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I had the Italian Poutine on my last trip. It was so good! Glad Josh was able to eat them! I too was surprised how much you got! Luckily my parents were with me so we could share!
The title of this post is a Riverdale reference because there is mafia story line and one of the Canadian mobsters was named Papa Poutine, which I and @xlsm think is hilarious :rotfl:

Bahaha awesome! I really need to get on it and watch Riverdale. I've only seen the first 6 episodes or so. Hopefully this summer it'll happen. I have so many shows I want to watch. It's a problem.

I had the Carne Asada last year, and it was easily my favorite of the festival. Sadly, this did not live up to it's predecessor at all. The meat was stringy, greasy, and way too spicy for me. (Although the last part is subjective as I'm not really a spicy food person). This was probably the only snack from the festival I didn't finish.

Bummer. That's disappointing. I'm also not much into spicy food.

Artsy Violet Lemonade picture:


A+! Violet lemonade is so photogenic.

At the bus stop we saw a really beautiful sunset!


Wow! :lovestruc

Oh my gosh, yum! My Canada-senses are tingling! :goodvibes

I actually make a similar thing at home sometimes but with a different type of sauce. (I call them pizza fries and I melt mozzarella cheese on top of fries covered in pizza sauce :lmao:).

Yum! They used to do this at meal hall at my University back in the day, and they actually also called it "Italian poutine." The first time I tried it I was like, "this is the weirdest grosses thing I've ever had," because we're Canadian and for us poutine always has cheese and gravy so it almost felt like an abomination. But then the next time they served it I found myself wanting it again...and then it became freakishly addictive! Yummy!
I so wish we had fit Daily Poutine into our recent trip. It is definitely on our list for next May. Love the Riverdale reference! Cheryl is our favorite!
The title of this post is a Riverdale reference because there is mafia story line and one of the Canadian mobsters was named Papa Poutine, which I and @xlsm think is hilarious :rotfl:

I love this show. The name of the gangster was always hilarious to me :)


I wasn't going to get this after hearing the reviews, apparently they really only served good ones to the vloggers who went on day 1, but I decided to try it when we got to the booth. I'm not big on ham, and the ham was definitely removable since it was barely attached to the roll but there wasn't much flavor without it. As much as I love cheesy bread, this was only okay. It wasn’t well made or melted much, and I'm almost 100% sure that was not a pretzel roll it was served on that day, but maybe they ran out? It didn't look or taste like one, and Josh was surprised to hear that's what it was supposed to be.
I almost got this last year, I had heard bad things so opted against it.

This looks so refreshing

This sunset is beautiful

This looks really good.
one of the Canadian mobsters was named Papa Poutine,
OMG that's hysterical. I've only seen a few episodes of the first season but I loved them so I need to catch up.

I had the Carne Asada last year, and it was easily my favorite of the festival. Sadly, this did not live up to it's predecessor at all. The meat was stringy, greasy, and way too spicy for me.
I also loved this last year and didn't get it this year, which I guess isn't a bad thing since it wasn't as good.
For how much you pay there the quality of the food and service going down isn't acceptable to me
A bit behind, but I did want to agree that your experience, especially for the price, is not at all acceptable. I wouldn't worry about offending anyone, or feeling like you're just out for compensation, but would definitely send a few emails, especially since you have the concrete evidence of 2 different experiences there, how good it can be. I hope for others attending that this was just an "off" day, again at that price point, I would have been so upset.

BUT those poutines!! OMG! Delicious! Being French-Canadian I always feel dumb getting poutine when I travel, because it is so readily available at home, but those look really good, so, maybe??
Hi Raeven! I'm enjoying your reviews. That bites that your Cali Grill brunch wasn't good. My sister and her husband just got back from WDW a few weeks ago, and she had major issues with her food allergy at the table service restaurants. She was recently diagnosed with a corn allergy, and it's fairly severe, she breaks out in hives, becomes bloated, and feels very sick. For a long time she thought she might be allergic to gluten, but after testing found out it was corn, which really sucks because it is in everything! Anyway, when she made her dining reservations, she noted she was allergic to corn on the allergy list. Every single restaurant gave her the standard allergy menu, of which corn is not included. Every time she told the wait staff person that she was allergic to corn, and it wasn't listed on the allergy menu, they looked at her like she had two heads. At that point they would go get a chef, but sadly, they couldn't really accomodate her except with the most basic of foods. By like the 3rd or 4th night she was livid. A few chefs told her that the powers that be are trying to minimize the chefs coming out and are training the wait staff to deal with the allergy people. I was like "what"??? That is ridiculous. Some chefs went on and on about how angry they are, and disappointed, that Disney is trying to cut back where allergies are concerned. Some went into great detail. Anyway, my sister sent a very long and detailed email to WDW dining, explaining every single thing that happened at every restaurant. She felt that if you are going to be allowed to choose corn as an allergy when making dining reservations, then they better be able to accomodate it with more than making you a dish of rice, meat and fruit. In fact, at Boma the chef told her there was not one thing on the buffet that she could eat. She feels that when making a reservation like that, and you choose an allergy that they have listed that they then can't accomodate, there should be a warning that pops up telling you you won't be able to eat anything on the menu. She spent a lot of money on that trip. They went to Tiffins, STK, and a few other pricey restaurants. In the end, Disney apologized profusely, and reimbursed her $500. They said they will be working on the issue. I think you should do the same and write to them, in detail.
That really stinks about the California Grill brunch! I've heard such wonderful things about it! I'm sorry your meal was so disappointing.

That poutine looks wonderful! Can't wait to try it!

I keep wanting to try poutine but so far I haven’t Last trip , I only made it to DS once and the s’more from the Ganachery won out . Do you have a favorite one ?
That really stinks about the California Grill brunch! I've heard such wonderful things about it! I'm sorry your meal was so disappointing.

That poutine looks wonderful! Can't wait to try it!

It was disappointing! But the poutine is so good you should definitely try :p

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I keep wanting to try poutine but so far I haven’t Last trip , I only made it to DS once and the s’more from the Ganachery won out . Do you have a favorite one ?

Ooo that s’more looks delicious! My favorite is the classic poutine.
I thought I had commented on this dining report before, but it's very likely that I'm thinking of one of your older reports...anyways, I started over at the beginning of this one and started quoting things :)

The only alternative seemed to be grabbing a quick snack at a nearby here's the delicious and nutritious breakfast food known as potato chips :rotfl:


One of my favourite breakfast items!

I know Starbucks has a different system of sizing that isn't "small, medium, large", but I've never had a problem ordering sizes that way, the cashier made me say the Starbucks equivalent of a small saying she couldn't put the order in if I didn't "call it the proper size".

That's so weird. Obviously they know what you mean when you say small...

When I mentioned the order was incorrect at the pick up station. The lady making the drinks took it back, dumped out half and poured coconut milk in.

Again, super weird. Why wouldn't they just remake the drink properly?

Besides where else will you see this angry looking lady bird in a women's restroom?


I feel like this bird would be very judging after a few drinks.

We also loved all the little touches like the cheese grater lights.


This is so cute!


These are 2lbs, contain a whole bag of cannoli filling, and I believe are marketed towards parties of 4+.


Bread Pudding-Warmed, amaretto anglaise, topped with sour cream gelato


Yum! :love: This was so good. The bread pudding was moist, the sour cream gelato worked really well with it, and it had such a great taste. (Not everyone loves sour cream ice cream, but I think it tastes like cheesecake).

I've never heard (or tried) sour cream gelato. It sounds delicious though.

There was also an awkward moment when our entrees were brought over. The lady that brought them asked how they tasted and Josh said we hadn't gotten a chance to try them yet. She looked him dead in the eye and said...I'll wait" and then stood there until we both tried them and reassured her they were good.

So awkward! I hate eating in front of people!
Frozen Hot Chocolate-A Frozen Concoction of Valrhona Chocolate with a Whisper of Cinnamon


Sadly, it did not live up to the hype. It just tasted like a slushie made of chocolate syrup, and I don't really like chocolate syrup. I'm not sure what I expected it to be, but that wasn't it.

This looks and sounds amazing, it's too bad it didn't taste that way :(

Finally I visited the griddle station.

This griddle station alone sounds awesome!

Shipwrecked Loaded Nachos - Black Beans, Cheddar Cheese Fondue, Sour Cream, Pico de Gallo, Guacamole, Shredded Lettuce, Scallions, and choice of Grilled Chicken or Seasoned Beef


That is huge! Whoa! Great price too!
Spoiler alert: I have been dreading writing this review, because I've only heard positive reviews of the California Grill brunch (including one I wrote last year). Last year we felt the California Grill brunch was one of the highlights of our trip. We felt like VIPs, the food was good, and we felt like we got our money's worth out of what is a very pricey meal. I couldn't find one of the ADR's for the brunch this time when I looked (we hadn't been planning on doing it again so soon), so I had to set up a Touringplans alert to find one. I found one about 2 weeks ahead, and we so excited to go back again. However we didn't feel at all the same about the brunch this time, and I don't think we'll be booking it again anytime soon.

Ugh, I always hate writing bad reviews too. That really sucks that this brunch didn't live up to your expectations, I remember your glowing review from last year!

On the way back to the table we witnessed a large group (of adults) throw those popping/smoking noisemakers on the ground while cheering and yelling. A lot of people looked startled and a few people said they thought they heard gunshots. I don't really know why the waiters let them do something so disruptive that could be mistaken for gunshots in a crowded restaurant.

But....why? Why would any adult think this is a good idea?

After we finished eating we still hadn't seen the waitress. In fact no one had even come over to refill our empty water glasses or ask us how anything was the whole time we were eating.

That's the absolute worst. I feel like Luke and I get ignored sometimes due to being a party of only 2 - it's unacceptable, but perhaps that's the reason?
The title of this post is a Riverdale reference because there is mafia story line and one of the Canadian mobsters was named Papa Poutine

I really need to watch this show! I've only watched the first episode so far, but it seemed ridiculous and amazing haha. I can only handle one of those teen drama shows at a time though, but now that I've finished the second season of 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale is next on my list. I look forward to the Canadian mobsters :rotfl:

Classic Poutine
French Fries, Beef Poutine Gravy and Cheddar Curds

& he got the:

Italian Poutine
French Fries, Mozzarella and Bolognese Sauce


Yum! I just had poutine yesterday, but now I want it again after seeing this picture!

Yum! They used to do this at meal hall at my University back in the day, and they actually also called it "Italian poutine." The first time I tried it I was like, "this is the weirdest grosses thing I've ever had," because we're Canadian and for us poutine always has cheese and gravy so it almost felt like an abomination. But then the next time they served it I found myself wanting it again...and then it became freakishly addictive! Yummy!

I have to jump in on this comment - I LOVED our meal hall at university! Were they still doing "late night" when you were there, where they would open up again from 10pm-midnight on certain nights and serve junk food like build-you-own nachos and corn dogs? Thankfully I was on an unlimited meal plan haha. Oh! And the waffle station...and the omelette station. Now I want to travel back to the other side of the country just to eat there again! Did Wanda still work there when you were there, selling her handmade earrings? She was our favourite meal hall lady haha.
I have to jump in on this comment - I LOVED our meal hall at university! Were they still doing "late night" when you were there, where they would open up again from 10pm-midnight on certain nights and serve junk food like build-you-own nachos and corn dogs? Thankfully I was on an unlimited meal plan haha. Oh! And the waffle station...and the omelette station. Now I want to travel back to the other side of the country just to eat there again! Did Wanda still work there when you were there, selling her handmade earrings? She was our favourite meal hall lady haha.

Oh my gosh, Wanda!! My friend (and eventual roommate) had a serious love affair with Wanda! She was on the sandwich station by the time we got there, and Brad got wraps there almost every day for lunch. He was quite the charmer, and his mother taught him to respect his elders, especially women, and so he'd have quite the chats with the sandwich ladies, especially Wanda!

Meal hall at MTA was seriously excellent, especially compared to some of the other Universities around home. Yes, we still had late night! It was usually some kind of junk food, like pizza, or pierogies...or the way people got excited when it was wings, you'd think it was manna from heaven! :laughing: Meal hall always seemed to get into habits though...maybe they just ordered too much of certain things and had to use them up? I specifically remember second year being the year of the chicken burgers. It seemed like we were eating chicken burgers multiple times a week. The waffle station was DANGEROUS. Especially when the soft serve ice cream machine was working, and you could make a sundae on top of a waffle. There's a reason most of my friends gained the freshman 15... And in my second year they added a permanent pasta bar, and I was in carb heaven! :lmao:


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