Diane's Journal to a Happier/Healthier me...encouragement welcome!

Diane, good for you to handle your frustration by working out! You are an exercise machine and know just what you need to do to get thru a rough time. If I just had a fraction of your dedication, I'd be in much better physical shape than I am right now. As for being sore, its a "good" sore and a reminder of just how strong you are!

Hang in there at work, and trust your instincts!
Great, yesterday I had to tell my boss about a stupid mistake I made and today I had to advise her of one she made. I'm not sure which is worse, my mistake or hers - which was published company wide. I know which was worse, but I'm not sure which was worse for me...owning up to my mistake or having to point out hers. Her mistake is just between her and I and she is leaving it as is. Maybe she will remember it in the future that even she makes mistakes.

I think I'm finally getting my food under better control than it has been. That is my key struggle. I know I get exercise in, and can get the exercise in, I just need to stay on a food plan. One day at a time, I just need to focus on one day at a time or one meal at a time.

I got warned that tonight was going to be a leg workout and he didn't let me down...I hate walking at a 15 incline on the treadmill and he had me do it tonight and even though I did it, I b****ed the entire time. His comment - I like it when you get this way and I plan things just to set you off some days. I think he likes to make me do things that he knows I don't like. Darn pushing me out of my comfort zone.
Wow Diane, that is some treadmill incline! Great job on that.

Well, if your boss gets to keep her mistake under wraps, how come your mistake can't stay that way too? Hang in there, and don't take any crap off of her!

I hear you on the food thing. Bottom line, it takes so much more exercise than we realize to burn off extra calories and I think every single one of us struggles with food consistency. But you know you can do it so just keep on, keeping on! Just tap into that huge amount of strength you have just like Tim does with your exercise! You can do it!:thumbsup2 :hug:
I had lunch with my old boss today and I feel so much better about things after seeing him. We talked for about 2 hours and it was great. We've always had a great working relationship and he reminds me of what I wish my relationship with my parents was like. I got a bit more insight into her and a few tips on how to work with her. What's nice is that I'm starting to understand that it just isn't me....she lacks in people skills and it is with everyone. I always think it is me because I think when God handed out the social gene, I stood outside the door not wanting to go in and get it. It is weird to find someone with less social interaction skills than I have.

I don't want to be a movie spoiler for anyone...but I just watched Nights In Rodanthe and I didn't like it. I'm a happy ending kinda of gal and I spent the last 20 minutes or more crying. Good thing I didn't choose this movie to watch on the treadmill tonight!

I'm going to try and do water aerobics in the morning before Tim....depends on when I wake up.
Thanks Amy, Maroo and Denise for your comments and encouragement. Your support keeps me going!

I really think I'm starting to lose my mind or that there is so much going on that I just can't keep it all straight. I got up this morning and did water aerobics, changed clothes and went and warmed up for my session with Tim. Time comes and he isn't there....and he still isn't there 10 minutes later. This man isn't late, but he will forget when we move our time around. I text him and he text's back that we were going at 2:00 not 10:00! I have no clue where I came up with 10:00am, we never work out in the morning, yet I thought we were going to. Well, I went back and warmed up again and then worked out with Tim. I learned how to spin bike today. It was fun to do, but my butt got sore from the bike seat! I'll do it again though.

I'm also thrilled to say that I didn't work at all today. I'm not sure how I would have since I was running back and forth to the club all the time! I also didn't get to journals, so it's on the plan for tomorrow morning.
Diane, I loved Nights in Rodanthe but it was a tear jerker! I went and saw that one day by myself when I was feeling really lost and alone after my mom died. Lets just say it wasn't the pick me up I needed! But I bought it on DVD and need to work myself up to watching it again!

That is sort of funny you got mixed up on your Tim Time! I think maybe you have a lot going on right now!

I am so proud of you, you are already off to a great start on your March exercise challenge.

I am also proud that you are realizing the problem is your boss', not yours. And I am glad you had lunch with your old boss. Just hang in there at work, I hope it gets better!
Serious struggle to meet the challenge I set this month. I've been home sick for 3 days. This is something I've never experienced before, I started wondering if I might be suffering from vertigo or something. I would stand up, lay down or look down and I would get so dizzy and sick to my stomach. I guess this is what is going around the block right now - 3 other people in our office have the same symptoms. Tried to go downtown today and lasted about 3 hours before I came back home.

Being sick means no treadmill or workouts for 3 days, so I'm 300 minutes behind! YIKES, that is going to be tough to catch up.

I'm going to have to go into overdrive. Weirdly, I haven't eaten that much the last two days, but I'm swelling up from sodium in soup and saltines and not much liquid because I haven't been thirsty. Tomorrow is going to have to be a water day, all day.
Diane, that sounds very similar to what we had flu wise. It takes time, don't even worry about that challenge! Just rest up and take care of yourself which will get you well a lot quicker!

Feel better soon!:hug:
Got a new boss yesterday. I wish it was that our director was canned, but that isn't the case. They finally found a home for me and I'm not sure how I'm going to like it. I need to learn to give go into it with an open mind, but it is weird switching teams after being on 1 team for the last 12 years. I've been on the safety team for my entire career and now that I represent claims, I'm curious to find out how that affects all the safety projects I am working on. Do they stop, do I need to change my response...only time will tell. I can see if it going to be an interesting transition.

It's amazing, our director schedules a time for everyone to gather and make the announcement and then she doesn't show up. I get that meetings might go late, but if you think the meeting before may go long, don't schedule something like this at the end of the day. I tell you, I work in a department that is so messed up right now, you just wait and see what the next day will bring. The good news is that I am employed and hopefully will stay employed.

Got back on exercise finally today. I think the dizziness may be coming from having 2 different pair of glasses - one for computers and one for meetings. I need to call my eye doctor, the computer glasses give me headaches.

I'm going dog shopping on Saturday. Not sure I will get one, but I am going looking. I might look this weekend and then decide for next weekend so I have a week home along with the dog before I got back to work. I'll know when I get there if there is a dog with my name on it.

Hope everyone is having a good week.
Diane, I hope the new boss and new department work out! A change might really be good where your job is concerned. There is very little common courtesy anymore, people run late or don't show and they don't care. Hang in there, I hope it all gets better at work.

Good luck finding a dog! If not today, then another day. There is a special furry friend out there waiting to be yours!

Glad you got back on program with exercise, my sister had the same problem with dizziness from new glasses. I hope you get it resolved!
I think I started boot camp early! I had this idea that since I was doing water aerobics at 8:15am, I'd see if Tim wanted to do a water workout as well. My thoughts were that we would do some of the stuff we do in water aerobics....WRONG! He had me doing weights, swim sprints, running and such. I think it was the hardest cardio workout I've had in a long time. And it was my idea! I think I might have just been tired at the end of it. 75 minutes of water aerobics, 45 minutes of leisurely swimming/walking/lunges to stay warm and then 60 minutes of Tim makes for 1 tired person. I feel great though, the worst thing was that I again forgot a brush in my bag and I have to leave with non-brushed hair!

Lunch with my boss yesterday was ok. The first thing she said about her leadership style is that she isn't a micro-manager. Phew....I don't do well with those. I think he management style is a lot like my old boss, but her strengths and opportunities are different so there will be a learning curve. I had to go decide which cube I wanted to take out of the open ones and now plan a move...that's a bummer cuz I was in a corner that was great for hearing all the juicy stuff and no one ever realized it, so there goes my 'in' for the news before it is announced. Oh well, who needs office gossip anyway?

Talked to the Humane Society today before I made a trip there and the dogs on their website are the only ones available currently for adoption. All the dogs on the site are either Labs, Retreivers, PitBulls or other large dogs and I don't want a large dog, so I'm going to wait and see. I'll start checking some other sites as well, I just like the idea of getting a dog from a shelter.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sounds like you certainly made up for some of that time that you were out sick.

I am amazed at how long you can work out without just keeling over!!!

Are you still losing weight, too...or have you gotten pretty stable there? You should be very proud of your accomplishments!! :thumbsup2
Diane, it sounds like this new job and boss might be a good change for you! And I am betting you will have a dog very soon. In these times, so many families are giving up pets. I like little dogs too, I have beagles all my life. I love big dogs but they just eat more, poop bigger and dont' live as long so I stick with the little guys!

Boot camp indeed, your workouts just amaze me. I'd be dead!:rotfl:
Arghhh! I need to remember to submit my posts timely. I wrote out a post and then went to another tab and my internet froze on me! Now I can't get back to what I had typed. Darn internet explorer and Comcast cable.

I don't even remember what I as saying, I guess that is a sure sign you need a vacation, you type a post and then don't remember it.

I'll have to re-post it when I remember. I'm off to sleep!
bless your heart!

I finally got sick of Comcast and fired them. :)


Sitting on Bellsouth right now.

Just wanted you to know that I was still following your updates. You are an inspiration. :thumbsup2
I've been away a while, it's been a crazy week - trying to get work caught up before vacation this week, trying to get workouts in to make my challange and if that wasn't enough......yesterday I got a dog! I'd been thinking about it for a while and went to a pet adoption site by the county humane society and saw a dog that just reached out to me. White Bishon that is a year or two old. Very calm dog, but I'm learning he must have ruled the roost before he was surrendered by his previous family. I'll post a picture when I figure out how.

Boot Camp starts in the morning and strangely, I'm looking forward to it. Who looks forward to doing a mini-biggest loser week? Ask me in 2 days if I feel the same way.

I've got a lot of exercising to do to make my challenge....and I'm going to do everything I can to make it. Boot camp out to do it - or at least get me extremely close.
Boot camp started.....50 minutes of cardio this morning before breakfast. That is after the walking the dog....I think this was the easiest part of boot camp, I haven't gone to Tim yet!
First day down and it went good.

50 minutes of cardio in the morning
40 minute cardio warmup prior to Tim
60 minutes of weights with Tim
120 minutes of cardio tonight
This is one way to get that exercise ticker moving!

Followed the food plan exactly too. Tomorrow is more of the same, but I really am feeling like I'm on vacation too.

Still need a name for the dog.....not sure what it will be yet, but I am leaning towards one name.
Aw!! You got a dog!! :)

I LOVE my dog. Her name is Muffin. She looks like a Muffin. I also refer to her as Tri-Tone sometimes...because her head is light brown, half of her back is black and the other half is grey. Looks like she got dipped in hair color! :rotfl2:

Wow...you are really excercising a LOT! :eek: How do you have time to work?!?!

I don't think my body would like that very much. :sad2:


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