Debt Dumpers - 2018

I would have been fired to have another sick day, kids or not. After a while they don't want to hear it; they have a point system for sick days and it doesn't matter if you have a dr note or not, only FMLA makes an absence excusable. I think that was the year I had pink eye twice, & younger ds had pneumonia with high fever for 4 days. I was suspended for 3 days without pay which is bad enough but with 1 more call out I would have been fired. I'd be completely screwed to lose my job. Back then dh worked for private contractors and would often get laid off when work was slow in the winter so my job has always been the secure/stable one. My inlaws were retired but wouldn't babysit. My MIL once told dh when requesting sick child care that "she already raised her kids." Not that we were asking for a date night or dinner out or something petty (which we NEVER did simply because our kids were away from us so much due to work). I was just desperate for some back up to keep from losing my job. I didn't hear about that conversation until months later when he told his brother. I was shocked and told dh I don't care if I end up losing my job and we have to live in a cardboard box, I will never, ever ask her to babysit our kids again. Our youngest was 2.5 yrs old when I made that vow so they have no memories of being at that house without us.

That's ridiculous that you could be fired for being ill. Just another thing that needs to change in our society in my opinion. And your MIL... wow, that's a bummer that she wasn't at all supportive.
That's awful to have work act like sickness doesn't happen. Wow, and my ex mother-in-law was similar. She straight out told me don't ever ask me to babysit when my daughter was a baby. And she lived in the same town.

What a week at work. I don't enjoy what I'm doing at all, but I won't quit. Applications to move on have not landed any interviews yet.
Also people are contagious the day before symptoms appear. So people are spreading it even if they stay home at the first inkling that they're sick.

Me too! I was so happy to be able to open the windows for the past 2 days and get fresh air through the house because typically, it's not warm enough to do so until spring and then I can't due to high pollen levels. So for me, winter is the only time it really is fresh air. I was so disappointed to get the pollen alert email that Juniper pollen is out already.

Dh tends to get bronchitis with respiratory illnesses. We both saw the same doctor but dh was prescribed a steroid, an inhaler, and cough syrup with codeine. For me he ordered Tamiflu. :confused3 I did get in to be seen much quicker which they say is important for the Tamiflu to work. Dh began feeling sick on his way home on a Friday but waited until Monday to see our doctor. Little did he know they have Sat am hours. Oh well.

Amen. :thumbsup2:hug:
Sadly, I did send ds21 with a fever in early elementary school. Loaded him with Motrin and told him to go to the nurse when it wears off and have them call Daddy to pick you up. I would have been fired to have another sick day, kids or not. After a while they don't want to hear it; they have a point system for sick days and it doesn't matter if you have a dr note or not, only FMLA makes an absence excusable. I think that was the year I had pink eye twice, & younger ds had pneumonia with high fever for 4 days. I was suspended for 3 days without pay which is bad enough but with 1 more call out I would have been fired. I'd be completely screwed to lose my job. Back then dh worked for private contractors and would often get laid off when work was slow in the winter so my job has always been the secure/stable one. My inlaws were retired but wouldn't babysit. My MIL once told dh when requesting sick child care that "she already raised her kids." Not that we were asking for a date night or dinner out or something petty (which we NEVER did simply because our kids were away from us so much due to work). I was just desperate for some back up to keep from losing my job. I didn't hear about that conversation until months later when he told his brother. I was shocked and told dh I don't care if I end up losing my job and we have to live in a cardboard box, I will never, ever ask her to babysit our kids again. Our youngest was 2.5 yrs old when I made that vow so they have no memories of being at that house without us.

People can flame away but sometimes you're between a rock and a hard place. Thank God those days are over. :sad2:
Wow, thanks for sharing your story. Yeah I think society “mommy shames” mothers too much. Working moms get shame, but so do stay at home moms. At the end of the day, we are all just women trying our best to raise decent humans.
Yeah, but you're generally not coughing and sneezing at that point so not spreading the germs as much or as far.

Well that is true, unless someone has allergies. I take a ridiculous amount of allergy medication and still have PND and cough frequently on a good day. The allergy dr suggested immunotherapy injections which I wouldn't mind taking the stab, it's the time/$ commitment I can't do. Their hours are like 9-3, I work 8-4:30, and after the injection you have to sit for observation for 20 mins or so in case of severe reaction. He also said you have to really be committed for it to work. It's a weekly trip x several years and it's ok to take off once or twice per year for vacation but he said don't bother if you would only do let's say 3 out of 4 weeks per month.
I could also have the allergy dr order my unique concoction with a pharmacy and have my family doctor's office administer it, which would cover the hours outside of work dilemma, but because they're not part of the hospital network that I work, my copay there is higher, $30/visit. No one in the office knew if I'd have to pay a copay as a regular doctor visit if I don't actually see the dr and just have the nurse inject. I don't expect it to be a free visit but $30/week really adds up. Maybe I'll ask again once I get some more time off in my bank. All of this time dumping debt I really tried to focus on things we truly need and that just wasn't one of them. Also my kids were still in elementary school & middle school when this was all explained to me so my evenings were packed back then between karate, t-ball/baseball, and helping with homework, going through backpacks, etc. I really was avoiding adding another thing to do after work, even when it's something good for myself.

Even if I went through with it all and got some relief, I have talked to so many people who said the relief didn't last long after the injections ended and it wasn't really the cure-all they were expecting.
Playing catch up tonight :goodvibes

Just had Home Depot over about putting more insulation in our attic. The upstairs is always hot in the summer and cold in the winter, so I think better insulation should help. And I want to get this done since we are now working on converting my sewing room into DD's nursery. She is getting big and will soon have to transition out of the bassinet. I got a quote from another place that wanted $1300. Home Depot said $1000 and they are actually going to do more because that quote included replacing the crappy cardboard baffles with nicer plastic ones for better air circulation. We can also get a $125 rebate through our energy company. And they have availability for next week.

DD had her physical therapy evaluation today. It was with the same therapist she saw before about her eating issues. She said that though Asha does have muscle tightness, it was what she called, "the higher end of the normal range." She said that she doesn't think we should worry about a larger problem and that with some regular work at home on different exercises, she should be much improved. And she also wrote me a note to give to the daycare to ensure that they are giving DD enough tummy time each day to help her strengthen her core and shoulder muscles. I feel much better now and have a concrete plan to move forward with. I always work better with a plan.

I mailed off the retainer check for the architect today and will be setting up an appointment to have her take measurements for our basement floor plans. I am pretty excited to get started on the basement. We also have a few other home projects that we plan on doing as well. I want to have a storm door installed on the front of the house. We want to do a tile backsplash in the kitchen, though I will probably wait on that because we would do the same backsplash in the basement wet bar. And we want to have an attic ladder added to the garage and putting down some flooring so that we can have some storage above the garage.

And finally, we have DD's hebrew baby naming set up for March. My parents will be coming to visit for the weekend and we plan to spend Saturday at the Henry Ford Museum. They have a Science of Pixar exhibit that I have been wanting to see before it leaves in mid-March, so I am really excited for it.

@Jen and Ashwin- Are you in the Detroit area? My sister used to live there and my aunt and Uncle live in Saline. We are just a hop, skip, and a jump from there in northern IN and make our way up there once or twice a year.

Oh and when we had the guy from home depot over last night, something happened that I found pretty funny. When DD started rubbing her eyes (her tell tale sign of being ready for bed), DH took her to her bassinet and put her to sleep. She settled right down, without as much as a peep, which is pretty typical for her. The guy was like, wait, is she asleep now? Just like that? No crying, no fuss? He was in total shock. :rotfl2:

Color me impressed! We just got our 11 month old to sleep in her crib all night :blush:

Well, had to add some money to the Medical line of the budget this morning... I started having a cough yesterday that was worse this morning, but not terrible. Since I'm supposed to be in Miami this time next week, I decided I'd stop by urgent care and try to get a prescription for prednisone to knock it out of me. I got in there and to my surprise I had a 100 degree fever :mad: I tested negative on the rapid flu test, but I know that's what I have because one of my inconsiderate coworkers came to work with strain A and didn't take Tamiflu, despite the generous sick leave plan he has. I generally feel fine, slight cough and some soreness in my elbows. Don't feel like I have a fever at all. They did give me Tamiflu so I took the first dose of that. I think the Tamiflu has made me slightly nauseous, so I'm going to try to sleep it off.

Ugh! That is so frustrating :sad2: ESPECIALLY since the offender has the time to take. My DH’s company started offering unlimited work from home days/sick days to reduce this problem. They will even ask people to leave and take advantage of this policy if they are coughing too much/appear ill. Hope you’re feeling better!!

Me too. I'm completely out of time. Dh brought home the flu in early Feb and coughed all over the place. He has no concept of germ control by hand washing. Ugh! He did test positive for the flu so 2 days later, they didn't bother testing me. The Tamiflu did help mine go away faster but still it eventually became a sinus infection which for me requires a trip to the ENT, antibiotics & steroids. I found the Tamiflu not so bad by taking it with meals.

My immune system is so run down. I had mono in Dec that caused Reactive Arthritis + fatigue from Hell-o! I could hardly walk for weeks and even once I could, something simple like taking ds to a dr appt would wipe me out the rest of the day and the next day too. I've been out of work since Dec 6. It's been getting better but I really didn't need the flu & sinusitis on top of all that.
At my follow up appt with the rheumatologist she called it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and signed me out of work til next January but if they won't hold my job all that time. I have to return by next Wed when my FMLA ends. We are on our feet and on the go, fast-paced, all day so I don't know how I'm going to do it. I have to at least try. If I collapse at work at least I know I didn't just sit home saying I can't work.
I already hired ds17 as a biweekly cleaning service. If I'm going to pay someone, it might as well be him. He does a good job but doesn't do it all at once which is a pain but hopefully with more experience, he gets quicker with it & develops a system to be more efficient. It's been record-high warm here in NJ so I let him skate (I know he's itching to get outside.) but with lots of rain coming he will get it done.

I didn't really feel like talking about it before but now that you mentioned PTO got me thinking how depleted my bank is now and even though I have several days scheduled off in March, I will have to give them back because I don't have time in the bank to cover them.
I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired.

After looking at disability options & very high possibility of it being denied has really made me sit down and look at our big financial picture & while I'm so relieved to have 99% of our debt gone, we still have a mortgage and can't get by on one income. All the more reason it is best to hunker down and pay everything off. This all started abruptly out of nowhere. :sad2:

I am so sorry you are dealing with this @ruadisneyfan2. We really need to have an overhaul of our system that allows people to have easier access to short-term and long-term disability. It seems like most people get denied including those who really need it.

Picked up the keys to our house yesterday! Also booked our cruise for August! :yay::yay:

Congrats!!! :rainbow:
Double posting since I couldn’t catch it all in one go :chat:

With the flu, you are actually contagious for up to 7 days after the onset of symptoms. When I was sick a few weeks ago, I stayed home for the entire week since I didn't want to risk my coworkers getting ill too. I am just glad I can do my work from home, so I didn't actually have to take any sick time that week. I really have a new found appreciation for the flexibility that I have in my job. This morning, I had to take DD back to the pediatrician because they couldn't give her the rotavirus vaccine last week at her 4 month appointment due to her having diarrhea. Well, I took her in and didn't actually start work until 10am, but I will just work a bit extra tonight and tomorrow, so I don't need to take any PTO for it. My boss just wants to see that we are getting stuff done, but we have a huge amount of flexibility in when and how that happens.

I have really grown to depend on the flexibility of my DH’s job. It makes such a huge difference in dealing with the stress of the work/life balance.

MamaBelleRN...I for some reason cannot quote your question, but here goes.

My grocery tips....
I am a massive planner. I meal plan almost for a month straight. That way, when I think there isn't something to eat in the house, I remember that there actually is. At the beginning of the month, I go through the fridge, pantry and freezer and I select the oldest things and work with those. I then pair it with things at the store on sale or clearance. I rarely buy anything at full value. I only buy meat at Costco and I separate it. Except I do buy a quarter cow in the spring and this meat will be roughly $3.50/lb (every cut of meat), and it'll last us almost 8-12 months (but not exclusively eating beef...we eat lots of other stuff too). I find coupons tend to be for unhealthier items, so we actually rarely use those, but if one does come up that we would use, I still won't use it unless that item is on sale (and it will eventually go on sale). I buy my fruits and vegetables from an outlet store here, tends to be 30% off regular supermarket costs...OR I buy the discounted fruits and veggies at WalMart as we'd be using them the same day anyways. I also shop specific places for specific things. For example, I know at Costco, they have items that are staples in our house that are way cheaper than anywhere else. I rarely buy crap food. I'm not super healthy, but if my kids want a snack, we bake cookies or make popcorn or they eat fruit. We don't drink soda, kids get juice every now and then, but we water it down to last a little longer (and also because my kids don't need to drink straight juice). Go in to a grocery store with a list and a budget and try not to go more than once a week. Do not stray from that budget! One thing I started doing in January is going in with cash and no other cards. I can't go over my budget if I'm paying cash! We rarely eat out...our budget would be triple if we did. However, some times we do find a groupon we like and we buy one of those for eating out. Kids only get McDonalds when they've done something awesome (kid got mcd's a couple of weeks ago because he finally passed a level in swimming he's been struggling in). I plant a garden in the summer and I use those veggies all summer and throughout the fall and into the winter (we just finished our potatoes from last year!). About every 3 months, I have a big spend at Costco - but other than that, I can get through a week on $25-$50 worth of groceries for a family of 4. We have one in diapers, but we cloth diaper, so that's an expense I don't have to worry about. I make a whole chicken at least once a month and then make broth. Every Sunday, I make a pot of soup. I also make enough food every night to have leftovers for work for the next day - I don't remember the last time I had to buy lunch. We also make our coffee in the morning and take it to go. The price of Starbucks is absolutely ridiculous. I also use apps for price matching if need be and to find the cheapest groceries (I don't know if these are location specific, but I use Flipp a lot!). If I see something about to spoil (eg: fruits), I will make jam and freeze, or I'll cut up the veggies and freeze and use those for future (like soups, stews, etc). We don't waste ANYTHING....and we have 2 kids 5 and under! I had to become super frugal when I was on maternity leave a few years ago as hubby was just starting out in his industry and it was really rough on us. I got creative really fast and it just seems to have stuck. However, there are months where I take for granted a higher income month and we get to enjoy some time, but those are becoming more and more infrequent because, you know, kids.....

That is incredibly impressive!! I am going have to study your tips and try incorporating a step or two at a time. Unfortunately, I have a black thumb. My kids were just asking about having a garden this summer, so maybe it’s time to try again :thumbsup2

Also people are contagious the day before symptoms appear. So people are spreading it even if they stay home at the first inkling that they're sick.

Me too! I was so happy to be able to open the windows for the past 2 days and get fresh air through the house because typically, it's not warm enough to do so until spring and then I can't due to high pollen levels. So for me, winter is the only time it really is fresh air. I was so disappointed to get the pollen alert email that Juniper pollen is out already.

Dh tends to get bronchitis with respiratory illnesses. We both saw the same doctor but dh was prescribed a steroid, an inhaler, and cough syrup with codeine. For me he ordered Tamiflu. :confused3 I did get in to be seen much quicker which they say is important for the Tamiflu to work. Dh began feeling sick on his way home on a Friday but waited until Monday to see our doctor. Little did he know they have Sat am hours. Oh well.

Amen. :thumbsup2:hug:
Sadly, I did send ds21 with a fever in early elementary school. Loaded him with Motrin and told him to go to the nurse when it wears off and have them call Daddy to pick you up. I would have been fired to have another sick day, kids or not. After a while they don't want to hear it; they have a point system for sick days and it doesn't matter if you have a dr note or not, only FMLA makes an absence excusable. I think that was the year I had pink eye twice, & younger ds had pneumonia with high fever for 4 days. I was suspended for 3 days without pay which is bad enough but with 1 more call out I would have been fired. I'd be completely screwed to lose my job. Back then dh worked for private contractors and would often get laid off when work was slow in the winter so my job has always been the secure/stable one. My inlaws were retired but wouldn't babysit. My MIL once told dh when requesting sick child care that "she already raised her kids." Not that we were asking for a date night or dinner out or something petty (which we NEVER did simply because our kids were away from us so much due to work). I was just desperate for some back up to keep from losing my job. I didn't hear about that conversation until months later when he told his brother. I was shocked and told dh I don't care if I end up losing my job and we have to live in a cardboard box, I will never, ever ask her to babysit our kids again. Our youngest was 2.5 yrs old when I made that vow so they have no memories of being at that house without us.

People can flame away but sometimes you're between a rock and a hard place. Thank God those days are over. :sad2:

I really do feel like there should be federal protections for working moms. And your MIL :eek: I lucked out in that department and probably would not have been able to get my nursing degree if it were not for her. I did an accelerated program for people who already have a Bachelor’s when my oldest two were 1 and 4. She watched my girls all the time and now watches my littles when I work. I hope to be as generous with my time as my MIL when that day comes. :hug:

ETA: I got my employee ID # for the PRN job today so it’s official :jumping1: This Group played a large part in inspiring me to explore new avenues and it’s led to a really fantastic opportunity so :thanks:
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Double posting since I couldn’t catch it all in one go :chat:

I have really grown to depend on the flexibility of my DH’s job. It makes such a huge difference in dealing with the stress of the work/life balance.

That is incredibly impressive!! I am going have to study your tips and try incorporating a step or two at a time. Unfortunately, I have a black thumb. My kids were just asking about having a garden this summer, so maybe it’s time to try again :thumbsup2

I really do feel like there should be federal protections for working moms. And your MIL :eek: I lucked out in that department and probably would not have been able to get my nursing degree if it were not for her. I did an accelerated program for people who already have a Bachelor’s when my oldest two were 1 and 4. She watched my girls all the time and now watches my littles when I work. I hope to be as generous with my time as my MIL when that day comes. :hug:

ETA: I got my employee ID # for the PRN job today so it’s official :jumping1: This Group played a large part in inspiring me to explore new avenues and it’s led to a really fantastic opportunity so :thanks:
Well that is true, unless someone has allergies. I take a ridiculous amount of allergy medication and still have PND and cough frequently on a good day.

Do you have ticks in your area? Have you ever been tested for any tick diseases, specifically Alpha Gal? I ask because my mom thought for years that she had severe asthma and recurring bouts of pneumonia- she would just cough nonstop. It turns out she had this tick disease, Alpha Gal, which essentially gives you an allergy to any food that comes from a mammal and can manifest as a severe cough. She quit eating all mammal product over a year ago and has had no issues since then.
Do you have ticks in your area? Have you ever been tested for any tick diseases, specifically Alpha Gal? I ask because my mom thought for years that she had severe asthma and recurring bouts of pneumonia- she would just cough nonstop. It turns out she had this tick disease, Alpha Gal, which essentially gives you an allergy to any food that comes from a mammal and can manifest as a severe cough. She quit eating all mammal product over a year ago and has had no issues since then.

Yes, yes & no.
That's interesting. I will look into Alpha Gal. It sounds awful. There are very few veggies that I like so I wouldn't make a good vegetarian. :crazy2:

I did have 2 rounds of allergy testing about 15 yrs apart by 2 different allergy doctors. Both told me I am highly allergic and should have shots. No food allergies that I know of: trees, grass, English plantain, ragweed, mold, wool the first testing. Added to that list on 2nd testing: dust/dust mites droppings & **** roach droppings. Ick! Never had a cockroach in my house in my life and never even saw one til I started working in the city.
When I take a decongestant, the cough stops and lessens how much I need to clear my throat.

ETA: Thanks for sharing that. It's fascinating. Silly me though, not thinking, chicken & turkeys are not mammals, so you mom can still eat some meat. ;)
The Alpha Gal symptoms sound different than mine. I never get hives or itching; it's all nasal-related. (congestion, PND, clogged ears occasionally, itchy eyes in spring & recurring sinusitis) which all points to crap I breathe in, mostly pollen.
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Yes, yes & no.
That's interesting. I will look into Alpha Gal. It sounds awful. There are very few veggies that I like so I wouldn't make a good vegetarian. :crazy2:

I did have 2 rounds of allergy testing about 15 yrs apart by 2 different allergy doctors. Both told me I a highly allergic and should have shots. No food allergies that I know of.
When I take a decongestant, the cough stops and lessens how much I need to clear my throat.

She's able to eat chicken, turkey, and all seafood. Basically the rule is if it walks on two feet or swims in the ocean, she can eat it. But yes, I would have a tough time with it too! Just thought I'd mention it to you-it's made such a huge difference in her life since she stopped eating all of that. The ticks are TERRIBLE where we are. I've had multiple animals suffer from lyme disease and erlichea as well, even though we always use flea and tick protection.

I did allergy testing two years ago and it's made a huge difference for me. I couldn't understand why I was so itchy every day- turns out I'm allergic to a whole bunch of fruits that I love to eat! A bummer, but the daily relief is worth it. My dust mite allergy is still a struggle but has been manageable lately (knock on wood).
Everyone is feeling much better today. DD8 still has some lingering congestion but we’re pretty much all better and good to go after some much needed rest. I swear deep, quality sleep is nature’s elixir to illness and sickness.

Forecast in DC is rainy for tomorrow but 59 which is decent. Sunday will be 70. I’m hoping to get same day tickets to the Museum of African American culture and history. If not, the Museum of Natural history or of the American Indian will have to do.
I also scored reservations to the original Founding Farmers restaurant near Georgetown for tomorrow night. It was highly recommended by our regular Uber We have a location that just opened nearish to us in King of Prussia and boy is the food good.
Everyone is feeling much better today. DD8 still has some lingering congestion but we’re pretty much all better and good to go after some much needed rest. I swear deep, quality sleep is nature’s elixir to illness and sickness.

Forecast in DC is rainy for tomorrow but 59 which is decent. Sunday will be 70. I’m hoping to get same day tickets to the Museum of African American culture and history. If not, the Museum of Natural history or of the American Indian will have to do.
I also scored reservations to the original Founding Farmers restaurant near Georgetown for tomorrow night. It was highly recommended by our regular Uber We have a location that just opened nearish to us in King of Prussia and boy is the food good.

I'd love to hear your review of the African American Museum if you get tickets. I've heard great things about it!
Kind of annoying thing happened last night. The outlet that our chest freezer is plugged into blew. We were able to find this out relatively quickly, so we didn't lose anything in there thankfully! (That sucker is filled to the brim!) But now that means that the electric work that we had slatted for later in the year just got moved up to right now.

The electric in our house is old. We had to replace the old school fuse box when we moved in and change it to a breaker box, but we were unable to do anything about the wiring at that time. So now, we have to rewire the whole house.

If my research is right, this is going to cost about $8000. Which really sucks. We have it, but it is going to drain the primary repair fund, as well as one of the emergency funds which I had just gotten up to the level that I wanted it at so that I could snowball all of the money that was slatted for it into debt repayment.
Super frustrating, but safety comes first and that means replacing the electrical. :(
Kind of annoying thing happened last night. The outlet that our chest freezer is plugged into blew. We were able to find this out relatively quickly, so we didn't lose anything in there thankfully! (That sucker is filled to the brim!) But now that means that the electric work that we had slatted for later in the year just got moved up to right now.

The electric in our house is old. We had to replace the old school fuse box when we moved in and change it to a breaker box, but we were unable to do anything about the wiring at that time. So now, we have to rewire the whole house.

If my research is right, this is going to cost about $8000. Which really sucks. We have it, but it is going to drain the primary repair fund, as well as one of the emergency funds which I had just gotten up to the level that I wanted it at so that I could snowball all of the money that was slatted for it into debt repayment.
Super frustrating, but safety comes first and that means replacing the electrical. :(

Our house isn't that old but we've had outlets die and dh can just replace the outlet. They're a few bucks at Home Depot. Maybe you can do that until you're ready to replace your whole electrical system.
Received an email from my landlord that I have 60 days to move out. Basically 2018 is turning out to be a really crappy year for me. With the cost of housing here I'm not sure what I'll do. Could use some good thoughts and vibes sent my way.
Received an email from my landlord that I have 60 days to move out. Basically 2018 is turning out to be a really crappy year for me. With the cost of housing here I'm not sure what I'll do. Could use some good thoughts and vibes sent my way.

Oh no! That sucks! All of the good thoughts are for you! Good luck finding a new place.
Received an email from my landlord that I have 60 days to move out. Basically 2018 is turning out to be a really crappy year for me. With the cost of housing here I'm not sure what I'll do. Could use some good thoughts and vibes sent my way.

So sorry to hear this! Good thoughts and vibes coming your way.
I am so sorry, @Dentam! That news stinks. 60 days is not a lot of time to uproot yourself and find something that works for your budget, lifestyle, etc. Is it possible for you to move out of the metro area and into a suburb? Would that bring better options to you, rent-wise? I will keep you in my good thoughts. Having to move when you had no plans to do so is really very stressful!


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