"Did Pluto Just Give You A Lap Dance?" 10 days of Naughty & Nice!

Weight Loss Update:
We went to water aerobics this morning and then I did the salsa splash class after (salsa dancing in the water and it is not easy to move fast with resisitance. My butt is still left when she is already to the right! :rolleyes1) So 1 1/2 hours of water workout - my friend has a polar watch - she showed she burned about 580 calories - I need one of those watches to motivate me!
You are so funny - your butt is still left when she's going right! :lmao: That sounds like me trying to do anything coordinated at all. Wow - 580 calories! That IS awesome! Maybe Dan will get you a watch like that for Christmas.
Weight Loss Update:
We went to water aerobics this morning and then I did the salsa splash class after (salsa dancing in the water and it is not easy to move fast with resisitance. My butt is still left when she is already to the right! :rolleyes1) So 1 1/2 hours of water workout - my friend has a polar watch - she showed she burned about 580 calories - I need one of those watches to motivate me!

I don't think even that would motivate me! Dh got me a Wii Active for my bday in September because my butt is in a race with my knockers (hopefully that won't get censored out) to see which can reach my knees faster! you would think the butt would win since it's closer...but the knockers are seriously giving it a good try! Anyway....it's still sitting...unopened...on the kitchen counter where i put it when i unwrapped it. so much for looking good in the bathing suit.
Hey!! You crack me up! I love your Hollywood interpretations!! I really think I would love to see a tr of you stopping by that wax museum in Vegas where they have a wax Hef on a round bed and he says all sorts of stuff!! That'd be hilarious...
I don't think even that would motivate me! Dh got me a Wii Active for my bday in September because my butt is in a race with my knockers (hopefully that won't get censored out) to see which can reach my knees faster! you would think the butt would win since it's closer...but the knockers are seriously giving it a good try! Anyway....it's still sitting...unopened...on the kitchen counter where i put it when i unwrapped it. so much for looking good in the bathing suit.
Okay, that's really funny!
Maybe Dan will get you a watch like that for Christmas.
That is a great idea! Beofre New Years for sure - at the Y it is about $100 but they set it up for you and all that techie crud I hate!
my butt is in a race with my knockers (hopefully that won't get censored out) to see which can reach my knees faster! :confused3So hdo you have a winner or is the race still in progress? :rotfl2:

Hey!! You crack me up! I love your Hollywood interpretations!! I really think I would love to see a tr of you stopping by that wax museum in Vegas where they have a wax Hef on a round bed and he says all sorts of stuff!! That'd be hilarious...
That would be great fun!
So hdo you have a winner or is the race still in progress?

nope....still going on.....the bra helps to slow down the progress of the knockers....i think the thong isn't helping the butt though. it gets saggier and flappier every day. :sad2: gravity sucks!!
I will post an update now on DHS but I am missing a boat load still of pics from later that night and Epcot the next day and for the rest of the trip. I know I have a few on the computer so I am not crazy that I took them and I will get the rest done as soon as I can. They have to be here somewhere - if you all remember that the card they are on is no longer embedded and Dan's computer that they were on took a digger - so if I can't find these I am stewed and that has me in panic mode and panic mode is never a good thing! The next update is not a knee slapper - more reflective and a ton of pics!

Pray please for those darn CD's! :worship:
Day 8 - How Much is the Light Bill?

This was the day that Treyner waited for the most! DHS. Not because we adore this park but the lights were supposed to be spectacular and Treyner is the Christmas light nazi here.

We got to the studios about mid - morning and did ToT (Treyner is finally brave enough to go on. He was petrified after his first ride and would not until we were here in 2005 and then only because the dance group he was with - forced him to. Something about girls calling him a wuss made him man up!) and RNR and screamed and wanted to die.

In fact I did RNR only once, Dan did it twice and the kids did it 3 times. While we were waiting for the kids to come out the last time, we stood down by the exit ramp - where the glass sliding doors let you out into the open square. We were close to the doors and Dan - was much closer than I.

You see he was resting his head against the glass window, closing his eyes and resting. People came down the ramp, I am paying attention to them and not Dan, they walk through the doors to leave and BLAMO for the second time this trip! All of a sudden, Dan is holding his head, he is bleeding everywhere and I was not sure how standing where he was at - had involved an injury.

I head over to him and he explained he had got his head hit by the door when it opened. The sliding door came far enough out to the sides that the thing had cracked him in the eyebrow. He with his eyes shut, was not paying attention and now - was in need of first aid.

I had some of Baylor's med stuff with and handed him a gauze sheet - I should of thought about it and handed him a tampon! How funny would that have been - some big 6'6 guy with a tampon on his melon!

And just think - I poo pooed someone who carried an extra in her purse for just this sort of thing!
the kids come down the ramp now - and see us, and ask the pertinent details. I explain and they busted out laughing. Again, nice family. Seriously though, how the heck do you hit your head on a sliding door? That is about as awesome as walking into a glass deck door!

We went to the first aid station, which is over by guest services for future reference, and they filled out a report. The nurse even chuckled when he explained the mishap. The cut was actually pretty wide. Split it super bad but not too deep. So he said no to stitches that she offered he go get at a local hospital, and got some butterfly strips.

He had his sunglasses on thank goodness because the sun made him squint which in turn hurt the heck out of his eyebrow. The boys were now laughing even harder because Dan looked like a new version of Nelly.

Instead of the Band-Aid on the cheek though - it is in his eyebrow hairline - and beyond obvious. Oh yeah, and Dan is white. Other than that, him and Nelly are identical!

We made it back to see Beauty and the Beast and walked and shopped a bit before heading to our ADR's at Prime Time. They were busy so we sat at the bar and here I found out some tidbits of info I am still confounded by.

Talking to John the bartender, who had been here for 10 years. I was perusing the menu and noticed the fried cheese was no longer available as an appetizer and was again out a planned order!

Again, like at Kona's I was perplexed and asked him how long it had been gone. He said a few months and I told him I was surprised since it was so popular. He said, "Because it is popular it is gone."

Now I am not a smart woman but I can do math :teacher: and a big seller means more money for Disney so WTHeck? :confused3

John said that the food vendor had just raised prices for Disney on certain items. Items that sold a lot got bigger increases so Disney decided to dump them because it was so expensive to keep.

Now here are a few food for thought moments I had.

#1 I do not know if they had a contract with said vendor but since the cost went up - I am assuming it was either under negotiation or it is a flexible contract. Why then, did Disney not just say - screw you - and find another vendor instead of leaving less popular things behind?

#2 Did Disney just figure who cares because now with the dining plan people are eating here more than before and they will eat what is put in front of them so to speak?

#3 Since the reg. dining plan, which is the most popular, does not include appetizers did they think people would not notice? I know it did also affect other menu offerings for entrees so that is not 100% the only impact though.

The other thing John said was that the restaurants not owned strictly by Disney, like at Epcot etc...were not as affected because they make their own rules with their own vendors.

Knowing this made me wonder who is at the helm of these decisions and where can I get a job as CEO of food vendors at Disney because with this economy - Disney has a bigger pull than they are using. IMO if Disney said bugger off to the vendor holding them by the pinkie, there would be 8,000 other companies who would die for a chance to work with such a huge brand name.

Maybe the food vendor has something on Disney so they are holding more cards than I know about. Maybe they are on to Pluto's shenanigans and have video evidence they are willing to take to TMZ! :rotfl2:

We were shouted at that our table was ready and we had this guy who was just a hoot. I know I took zero pics here - sorry. Pot Roast and Fried Chicken were ordered and he took special time to pay attention to the boys and their B-day buttons. He said they looked a bit odd to be identical twins!

He then noticed Baylor's leg and asked what had happened. When Baylor gave him the brief story - he joked and said, "So it was to impress a girl huh?"

He had a great sense of timing and was not too crass and as a guy still showed enough attention to Baylor to make him feel great but not mushy. That is a gift for a 12 year old boy.

We laughed and had so much fun there. As we left the parade was going on and I snapped a few pics as we were heading to the Stunt Show.

We saw the stunt show which Treyner had never seen and he loved it! Of course blowing up things and fast cars is most teen boys dreams! Baylor did well with the flames and fire and that made me so happy.

We stopped by the Cars station and the kids posed a bit!


We got in line for Toy Story and had the most fun! None of us had been here since it opened so it was awesome experiencing it all together for a first time!

Then we heard the music and had to head over to see the lights. I totally got teary eyed as we rounded the corner and before us was millions upon millions of strands and moving parts and beautiful music. I will post the rest in pictures because it tells a better story than I could ever hope to.

I will say though that each park has it’s own Christmas and Holiday wonderment and I could not tell you that missing one over another is something I could pick. It was pure amazement and goose bumps on your toes kind of experience and your mind cannot comprehend it all no matter how long you stand there. We left and came back in a few times just because you wanted a fresh perspective and even though you see the light strands in the day - you cannot fathom them at night.








nope....still going on.....the bra helps to slow down the progress of the knockers....i think the thong isn't helping the butt though. it gets saggier and flappier every day. :sad2: gravity sucks!!

nope....still going on.....the bra helps to slow down the progress of the knockers....i think the thong isn't helping the butt though. it gets saggier and flappier every day. :sad2: gravity sucks!!
:lmao: - I laughed out loud and just spit on my keyboard!

So lady-like, I am! :rotfl:
You're right - those lights are amazing! I was lucky enough to get to see them in 2006 and it is a memory that I won't likely soon forget! I'm hoping they'll be up if I get to go back to Disney in a couple of weeks. Too bad that's right before you leave b/c then we could have met up!
Wow, those lights are so gorgeous!! I can't wait until I can finally see them in person!! I bet it would just take my breath away!!

I'm also hoping to try Prime Time next time too! Sounds like you got such a good waiter!! I agree with all the stuff you said about Disney and food though...I think the Dining Plan does have a lot to do with it!! It's pretty sad!

I can NOT wait to see those lights in person in 39 more days!!!

And, I know I'm old enough to be his mother and I'm happily married and all that jazz, but that picture of Treyner just completely took my breath away! He sure is a cutie, isn't he?

(Am I kicked off the trip report?)
Wow! I'm so jealous. Your Osborne Lights pictures came out much much better than mine did. Maybe I'll just steal yours if that's alright :rolleyes1 Those lights really do take your breath away. My whole family stood there in awe of them for a good 10 minutes. Other than the Ice Lights on the Castle, I think the Osborne Lights are the best thing about Disney at Christmastime.

We're trying 50's PT on our trip in May and I'm so glad you guys had a good time! That's our only ADR a was a little worried about.

I really hope the rest of your pictures turn up! I'm sure they're around somewhere!!
nope....still going on.....the bra helps to slow down the progress of the knockers....i think the thong isn't helping the butt though. it gets saggier and flappier every day. :sad2: gravity sucks!!

Maybe you could use one of these! :rotfl:
www.GetBrazilianSecret.com <---Be sure to watch for about a minute, I promise it's worth the laugh! :laughing:

At my size I would be fearful of what my @ss would do if I put one of these on! :scared1:<--- This would be the look on everyone's faces seeing me come down the mall or grocery store. :rotfl2:
"Is that Camille??!!??? Yes. Yes. I think it is, but why is she half bent over.....is that a hump she has on her back now?...No. No. That appears to be her @ss and it's almost as high as her shoulders??!!??" :confused3 "Man! That's gotta hurt!"

I'm hoping they'll be up if I get to go back to Disney in a couple of weeks. Too bad that's right before you leave b/c then we could have met up!
I know! I am so sad! Has your sister shown any signs of the ebola virus yet? :worship:
I'm also hoping to try Prime Time next time too! Sounds like you got such a good waiter!!
He was great and I can't wait to hear about your experience!
I can NOT wait to see those light in person in 39 more days!!!
Can't wait to meet you!
And, I know I'm old enough to be his mother and I'm happily married and all that jazz, but that picture of Treyner just completely took my breath away! He sure is a cutie, isn't he?
He is and sometimes it astounds me to see him and realize how cute he is and how the heck I could have anything to do with that! No offenses here by complimeting him!
(Am I kicked off the trip report?)
NO! I was going to say that that picture is one of my favorites of him ever - but I thought it might sound too much of a "proud" mama moment!
He IS a cutie! No denying that! :thumbsup2
I;ll let him know he has a fan club! :rotfl2:
Wow! I'm so jealous. Your Osborne Lights pictures came out much much better than mine did. Maybe I'll just steal yours if that's alright Some are great - some not so much!:rolleyes1 I really hope the rest of your pictures turn up! I'm sure they're around somewhere!!
I hope so!
At my size I would be fearful of what my @ss would do if I put one of these on! :scared1:<--- This would be the look on everyone's faces seeing me come down the mall or grocery store. :rotfl2:
"Is that Camille??!!??? Yes. Yes. I think it is, but why is she half bent over.....is that a hump she has on her back now?...No. No. That appears to be her @ss and it's almost as high as her shoulders??!!??" :confused3 "Man! That's gotta hurt!"

You are so funny! Maybe people would think you were wearing suspenders!:lmao:
I'm glad you found some of your pics. :thumbsup2 I know what you mean about losing things, it makes me so darn mad.
Loved the pictures of you all looking at the lights. I've never been, so I'll have to take everyone's word for how cool it is. :3dglasses I hate that Dan did another number on himself while there, I knew what was coming when you said he had rested his head against the window. This is totally something my daughter would have done, (this is why I knew what was coming, I'm on constant look out for what variable my daughter can get herself into :rolleyes:) she's 10 but she's already been to the ER four times and two of those times have been in the last year (within a couple of months of one another)! :laughing: I'll have to tell you the one of her ear some time :eek: , remind me.

You're right - those lights are amazing! I was lucky enough to get to see them in 2006 and it is a memory that I won't likely soon forget! I'm hoping they'll be up if I get to go back to Disney in a couple of weeks. Too bad that's right before you leave b/c then we could have met up!
You should get to see them....the lights are up and able to be seen as of today! :banana: Nov. 10th- Jan. 4th, at least that's what I read in an article about the lights. :)

:lmao: - I laughed out loud and just spit on my keyboard!

So lady-like, I am! :rotfl:
Then you'll fit right in around these here parts of the Disboard. :upsidedow
Maybe you could use one of these! :rotfl:
www.GetBrazilianSecret.com <---Be sure to watch for about a minute, I promise it's worth the laugh! :laughing:

At my size I would be fearful of what my @ss would do if I put one of these on! :scared1:<--- This would be the look on everyone's faces seeing me come down the mall or grocery store. :rotfl2:
"Is that Camille??!!??? Yes. Yes. I think it is, but why is she half bent over.....is that a hump she has on her back now?...No. No. That appears to be her @ss and it's almost as high as her shoulders??!!??" :confused3 "Man! That's gotta hurt!"



It's like a push-up butt bra!

I can honestly say I've never contemplated adding to my behind...it's well cushioned.
Dizneydawn;34285149[COLOR="blue" said:
You are so funny! Maybe people would think you were wearing suspenders!:lmao:


:idea: Hey! That's a thought! It would save me some money from buying the Brazilian Secret. "There goes that greedy biotch again thinking she can by pass keeping up with Jones's to save more money for Disney! :snooty:
She's such a non-conformist!"

Revolution, Baby!!! Revolution!!! I conform to no one!!!
I'm sooo hoping people from the trip report are reading here to know what in the world I'm talking about! :laughing:


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