never sit way in the back for Nemo like we did today to accomodate Mony's Mom, but i have to admit you can see a heck of a lot more going on at one time back there, where it's all in front of you.

I love those seats, never sat up front, guess I was getting the better view all along.

I still prefer up close to see the performers faces, but this was a nice change.
Like I said, that Nonny or whatever liked to talk, so with all of us there was a lot of talking going on, and the poor cuple sitting down from us finally gave up a really loud,

"Geesh, Sigh, Shrug, and disgustedly said we can have these seats too, as they got up and moved way down from us. Which was stupid cuz we didn't need anymore seats, they were just making a point.
That only resulted in us all laughing at them, it's not like we would be talking during the performance.

When the show was over, it was now time for us to take
Crush's Advice and go with the flow as well, we had to take off for other states.

What can I say? Those three hours there that morning were the highlight of the trip for me, Monica and her family made it special.

Gwarsh! That just puts a smile on my face because I will remember that day more than others. It was a nice few hours.

Just before we turned to leave, little Maddie said,
" I hope you don't hit your head anymore Mr. Nebo."

It was so cute, I wanted to buy her on the spot, but we turned and headed back to the exit.

You know what one of my last impressions were of Animal Kingdom that day was?

It was having to leave my special love that day, prematurely, for sure, but with the long drive ahead, it had to be done. I'm sure she understands though;

Good bye, Flame Tree BarBQue!

I thought you might have mentioned that the ride home was a little more bearable due to those M800's.

My girls, they are a blessing, but they test me daily on my limits as an understanding and patient mother. What you saw was them on their best and the cute factor was showing because they love attention!

99.8% of Zack's wardrobe is Tiger stuff. We gots all kinds. Huge Tiger family over here. We will sit outside all summer at night listening to the games on the radio. That's how we roll.

Thanks for MY chapter!
Thanks Ponzi! Sorry the pic is so big, didn't know it would come out like that. Then I didn't know how to go back and fix it.

When will the next Nebo TR start?
Awesome! I'll be at WL with my mom & sons. DH will be sitting this one out-- a little too much "quality time" with my mom for him!::yes::

I'll PM you a picture of us-- say hi if you see me!

I replied to your PM. Lady H and I will be taking a trip over to AKL to buy Zebra whatchamacallum's. See if they're really that good. Can also check out the resort while we're there. So we'll be close to your neck of the woods.

I'll be on the lookout for you. Hope to see you around.
Ok, I'm going to wrap this up next chapter, so if you've got the words, use em or lose em. Next report we'll start fresh again.
Time to go see if the Thumps have been working.

I'm getting there! I should have a rebuttal to your last butt all up tonight.
Great pics as well. Love the rainbow and pool pics. I'll be back there on December 8th for my yearly conference. Are you guys going to be in the World at that time? Would love to say hello if you were. I'm there from the 8th-12th.

Nebo won't, but Lady H and I will still be.
Nebo won't, but Lady H and I will still be.

Yjou know, this is starting to really tick me off. First Nowells, Jakeybake, there was somebody else as well, Test Track opens the day after we leave, A new exhibit at the Studios opens the same day, where Narnia was, it's also the official opening for New Fantasyland, the 6th, so not sure if we can even see the new Mermaid ride.
And because we are flying, I can't tinker at all.

You know Mike, You have kinda given me a bit of an Idea on the next report. You know how I asked you to compare World, with the Land rides, which one is better?
Well, Universal has many very similar to Disney type rides, that beg to be compared, more than you might think at first, that might be fun to do, huh?

Hey, I'm desparate, ANY angle is better than nothing, are you going to both the Uni Studios and IOA?
nebo said:
Yjou know, this is starting to really tick me off. First Nowells, Jakeybake, there was somebody else as well, Test Track opens the day after we leave, A new exhibit at the Studios opens the same day, where Narnia was, it's also the official opening for New Fantasyland, the 6th, so not sure if we can even see the new Mermaid ride.
And because we are flying, I can't tinker at all.

You know Mike, You have kinda given me a bit of an Idea on the next report. You know how I asked you to compare World, with the Land rides, which one is better?
Well, Universal has many very similar to Disney type rides, that beg to be compared, more than you might think at first, that might be fun to do, huh?

Hey, I'm desparate, ANY angle is better than nothing, are you going to both the Uni Studios and IOA?

Wow. That sounds like a challenge. I don't think there's any ride at Disney to compare Harry Potter or even Spiderman to.

Terminator to Captain EI EIO possibly.

Transformers doesn't open until next year. Too bad you'll be missing that one to. For that matter, so will I.

And yes, we'll be going to both Universal and Islands. My sister prefers the dark side over Disney. So we'll be going over there 3-days. One day at each and the last day we'll probably do half at both.

I guess I'll have to take plenty of notes.
Yjou know, this is starting to really tick me off. First Nowells, Jakeybake, there was somebody else as well, Test Track opens the day after we leave, A new exhibit at the Studios opens the same day, where Narnia was, it's also the official opening for New Fantasyland, the 6th, so not sure if we can even see the new Mermaid ride.
And because we are flying, I can't tinker at all.

Oh no, no tinkering for Nebo!:eek: We all know how much you enjoy that part.
But there have been a lot of soft openings for the new Fantasyland, so you might luck out on that one.
Man, I hate it when I get busy. Ah, well.

I'll post without looking at what others have said and then we'll compare notes and see just how lame my comments really are, okay?

Ok, my pre posts got all muddled up, I'll straighten them out a bit,

And then you can work on Buzz's post partem?

but if it doesn't flow like it should,

Then I'll just go with it.

Go with the flow, dude. Hang ten. Gnarly.

that's what happens when I start to talk about a chapter and then just start doing one right after. Anyway, I end up with a pile of mishmosh, but you're all used to that now anyway.

Not true.

Sometimes we get mish.
Sometimes we get mosh.

Sometimes we get to miss a mosh pit, mister.

Holy carp! I'm more tired then I thought!!

So, let the mosh begin!

It's the pits?


Ok, ok, I"m working on it.
Maytbe tomorrow night. Maybe.

Oh, good. Now I don't have to comment on this until the day after tomorrow.


No, hold it, the quality of these reports has Greatly improved. Really. Just ask somebody who knows.

All right, I'll ask somebody who knows you.

Smidgy? Is it true? Greatly improved?

I don't dangle my principals nearly as much,

True... but really, isn't it the vice principals you have to watch out for?

I have no where near the amount of tyops as there used to be, and I have finally limited myself to ten commas per sentance.

But if you'd had a tyop last trip, say, tyop to a pole so you don't fall over... you wouldn't get hurt so often. Heck I'll even supply the rope

and gag.

whoops! did I just type that out loud?

kidding! kidding!

I think I've come a long way. ( I sound like I'm in a Virginia Slims commercial)

Oh, don't be such a baby.

And while you may think you are right on that
count, I can tell you this:

;You are right on that count.

Thank you very much.

I don't know why I'm not working on it.

Probably for the same reason that I’m not commenting on it.

I think it's because of Monica, she makes me nervous,
cant' you tell?

I hear she’s a hugger.

I know she wan'ts something spectacular for HER chapter, but there really isn't anything.

That’s true. Nobody important showed up or anything.

There in lies the rub:
A lot of people think;
All these things can go wrong with Nebo so often, well WHY
can't it happen when I am there?

psst. Here’s a little secret. Don’t tell anybody, ok? Nobody else around? Good.

If we meet, I don’t want anything to happen to you. I just want to enjoy your company. Preferably pain free.

No, I wasn’t saying anything. You heard something? Must’ve been the wind. Those winter winds can be pretty loud, ya know.

And I DO try harder when I'm meeting new type people,

Do, or do not. There is no try.

So, onward?

Finally. I thought I was going to run out of pithy things to say.

<Insert pith helmet or peach pit joke here.>

Satuday morning, final day:

Are there worse words in the English language while on vacation?

I think not.

Wow, you want to talk about your mixed emotions?
Baby, I got em all right here, whatcha need?

A modicum of self-loathing served with a soupcon of banality.

But no, I am not looking forward to driving home, I never minded it before after a nice vacation, but this time?

Really? I always found that no matter what, the drive to the vacation destination was quick but the drive back was interminable.

I have a feeling that
concentrating on the road is quickly going to take a toll.

Ha ha, I made a pun,, and ,, oh, never mind.
What's a T-O-L-L ?

Bikini Atol, where they detonated the hydrogen bomb back in the fifties.

And afterward there was nothing left atoll…

And how did I get on this? Never mind. "Yes, I'll have another."

“Thank you sir may I have another!”

Or, as Inspector Clouseau said, "A bimp".

“Does your dog bite?”
<grrrr…. chomp>
“I thought you said your dog does not bite?”
“That is not my dog.”

Best Clouseau moment ever.

I was pretty sure he had already passed past us, and as he turned a corner near the ice machine, I went after him.

Or is that past passed us?
I love the English language.

Whatever, it’s so passé.

Maybe elephants can fly?

You do know you’re in Disney, right?

I wasn't happy with this, I wanted to see something in writing, hard copy if you will. But not a hard drive copy.

You drive a hard bargain

I want a piece of paper copy, you know, a floppy copy, you copy?

And you want it in a flash?

Crap, I hate talking to desks, I do much better with chairs.
Just not stairs.
And I am this close to a full blown Seussian rhyming attack,,,,,,:lmao:

That makes sense.

Stairs have no cares, but you can always share with a chair.


But this trip there was a lot charged to our room, and I just wanted to make sure it was in order.

Alphabetical or numerical?

Just wonderin’

Normally I try to NOT charge our room key, but with us splitting up a lot this trip, it just happened, ok? So lay OFF!

Okay, okay. Sheesh, Mr. Sensitivity.

We had told Whatsher,,,, Monica, that we would meet them at dope drop at AK,

I gotta know. Was that a typo or deliberate?

Yes, that wheelchair sat in our room all week to give me something to trip over. I even felt like I should sit in it on the way back to bell services with her pushing, you know, just like old times, but that would have meant walking back.

So… then you’d need the chair to get back? And then you’d have to return it again… you could go with her. then you’d need the chair to get back? And then you’d have to return it again… you could go with her. then you’d need the chair to get back? And then you’d have to return it again… you could go with her.

I’m getting dizzy… but it looks like I’ve just figured out a way to make an unlimited number of wheelchairs.

Now, look how pretty the pool is this morning. Imagine you are just checking in, what a great sight, no? Look.


I then had an idear and ran back to the room.

Can’t walk back from bell services but can run back from the pool.


idear... heh.

"Bellhope guy says about 5 more minutes?" I asked Diane.

A bellhope guy (for those who don’t know) is the guy you wait for (and wait for) while the clock ticks inexorably down to the time you absolutely, no kidding, have to leave.

And no, I'm not sure if Belle Hope is married to Bob.

(Hey, I always have to miss out on breaking down my own
chapters, sometimes I want to play.)

Too late!

I got the printout and started running :rotfl2: back to see if I can catch
Diane with the bellhop.

Ah. Can’t walk back from the desk but will run to catch Diane with the bellhop.

Is this lack of trust on your part the reason you guys broke up the first marriage?

This isn't exactly Bob and Carol, Bellhop and Smidgy, is it? And nobody remembers that one at all , do they?
If not, don't worry, it stunk.
(Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice, bad early seventies movie)

I’ll say. I never watched it. Or more accurately I should say: I started to watch it and it was so boring that I quit after half an hour or so.

How about:
(Diane, with the Bellhop, in the Conservatory)
Yeah, I like that one better.

It was a sad day when Elle finally beat me at Clue. :sad1:

They were just getting out of the elevator, whew!

Diane with the bellhop in the elevator?


Elle still hasn’t beaten me at Risk.

Luckily it wasn't too hard to find. Nothing looks dumber than walking up and down parking lot aisles pressing the alarm button on your fob to activate your car, which really is like getting your vehicle to yell out;
"Yoo hoo, over here you moron!"

:lmao: Yup! And I love how you try to look indiscreet while you’re doing it.

“Oh, no. I know where my car is. I’m simply walking up and down the parking lot rows for a bit of fresh air and exercise. Marvellous day, isn’t it?”

I remember once Smidgy and I used this trick once at Baly Lake Towers, and after the alarm went off, we both just stood there and said at the same time,, "Ok, I hear it, it's coming from over here", and she took off to the right and I took off to the left.

It was behind us!

:lmao: That last line almost had me under the desk.

There's nothing worse than having your car not respect you
in the morning.

You have to buy it an unleaded breakfast.

We are on our way to finally meet Monica after 6 years,
and I'm not too proud to admit I'm a tad nervous.

‘Cause she’s a hugger, right? That’s it, isn’t it.

We hit Animal Kingdome about 5 to nine, just as those in front of us were being let in.

Animal control came and cleaned the carcass off the road and traffic slowly began to return to normal.

I was just thrilled to finally meet her and Tim and her family, we have known each other for 6 years now, and this is the first time we met.

Sounds like fun.

when she found out Diane needed the second Twilight book, she mailed that one over as well.

Although her late fee dues were a killer, she did set up an easy payment plan, the thought was there, never the less.

It’s the thought that counts.

I think I’ll have another.

In other words, they DID what I wanted to do.

I’ve noticed that too. When I get my way, I’m happier.


I turned to Tim, and said "can you believe this?" "This is nuts, hoping I'll fall out into the Crocodile pond".

"No kidding, he looked at me and smiled, " Don't worry, if that happens I'll be right there after you" . "No, I won't let
you get eaten by the crocs."

Whew, I felt, that's good.

"No, not when I've got a twenty on you going overboard
in the Savannah!"

Always nice to have a friend when you’re in a tight spot.

So where’d you take the dive? I’ve got ten bucks riding on this.

All great shots, but that last one is priceless. Love those smiles.

The Dis truly is an amazing place sometimes, no?

Like I said, that Nonny or whatever liked to talk, so with all of us there was a lot of talking going on, and the poor cuple sitting down from us finally gave up a really loud,

"Geesh, Sigh, Shrug, and disgustedly said we can have these seats too, as they got up and moved way down from us. Which was stupid cuz we didn't need anymore seats, they were just making a point.
That only resulted in us all laughing at them, it's not like we would be talking during the performance.

Yeah, Monica mentioned that in her TR. It’s pretty funny. I would be so tempted to move everyone over to where they were sitting with loud, “Oh, this is better.” comments, just to see what they’d do next.

What can I say? Those three hours there that morning were the highlight of the trip for me, Monica and her family made it special.

I really am glad you were able to salvage at least a small part of the trip.

Just before we turned to leave, little Maddie said,
" I hope you don't hit your head anymore Mr. Nebo."

It was so cute, I wanted to buy her on the spot, but we turned and headed back to the exit.

Aww… What are you trying to do to me?? I’m already on probation with the man card.

Good bye, Flame Tree BarBQue!

And goodbye chapter. It was another good one, thanks, dude. :goodvibes:
Wait, YOU a MOD? That's like putting a democrat in charge of counting the votes in Chicago!

No not a MOD... a mod. I just am in charge of that contest thread. It's been handed down to a few people over the years. I've had it for a little more than a year now. Come on over, we could use some new blood.

uh, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words for you.


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