Dark side run - costumes ideas?


DIS Veteran
Oct 13, 2013
I think this may be in the 1/2 marathon thread, but I couldn't find an answer in all 81 pages for this.

What are folks costuming as for this run? I'm doing the 10k, and I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan. I was in the Rebel Legion fan group for a long time, but left b/c of time, babies and the fact that my flight suit (A-Wing) was getting a little tight!

For the run, I'm just having a really hard time picking an easy/runner friendly idea. I thought maybe A-Wing, but making a running flight suit is a bit beyond me. I thought X-Wing, but I can't find leggings in orange. I know that there will be tons of Luke, Han, Leia, Rey and others, but I love being unique

However, I have nearly all the pieces for Mara Jade (googles, scarf, black tech gear, etc). Would anyone "get that" or would people think I'm some looney in black gear?

For reference, Mara is the "Emperor's Hand" and eventually Luke's wife. Since the Disney buyout, she is no longer canon.

And mod's, please feel free to move if this is not in the right place.

As for other folk, I'd love to hear about your ideas too!
You'll see some people at Mara, at least you did in the original Star Wars race.

I personally only run in something that is running-esqe.

10K - BB8

I ordered some super cute ears off of etsy for the 10K. They seem to be ok in a quick jog around the house. Hopefully I can put up with them for the full 6.2 miles! Yes, this is the same outfit as the Star Wars - Light Side 10K but its super cute (and the sparkleskirt cost like $90 so it needs more use!)



Dark Side Half Marathon

I'm going with the Dark Side theme for the half! I'll be wearing my I <3 Bad Boys with my Highland Fling Vented Slim Sparkle Skirt! I already have a blue sweaty band that will also work!


The most unique costume I saw at light side was a vey petite woman dressed as Maz Canata.

I'm not a big scifi person but I read a ton. I read some of the novels with Mara Jade. It's really too bad that Disney has erased decades of work by authors.
I have my under armor running gear that's all in black. I'd have to check if my googles (they look like Jade's) are running- friendly.
If you run into a Star Wars fan, they're going to know that you're Mara Jade. (I would know, and I'd kind of fangirl squee all over the place because I love Mara. I miss that she's no longer "canon".)

I love your x-wing flight suit idea (I had toyed around with that myself before I went all Dark Side with it). Have you checked out Amazon.com for orange capris/shorts? If you can't find all orange, I bet you could find something black with orange accents. I think that would give the overall impression of x-wing pilot as long as you snazzed up your shirt with the flak vest and chest box in some way. :)

In a similar respect, I bet you could pull together an A-wing pilot inspired outfit, as well. That would be pretty awesome.

I'm working on a Clone Wars Asajj Ventress costume right now. Still getting the pieces together, but it's coming along pretty well.
If you run into a Star Wars fan, they're going to know that you're Mara Jade. (I would know, and I'd kind of fangirl squee all over the place because I love Mara. I miss that she's no longer "canon".)

I love your x-wing flight suit idea (I had toyed around with that myself before I went all Dark Side with it). Have you checked out Amazon.com for orange capris/shorts? If you can't find all orange, I bet you could find something black with orange accents. I think that would give the overall impression of x-wing pilot as long as you snazzed up your shirt with the flak vest and chest box in some way. :)

In a similar respect, I bet you could pull together an A-wing pilot inspired outfit, as well. That would be pretty awesome.

I'm working on a Clone Wars Asajj Ventress costume right now. Still getting the pieces together, but it's coming along pretty well.

The Asajj Ventress costume sounds awesome! I was totally thinking I'd like to try that if I was running this race. Sadly it's not in the cards this year but maybe next year. I'd love to see what your costume looks like when it's done :)
So I am kind of bounding on this-- my costumes are more 'homages'... with the exception of boba fett where I'll be wearing a sublimated tee and leggings. I'm a little nervous about that because the t-shirt will probably get to be a bit much after a little bit of running--I was wearing a tank top in 40 degree weather after about 5 miles the other day. My second costume is a little less costume-y but will be all black and red, Darth Maul. I really want to wear face paint to have sith tattoos but I think that is probably a terrible idea :) I will be wearing a red shirt with the tattoos made of heat transfer vinyl... I really need to get on that!
So I am kind of bounding on this-- my costumes are more 'homages'... with the exception of boba fett where I'll be wearing a sublimated tee and leggings. I'm a little nervous about that because the t-shirt will probably get to be a bit much after a little bit of running--I was wearing a tank top in 40 degree weather after about 5 miles the other day. My second costume is a little less costume-y but will be all black and red, Darth Maul. I really want to wear face paint to have sith tattoos but I think that is probably a terrible idea :) I will be wearing a red shirt with the tattoos made of heat transfer vinyl... I really need to get on that!
I did a 5k in full Maleficent makeup, but it was cold and windy that day, and that's 3 miles not 13! Took DS to the TOT after-party in full Maul makeup and he was a sweaty mess. I'm sure housekeeping at the Dolphin thought there had been a crime committed in our bathroom...lol. If you have short hair, maybe you could make yourself some horns instead!
The Asajj Ventress costume sounds awesome! I was totally thinking I'd like to try that if I was running this race. Sadly it's not in the cards this year but maybe next year. I'd love to see what your costume looks like when it's done :)

Thank you! I hope it turns out awesome. I'm pretty darned excited about it. I'm sorry it's not in the cards for you this year, but there is always the future! :) And hey, more time to plan out costumes. ;) Once I get everything together, I hope to take a picture.

So I am kind of bounding on this-- my costumes are more 'homages'... with the exception of boba fett where I'll be wearing a sublimated tee and leggings. I'm a little nervous about that because the t-shirt will probably get to be a bit much after a little bit of running--I was wearing a tank top in 40 degree weather after about 5 miles the other day. My second costume is a little less costume-y but will be all black and red, Darth Maul. I really want to wear face paint to have sith tattoos but I think that is probably a terrible idea :) I will be wearing a red shirt with the tattoos made of heat transfer vinyl... I really need to get on that!

I love the Darth maul idea - love it! I would be scared to death to run in face paint, but it would look freaking amazing. Can't wait to see the shirt!

I did a 5k in full Maleficent makeup, but it was cold and windy that day, and that's 3 miles not 13! Took DS to the TOT after-party in full Maul makeup and he was a sweaty mess. I'm sure housekeeping at the Dolphin thought there had been a crime committed in our bathroom...lol. If you have short hair, maybe you could make yourself some horns instead!

That. Is. Awesome. I love Maleficent! I would love to see that costume; I bet it was amazing. The horns idea for Maul is a great idea, too. Heck, you could even make them if you have long hair. Maybe maybe a Sithly headband in red and black and attach the horns onto that.
Well, it's settled, I'm dressing as Mara. My hair isn't quite as red (I just dyed it closer to my natural color this week, I'm not going to re-dye it), but I think my Mara goggles and beige scarf should help. Now I'm just trying to figure out to make my white running shoes look black! I'm thinking of making a spat or something like that.


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