Debt Dumpers - 2018

@Jen and Ashwin are you back you from your trip? We want details!

I was wondering the same thing! I was reading the DAH thread and some people who went to that also went to the DVC Moonlight event too this week. Sounds like both were great! Looking forward to hearing how Jen's trip was!

Yes, I am got back from my trip late on Wednesday night. Overall, it went great and I really enjoyed it. But on Tuesday DD started throwing up and DH had to stay home with her on Wednesday. And then he felt sick himself so he stayed home Thursday as well. And now I am at the walk in clinic because I am having body aches, chills and vomiting.

I will update later with more details from the trip. Lots to say but I just don’t feel well enough right now.
Yes, I am got back from my trip late on Wednesday night. Overall, it went great and I really enjoyed it. But on Tuesday DD started throwing up and DH had to stay home with her on Wednesday. And then he felt sick himself so he stayed home Thursday as well. And now I am at the walk in clinic because I am having body aches, chills and vomiting.

I will update later with more details from the trip. Lots to say but I just don’t feel well enough right now.

Oh no! Hope it's not the flu! Feel better.
Yes, I am got back from my trip late on Wednesday night. Overall, it went great and I really enjoyed it. But on Tuesday DD started throwing up and DH had to stay home with her on Wednesday. And then he felt sick himself so he stayed home Thursday as well. And now I am at the walk in clinic because I am having body aches, chills and vomiting.

I will update later with more details from the trip. Lots to say but I just don’t feel well enough right now.

Oh no! There are so many bugs going around right now. :crazy2: I hope you all feel better soon!
I don't think that's it since it happened right after they installed the battery. He tapped on the starter as I was trying to start it and that got it going. Thought I'd start by replacing the sensor if I can and if that doesn't work the starter. But they should have tested the alternator for me when they did the new battery. He said maybe I had a dead spot in my starter, but at that point he was just like, sorry, good luck. Grr..

One thing I did see when I looked up the signs of the crankshaft sensor going bad is that it will start up better when the engine is cold. I am really hoping it's just the sensor... just need to figure out how to get to it.

Sorry to hear of the continued car woes! Any luck replacing the sensor?

And I'm out of the Batcave to check in with you. But first:

Tygerlilly...this isn't in response to the life insurance, but do you even have a will yet? If not, that is HUGE, depending on the state and your/his family, should something happen to one or both of you. Sounds trivial, but my mom's family taught me the importance of one and sometimes how people revert to the almighty dollar. Even a simple will is better than nothing. We just had ours updated for $40.

Back to the Batman:

I have been drudging through the snowball spreadsheet, the bank spreadsheets, and the CC ones at least twice a week. DH gets updates. We've come to realize that we are horrible at tracking what we spend. In January alone, I was able to build up a baby money bumper of $600 in the account for "emergencies." Yes, I could fling that at the CC debt, but having nothing in the bank and living paycheck to paycheck is not happening for us anymore. That said, I was able to double up on CC1 payment for January.

If I put our noses on the grindstone, I could pay off CC1 in February. But the "what-if's" frighten me with two teenage daughters. :) I'll leave that emergency fund alone and hopefully build on it. That said, I'll be able to pay off CC1 in March, a full 2 months early! Woohoo!

We switched a lot of our auto deduct bills to the new AA CC for points and met the $1000 within 3 weeks, so hallelujah for 2 free airline tickets for December! I'm paying off the new AA cards every two weeks, to the penny. Next month, the companion tickets and 80k miles will post. I'll buy one set of tickets with one card and the other set with the second card, to maximize the miles we earn.

Keep chipping away at those numbers, people! They do shrink. It's fun to watch.

That’s awesome to hear about chipping away at your debts! My DH and I have the same debate about adding to the emergency fund or paying off the CCs ASAP. I would rather keep a bit more than a $1,000 buffer in our emergency fund as we had times last year where Murphy hit hard. My DH wants to pay off all CC debt before building the emergency fund up a bit more. I want to build the emergency fund to $3,000 THEN work on reducing CC debt. I know DH’s plan is more advisable, but I also know we will be diligent about paying off the CC debt. Therefore, I am okay with taking a little more time to pay off this CC debt if it means we will have the cash in hand for any visits from Murphy. We talked about it again today and will likely meet somewhere in the middle. We’ll decide for sure once my DH’s annual bonus and our tax return comes in.

I just wanted to add, if only 1 spouse dies, the retirement fund goes to the other spouse but I believe it still stays as a retirement fund. So if I lose dh, his retirement account becomes mine but that doesn't give us extra $ to use immediately. That is, unless we wanted to accept the penalties of early withdrawal. It's not really "new money" coming in, just a technicality in name change compared to assets we have now as a couple. It won't help me pay our ridiculous property taxes as a single parent.

When we're both gone our kids will get it but who can predict how much will be there at the time? I've never borrowed from our accounts but simply because our need has never been great enough. I'd like to think it will never happen but we can't predict the future.
Like you said, life insurance is immediate cash income. Only if we die at the same time would our retirement accounts become more immediate income to our kids, as would all of our liquid assets.

I am so grateful to gather wisdom from this awesome group. My parents were terrible with money management and I still have quite a bit to learn. I appreciate any and all tips for financial preparedness, so keep them coming! :thumbsup2 I did get quotes for term life from USAA and plan to add a policy within the month.

Yes, I am got back from my trip late on Wednesday night. Overall, it went great and I really enjoyed it. But on Tuesday DD started throwing up and DH had to stay home with her on Wednesday. And then he felt sick himself so he stayed home Thursday as well. And now I am at the walk in clinic because I am having body aches, chills and vomiting.

I will update later with more details from the trip. Lots to say but I just don’t feel well enough right now.

You poor thing! Feel better soon @Jen and Ashwin!!
And I'm out of the Batcave to check in with you. But first:

Tygerlilly...this isn't in response to the life insurance, but do you even have a will yet? If not, that is HUGE, depending on the state and your/his family, should something happen to one or both of you. Sounds trivial, but my mom's family taught me the importance of one and sometimes how people revert to the almighty dollar. Even a simple will is better than nothing. We just had ours updated for $40.

Back to the Batman:

I have been drudging through the snowball spreadsheet, the bank spreadsheets, and the CC ones at least twice a week. DH gets updates. We've come to realize that we are horrible at tracking what we spend. In January alone, I was able to build up a baby money bumper of $600 in the account for "emergencies." Yes, I could fling that at the CC debt, but having nothing in the bank and living paycheck to paycheck is not happening for us anymore. That said, I was able to double up on CC1 payment for January.

If I put our noses on the grindstone, I could pay off CC1 in February. But the "what-if's" frighten me with two teenage daughters. :) I'll leave that emergency fund alone and hopefully build on it. That said, I'll be able to pay off CC1 in March, a full 2 months early! Woohoo!

We switched a lot of our auto deduct bills to the new AA CC for points and met the $1000 within 3 weeks, so hallelujah for 2 free airline tickets for December! I'm paying off the new AA cards every two weeks, to the penny. Next month, the companion tickets and 80k miles will post. I'll buy one set of tickets with one card and the other set with the second card, to maximize the miles we earn.

Keep chipping away at those numbers, people! They do shrink. It's fun to watch.

This is good advice about making a will! So true. No one likes to think of these things but why make life more difficult for our grieving love ones?
Great job on paying down debt! I think the reason $1000 was ok with us is that Dave Ramsey suggested it and it seems like a good number. If you have a sudden vet bill, tire blowout, microwave dies, etc. it will cover it. It will cover A LOT of unexpected expenses but certainly not ALL. We kept all of our cc accounts open just in case there ever was something catastrophic that the $1000 couldn't cover and if that happened, then oh well, it's a step backward. Luckily that never happened.

There were times when I was really itching to just pay off the last $300 of a debt and I would take it from the emergency fund because all it ever did was sit there and it though it's not a waste, it seemed like we rarely would ever need that much. Of course I'd pay it back to bring back to $1000 but it was so nice to log into the cc account and see a $0 balance.

Another thing to think about... it's nice to have a lot of savings for that secure feeling, for all the what ifs, but the sooner you pay off the debt, the sooner you have a very large snowball. Once your snowball is quite large, it is way easier recover from some huge 'what if'.:thumbsup2

Right now, our monthly snowball is approx. $2000. (Will be $2362 once our home equity loan is paid off, but I digress.)
Let's say our fridge dies tomorrow and the new one we like is $1500. Our $1000 EF isn't enough to cover it but I could easily funnel a week of snowball toward the remainder, then work on rebuilding the EF for 2 weeks. Another option is to funnel 3 weeks from the snowball to cover the whole thing and not have to touch the EF. Either way it sidetracks us from paying down the debt for 3 weeks, whether it's to cover the cost of the fridge or to rebuild the EF. So you might as well get those debts paid down and grow your snowball.
I think for people who want to ban all cc from the house and stick to cash only, it's probably better to have a higher EF. In my scenario above, I'd be putting the fridge on a cc for the rewards then being sure to pay in full by the due date.

Yes, I am got back from my trip late on Wednesday night. Overall, it went great and I really enjoyed it. But on Tuesday DD started throwing up and DH had to stay home with her on Wednesday. And then he felt sick himself so he stayed home Thursday as well. And now I am at the walk in clinic because I am having body aches, chills and vomiting.

I will update later with more details from the trip. Lots to say but I just don’t feel well enough right now.

I hope you're all feeling better soon!
Well coming back in with a round-up of what I knew would be a bad month.

Everyday CC was $89.72 and end of month $1724.21. Most of that was car insurance and switching from monthly to annually. Which puts me on a credit card float as I will have it paid off but as I save so much more over the year I figured it was worth the pain for one month and I'll set up my funding goals to have it put away for next year. The other $200 was DH buying his meat smoker and a million things to go with it rather than saving up til he had the cash to go with the go he got for Christmas. But he christened it yesterday with ribs and kransky for all our friends and it was sooooooooo good so I'll let him have that one; )

Travel CC was
$2794.55 at the start of Jan and $2814.13 at the end so $20 more but we booked the rest of our US trip and paid that all bar the twenty.

Considering we had 4 weeks off school for all of us, lots of visiting friends while back home and all our back to school expenses too, I'm not too disappointed.

I know not taking a trip would help but it really is the last one in a while...
Sorry to hear of the continued car woes! Any luck replacing the sensor?

Thanks - no luck so far. Worked on it yesterday and today and tried accessing it from three different angles. Under the car - can't reach it. From above - can't reach it. Took off the passenger side tire and can reach it, just can't get it off. I'll try again tomorrow after work. Rented a Car2Go today to go get groceries and run a couple of other errands. If I can't get my car fixed I will probably donate it and have them come tow it away since it won't start. Then I might just go carless for awhile to give myself a couple of months to build up more of a downpayment. Luckily I live less than a ten minute walk from work and also in a neighborhood with Car2Go vehicles parked all around for what I'm thinking would be twice monthly grocery trips and errands. It's doable for the short term. I would save the $70 registration payment that's due next month and also the $50/month that I spend on gas. I guess I would get rid of my insurance too which is another $50/month. Then take my debt dumping snowball and put it toward the downpayment too for the next couple of months.

We'll see - I'm still hoping I can get the dang sensor off and replaced. Whoever put it where it is... well, I'd like to hurt them... :laughing:
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Love reading everyones plans and commitments to pay down debt for 2018! It motivates me a lot and I am almost done with my CC debt.

Of course I have my car payment but with that I am 50% through with the loan :)

One day soon I will post up my goals and where I stand! Just trying to figure out now where I actually stand haha
Thanks - no luck so far. Worked on it yesterday and today and tried accessing it from three different angles. Under the car - can't reach it. From above - can't reach it. Took off the passenger side tire and can reach it, just can't get it off. I'll try again tomorrow after work. Rented a Car2Go today to go get groceries and run a couple of other errands. If I can't get my car fixed I will probably donate it and have them come tow it away since it won't start. Then I might just go carless for awhile to give myself a couple of months to build up more of a downpayment. Luckily I live less than a ten minute walk from work and also in a neighborhood with Car2Go vehicles parked all around for what I'm thinking would be twice monthly grocery trips and errands. It's doable for the short term. I would save the $70 registration payment that's due next month and also the $50/month that I spend on gas. I guess I would get rid of my insurance too which is another $50/month. Then take my debt dumping snowball and put it toward the downpayment too for the next couple of months.

We'll see - I'm still hoping I can get the dang sensor off and replaced. Whoever put it where it is... well, I'd like to hurt them... :laughing:

10 min walk to work? That is awesome. I don't think I'd own a car then.
Why not do the occasional Car2Go when you need one?
10 min walk to work? That is awesome. I don't think I'd own a car then.
Why not do the occasional Car2Go when you need one?

Well, I have a large dog that I like to take to meetups on the weekends. I also have trips planned this year that require me to get her to her doggy daycare for boarding. But yeah, I could be carless otherwise. Not sure if Car2Go allows pets in their vehicles. I'll have to check the fine print on that. I do have a coworker who lives in my neighborhood who hasn't owned a car for decades. It's definitely doable if you're okay sticking closer to home on the weekends. I might go a wee bit stir crazy after awhile.
This is good advice about making a will! So true. No one likes to think of these things but why make life more difficult for our grieving love ones?
Great job on paying down debt! I think the reason $1000 was ok with us is that Dave Ramsey suggested it and it seems like a good number. If you have a sudden vet bill, tire blowout, microwave dies, etc. it will cover it. It will cover A LOT of unexpected expenses but certainly not ALL. We kept all of our cc accounts open just in case there ever was something catastrophic that the $1000 couldn't cover and if that happened, then oh well, it's a step backward. Luckily that never happened.

There were times when I was really itching to just pay off the last $300 of a debt and I would take it from the emergency fund because all it ever did was sit there and it though it's not a waste, it seemed like we rarely would ever need that much. Of course I'd pay it back to bring back to $1000 but it was so nice to log into the cc account and see a $0 balance.

Another thing to think about... it's nice to have a lot of savings for that secure feeling, for all the what ifs, but the sooner you pay off the debt, the sooner you have a very large snowball. Once your snowball is quite large, it is way easier recover from some huge 'what if'.:thumbsup2

Right now, our monthly snowball is approx. $2000. (Will be $2362 once our home equity loan is paid off, but I digress.)
Let's say our fridge dies tomorrow and the new one we like is $1500. Our $1000 EF isn't enough to cover it but I could easily funnel a week of snowball toward the remainder, then work on rebuilding the EF for 2 weeks. Another option is to funnel 3 weeks from the snowball to cover the whole thing and not have to touch the EF. Either way it sidetracks us from paying down the debt for 3 weeks, whether it's to cover the cost of the fridge or to rebuild the EF. So you might as well get those debts paid down and grow your snowball.
I think for people who want to ban all cc from the house and stick to cash only, it's probably better to have a higher EF. In my scenario above, I'd be putting the fridge on a cc for the rewards then being sure to pay in full by the due date.


I think I would feel better about paying them off ASAP if we had a bigger snowball. To be honest, at this point I’m not even sure how big ours is :confused3 We were spending and then filling in our spreadsheet to see how we were doing with our budget. We’d toss money here and there at our CC debt, but it wasn’t pragmatic. Plus, we have most definitely been overspending in our food and retail categories. We are only a little over a week into using YNAB and we’re doing MUCH better. I can’t get over how much I love it :hyper: We are now touching base about our monthly budget and long term goals more than once/day. Maybe with YNAB I’ll have the confidence to pay the CC debt quickly without feeling the need for a higher emergency fund. I’m hoping that’s the case!! ::yes::

Thanks - no luck so far. Worked on it yesterday and today and tried accessing it from three different angles. Under the car - can't reach it. From above - can't reach it. Took off the passenger side tire and can reach it, just can't get it off. I'll try again tomorrow after work. Rented a Car2Go today to go get groceries and run a couple of other errands. If I can't get my car fixed I will probably donate it and have them come tow it away since it won't start. Then I might just go carless for awhile to give myself a couple of months to build up more of a downpayment. Luckily I live less than a ten minute walk from work and also in a neighborhood with Car2Go vehicles parked all around for what I'm thinking would be twice monthly grocery trips and errands. It's doable for the short term. I would save the $70 registration payment that's due next month and also the $50/month that I spend on gas. I guess I would get rid of my insurance too which is another $50/month. Then take my debt dumping snowball and put it toward the downpayment too for the next couple of months.

We'll see - I'm still hoping I can get the dang sensor off and replaced. Whoever put it where it is... well, I'd like to hurt them... :laughing:

Wishing you the best of luck today as you try to replace the sensor!! :shamrock: That is awesome you live so close to work and have the option for Car2Go. It’s nice to have a Plan B like that when things go wrong.

Well, I have a large dog that I like to take to meetups on the weekends. I also have trips planned this year that require me to get her to her doggy daycare for boarding. But yeah, I could be carless otherwise. Not sure if Car2Go allows pets in their vehicles. I'll have to check the fine print on that. I do have a coworker who lives in my neighborhood who hasn't owned a car for decades. It's definitely doable if you're okay sticking closer to home on the weekends. I might go a wee bit stir crazy after awhile.

I don’t live in an area where being carless would be an option, but it would be interesting to do a cost analysis of what you would save by not owning a car vs the costs of using Cars2Go on a regular basis. However, it’s hard to put a figure on the convenience of your own car. Keep us updated and I hope to hear good news about the sensor soon!
Wishing you the best of luck today as you try to replace the sensor!! :shamrock: That is awesome you live so close to work and have the option for Car2Go. It’s nice to have a Plan B like that when things go wrong.

Woke up to surprise snow and temps in the teens, so I guess working on my car after work may have to wait! Had a lovely walk to work (insert sarcasm here)... woman's little dog that she was walking lunged at my legs. Bonus ice facial. Good times. Luckily it's a short walk - about 7 minutes. :)

I don’t live in an area where being carless would be an option, but it would be interesting to do a cost analysis of what you would save by not owning a car vs the costs of using Cars2Go on a regular basis. However, it’s hard to put a figure on the convenience of your own car. Keep us updated and I hope to hear good news about the sensor soon!

Car2Go isn't cheap unfortunately. Using it twice a month (3 hours each time) would only be about $10-15 under my monthly fees now for having my car (gas and insurance).
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Woke up to surprise snow and temps in the teens, so I guess working on my car after work may have to wait! Had a lovely walk to work (insert sarcasm here)... woman's little dog that she was walking lunged at my legs. Bonus ice facial. Good times. Luckily it's a short walk - about 7 minutes. :)

Car2Go isn't cheap unfortunately. Using it twice a month (3 hours each time) would only be about $10-15 under my monthly fees now for having my car (gas and insurance).

If it makes you feel any better, the walk to my building is that long from the train station. The train is a 20 min ride and I have to drive to the train station near my house and pay to park. All together, about 45 mins. I've never had a dog lunge at me but I work in the city so there's homeless people, crazed junkies begging for cash, pretending to need train fare, then cursing people who decline.
It makes working from home seem dreamy but I'd guess that has it downfalls too.
Finished filing our income tax returns and received notice that both were accepted. Got an extra $28.10 in my semi monthly check a few days ago. Based on the new withholding rate, the new tax rates for 2018, the increase in the standard deduction for married couples, the elimination of personal exemptions for 2018, the doubling of the child tax credit (and my losing the ability to claim one of my kids because she'll be 17 later this year), etc., I calculated approximately what our tax refund will be for next year. It's going from $3,030 this year to approximately $443 next year! Just a heads up that the lower tax rates may not be enough to compensate for the elimination of personal exemptions, especially for those of us with kids we can no longer claim the child tax credit on. We still won't owe, so that's a good thing, but I'm glad I figured things out early because that's a big reduction in our refund based on only $674.40 more in our paycheck over the course of the year ($28.10 x 2 x 12 = $674.40). Thankfully, we normally just put the refund into savings, so we'll have to make adjustments elsewhere, if we can, to make it up.

Did you use an online calculator to estimate next years taxes? I would like to do the same.

If it makes you feel any better, the walk to my building is that long from the train station. The train is a 20 min ride and I have to drive to the train station near my house and pay to park. All together, about 45 mins. I've never had a dog lunge at me but I work in the city so there's homeless people, crazed junkies begging for cash, pretending to need train fare, then cursing people who decline.
It makes working from home seem dreamy but I'd guess that has it downfalls too.

Yeah, I know I am very lucky to be able to walk to work - I was just joking about my awesome walk this morning. I live close to downtown, and we have a lot of homeless people here. They're on almost every major street corner with signs begging for money, including the major street corners bordering my neighborhood. I've also been cursed at for not giving one money. Grr...

I wouldn't want to work from home - too isolating for me. It would have its upsides though!
Yeah, I know I am very lucky to be able to walk to work - I was just joking about my awesome walk this morning. I live close to downtown, and we have a lot of homeless people here. They're on almost every major street corner with signs begging for money, including the major street corners bordering my neighborhood. I've also been cursed at for not giving one money. Grr...

I wouldn't want to work from home - too isolating for me. It would have its upsides though!
I teleworked exclusively for 4 years while on detail to another federal agency and ❤️ it! Now I am back with my home agency and only get to telework 2 days a week. I so miss the daily telework and hate the 40 minute commute to the office. I was so much more productive just working from home without the distractions of co-workers in the office to socialize with.
I haven't read all of the replies to this yet, but I'm diving in!

Our goals this year are:

1) pay off and close the line of credit we opened to finish our yard work by the end of April. We won't need it after that and I don't want/need the temptation to utilize it!
2) pay off our credit card debt by the end of October (we only have one joint credit card but it has a pretty significant credit limit (with a very low interest) and we have a high balance on it...but I'm determined :) )
3) Pay off our loan that we had to get due to my husbands business f'ing him over (even if we don't pay off early, we will have this complete this goal by the end of the year!)
4) pay house and property taxes in full (and not add to our mortgage like we always do!)
5) start increasing our retirement investments
6) living frugally and not spending recklessly until at least 2 of the first 3 goals are met!
7) Once all of the major goals are met, we are going to start paying off our car loan and mortgage!

Wish me luck! Its not an easy target, and I'm determined as all heck, but if we accomplish these goals, we will feel such an IMMENSE relief! We've been living in debt FAR too long!
Did you use an online calculator to estimate next years taxes? I would like to do the same.


Didn’t use an online calculator, just the final version of the tax bill that adjusted the tax brackets, eliminated personal exemptions, doubled the child tax credit. I used the final figures on my 2017 return and my adjusted withholding (the new rate on my recent paycheck) to calculate approximately how much will be withheld by year end to figure things out.
So I have the flu. :( I am taking tamiflu and trying to rest. This means that DH has had to take all of the baby care duties again because we definitely don't want DD to get flu right after recovering from norovirus. DD got her bath today. We always weigh her on bath day and sadly her weigh has only increased 7 ounces in the last month. So she has slipped down to the 20th percentile for weight now. This is mainly due to the fact that when she was in the hospital she actually lost weight and since being sick, she hasn't quite gotten back to her normal consumption amounts yet. It makes me sad because we had worked so hard to increase the amount she was eating and she was doing so well, but these several weeks of being sick has really taken the toll.

And our budget is pretty out of wack now. We ended up going $150 over budget for groceries last month. Plus $50 over budget on eating out and completely wiping out out medical/personal care fund. I will be using our tax return money to get us back on level ground and make up for all of the overspending. And then next month is a double paycheck month. We plan to use that money to just budget ahead for the next month. That way, we are truly a month ahead of all expenses since all of our current month paychecks would be going towards next months expenses from then on.

As for my trip, I had a really great time. It was fun to go with my friend and I think she really enjoyed it too. I got to do tons of new things that I had never done before. At Animal Kingdom, I finally got to ride Expedition Everest and we saw Rivers of Light. We also went on the Na’vi River Journey, though I was a bit disappointed in it. I just didn't feel like it told a story or anything. At Magic Kingdom, we ate at the Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen. It was great theming and lots of fun, since the servers as supposed to be skippers from the jungle cruise ride. The Moonlight Magic event was nice, though we ended up leaving around 10:30 since we had already been in the parks since 9am and it was raining. At Epcot, I finally got to visit the DVC lounge. We also grabbed some yummy food at the food booths for the Festival of the Arts, which was all super delicious. And there were also these fun photo spots at many of the countries. They were famous paintings that you could "stand in" and become a part of the artwork. We also rode Frozen at Norway, which I thought was a very good ride with some nice animatronics. At Hollywood Studios, I got to ride the Rock n' Rollercoaster for the first time. It is fun, but definitely felt short. We also did the Frozen singalong, which was pretty fun too. And then after my meeting one night, we went to Disney Springs. I found some super cute clearance items for DD at UNIQLO. They are 18-24 months size, so she can wear them for her first Disney trip in 2019. And I of course bought all of the new Starbucks mugs at each of the parks. I love the new designs. A very nice trip overall.


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