Definitive lesbian-ness quiz

joanjett1976 said:
B. Pamela Anderson
Neither Angel
A. Justine Bateman
B. Sarah Jessica Parker
Neither Brady
B. Mia Kirshner

Great, I am a straight man!

thought I find Pamela Anderson repulsive and don't find Meredith Baxter-Birney all that attractive either, I would pretty muh have to agree with everyone else you chose (or didn't!) hehe
Whew! Glad I passed with rainbow colors. Thanks Mama Twinkles.

For the bonus: Helen Hunt

Jodie Foster is hard to pair. She's such an amazing actress with a long career. I'm thinking that maybe young Jodie Foster could go against Tatum O'Neal or Brooke Shields

Thirty-something, smart, sensitive Jodie Foster could go against Emma Thompson.

Action figure Jodie could go against Angelina Jolie. Thoughts?
Did someone say Angelina Jolie? :drools:

Ok, my answers to the orginal quiz are:

B. Pamela Anderson
B. Kate Jackson
A. Justine Bateman
A. Sarah Michelle Gellar
A. Marcia Brady
A. Laurel Holloman

How'd I do? (I'm probably a straight man, lol.)
Tink-N-Pan, Jodie has to be pitted against someone who would only have straight-man appeal. Brooke could be an excellent choice; the others have girl appeal. But you've unleashed a torrent by bringing up Angelina's name!

No worries, Ava! You're only 1/3 straight man (plus see below).

The problem with having included Meredith B.-B. on the quiz is that people are thinking of her now rather than 30+ years ago on "Bridget Loves Bernie." What's the matter, people, can't you read minds?


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