DDA Chapter 27

let me catch everybody up-

in case I didn't tell you or you didn't get the hint on facebook....I am in the process of getting my driver's license:cool1: I have the test on April 4th and I believe other than practicing the 2 pt. turn around (or the irritating backing in to a parking spot) and parallel parking I think I have a handle on the driving thing. I am still scared of the big trucks and being run off the road (which is what happened when I last had a permit...18 wheeler blew by me and ended up about 50 ft from going over a ravine) but it is not an irrational fear anymore. I bought a "new" car....and I love having my car.

Cassidy got a new job which should make moving out of her horrid living situation easier, sooner

Abi turned in her application for the Clarkson School last week. We will probably here in about 3 weeks. She scored 1's at the county level of Solo and Ensemble Festival so she will perform in May at All State. She also will be playing in a side by side concert with the Navy Band. :cheer2: Moving to Maryland and away from my Grandma and her dad seems to have been the best thing for her. Every once in awhile I have the "what if's" about how Cassidy would have turned out if I had left earlier...but you can't turn back time. Only problem with all of these things (the youth summit, etc.) is it costs lots of money and that is still one thing in short supply.

I love coming here and seeing my family.:grouphug:
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Theresa - Lots of good things happening in your life right now. Good for you!!! :yay:
Hi friends, good to see you here Theresa. I now most of us are on facebook but this is wher I "met" such a great group of friends so it holds a special place in my heart.

So now, on top of all the foot issues, and the surgery issues, I've found out that I have a fatty liver. I need to wrap my head around what I need to do, more exercise is out until I get some relief with the foot, but I can make the changes in my diet so if you can spare any of that Pixie Dust I'd appreciate a bit of it.
Theresa - Good to see you!! Glad to hear that things are going well for Abi! I know you were concerned about her for a while there. Don't worry about Cassidy. She's a smart girl, and will come out of all this much stronger.

Debbie - Sorry about the liver news. It just seems to keep coming for you! I'm sure that once the foot pain is taken care of, the exercise will come easier!

Elin - Thanks for the wanted poster! It sure gave me a much needed laugh.

Things here are slowing down... a bit. I ended up doing a bunch of hand sewing for the spring musical, "Les Miserables, School Edition." I also "ran" the dressing rooms, which meant that I was backstage in case of rips, tears, fastener mishaps, etc. I also got roped into doing the makeup, so I was kept very busy! The show ran for 12 performances, and I was exhausted by the end. It was a good thing that I was backstage, though, as I ended up being "first medical responder" for several accidents. Opening night we had a chipped tooth (not bad, and the young man was thrilled, as he wanted capped teeth anyway), later in the run we had a concussion, a lot of upset tummies, sore throats, scraped up knees, a split toe, and the worst was a young lady who got hit in the face with a pewter mug and knocked a tooth out. It was quite an experience. I was grateful for my First Aid class when I was a Scout leader!

Anyway, that's over, so I should be able to "relax" somewhat! The kids are looking forward to summer, as that means our trip to Disneyland. We are actually leaving the day school lets out to drive to Tuba City, Arizona so that Alan can interview a Hopi Indian chief for his Master's Thesis, then we'll meet up with the rest of my family at Disneyland.

Next week is our Spring break, so my kids and my sister's kids are spending the week tie dying shirts for our trip, while my sister and I applique Mickey heads on a set of shirts for all my dad's grandkids. We'll have a picture taken of all of them in front of the Mickey flower head for my dad's Christmas present.

That's us in a nutshell. Hope you are all well!
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Happy Easter. It's been a whirlwind weekend here. Nick was at the FBLA state conference Thursday and Friday where he placed in 5 categories, including one first place which sends him to Nationals in Anaheim in June. He got home and jumped into the car an headed off to a life guarding course with Hunter. That was weekend class. Yesterday we took Colby to the end of year bowling banquet. Nick and Hunter couldn't attend because they had class. Colby's team placed 8th for the year, Nick's placed 3rd and Hunter's placed 2nd. Nick also got a trophy for highest handicapped series and perfect attendance. The Easter bunny came last night and the kids searched for over an hour for their baskets this morning. We had a lovely family dinner at my parent's house then I took Nick and Hunter their last class. They both passed so now they can look for summer jobs as lifeguards.
Next weekend could be just as busy lol
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Deb - I cannot believe how "old" your boys are getting! They keep you hopping, for sure!

Today I start my Spring Break! :yay: Have not had one of these in over 15 years. Know what I am doing on this first day of my "vacation"... Going to a meeting and a concert. :rotfl:
Hi DDA!!

Hal's next appointment is Wednesday, April 17 at 10am. We will find out the course of treatment.

Hope everyone is doing fine. :love:
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

I know that in most households April 15th is TAX DAY. But our house we are having the "Second Annual Celebration" of bringing Bob home from the last hospital for the last time. :goodvibes
Has anyone heard from Bernadette? Wasn't she cheering on a sister in law at the marathon today? Is she ok?
Has anyone heard from Bernadette? Wasn't she cheering on a sister in law at the marathon today? Is she ok?

Thanks for thinking of me. We are home and safe after a scary day. I was with my SIL not running the race at the hotel that had the Dana Farber family meet room when we heard about the bombing. Gene, niece, her DD, my kids and another couple were not with us. They had talked about doing Freedom Trail or maybe going to finish line. Cell service was down so I couldn't call. I tried texting Gene but he doesn't know how to text. I was able to text with niece. They tried to meet up with us but couldnt get into the hotel we were in. Niece did get a call from running SIL (her mom) and went to find her. We were finally all together and got let into the hotel we were staying at but were told they were in lockdown so once in we couldn't leave. When they lifted the lockdown we decided to go home. We had dinner together at SILs house but are home now.

My poor SIL who ran. She trained so well, ran 40k and can't really say she finished. No medal. Instead of feeling proud of her accomplishment -in addition to the running-she raised about $10,000- she feels guilty for having exposed her family & friends to this risky situation. She said she had actually feared something could happen due to how high profile the Boston marathon is. We all had dinner together and she seemed so much better.

It is just all so incomprehensible.:sad2:

My kids don't really seem to understand what happened. They are on vacation this week. I'll have to make sure we limit their TV viewing

Wish I had time to write more about other things but I'm exhausted. I'll be back soon.
Happy to see you here Bernadette. I'm wearing my race shirt today to stand with Boston. I'm still going to Disney in January and will cheer for three races and walk/jog in another.

Please give your SIL a big hug from me. There is no way anyone could predict something like what happened. I'm sure all of her donors are just happy that she's alive and well and you all are alive and well.
So glad to see you, Bernadette! What a scary day for you all! My prayers go out to all those who were affected by this tragedy!
Good afternoon, DDA! :sunny:

I am glad to see that you are OK, Bernadette. Kathrin was a volunteer at the Marathon but was home by the time the bombing happened. The little boy who was killed is from her neighborhood. :( How horrible for everyone involved. How heartbreaking.

ETA: She just posted this on facebook. I thought it was a good thing to share with those of you who might not see it. There are so many good and nice people out there.

I started crying on the train today when we passed by Copley and the driver had to make the announcement that it was closed because of yesterday. At the next stop, she jumped out of the train and came back with a Dunkin Donuts napkin for me, saying "This is the best I could do. It'll be okay, honey bun." There are kind and helpful and wonderful people everywhere. Let's all try to act more like them, and less like the other ones.
Glad to hear everyone is ok, it's such a shame that there are people in this world who would do things like this.
We saw the urologist and he has Hal on a pill now. Bicalutamide. This stops the other 10% of testosterone growth in the adrenal gland. There are so many side affects :eek: Next visit is with the oncologist to see if he wants Hal to stay with just the shot and pill. He also had another blood test to check the PSA level. Next shot will be on May 22 when we see the oncologist. He is having so many heat flashes. We just can't seem to coordinate them:lmao:

I hope everyone is doing good. I have been crying all week. Monday was so awful and I was worried until I heard everyone was okay. Watching a segment on bringing service dogs to the hospitals got me crying again. I just want to go to bed and not think anymore.

We are still going to WDW and taking a cruise so let the planning begin!!:thumbsup2:cool1:
Terry I hope the new meds work for Hal. You must be so frustrated at this point. :grouphug:

I have no made progress in feeling better myself. They've added more meds, but the stomache issues continue. It is very frustrating.


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