Debt Dumpers 2022

Hubby's teeth removal surgery is scheduled for 10/24. They'll call if something is available sooner, but if that ends up being the date, we'll be canceling my birthday trip on 10/28 (for obvious reasons). That does give us an extra 3 hsa deposits which will help a bit with our out of pocket costs.

We also are unfortunately going to miss our nephew's wedding. We're sad, but I just couldn't swing the extra $600 for the hotel (usually when we go we stay with my SIL, but her house is occupied with her parents for the wedding). And then I remembered we'd have to kennel the dog also.

So instead, since those two trips are a no-go, I'm using the funds from my bday thing and we're going to get tickets to Disney on Ice and go to the big state fair and eat all the weird foods. Lol.
A client claims his last 3 checks he wrote to me (which I deposited immediately) will soon bounce. 🥴
My bookkeeping is 💩, so I’ll just assume that’s a little around $1500. I had planned on making my last student loan payment of $2k but this made me pause.
Then I worked more and just decided to pay it.
So there it is.
Payment electronically submitted.
Once I get documentation that the loan is paid, I’ve invited my husband to take me out for fancy French food. He’ll hate every minute of it. In fact he’ll probably make himself a sandwich before we go. That’s why I married him. He is consistently consistent.
Once I get some free time I’m going to calculate exactly the number of years and dollars. Then I’ll burn those calculations and make plans for retirement.

As of today 9/9/2022. I own nothing, and I OWE NOTHING. Like a newborn babe but with earning potential.
My teachers always said I had potential.
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Jumping in here...I'm hoping to:
-completely pay off credit cards. I got a small zero interest one and moved some debt from a high interest one but not sure when I have a little extra money should I try to pay higher interest one or interest free? When that's clear I could shift more money over to it??? Seems never ending :( but its my goal so I'm writing it here.

-Also want to pay three extra car payments this year ( or total of what that would be), and next year too, so I will finish paying for my car sixth months earlier.
Jumping in here...I'm hoping to:
-completely pay off credit cards. I got a small zero interest one and moved some debt from a high interest one but not sure when I have a little extra money should I try to pay higher interest one or interest free? When that's clear I could shift more money over to it??? Seems never ending :( but its my goal so I'm writing it here.

-Also want to pay three extra car payments this year ( or total of what that would be), and next year too, so I will finish paying for my car sixth months earlier.

It would depend on how much interest you are accruing each month and which balance is smaller. Personally I'd rather pay off the smaller one first because then you see a goal being reached, but if the interest is accumulating too /much fast then I'd go for that one.

I'd also look at the interest rate on your car vs the credit card. It may make more sense to put those extra 3 payments towards the credit card with the higher interest vs cutting 6 months off your loan.
It would depend on how much interest you are accruing each month and which balance is smaller. Personally I'd rather pay off the smaller one first because then you see a goal being reached, but if the interest is accumulating too /much fast then I'd go for that one.

I'd also look at the interest rate on your car vs the credit card. It may make more sense to put those extra 3 payments towards the credit card with the higher interest vs cutting 6 months off your loan.
Yes, thanks...I wont do the car payments until the credit card with interest is paid off- which actually might help me make that decision about which one to pay...:)
I hate paying the interest so want that gone...
It would depend on how much interest you are accruing each month and which balance is smaller. Personally I'd rather pay off the smaller one first because then you see a goal being reached, but if the interest is accumulating too /much fast then I'd go for that one.

I'd also look at the interest rate on your car vs the credit card. It may make more sense to put those extra 3 payments towards the credit card with the higher interest vs cutting 6 months off your loan.
I have close to $5000 on one card with high interest. Its bad- I owe $1700 on my 0% interest card. It has a $3000 limit, so I could transfer some, or wait and do more, but then there are fees...Thanks for any advice and support!
I have close to $5000 on one card with high interest. Its bad- I owe $1700 on my 0% interest card. It has a $3000 limit, so I could transfer some, or wait and do more, but then there are fees...Thanks for any advice and support!
Welcome! 🎉🎉

When I was tackling my credit card debt I chose to pay off the smallest balance first vs highest interest rate, but everyone does things differently. I'd also recommend throwing all your extra money towards whichever one you choose to tackle first so that way you get that win before moving on to the next. A few people on here like to follow the Dave Ramsey method. You could check into that and see if it appeals to you. :)
Welcome! 🎉🎉

When I was tackling my credit card debt I chose to pay off the smallest balance first vs highest interest rate, but everyone does things differently. I'd also recommend throwing all your extra money towards whichever one you choose to tackle first so that way you get that win before moving on to the next. A few people on here like to follow the Dave Ramsey method. You could check into that and see if it appeals to you. :)
Thanks- I appreciate the welcome and comment. Also, I already switched and cleared $3000 to that 0% interest card and that was a great feeling to pay it off! Now I'm working at the second installment...
Sort of a budget goal: I realize I have way too much stuff in my outside freezer (and if I'm being honest in my inside freezer) and I'm going to challenge myself to use up the items I currently have before replacing them/adding to it. Today or tomorrow I'm going to go through and write down everything I have in both freezers so I can figure out some meal plans/how best to use it. I do plan to still go grocery shopping this week, but only for some pantry items and produce/dairy. The only thing I may need to buy that would add to our freezer is chicken since I'm running very low on chicken and we tend to eat a lot of it.
Sort of a budget goal: I realize I have way too much stuff in my outside freezer (and if I'm being honest in my inside freezer) and I'm going to challenge myself to use up the items I currently have before replacing them/adding to it. Today or tomorrow I'm going to go through and write down everything I have in both freezers so I can figure out some meal plans/how best to use it. I do plan to still go grocery shopping this week, but only for some pantry items and produce/dairy. The only thing I may need to buy that would add to our freezer is chicken since I'm running very low on chicken and we tend to eat a lot of it.
We did that recently. I only had to buy a little bit of chicken. Once we used all of the meat, we gave the freezer a good cleaning and organized it so it's easier to know what we have. It also makes meal planning and budgeting so much easier.
I am back. I will be honest and admit that I have not had a chance to read everyone updates, and I probably won't. So ... condolences to those who had troubles, congratulations to those who had triumphs, and :banana: to those celebrating milestones.

I don't even remember when or what I posted last, but this year has been a extremely unpleasant to me. Or at least the first half. I am recovering in the second half, very, very slowly. But the financial setbacks from the first 6 months have me sinking slowly underwater praying for a drought!
I am back. I will be honest and admit that I have not had a chance to read everyone updates, and I probably won't. So ... condolences to those who had troubles, congratulations to those who had triumphs, and :banana: to those celebrating milestones.

I don't even remember when or what I posted last, but this year has been a extremely unpleasant to me. Or at least the first half. I am recovering in the second half, very, very slowly. But the financial setbacks from the first 6 months have me sinking slowly underwater praying for a drought!
Welcome back!! Good to see you posting again. :) Hope things turn around for you soon. :hug:
Back from my USO/IOA vacation and was sad to be so close to my beloved WDW and not being able to see it.
Overall, I did pretty well and may have gone $100 over budget but I had a cushion just in case.

Weather in SoCal is so weird right now - humid! I live in the desert so I'm not used to this humidity and thought I was getting away from it when I left Florida on Friday.
Sort of a budget goal: I realize I have way too much stuff in my outside freezer (and if I'm being honest in my inside freezer) and I'm going to challenge myself to use up the items I currently have before replacing them/adding to it. Today or tomorrow I'm going to go through and write down everything I have in both freezers so I can figure out some meal plans/how best to use it. I do plan to still go grocery shopping this week, but only for some pantry items and produce/dairy. The only thing I may need to buy that would add to our freezer is chicken since I'm running very low on chicken and we tend to eat a lot of it.

we've gone through allot of the prepared (leftover) meals in our freezers during the past few weeks b/c w/ covid in the household no one felt like cooking. that said-it kick started me on using items up b/c i realized thanksgiving is only a couple months away and i still had turkey, christmas 3 months and we still had goal is to eat up the leftovers and only cook items that won't generate leftovers beyond the next day or 2.
Husband has been working overtime so that has been helpful. Seems like it goes out so much easier than it comes in though. Had to renew both of our driver's licenses and my passport so there was $200.

My nephew FINALLY started school yesterday! I asked for the first day of school picture and she sent one where he was wearing jeans (he never wears jeans). She said he didn't realize he doesn't have pants that fit so he had to wear his stepdad's pants. Ugh. How you can't figure these things out is beyond me. Waiting to talk to him to see what he would like and I will either send them or send him a gift card to buy what pants he wants. Sent him a dairy queen and a little caesar gift card to celebrate the first week of school.
Husband has been working overtime so that has been helpful. Seems like it goes out so much easier than it comes in though. Had to renew both of our driver's licenses and my passport so there was $200.

My nephew FINALLY started school yesterday! I asked for the first day of school picture and she sent one where he was wearing jeans (he never wears jeans). She said he didn't realize he doesn't have pants that fit so he had to wear his stepdad's pants. Ugh. How you can't figure these things out is beyond me. Waiting to talk to him to see what he would like and I will either send them or send him a gift card to buy what pants he wants. Sent him a dairy queen and a little caesar gift card to celebrate the first week of school.
You're so good to him. I bet he appreciates it more than you know. :hug:
I have a question about saving for the holidays. I want to start setting aside some money out of each paycheck for next Christmas and would like some advice from those that currently do this. Do you find it easier to open a "Christmas Club Account" (are they still called that?) with your bank or move money into your savings account each pay? Has anyone purchased gift cards throughout the year to use at Christmas? Thanks in advance!
I have a question about saving for the holidays. I want to start setting aside some money out of each paycheck for next Christmas and would like some advice from those that currently do this. Do you find it easier to open a "Christmas Club Account" (are they still called that?) with your bank or move money into your savings account each pay? Has anyone purchased gift cards throughout the year to use at Christmas? Thanks in advance!

i can make and name savings accounts online with my credit union so i have one named 'christmas' that i set up with an auto transfer from my checking account each month. if i purchase something for christmas during the year then i transfer the amount of the purchase from the christmas account to reimburse the original payment source (credit card, debit card).
i can make and name savings accounts online with my credit union so i have one named 'christmas' that i set up with an auto transfer from my checking account each month. if i purchase something for christmas during the year then i transfer the amount of the purchase from the christmas account to reimburse the original payment source (credit card, debit card).
I like that option. Thanks for that idea.


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