~ Curse YOU indoor plumbing!!! ~ Sept 2009


Nov 20, 2006

Hi there,:wave:

I am happy you are joining in to read along on our third family vacation to WDW! This is the first time I am doing a TR so I will try to keep it interesting:cool:.

I will get to the meaning of this trip report title very soon.

Alternate titles included….
· Diamonds, Derierres and that Dreaded Flushing
· Bling, Butts and Bathroom Noises
· Trinkets, Tushies and Turbo Flushing

Maybe I should take a poll and change it eventually.

I did write a PTR so if you want to go back and read through that please do. The link is in my signature and I did do an index so it shouldn’t be a long read.

Our cast of characters – Carol(Me), Peter (the Daddy) and our little Gabriel (not so little anymore)

On with the show.....and as you will soon find out....there actually was a show....an absolutely awful show....and paybacks, well you what they can be:rolleyes1
Twas the night before our trip and Gabriel was so excited. This is the first year he really understood where we were going and it was very cute.

As I put him to bed, I could tell he was wired. He wanted it to be “Day” and I said when you go to sleep it will be tomorrow and we can go to the Castle!

He kept saying “Can it please be tomorrow?”. Every year he takes teeny tiny steps with his communication skills and this exchange was quite memorable for me.

When I awoke the next day I had a card by the bed (our 10 yr Anniversary). My husband is so sweet. No gift though….hmmmm. We had said no gifts since we were doing the trip AND Discovery Cove. I of course didn’t follow that rule and if you read the PTR you will know that I didn’t think he did either. It was just a matter of did he get me something for our Anniversary or for my B-day?

Gabriel could not wait to get out the door.

He kept saying how do you get to Disney(in a very Dora the Explorer way)? I told him to look for the airport signs as we drove along and he was happy when he finally saw them. I was glad that it seemed to get him to stop asking how you get to Disney. I hate to shush him because he needs to communicate more….but the constant repeating of things (one of Autism’s quirks) can be a bit grating after 45 minutes.

We arrived at the Park n Go and Gabriel said “What’s his name?” pointing to the shuttle driver. It is rare that he initiates a conversation so that was a good opportunity to tell him to say excuse me, what’s your name. Well he did and the shuttle driver said his name was Rudy. That’s about it…I guess Gabriel was just really interested in his name.

Here are Peter and Gabriel excitedly riding the shuttle with Rudy at the helm!

We got to the airport in a jiffy but while waiting in the security line Gabriel kept saying “Are they Disney World Police…UH OH”….over and over. It was drawing more than a few looks from others in line. I had to tell him that they were airport police and that they are our friends.

Once we were through security we sat down at the gate. Peter took off to explore…not sure what because it just eateries and stores that he has already seen. I took that opportunity to pull out Peter’s Ipod gift and his cards. One funny and one serious. When he came back I showed him how to work it and he was too cool for school after that.

Gabriel did awesome waiting. Yes, he kept saying is the plane here yet, can we get on the plane, okay let’s go….but he did sit there very well and without any help of PSP, Gameboy or DVD.


Me and fang:)



Boarding was a little aggressive for it being numbered. It didn’t seem people were in their correct spots but whatever because being in group A I knew we would sit together.

Once we got on the plane I gave him his PSP with a new game and a movie.

He was so happy when we took off and once we were high up he said “Is that Earth?”


He had problems with his ears this trip and I forgot to bring any snack for him to chew to solve that.:headache:DOH!

The flight was uneventful except I somehow didn’t pack any ear buds for his PSP and I did buy a new set but they were in the plastic where you need a chainsaw to open them. I had to give him my buds so I had none :sad2: Sky Mall magazine for me......as my boys were all set with their electronic devices.;)

Up next…..

Magical Express and Pop Century
Yay! Bring on the show! popcorn::


Hi Kathy!

Gabriel did well this trip and had some very funny "Zingers" as we call them. They are more like Autistic one liners that happen to crack us up.

Lots of pictures to come of his adventure:goodvibes

I thought of you when we saw all the decorations at MK:thumbsup2
I'm so excited you started your TR! Your title is hilarious! :rotfl:

I love the family pictures and your Gabriel is such a handsome little man. He looks really cute without his front teeth. :goodvibes

Can't wait for more!!!
Arriving at MCO we quickly headed towards the Magical Express counter. It was empty!


We were the first group to board our bus and we were the first group off the bus too!




An excited little boy!


We're here!

I was hoping as we checked in that we would receive a magical upgrade, oh to I don't know....the Wilderness Lodge:rotfl2: but no luck. We were given our room quickly after waiting in no line. The CM’s were very friendly and we received our anniversary pins and my birthday pin.

We checked out the food court which was pretty empty as well. Apparently, the boards light up to tell you what they have …we didn’t know that…until they apologized at check out for it. Peter just wanted a snack because we were hungry and didn’t want to spoil our Boma dinner appetite.

We walked to our room which was a bit far from the action in the 90’s facing the parking lot. We weren’t too thrilled about the walk through the parking lot to get there but that was the fastest route. I had just asked for a quiet room.

The room was fine. It looked like someone forgot to clean behind the bathroom door which was gross so hopefully they would get to that the next day.

The boys quickly kicked off their shoes to veg a bit;)

At this point Gabriel was getting done with planes trains and automobiles. He said “where’s my movies?”. I didn’t pack his DVD player because I didn’t think we would be in the room that much and the battery doesn’t hold a charge anymore so we can’t lug it to dinner or anything. I should have brought it though.

I gave him my Ipod to watch Nemo on there….then I asked him if he wanted to explore instead. Of course Daddy wanted to come too so we walked the resort and took pictures.




Peter absolutely hated the decor at Pop. I didn't think he would love it but I didn't realize he would despise it as much as he did. I thought it was fine, loved the music that was playing and I wasn't staying there for the decor....it was just supposed to be a place to lay our heads that was cheap (or cheaper than a mod or deluxe). Lessoned learned with that ~ more about Pop later~

Up next ~ We head over to Boma:thumbsup2
I'm so excited you started your TR! Your title is hilarious! :rotfl:

I love the family pictures and your Gabriel is such a handsome little man. He looks really cute without his front teeth. :goodvibes

Can't wait for more!!!

Thank you! Sadly the title will be the reason our next trip will require some arm twisting.....but I do have a plan of attack already brewing:cool2:

Hope you are getting everything ready and have a great trip! We had very good weather. It was hot but not too bad. We did do water parks three of our days though:goodvibes
I can't wait to hear more! Your son is SO adorable!

I have a new respect for parents with autistic children. I just started babysitting a severly autistic little girl and it can get a ittle rough! But they are such interesting little people!:thumbsup2
My DH hated ASMusic with a passion and swore he would NEVER stay at a value again. I like the Values - I think they're cute. What is it with men hating the Values? :laughing:

We love the mods though so that is where we stay now and everyone is happy. I can't wait to hear your plan of attack for next time. :thumbsup2

ETA - Gabriel's Pooh shirt is so cute!
We figured we would just go ahead and hop on a park bus and catch the AKL bus to get to our ADR at Boma. I was hoping we may be able to get in early. We ended up getting there an hour early so we checked out the gift shop.

Gabriel was not too happy about the bus rides as he didn’t want to go to dinner! He wanted to swim!:mad: He was being a bit grouchy. I can’t blame him…..it can be a bit overwhelming to me traveling that first day.

So, I told him he could pick out something in the gift shop(We had $70 in Disney Rewards just for his souvies). He immediately went to the Monorail sets they have! I told him that would have to be something Santa would have to bring because it was too big:santa:. He ended up choosing these teeny weeny characters that ride inside the Monorail:sad2: It will sure be fun trying to find them, I'm sure.

That perked him up a bit and we headed to Boma to see if we could be seated early,……. yes we could! The CM’s at AKL are the nicest I have ever encountered. Every trip we come to Boma the CM’s are just awesome.

We got Gilbert as our server. We had him last trip too. He wished us Happy Anniversary and was off to get our drinks.

At this point Peter says…..“I have something for you and I was going to have the server bring it to you but I decided that I wanted to give it to you”! He pulls out a small gold box with a red ribbon.:love:


Diamond Earrings!

They are beautiful and no I didn’t let him know about the email that the jewelry store sent basically tipping me off to the whole thing! I wanted him to think I was really surprised. I don’t count that as a lie.:rolleyes1

I was very concerned this trip about what Gabriel was going to eat. We didn’t have the frig this trip. I did put a small cooler in one of our checked bags with 5 Cottage Cheese Doubles for him. I wasn’t sure how they would hold up so I didn’t pack so many.

Well, Peter hit the buffet and brought back some Mac and Cheese. Getting Gabriel to try the first bite was a chore but he actually ate it and I got him ANOTHER helping! I felt much better that he may not be so limited with his eating this trip.

The food was great. I loved the Pork and Salmon on the first round. Salad with Apple and the upside down pineapple, zebra domes and choc mousse desserts. Gilbert brought out a special dessert plate to celebrate our Anniversary.


Peter was told "Hands off the Chocolate Truffle!"

After dinner we walked outside to see the animals and let our food digest….shew the smell! Not sure why it smelled so bad this time. I don’t remember that from before but maybe it was the heat?


The giraffe was pretty far away which was a bummer.

After viewing the animals for awhile we hopped a standing room only bus to Epcot and then got off and the Pop bus was right next to us!! COOL!!

Back from dinner our bags were in our room:goodvibes. The Cottage Cheese was still cold so I went to get ice which was right around the corner:thumbsup2.

Peter and Gabriel went for a swim and I came along to watch. He wanted to practice snorkeling with Gabriel and after awhile doing it….the guards said they couldn’t have snorkels in there…I am not sure what’s up with that? Of course, that ticked Peter off and was one more nail in Pop Century's coffin:laughing:

We headed back to the room and I got Gabriel showered and ready for bed, I set my alarm on my phone for 6:30am(thought about getting a wake up call just in case but nahhhh:headache:) and we hit the sack early so we could catch our 7:20am pick up by Mears for Discovery Cove!!

Up next ~ “Will it ever stop!!!!!” and “OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! GET UP!!!!!!!!”
I can't wait to hear more! Your son is SO adorable!

I have a new respect for parents with autistic children. I just started babysitting a severly autistic little girl and it can get a ittle rough! But they are such interesting little people!:thumbsup2

Awww thanks.:goodvibes Yes, Autism has many adjectives to describe it....some good and some not so good. We are very lucky that Gabriel is high functioning. He really is a very special boy. Of course I am biased:rolleyes1 Some of the things he said and did this trip were a real riot:lmao: Thanks for reading along!

Hello! Your son is too cute! I can't wait for another update!
Thanks so much!

My DH hated ASMusic with a passion and swore he would NEVER stay at a value again. I like the Values - I think they're cute. What is it with men hating the Values? :laughing:

We love the mods though so that is where we stay now and everyone is happy. I can't wait to hear your plan of attack for next time. :thumbsup2

ETA - Gabriel's Pooh shirt is so cute!

:lmao: I wouldn't stay at Pop again but you will find out why soon. It was just one thing but a very important thing that gets them crossed off my list.

We did a split stay last year and Peter wasn't impressed with either resort. SSR and CSR. The pool at CSR was great! The room was so so. I think they updated some of them now. I would stay there again. SSR was pretty but not very magical. The buses weren't that great when we were there either. I can say the buses at Pop were great.

It's Wilderness Lodge, Fort Wilderness or the Villas at the WL next trip or nothing:snooty: :laughing:

We all loved WL and the boat ride to the MK is sooooo relaxing. I know you aren't in your room that much and it shouldn't matter but apparently it does to us (well, more to him than me but his mood effects me...you know what I mean:cool2:)

By the way - I may send that shirt along with the other items! His Oma got it for him during our trip last year. It barely fits him. The Pooh ride is his favorite.:goodvibes
:lmao: I wouldn't stay at Pop again but you will find out why soon. It was just one thing but a very important thing that gets them crossed off my list.

We did a split stay last year and Peter wasn't impressed with either resort. SSR and CSR. The pool at CSR was great! The room was so so. I think they updated some of them now. I would stay there again. SSR was pretty but not very magical. The buses weren't that great when we were there either. I can say the buses at Pop were great.

It's Wilderness Lodge, Fort Wilderness or the Villas at the WL next trip or nothing:snooty: :laughing:

We all loved WL and the boat ride to the MK is sooooo relaxing. I know you aren't in your room that much and it shouldn't matter but apparently it does to us (well, more to him than me but his mood effects me...you know what I mean:cool2:)

By the way - I may send that shirt along with the other items! His Oma got it for him during our trip last year. It barely fits him. The Pooh ride is his favorite.:goodvibes

I am really curious to see what put you off about Pop. We have never stayed there and I am interested in trying it, but I have heard a few things that make me think I shouldn't bother. For example, I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke and I have heard that the smoking section there is really big. :confused3

WL sounds fantastic!!! That's on my list of the next resorts I want to stay at. The room is really important to us too beacuse is greatly impacts my DH's mood as well. It sounds like our DHs have a lot in common actually. :laughing:

Congrats on your earrings - they are lovely. :lovestruc

We called my grandma (Gabe's great-grandma) Oma. Is that who you guys call Oma too? :goodvibes
I am really curious to see what put you off about Pop. We have never stayed there and I am interested in trying it, but I have heard a few things that make me think I shouldn't bother. For example, I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke and I have heard that the smoking section there is really big. :confused3

WL sounds fantastic!!! That's on my list of the next resorts I want to stay at. The room is really important to us too beacuse is greatly impacts my DH's mood as well. It sounds like our DHs have a lot in common actually. :laughing:

Congrats on your earrings - they are lovely. :lovestruc

We called my grandma (Gabe's great-grandma) Oma. Is that who you guys call Oma too? :goodvibes

Well I don't want to spill the beans yet because it will take away from the drama of my next update:laughing: It wasn't the smoke, although we did find ourselves engulfed a few times while walking to the eatery there. I am very sensitive to it as well but the room was fine in that regard:rolleyes1

WL is perfect:cloud9: for us. Especially when you are going to be spending most of your time in MK. Also, it's fairly easy access to Ohanas and Kona:love:

My mother in law is Gabriel's Oma. She is from Berlin. Sadly Opa passed away in 2006:sad1: We paid for her trip to come with us in 2008 because she helps us so much with Gabriel.

My mom is Grammy to Gabriel and my father was Pop Pop - he passed in 2004:sad1:

I would have brought my mom too but she prefers to be a hermit and has never flown. I would have to sedate her!

Off to catch the RAVENS game!
Great Update!
We ate at Boma our last trip, also, and the CM's there were some of the best, I totally agree!
I loved AKL's giftshop, it had cute little Afican toys and things, it was all amazing! Sounds like you had a fun time!
Hi Carol! You'vd been a busy poster... I have to catch up quick!

He kept saying “Can it please be tomorrow?”. Every year he takes teeny tiny steps with his communication skills and this exchange was quite memorable for me.

Same with Billy... isn't it awesome?

Gabriel could not wait to get out the door.


How sweet! I can really feel his excitement!

He kept saying how do you get to Disney(in a very Dora the Explorer way)? I told him to look for the airport signs as we drove along and he was happy when he finally saw them. I was glad that it seemed to get him to stop asking how you get to Disney. I hate to shush him because he needs to communicate more….but the constant repeating of things (one of Autism’s quirks) can be a bit grating after 45 minutes.

Oh, do I hear you on that one, sister! :hug: I've got to bump that needle out of the groove all day long!

What a great shot!

The flight was uneventful except I somehow didn’t pack any ear buds for his PSP... I had to give him my buds so I had none :sad2: Sky Mall magazine for me... as my boys were all set with their electronic devices.;)

Aww, way to take one for "the team," mom! :angel:

Hi Kathy!
I thought of you when we saw all the decorations at MK:thumbsup2

You're sweet...that's so funny! The DIS is never far from our minds when we're there, is it?


The boys quickly kicked off their shoes to veg a bit;)

Now, doesn't that look familiar! :lmao:

... I told him he could pick out something in the gift shop(We had $70 in Disney Rewards just for his souvies). He immediately went to the Monorail sets they have!

But, of course! :laughing:

... The food was great. I loved the Pork and Salmon on the first round. Salad with Apple and the upside down pineapple, zebra domes and choc mousse desserts. Gilbert brought out a special dessert plate to celebrate our Anniversary.


Peter was told "Hands off the Chocolate Truffle!"

You got that right! :thumbsup2 So glad Gabriel settled in with the mac 'n cheese, too!

Let me guess...he had to sniff it and lick little bits of it for about 5 minutes before he would take a bite! :rotfl:

... Peter and Gabriel went for a swim and I came along to watch. He wanted to practice snorkeling with Gabriel and after awhile doing it….the guards said they couldn’t have snorkels in there…I am not sure what’s up with that? Of course, that ticked Peter off and was one more nail in Pop Century's coffin

They do that in all the resort pools... the lifeguards won't allow toys the kids toss and dive for, either. They say it's because they don't want kids throwing things and possibly hitting another guest... can't have Disney being sued, can they?!

... we hit the sack early so we could catch our 7:20am pick up by Mears for Discovery Cove!!

Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am to hear about this! :hyper:

Great report, Carol, keep it coming!!

Hi Carol! You'vd been a busy poster... I have to catch up quick!

Same with Billy... isn't it awesome?

How sweet! I can really feel his excitement!

Oh, do I hear you on that one, sister! :hug: I've got to bump that needle out of the groove all day long!

What a great shot!

Aww, way to take one for "the team," mom! :angel:

You're sweet...that's so funny! The DIS is never far from our minds when we're there, is it?
I thought of the DIS everytime I saw someone taking pictures of their food or wearing their personized shirts

Now, doesn't that look familiar! :lmao:

But, of course! :laughing:

You got that right! :thumbsup2 So glad Gabriel settled in with the mac 'n cheese, too!

Let me guess...he had to sniff it and lick little bits of it for about 5 minutes before he would take a bite! :rotfl:

I think he was really hungry because we left that morning at 9:30 and he had only had a snack or two before dinner. Luckily he dove in pretty fast. We weren't so lucky at some sittings but we made it through and I don't think he was too starved.:goodvibes

They do that in all the resort pools... the lifeguards won't allow toys the kids toss and dive for, either. They say it's because they don't want kids throwing things and possibly hitting another guest... can't have Disney being sued, can they?!

The thing is there were about 6 kids/adults playing/throwing ball in the pool:confused3 There were also people jumping in the pool - which made it hard for Gabriel to listen to me as I was telling him not to:confused3 All I thought of was that maybe since you would be underwater you aren't as aware of what's going on around you.....????? But the thing is Gabriel lives under water without the snorkel anyway. I was fine with it because da rules is da rules but Peter was miffed;)

Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am to hear about this! :hyper:

Great report, Carol, keep it coming!!

Thanks- Discovery Cove was great but there was a Big show the entire morning.....more on that in the next update:eek:

Thanks for reading along....I read about your new laptop! I swear - I would get into the resort room and pop onto mine and type up what I could remember of the day. Thank goodness I did because I do have a horrible memory:upsidedow
Great Update!
We ate at Boma our last trip, also, and the CM's there were some of the best, I totally agree!
I loved AKL's giftshop, it had cute little Afican toys and things, it was all amazing! Sounds like you had a fun time!

I would definely consider staying at AK just because of Boma Breakfasts and Dinners:lmao:
UGH what a horrible night of sleep and this is where the Trip Report title comes in.

We laid down at about 10pm. Within a minute I realized that were in trouble. :sad2: SWOOOOOOOOSH went a toilet somewhere….around us/above us. The toilets flush EXTREMELY loud and beware if you have a kiddo who is frightened by that because it is TURBO charged or something:scared1:! If it wasn’t a TURBO flush…it was the shower running. Yes we heard people returning to their room but I expected that and it wasn’t very frequent.

Now remember…we needed to be in front of POP at 7:20am for our pick up. I had set the alarm on my phone and briefly thought maybe I should do a wake up call and then brushed that thought aside.:headache:

I tried to check out the white noise options on the radio but they sounded a bit unnatural. :eek:

I am not sure what was going on with all the flushing but the last time I heard it I remember looking at the clock and it was 1:30am! We both tossed and turned during the night and that was noisy enough to keep us up too (creaky beds). We sleep with an air purifier going at home and I had in the back of my mind that we may a bit of trouble with noise but this was crazy!

Well the next thing I know…..I see a bit of light at the window (your room really does stay pretty dark with those curtains). I sit up to look at the clock and it said:

7:25am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My alarm DIDN’T GO OFF!!!!!!!!! WHY didn’t I do a wake up call!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I jump up and Peter is saying “What?!”.:confused3 I am freaking out saying GET UP WE ARE MISSING OUR SHUTTLE and grab my phone to call Mears. Peter throws shorts on and says he will run up to see if they are still there! Gabriel sits up and has a look on his face like “huh?”.

I get in touch with Mears and they said we could catch the next shuttle at 8:20am which was a relief but I REALLY wanted to get to Discovery Cove as early as we could. So I hang up with her a bit relieved that we still do have a ride and then I wonder…..Did Peter catch the bus and is having them wait???? :scared1: So, I start to freak again and tell Gabriel to hurry up and put his swim clothes on and I am trying to get everything together and get dressed myself.

Now, remember how fast I am getting dressed at this point because it will come into play later. We wore our swim suits there and brought a change of clothes for the trip back.:cool2:

Peter does eventually return and he says they aren’t up there. I explain we have a new pick up time now. We are bummed but I tell him that it really shouldn’t matter too much. Then he says “Why didn’t you just do a wake up call?” Then I have to hear how bad his sleep was…..I say yeah, I was here too in the same boat~ a creaky one at that.

I have to say at this point - we will never stay at Pop again. The main reason being the flushing/water noises. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if we had noisy PEOPLE in those rooms too. It’s a shame because it really isn’t a bad resort. Buses were great and the CM’s were friendly. Some people may be okay with sleeping with ear plugs - not us. “You’re in your resort to sleep” is the quote I see most on the boards…well that is true and it puts quite a damper on your adventure when you are exhausted first thing in the morning. It did get a little better because we basically passed out from all the touring but those first few nights were…..rough. I was afraid to asked to be moved because I just figured it would be the same all over….maybe it isn’t and I should have asked.

Anyway, we headed up to lobby and filled our mug and waited…..

They play music all over the resort and we were listening to the Beach Boys when Gabriel says “Where is that AWFUL music coming from??!” :rotfl: Now, this is something that is said in Sponge Bob on one of the episodes…but no one knows that but me. He takes so many one liners from movies or shows and uses them in real world settings to express himself. It can be VERY embarrassing or VERY funny. This one was funny.

I tried to get him to hula (which I now realize I am horrible at) and he played with Lego’s.

The shuttle arrived and they were playing Horton Hears the Who. We've never seen it so Gabriel was interested. We stopped at Old Key West and then went to Seaworld. We had to wait for the shuttle to Discovery Cove….which I wasn’t told we would have to do that but it wasn’t like we waited long. We had a Discovery Cove Jeep with all leather interior and it was very nice. We were the only passengers which was cool...it felt very VIP ish:cool2:.

Up next....The big show(and I don't mean Dolphin)


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