Debt Dumpers 2020

Plugging along here. We cancelled our December trip to Vegas and instead are just going to drive to Wisconsin to see our daughter. Not sure it will be cheaper since I will now stop at Trader Joes and Costco, but that's fine.

My retirement is mandatory 8% contribution that is 100% matched. We got a 2% raise so I added that to my supplemental retirement. I know Dave Ramsey says to not contribute but I feel the $35 I added to retirement each check would have just gotten absorbed after taxes and such.
I do need some advice! We are trying to start a zero sum budget! How do you get started? How do you account for the timing of bills and income? My biggest frustration is that the money will be there but will it be there at the right time. Like yes we make enough to pay the rent in a month, but it takes some funds from different paychecks. How do you account for that with a zero sum budget. I tried to use the dave ramsey budgeting tool, but it doesn't really encompass the details I want! Any advice on how to get started? With us making more money I want to make sure we are being really smart and controlling our money to work for us!

I started using YNAB and it literally has been so amazing. My dd18 is using it too since she is getting ready to move out and get her own place. It take a bit to learn and get used to, but it's been an incredible tool for me. "Giving every dollar a job" has been super empowering and has enabled me to spend guilt-free if I've budgeted for it. Not to mention, watching your money "age" and not worry so much about the timing of income and bills. Getting off that paycheck-to-paycheck cycle that I was in for sooo long. Anyway, still have a long way to go, but better than I was a couple of months ago :-)
Maybe. I wouldn't mind just staying home. I feel good about our decision to cancel WDW, I would have been there in 30 days.

This is how I’m feeling. I considered spending Labor Day weekend at a B&B in Cape May that we love. I don’t feel like typing up funds with uncertainty about getting it back. I also hope that restaurants with outdoor seating are plentiful and not crowded. We don’t need it to be fancy but also don’t want to spend 3 days eating fast food.
I might just cancel the time off and save my vac hours for when life is more normal.
This is how I’m feeling. I considered spending Labor Day weekend at a B&B in Cape May that we love. I don’t feel like typing up funds with uncertainty about getting it back. I also hope that restaurants with outdoor seating are plentiful and not crowded. We don’t need it to be fancy but also don’t want to spend 3 days eating fast food.
I might just cancel the time off and save my vac hours for when life is more normal.

I'm so glad that my job let's us roll vacation days over. I'm not planning on going anywhere overnight this year and why take a day off to stay home when I'm home everyday. If things get better we'll do some day trips to small towns we want to visit otherwise maybe next spring. Though my bff and I are still planning our Asia trip for Sept 2021 but we're using miles and points so have to start booking this fall.
I'm so glad that my job let's us roll vacation days over. I'm not planning on going anywhere overnight this year and why take a day off to stay home when I'm home everyday. If things get better we'll do some day trips to small towns we want to visit otherwise maybe next spring. Though my bff and I are still planning our Asia trip for Sept 2021 but we're using miles and points so have to start booking this fall.
I felt like this when I was home for 2 months. I’m back to work now and due to social distancing, we can’t have nearly as many patients in our department as we used to. This means our workload is less also. I’m not nearly so worn out/exhausted/stressed as I used to be after work. It’s been wonderful. It makes me want to save my time for some day when our workload returns to normal.
My hours carry over too but I think after saving 300 hours we stop accruing. I’ve never had to worry about that before and I’m not even sure if it’s actually 300. I will need to look into this. Lol
It’s about an hour drive to the beach so I think we’ll just do a day trip when I’m craving a beach day.
General thoughts on life insurance? I was approved for a $250k/25 years at $40.57/month. I've never had life insurance, only AD&D.

Good idea if you have kids and one spouse is a stay at home parent.

One my friends growing up dad died, and his stay at home mom couldn’t find work that paid enough to keep their home. They ended up in a slum apartment, and my friend had to drop out of high school to help support his family.
Here is my mid-year update:

Onto what I am super annoyed about...................

As I mentioned, I got sick in February. On top of that, I needed to go to the emergency room because my doctor was concerned I had appendicitis (I didn't). I ended up with about 6 different ER, doctors, radiology, etc bills. No big deal, my HSA covered it. HOWEVER, I'm a complete idiot and somehow missed one of the bills. It was $109 and it would have been no problem to pay. It just got lost in the shuffle and WENT TO COLLECTIONS. I'm so mad at myself. I paid it RIGHT when I found out and it's not on my credit report yet, but they will probably still report it. I'm sooooo mad at myself- it'll kill my credit score, probably.

If you paid the collections immediately, it shouldn’t be on your reports.
I don't know if I'm excited or anxious or what.

I leave for vacation to WDW in 9 more days. I'll be there for a week from July 15 - 22, so I'll get to re-open HS and EP. Because of my work schedule, it was either go now, or don't go. And my thoughts are, with the limited admissions this will be the least crowded I'll ever get to see WDW until I retire.

But, at the same time, I'm looking around and seeing soaring numbers of infections. That does not fill me with confidence. I'm self isolating at home, and will carry my spray disinfectant with me in case anyone gets too close :teeth:.

Just trying to make that final decision on whether I should reward myself now for paying everything off or wait til later.
I don't know if I'm excited or anxious or what.

I leave for vacation to WDW in 9 more days. I'll be there for a week from July 15 - 22, so I'll get to re-open HS and EP. Because of my work schedule, it was either go now, or don't go. And my thoughts are, with the limited admissions this will be the least crowded I'll ever get to see WDW until I retire.

But, at the same time, I'm looking around and seeing soaring numbers of infections. That does not fill me with confidence. I'm self isolating at home, and will carry my spray disinfectant with me in case anyone gets too close :teeth:.

Just trying to make that final decision on whether I should reward myself now for paying everything off or wait til later.

I would look at the numbers for the Orlando area, not just all of FL. Most FL cases are in the Miami area.
If you can stand to wear a mask in the heat all day, have plenty of Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer to bring, I’d give it a try. Wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face. You can always come home early if it’s not what you were expecting.
I was curious about the crowd levels but dh is completely parked out and aside from Covid, I can’t take July heat in WDW. Also NJ recently instituted a 14 day quaratine upon return from FL, among other states.
The whole thing has flatlined my urge to travel. I’ve come to accept that it might be a while until we go anywhere. The good thing is that it helps to keep me on track with financial goals.
I started using YNAB and it literally has been so amazing. My dd18 is using it too since she is getting ready to move out and get her own place. It take a bit to learn and get used to, but it's been an incredible tool for me. "Giving every dollar a job" has been super empowering and has enabled me to spend guilt-free if I've budgeted for it. Not to mention, watching your money "age" and not worry so much about the timing of income and bills. Getting off that paycheck-to-paycheck cycle that I was in for sooo long. Anyway, still have a long way to go, but better than I was a couple of months ago

I also use YNAB, and it's super easy to learn. There are lots of YouTube videos out there, too. I became interested in budgeting this way after working for a Property Management company and seeing how the commercial buildings are budgeted... with Categories and assigned dollars and such. It worked out for me, to assign every dollar a "job". You can set individual goals for every category to help you on your way. I got us out of debt with it (and then back in it to replace the roof) and am actively paying that down again. Its very handy.
Bi monthly check in
I Wish I was checking in for a Disney Have a great trip
dayvewc pixiedust: (Very tough decision you have). Be Safe!!

So far I've been able to not touch my savings account,,,the summer may be difficult as I am laid off till the Fall.

I have been so shocked by the increase in cost of everyday things I usually buy during this Pandemic.

So for the past 2 weeks I have been searching for those products and doing a 1 year stock pile of them. Yes I am worried about a second wave/surge in Covid cases next Fall.

So far I have:
Colgate toothpaste 99 cents each
Toilet Paper 24 pack =$3.99
Kleenex Scotties 6 pack = $2.99
Paper Towels 8 pack = $3.99 .
Purex HE Laundry Soap = $3.33
Bounce unscented Laundry sheets box = $3.33
Garbage Bags & Recycling Bags = $2.49
Kraft Peanut butter = $2.99
Tetley Tea Bags = $6.99
Pasta,,4 different varieties = $1.99

Still on my list to get are
Dish soap/ Antibacterial Palmolive = 88 cents
Bottle/Can veggie pasta sauces=hopefully $1.50 to $2.00 each
Rice,,on the look-out for prices to come down.
Wipes,,,,I don't ever think they are coming back in stock....I wish I had some for back to work in the Fall,(school).
If you have anything that you stock up on please share.

I dumped my travel rewards card for a new credit card that gives cash back.
I already have a huge amount of travel rewards banked from this past winter/Spring.

I am doing cloth bags for next Christmas and found a great Etsy seller(great quality) and ordered all my bags needed ahead of time.:santa:
I am redoing my Christmas list and being very aggressive with pairing it down.

Now I just really need to come up with a craft/hobby to keep me busy so I don't over eat.
Suggestions are welcome!

Hugs to everyone
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I don't know if I'm excited or anxious or what.

I leave for vacation to WDW in 9 more days. I'll be there for a week from July 15 - 22, so I'll get to re-open HS and EP. Because of my work schedule, it was either go now, or don't go. And my thoughts are, with the limited admissions this will be the least crowded I'll ever get to see WDW until I retire.

But, at the same time, I'm looking around and seeing soaring numbers of infections. That does not fill me with confidence. I'm self isolating at home, and will carry my spray disinfectant with me in case anyone gets too close :teeth:.

Just trying to make that final decision on whether I should reward myself now for paying everything off or wait til later.
That's a tough one, maybe you're both excited and anxious! We were supposed to go early August but debated it back and forth, and ultimately decided no. I don't think I can take the heat in a mask, and mostly my kids probably can't. However, a big part of that with kids, even though they are older kids not little ones, they are still under 18 and I'd feel horrible with myself if they got sick over a vacation I knew had large numbers of coronavirus reported in the state. Also, I have reason to believe not everyone getting on an airplane is going to responsibly follow self quarantine 14 day rules if exposed prior, and I can't put my trust in someone else's ability to tell the truth or not. So, I thought oh heck no am I getting on an airplane right now.
I dumped my travel rewards card for a new credit card that gives cash back.
I already have a huge amount of travel rewards banked from this past winter/Spring.

Hugs to everyone

This got me thinking...
I love our Chase Sapphire Preferred card but right now would be a good idea to switch to our Discover card and enjoy the cash back. Hmm... then again, if we keep racking up Chase points, we'd have enough when this pandemic is over to do something really special. I will have to sleep on this a while.

That's a tough one, maybe you're both excited and anxious! We were supposed to go early August but debated it back and forth, and ultimately decided no. I don't think I can take the heat in a mask, and mostly my kids probably can't. However, a big part of that with kids, even though they are older kids not little ones, they are still under 18 and I'd feel horrible with myself if they got sick over a vacation I knew had large numbers of coronavirus reported in the state. Also, I have reason to believe not everyone getting on an airplane is going to responsibly follow self quarantine 14 day rules if exposed prior, and I can't put my trust in someone else's ability to tell the truth or not. So, I thought oh heck no am I getting on an airplane right now.

I think of this too. My kids are old enough to stay home without us but my biggest concern besides the 14 day quarantine would be giving the virus to my father. I doubt he'd survive it and even if he did, I'd feel horrible to know that I gave it to him. There are parts of FL that have numbers lower than NJ but still we'd have to go through an airport which are in cities where the numbers are higher. I'm just not craving a trip that badly after having a full 2 months at home. If people feel comfortable to travel and they follow the rules, who am I to say they shouldn't? There will always be people who lie.
@bababear_50 We FINALLY found wipes in stock at Sam's Club. We weren't able to include them in our online order, but when DH went to pick up the order they were in stock so he got a big box of them.
The target near my house had 3 packs of Clorox wipes this morning around 10am. They opened at 7am today. Costco has also had the 5 packs intermittently that past month, you have to be there like 30 min before they open to get them though.
Checking in with you all and happy to see your updates! All still okay on my end. Spent 900 on the dog's tooth extractions--7 teeth pulled! That's in addition to the 300+ spent on his initial visit and vaccinations. Having a dog is expensive! He did well and is healing up nicely which is a relief. He's such a sweet old dog and I'm happy to be able to give him a pain free mouth. Poor little guy must have been suffering.

We're also going to be paying for my stepdaughter's college expenses for the upcoming semester. I'm not sure if she'll be able to mentally handle it but hoping for the best while also "letting go" of the outcome. This will be coming out of our regular (non retirement) savings and I've resigned myself to the money being gone whether it works out or not.

I really need to decide how much i need in savings to feel "safe." A year's worth of expenses just doesn't feel like enough but I don't want to be ridiculous about it either. I'm paying 3.5 percent interest on my mortgage in order to hold on to cash earning less than 1% interest. I know a lot of smart people think that's a dumb move :scratchin.


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