DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning, folks. Happy holiday to those of us who have one today.

That's awesome mate. Really. From nowhere to 30mins is great going.
Thanks, Dan. :)
Don't worry about my best time, its like 20 years old so I don't, as it would depress me as well.
Hah! So you have your own demons to fight!
The proper question after a run should be "How did it feel" rather than "What time did you get" unless you are racing.
I do a little of both. I set out with no real set time in mind. But if I'm feeling good or the app tells me I've done a fast K... then it might motivate me to push a little harder. "Say... if I just run a bit faster I can beat my time..."
BUT if cracking a 30/5 is what's pushing you on (and thats a great goal to have) I would say...running and times are such a variability of factors that one day, as in the great "Thats what she said" tradition, it will just come. It will be extra tough for you as you do shifts, because sleep is a big part of it.
Sleep is not something that I get much of. But I will try to get that 30/5. Just won't schedule it. If it happens, it happens.
If you really want to push through that number you could try actually doing a 6k and pick the 5 in the middle starting half a K in and warming down for half a k at the end.
I have done that. Still... my two fastest 5Ks were just 5Ks.
standing starts are tough to get your speed up as your legs are cold.
Oh, Lord. Don't I know it. My runs usually start off with: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
Pick like a 7:30 pace in the first half K and then press down on the accelerator to get to 6:00 pace and then if you can finish in the 5:40s you know you've got 10s or so in the middle sections.
OR If you can get to a 5:40 1st k and a 5:40 Last k you could drop 2 and 4 to 6:20s and the third K to 6 dead, and then you could nip under the wire.
Hmmm... Yeah, that's a plan. Kinda feels like cheating a bit. ;)
And I must admit that I tend to run faster after that first 1/2K or so.
I am from Roswell, NM after all...
This explains so much...

I've been working on my medical coding for a while now, and this gives me the incentive to really buckle down and get it done.
::yes:: You can do it!
And life right now continues to keep pounding me.
Enjoyed a wonderful day of US Open tennis yesterday. Men's #1 player hit a line Judge with a ball yesterday in anger after the point was over and was tossed. The line judge is from my home town, and I've met her thru various tennis functions.
I read about that! Didn't see the video, though. Did you?
I’m just back from a couple days at my in-laws.
My condolences.
The picture below is nearly the entire town.
Pretty shot. And pretty town!
Hey, guys! So today being Labor Day, this would be the last time for this season that the MBTA's (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) Capeflyer comes down to the Cape. They started this a few years ago and it's been a hit ever since. The train leaves South Station in Boston in the morning and then ends at the train station in Hyannis. It'll then sit there all day and head back to Boston in the evening. Well, I haven't gotten out to take pics of it all that much this year, so today being the last day I knew I had to head out. So I decided practice my panning, and I thought I did a pretty good job. With panning, you're not going to get 100% of everything tack sharp in focus, but I thought I did a pretty good job.


And while waiting for the train, I walked up to an old caboose and snapped a couple of pics.


And then an old farm house I've must have driven by 100's of times, but finally stopped to take a pic of.


Happy Monday. Enjoyed a wonderful day of US Open tennis yesterday. Men's #1 player hit a line Judge with a ball yesterday in anger after the point was over and was tossed. The line judge is from my home town, and I've met her thru various tennis functions. I guess that's as close to famous as I'll ever be. :lmao:

I saw that, bad sportsmanship. Now on to this "I guess that's as close to famous as I'll ever be." don't let it go to your head. 😆

I hope the coding works out for you. I'm ready to start my new job. It's only 9 more days, but sitting at home for 6 months has driven me even more crazy than before.

Thanks, so do I. I've been working on this slowly over the last year, but now, because I was let go, and I really don't want to work where I'm going to be working, I'm feeling jazzed about studying. I'm going to hit it hard tomorrow once my DD goes back to school.

Morning guys, hope you are all enjoying the holiday. I’m just back from a couple days at my in-laws. I actually get along pretty well with my MIL so I don’t mind going. They also live in a small fishing town (only ~300 people). There’s bad cell reception and slow internet so it’s a way to unplug and really relax. The weather has been great all weekend and yesterday morning I walked up the hill behind their house. The picture below is nearly the entire town.

View attachment 524441


@CapeCodTenor sorry I didn’t have time to comment on your job situation before I left, but wow, that was a bit of a surprise. I guess one consolation is that it seems they had little intention if training you and never gave you a chance. I hope it can work out at your old job.

Thanks. I don't think I really ever had a chance. The managing partner was going to rely too heavily on the person that was leaving, and she abdicated her role as teacher on day one. I'm fairly certain my old job will work out. It may no be what I want, but I'm fairly certain it'll work out, so I'll at least have a job.

This explains so much...



It does, doesn't it? I can't say too much or men in black will show up and erase your brain. o_O:D

::yes:: You can do it!

Yes, I can!

That's awesome mate. Really. From nowhere to 30mins is great going. Don't worry about my best time, its like 20 years old so I don't, as it would depress me as well. I honestly don't watch times, I listen to my body and work the effort level, that's the payback. The proper question after a run should be "How did it feel" rather than "What time did you get" unless you are racing.
BUT if cracking a 30/5 is what's pushing you on (and thats a great goal to have) I would say...running and times are such a variability of factors that one day, as in the great "Thats what she said" tradition, it will just come. It will be extra tough for you as you do shifts, because sleep is a big part of it.
If you really want to push through that number you could try actually doing a 6k and pick the 5 in the middle starting half a K in and warming down for half a k at the end. standing starts are tough to get your speed up as your legs are cold. Pick like a 7:30 pace in the first half K and then press down on the accelerator to get to 6:00 pace and then if you can finish in the 5:40s you know you've got 10s or so in the middle sections.
OR If you can get to a 5:40 1st k and a 5:40 Last k you could drop 2 and 4 to 6:20s and the third K to 6 dead, and then you could nip under the wire.

Happy Labour Day All!

DW and I spent the night in St. Andrews By the Sea last night at the Algonquin Resort. Her Dad grew up there so we have visited the town a fair bit but it has always been her dream to stay there. Beutiful old spot but not cheap.


Before checking in, we hiked a near by trail in New River Beach.


Now we are home just relaxing and watching some tennis.

School starts here tomorrow so she needs to relax while she can.
Evening, gents.
Fairly relaxed Labour Day.
I did make a couple new recipes using my Instant Pot tonight. Split pea soup. Not bad! Next time, might make it just a bit thinner and a mushroom stroganoff. DW liked it. The rest of us were more "It's okay."

The train leaves South Station in Boston in the morning and then ends at the train station in Hyannis.
I called that up on Google maps. I've been to a lot of the US, but I haven't been that far East. Farthest I've been, in the Northeast, is NY (State, not city), PA and DE. Need to get over to your neck of the woods some day.
So I decided practice my panning, and I thought I did a pretty good job.
Not bad! Panning is an art form in and of itself.
And while waiting for the train, I walked up to an old caboose and snapped a couple of pics.
Like that one. :thumbsup2
It does, doesn't it? I can't say too much or men in black will show up and erase your brain. o_O:D
How do you know they didn't already?
DW and I spent the night in St. Andrews By the Sea last night at the Algonquin Resort.
Looked that up on Google maps too. Beautiful shots. I've been to NS, but not NB. My folks did take me to Gaspé and Percé when I was about 11. But we never hit any of the Maritimes.
nd sure enough, it went there. I was let go, so now I'm now back on the job market.

Well...crud. I'm really sorry to hear that. And they most certainly did drop the ball on training.

Men's #1 player hit a line Judge with a ball yesterday in anger after the point was over and was tossed. The line judge is from my home town, and I've met her thru various tennis functions. I guess that's as close to famous as I'll ever be.

Hey, small world! Hope she's ok after that one. Yikes.

Morning guys, hope you are all enjoying the holiday. I’m just back from a couple days at my in-laws. I actually get along pretty well with my MIL so I don’t mind going. They also live in a small fishing town (only ~300 people). There’s bad cell reception and slow internet so it’s a way to unplug and really relax. The weather has been great all weekend and yesterday morning I walked up the hill behind their house. The picture below is nearly the entire town.

View attachment 524441

Nice shot! Almost looks like part of the Virgin Islands.

Farthest I've been, in the Northeast, is NY (State, not city), PA and DE. Need to get over to your neck of the woods some day.

Well, you can go if you want to. But it won't compare to DE.
Morning all.

First day of school here for most people. DW's school does a staggered grade start so she doesn't have any students until Thursday, I think, and DS has his first class tomorrow, online. Looks like his 1st term will be all "alternative delivery" including his labs. Not very happy about that but we'll see.

Have a good one all and remember, you can't wear white now that we've gone past Labour Day.

Looked that up on Google maps too. Beautiful shots. I've been to NS, but not NB. My folks did take me to Gaspé and Percé when I was about 11. But we never hit any of the Maritimes.

I take it you flew to NS because if you drove, you've been in NB.
Morning all. Another relaxing day yesterday. Watched Serena win another 3 set match, as she chases 24. Not much else here.

Tried to have that "future" conversation with DW, as in what am I working for? I want a new truck, so that's easy for me. After that, then what? Are we saving for home renovation, land, beach condo, dvc points, or just spending it all on hats? I can figure out things to do to have fun and fill my day. If I'm going to be working, then I want to have a purpose.

Morning guys, hope you are all enjoying the holiday. I’m just back from a couple days at my in-laws. I actually get along pretty well with my MIL so I don’t mind going. They also live in a small fishing town (only ~300 people). There’s bad cell reception and slow internet so it’s a way to unplug and really relax. The weather has been great all weekend and yesterday morning I walked up the hill behind their house. The picture below is nearly the entire town.

View attachment 524441

Sounds and looks terrific. I really would like to get away and unplug from all this carp. I was enjoying tennis the other day, and then Osaka wears a Trayvon Martin mask for the press conference. A 7 year old case where the guy was found not guilty? Why does everything have to be a cause now?

@AirGoofy I’d love to stop by. Maybe one day!
I’ve toyed with the idea of keto. I really need to do something to lose my spare tire. I know keto works. I’m just not sure I can give up the carbs entirely. Is there a keto-light version where you cut down carbs but not eliminate? Would that even work?

Feel free to stop by. Just let me know and I'll put on some pants. :lmao:

Doc knows more about keto than I. You could try for 100 carbs a day, which still isn't much, but may do this trick as well. Even after I lose the weight, I realize this will be the way I eat for the rest of my life. Sure, I'll eat the occasional pizza, cake, and drink good beer. But, either it's my body chemistry or past eating habits, but my A1C was close to that diabetes range the way it was before. Maybe I'll hit a reset button at some point. Maybe not.

I read about that! Didn't see the video, though. Did you?

I didn't see the ball hit her, but I did watch him hit the ball against the backdrop. He turns and goes back, and she is laying on the ground. In his defense, which there really isn't any, the US Open is virtue signaling by eliminating the center line Judge. The outside line Judge will move to the center line on the serve, and then run back over to the outside line. Since the point was over, I'm guessing she was walking to re-position herself, where no one would normally be standing. Still, he hit the ball out of anger after the point, and the default rule was enforced properly. She wasn't going to continue as line Judge for the match, but there was no injury.

Hey, guys! So today being Labor Day, this would be the last time for this season that the MBTA's (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) Capeflyer comes down to the Cape. They started this a few years ago and it's been a hit ever since. The train leaves South Station in Boston in the morning and then ends at the train station in Hyannis. It'll then sit there all day and head back to Boston in the evening. Well, I haven't gotten out to take pics of it all that much this year, so today being the last day I knew I had to head out. So I decided practice my panning, and I thought I did a pretty good job. With panning, you're not going to get 100% of everything tack sharp in focus, but I thought I did a pretty good job.

View attachment 524471

And while waiting for the train, I walked up to an old caboose and snapped a couple of pics.

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And then an old farm house I've must have driven by 100's of times, but finally stopped to take a pic of.

View attachment 524473

Great pictures. DW and I have talked about traveling via train on vacation one day.
Morning, folks.
Not quite sure what to do with myself quite yet, today. It's too cold (for this time of year. 3C/37F) for a morning run.

And... I'm okay with that. Maybe I'll do absolutely nothing. Imagine that!

Well, you can go if you want to. But it won't compare to DE.
Wait. You're saying it's way better than DE????
First day of school here for most people. DW's school does a staggered grade start so she doesn't have any students until Thursday, I think,
::yes:: Eldest DD's first student teacher class today.
DS has his first class tomorrow, online.
Not quite sure when youngest DD has her first online class. I think tomorrow?
Have a good one all and remember, you can't wear white now that we've gone past Labour Day.
Great. My entire wardrobe for the week has to be rethunk.
I take it you flew to NS because if you drove, you've been in NB.
Yep. Flew in.
Are we saving for home renovation, land, beach condo, dvc points, or just spending it all on hats?
I vote hats! Let's bring them back.
I didn't see the ball hit her, but I did watch him hit the ball against the backdrop. He turns and goes back, and she is laying on the ground. In his defense, which there really isn't any, the US Open is virtue signaling by eliminating the center line Judge. The outside line Judge will move to the center line on the serve, and then run back over to the outside line. Since the point was over, I'm guessing she was walking to re-position herself, where no one would normally be standing. Still, he hit the ball out of anger after the point, and the default rule was enforced properly. She wasn't going to continue as line Judge for the match, but there was no injury.
Okay. I'd read it wasn't on purpose (and would've been pretty shocked if it was), but that just makes it sound like even more of just an unlucky series of events.
Good Morning Everyone!

Hey Darcy...

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Happy Wednesday. Last day of work. Well, at least until next Wednesday. Looking forward to dropping off the keys and being done with everything.

Okay. I'd read it wasn't on purpose (and would've been pretty shocked if it was), but that just makes it sound like even more of just an unlucky series of events.

I've hit the ball harder into the backstop, and I'm sure most other players have as well. The default was the correct enforcement of the rule. I've also been hit by a few tennis balls, and it hurts. This one happened to be in the neck and unexpected, which makes it worse. McEnroe called Djokovic the "villian" now, which seems absurdly excessive. It was something I had never seen during a match before, but Serena verbally threatening a line Judge was far worse in my opinion. She was just given a point violation for that.
Morning folks.
Last day off for me and it's back at it tomorrow.

I've hit the ball harder into the backstop, and I'm sure most other players have as well.
Sure. You could do that out of excitement or anger.
The default was the correct enforcement of the rule. I've also been hit by a few tennis balls, and it hurts. This one happened to be in the neck and unexpected, which makes it worse. McEnroe called Djokovic the "villian" now, which seems absurdly excessive. It was something I had never seen during a match before, but Serena verbally threatening a line Judge was far worse in my opinion. She was just given a point violation for that.
Completely agree. I mean... if it's the rule, then just dumb luck really that it happened. "Villain" is ridiculous. And yes, Serena's diatribe was worse.
Hi guys! I'm checking in on the DisBoards because I'm a fan. Plus, there is so much traffic on Facebook that I worry good stuff gets overlooked here. Which is unfortunate. Now - that said - I also vote to bring hats back.
I haven't been hit by a tennis ball while being a line judge.
I want to stay at Bay Lake Tower in January of 2022, but it's TECHNICALLY a waste of money. I own DVC points at Boardwalk now. If I stay in a Studio there, it would be 37 points (if the charts don't change), and it would be 65 at BLT (I'm not going to BLT and NOT have a theme park view).

We're going for Race Weekend, with only an MK day. Using the monorail to get to the race start, then walking to MK - all while renting points - sounds like a plan to me. and 65 points at $17/point is a lot less than 3 nights in the Contemporary A-frame paying cash.

I have LOTS of time. And that trip isn't even my next planned trip. But as a DisDad, I feel it is my obligation to overthink Disney planning.
This one happened to be in the neck and unexpected, which makes it worse. McEnroe called Djokovic the "villian" now, which seems absurdly excessive. It was something I had never seen during a match before,
I remember Tim Henman getting chucked out of Wimbledon for hitting a ball girl by hitting the ball at the net in frustration.
I want to stay at Bay Lake Tower in January of 2022, but it's TECHNICALLY a waste of money. I own DVC points at Boardwalk now. If I stay in a Studio there, it would be 37 points (if the charts don't change), and it would be 65 at BLT (I'm not going to BLT and NOT have a theme park view).

We're going for Race Weekend, with only an MK day. Using the monorail to get to the race start, then walking to MK - all while renting points - sounds like a plan to me. and 65 points at $17/point is a lot less than 3 nights in the Contemporary A-frame paying cash.

We own at BWV also and stayed at BLT lake view. It was a lot of extra points, but worth it. It's my favorite resort. I'm glad we tried it, but will stay at BWV unless it isn't available. The point difference at VGF is even more, but I would like to stay there once.

I remember Tim Henman getting chucked out of Wimbledon for hitting a ball girl by hitting the ball at the net in frustration.

I didn't remember that one. Found this bit of news:
In 1995, he literally bowled over Caroline Hall when he hit a 92mph ball in anger and accidentally took out the 16-year-old ball girl during a doubles match. Fortunately, no lasting damage was done and Tiger Tim apologised with a bunch of flowers the following day, although he and partner Jeremy Bates did become the first players to be disqualified at Wimbledon during the Open era.


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