Diane & Andrew's Trip Report!!

HAHA... Diane we are hijacking your thread with American Idol!!:rockband: :dancer:

I like Red-- at the end... nothing like a really high pitched Queen song.

I do, however, think they are getting really mean on there. Especially when they dont that guy his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. That was a tad bit personal, ya know? This is a singing competition. They dont have to make low blows like that for good ratings-- people will watch the show regaurdless!!

Yeah, I agree with you completely on that Maggimus, I mean, for them to make comments on their singing, fine... it IS a singing competition, but I did notice yesterday that some of the comments were just sinking to a new low, with the personal attacks on people's appearances... a lot of it just went way too far over the line.

Diane, I promise I won't talk about idol anymore on your TR!! haha... okay i'm done!
HAHAHA!! :lmao: It's ok guys. Seattle did seem to be like a bad city for them. Did anyone notice they didn't even give a number of how many people went through to Hollywood? I think it's because there were so few... well, guess they won't be going back there anytime soon... hopefully the TN crowd won't disappoint next week. :goodvibes We can only hope. I tried out for Nashville Star a few years ago... I made it to the second round... there's a lot of competition out there. I would still love to do it, but it seems like there's no time for the song writing and singing in my life. Maybe one day.....

Until then... here come's the next piece of the TR...:)
Monday, December 11, 2006

Is it really here??!!!

So, we wake up Monday morning at 7:30 a.m.… I can’t believe it’s finally here!!! :woohoo: Andrew and I swung by the POFQ to pick up my SIL(BM). Andrew drops us off at Mom and Dad’s BWV because he, my dad, Rich and Dre have to go to the After Hours store in Winter Garden and make some changes to the tuxes and hats. Now, I was worried that they wouldn’t make it back in time to get ready for the pre-ceremony pics, but I had to have faith. Plus, my dad and my brother would keep an eye on the time. So, the boys leave for the tux fixing and we are sitting up in the hotel with Mom and Selena eating some breakfast. My mother ordered a HUGE breakfast. :scared1: We had Mickey waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and I ordered a bran muffin for right before we left to take the pre-ceremony pics. Pretty soon, Allison (MOH) showed up to work on Selena’s and Penny’s hair. And I got a phone call from Carrie (Matron of Honor) saying she was almost there. She ran from the ASM to the BWV. She’s training for the NY Marathon, along with a couple of other marathons. She runs all the time. Anyway, she shows up and takes a fast shower. Lisa Pena shows up at 9:30 a.m. She starts on my mom’s hair. We took a GREAT pic of mom’s hair. I couldn’t resist posting this one!! HAHAHA!!

But seriously, Lisa did a great job on her hair….

Then it was Carrie’s turn to sit and get her hair done. Awwww… isn’t she purty?

Then, the bride’s turn. I had looked through all her pics at this point and had a couple of my own. I told her I wanted it up but I wanted curls. She did an AMAZING job and I couldn’t have imagined it being more perfect!!!


Randy has some better shots of the back of my hair… and Lisa took a few also. I’m not sure if they made it on her site or not. Well, then it was time for make-up. My mom got her make-up done first. She looked great!!

Then Grandma got her make-up done. Gram was having some troubles with her hip (she broke her hip 2 years ago and still struggles with walking) and she was taking steroids to help with some inflammation and pain. Because of that the little bit of sun she had gotten, had made her face quite red. Lisa did a beautiful job on her make-up and you couldn’t even tell she was red in the face.

Then it was my turn. I told her I liked to look natural, not all made up. Again, she worked her magic and I was soooooooooooooo pleased with how it turned out!!!

During the time we were getting our hair and make-up done by Lisa, Penny and Selena were getting theirs done by Allison. Check it out!!

And then the boys came back!!! Woooohoooooo!!! They made it and all the changes were made. Now, I thought it was so great when Mary had her husband write his part of the TR and I suggested to mine that he do the same… sooooooooooo, hopefully the next edition will be Andrew's version of the day... until next time....:cool1:
OMG I LOVE the two version thing. Andrew is a true keeper for even accepting to do so. My DH things this whole DIS board thing is hillarious. Hes like "Why do you still go to the weddings board--- you arent planning your wedding anymore!!"... what he doesnt realize is that its so much more than that!

I love your photos! And im glad Andrew made it back in time for pre-ceremony photos (which were beautiful I might add!).

Okay just a quick hijack for some American Idol--- YES Seattle was pretty horrible, Hopefully TN will be better-- Poor guy with the eyes popping out of his head-- :sad2: i felt really bad for the comments they made to him. I havent really seen anyone yet who has blown me away!! WOW! I didnt know you cuold sing-- I wish we could hear it-:idea: We should have our own DISboard Idol contest! :rotfl2:

Cant wait to hear Andrews view (Or from you- whichever happens to come next!).
I am really enjoying your report. I cannot wait to read more. Your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing with us!
Looks like all of you were having fun while getting ready! :goodvibes

Mom's hair did come out nice....of course it is a given how beautiful you were!!! :bride:

Can't wait for more!!!

BTW...I think they said only 7 from Seattle went through to Hollywood.
Monday, December 11, 2006 (continued)

I Feel Like a Princess

Well, Andrew is working on his TR slowly, but surely. It will be posted eventually… until then, you get to listen to more of my side of the story. ;)

So, we are all made up – hair, make-up… now it’s time to get dressed. My dad and brother had come back and were getting their tuxes on. My poor brother. He sweats when it's 30 degrees out. He was walking around with a wet towel on his head because he was dying in the tux... made for some funny pics though. Randy had showed up about 20 mins early and kind of freaked us out because we thought we were running behind. He told us not to worry and that we were fine on time. He just figured he’d come up and start taking some pics of us getting ready. He’s the greatest. :thumbsup2

Just after finishing our make-up, my dad, brother, and Allison (MOH) got the phone call to go down to the lobby for pictures with the guys… I had just enough time to stuff my face with half that bran muffin. popcorn:: Man, was that good!!!

It was time for the rest of the girls to get their dresses on. Carrie helped Selena get into hers while Penny helped me into mine. Since Lisa had put my 6 ft. cathedral veil on already, putting the dress on was going to be just a tad challenging. :rolleyes1 I’m glad I had both of them there to help. Somehow we managed to do without messing my hair or make-up.
Now, some of you might remember me telling you how my bridesmaids all chipped in to buy me the Cinderella Swarovski necklace. They discontinued the line, but they had the necklace, the bracelet and a tiara. All I wanted was the choker. I could not believe they had spent over $250 to buy it for me. I was so happy to wear it that day. My mom put it on for me. Boy, did it go perfectly with the dress!! I didn’t believe it was me when I looked in the mirror. I can’t recall a time when I felt so beautiful. :bride:


My girls were breathtaking and Selena looked gorgeous. So did my mom. My grandmother and aunt were all dressed and ready and they too looked fabulous!!! Now, we just had to wait for the all clear from Marion to come down to the lobby. And then the phone rang. I was so glad I didn’t have to sit around the hotel room in my dress for long… I get kind of antsy just waiting… :jumping3:

So, down the extremely long hallway to the elevator we went. The girls were helping to carry my veil and train so it didn’t get snagged on anything. We all get into the elevator while my mother, grandma and aunt wait for the next one. My dress took up half the elevator. Hehehehe…. :laughing: When the doors opened to the lobby, all I could think of was how so many other Disney brides had talked about how magical it was to walk through the lobby and have everyone looking at them like they were a fairy tale princess. pixiedust: Now I can say I know what that feels like. There were so many people that were congratulating us and telling me how beautiful I looked. It brings tears to my eyes now as I write this because I’ve never felt so happy before. Then I saw my dad and all he could say was, “Wow.” It felt so good to see him so happy. Then I saw my older brother, Mike. His wife is Penny, my bridesmaid. He’s the one who was taking most of the pics you are seeing in this TR. Allison came in next and she was soooooooo cute. She got all teary eyed.

A little history – I’ve known Andrew since we were freshmen in HS (1990). That means, I’ve known Allison since she was about 4 years old. I have watched her grow into the amazingly smart and beautiful young woman she is today. I am proud to call her my sister.

Randy took some pics of me in front of the Christmas tree in the lobby. Then I saw Alex and Sandra, Mom & Dad Torres’ neighbors. Alex would later be playing the piano for me while I sang to Andrew at our reception. Time to go outside on the patio and take some pics. That’s where we saw Mom & Dad Torres. Mom was all decked out in her new dress and dad looked GREAT in the tux!!! Dad got a little teary eyed when he saw me which made me feel even more special. Andrew and I have had our ups and downs, but through it all I’ve always known his family was there for me. This day just solidified that feeling. Even though his mom drives me nuts sometimes, they really are great in-laws.


Randy started working his magic, telling people where to stand, who should be with me taking what pics… they all came out amazing!!! We got a picture of the four generations in my family, my grandmother, my mother, me and my daughter. We have one from 6 or 7 years ago and this one is just as special. The sky was a bit cloudy but when we had looked at the weather forecast, it said it would be partly cloudy and then clear up later on. Perfect… of course, nothing is perfect with weather prediction, so every now and again, it would start to drizzle and we would run under cover until it stopped. It was all good though.


Marion called for everyone except the girls to go down to the ceremony site to prepare. The boys were apparently in the ESPN Zone and were about to go over to SBP to get ready for their walk in.


Oh my goodness, it was almost here!!!!! Just a few hundred more pictures on our way there… HAHAHA!! :lmao: They all came out so great though, so I can’t complain. Besides, at this point, time was flying by. We finally get the call to start walking towards SBP. As we are walking towards the SBP, we see the guys getting ready to walk up the far side of SBP and I freak out. I’m like, “he’s not supposed to see me!! What if he sees me???” Now, this is where it gets funny… my girls jump in front of me and create a wall, I duck down behind them and I’m walking towards the SBP while squatting behind them… :rotfl2: :rotfl: I can’t imagine what some of the people sitting on the boardwalk were thinking, but I know I was laughing. :lmao: Randy actually got a few pics of this while it was happening. Finally, we saw all the guys go in and Marion started getting the girls in order.


My dad came over to me and we just kind of hung out for a few minutes while the girls walked in. I was so excited!!! And then Marion looked at us and said, “OK, it’s your turn.” And off we walked, down the aisle towards my future….


(I will post more pics when I get the CD from Randy ;) )
Oh Diane you looked sooooo beautiful and so happy! I think the choker looks perfect on you! Your girls have great taste. Congrats again :goodvibes
OK, late to the party here!! I missed like 3 people's TRs because they started when I was gone, or in the few days I was getting ready to leave and wasn't DISing as much (I know, I should be hanged!)

Anyway, I am going to read through your great report tomorrow. I just wanted to say hey and can't wait to read!! Welcome back :) :)
You look sooooo beautiful! I love your dress and the gloves are a cute addition. The choker is gorgeous--and you gotta love that princess touch ;) The guys look so great in their tuxes!
Can't wait for more!

*Swear I didn't read Dannirose's response ;)--but since we both said the same things, they must be true!
those accessories are beautiful, they are make the dress complete. What a great gift from your bridesmaids!! princess:
Thank you for all the compliments. I'm sorry I haven't written the rest of the wedding day TR yet... my mother-in-law came back to NJ to live with us for 2 weeks... long story... she just can't seem to leave NJ and seems to think that everyone here needs her... she hasn't realized that we don't need her and she is actually just making our lives unbearably stressful... hi!! Remember me, the pregnant one... I shouldn't be dealing with all this stress... :scared1: anyway, I leave tomorrow morning for my graduate residency. I was accepted to an online graduate program thru Seton Hall University for Masters in School Counseling. :) So, I have to go live at a hotel for 3 nights/4 days. At first, I was dreading being away from my honey and daughter, but now, I can't wait to get away from my MIL. I will try to write the rest of my TR while I'm there... I will have lots of down time at night, so it shouldn't be a problem.

BTW - I get to wear the choker again at our reception here in NJ in just over a month. Can't wait!! Oh yea, and the other white dress I have that I was worried I wouldn't fit into... I tried it on the other day and it fits!!! Woooohoooooooo!!!!! :cool1:


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