Dieting for Disney

Just a real quick note before I leave in the morning. I will be back by the end of the week. But I was going to let you all know that I was able to work out today for the first time in a month. I did a very light controlled chest workout. I felt like I could do more weight, even with my wrist still giving me some "twinges" but I didn't want to hurt it all over again. I will keep it light for a couple of weeks until I feel safe about adding more weight.

Tomorrow morning, I am heading to the mountains for a couple of days. I am looking at getting in several good long walks in to keep my cardio up. (I really need to buy a pedometer.) I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and I will talk to you all very soon.

Love yall!
I'm back! Is anyone else here?? Hello??!! Anybody out there??

I just wanted everyone to know that I am back from my getaway. I thought about all of you everyday and yes, I did miss all of you.

Come back and drop me a line!
Hi everyone. I was wondering if I could ask a couple of questions without snooping. I am trying so hard to lose my weight and I have come to love this board.
1. Have you all already lost your weight or are you still working at it like me?
2. How did you do you?
3. How are you maintaining?
4 What vitamens and supplements do you take?
5. What exercise do you do?
Thank you so much.
I'm here, I promise. Once the school year starts, things are pretty busy.

Bryan--I hope your getaway was everything that you needed and that you've come back feeling filled up. I know what it's like when the stress of life eats away at you until you feel like you've lost yourself. I hope you got some good training done in the mountains.

kimis--I'm still working at my weight loss. I've lost 31.5 lbs since I started, and I still have a ways to go. I've used a combination of watching my calories (though I'm not super strict...I just keep a general idea) and exercise. For exercise, I try to fit in 45-60 minutes 4days/week. I use a combination of walking, Wii fit, and videos. I've let my intensity slip for the last 2 weeks, and I can definitely feel it in the jiggliness of my thighs!

It's my birthday today :) I'm gonna have cake! I'm proud of the difference in my body from a year ago....I'm thrilled about all of the connections I've made on here. It's been a good year!
Bryan--I hope your getaway was everything that you needed and that you've come back feeling filled up. I know what it's like when the stress of life eats away at you until you feel like you've lost yourself. I hope you got some good training done in the mountains.

It's my birthday today :) I'm gonna have cake! I'm proud of the difference in my body from a year ago....I'm thrilled about all of the connections I've made on here. It's been a good year!

Happy Birthday:bday: I do hope you have a great birthday today. Enjoy your cake! We all need those rewards for our hard work.

I did have a very nice trip. We were able to do a 5.5 mile hike on a strenuous trail. Then we did a 1 mile hike to the top of the mountains (6700 ft up). On the first hike, I almost stepped on a small Copperhead snake. Missed it by just a couple of inches. Afterwards, I picked it up with a stick and got it off the trail so no one else would come close to it. On the next day, I ran into a guy that I was in the band with 20 years ago. What are the chances that we are both going to be at the same mountain on the same day so far from home.:confused3 But we did have a good time.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

I am here!! So sorry that I have not been here in the longest time. :sad1: I have missed you all very much and I hope that you are doing GREAT!!

I wish that I could say that my life has been going perfect, but that would be a lie. I know that life is never perfect. I also learned alot that you cannot dwell on all those things that get you down. It just keeps you down where you don't want to be. I LOVE being a Cheerleader for other people but I forget to cheer for that person looking at me in the mirror. :flower3: I have been trying to remember that.

I LOVE YOU ALL!! I can't even say THANK YOU enough for all the help and inspiration that you all are to me. :cheer2: :grouphug: :hug: May all of life's success be on all of you.

I am getting WAY excited to go to WDW in Dec. I was trying hard to be smaller for my trip, but I don't think I am there yet. And that is OK. :goodvibes What I do feel is a better sense of what I can do to stay healthy and happy while I am there.

Well, I hope we all keep up the GREAT work. I know we can do it!! :cheer2: See you all soon!
Hi all! I hope all is doing well. We have 85 days left to our trip and I am stuck on 20 pounds! My goal is to lose another 30 pounds before the trip and I don't know if I can make it or not at this pace. It seems so slow.
I am going to kick up my exercise though and see what happens. Please continue to pray for me as I am praying for all of you---my new found friends.
Eva--so glad to have you back. You must be so excited for your trip--and think how much easier the walking will be for you after all of your time spent in the pool. You always seem to choose the right words to help motivate me, so I was really glad to see your post.

Bryan--I'm glad you had a great trip. Isn't it funny when you run into people in the most unexpected places. In the fall of 2006, we took a family trip to Disney World, and we ran into my aunt and uncle in mind you, neither of us had any idea the other was going to be there...small world (oh wait, that's in the Magic Kingdom....)

kimis--It's hard for me to see you being so tough on yourself when you've come so far already. I know we all wish we could see results faster, but you're doing all of the right things, and your body really is losing weight at a good clip. Be proud of your accomplishments.

I'm at a bit of a plateau this week, but I know that's partly because I've decreased the intensity of my exercise. I'm doing a little testing to see what my eating/exercise would look like to maintain this weight. I'll probably try to drop another 10-15 lbs after my little experiment, but I really don't want to gain the weight back! That's my main goal right now, and the last of the weight loss would just be the frosting on the....oh wait, birthday's more cake!!
Hi everyone!!!

Happy VOTING day!! In celebration of a historical election...I am WALKING to the polls....:yay: (Ok, it is not far...mine happens to be across the street...:goodvibes )

I am just getting back to kicking my butt! I got back in the pool and worked it yesterday. :woohoo: It feels good... and I think of all of you as I am going. I hope we are all doing well in our quests! :cool1: I appreciate all the good thoughts and feelings from all of you! are doing great! Keep it up! :cheer2: I know it is hard to feel that you are when that DREADED scale tells you different. Losing weight is so much more than pounds. It is the feeling we get from accomplishment. Just remember how you feel when you realize, "Wow, I am wearing a smaller size" or "I can walk a block without stopping." We love you and we are here for you. Believe me, I am ALWAYS having to remind myself of that. :hug:

Jen--you are so awesome!! Thanks for all your kind words. I am very excited to get going to WDW soon. I do notice that I am walking better, but I will still need to rent an ECV this trip but hopefully I won't be tied to it and by next trip, I won't even need it! :banana: It is a slow road, but I am in it for the LONG haul! :3dglasses

Bryan--hope you are well! Thank you for ALWAYS being there for me and everyone. You are so GREAT! :thumbsup2

Where is everyone else?? We had so many on this thread and we all seem to be missing...:confused3 Hope to see you all again! LET'S GO TEAM!! We can DO IT!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Kimis You are doing GREAT!!!! I know it seems slow but that is only because as a society, we want everything now. It's that whole instant gratification thing. But you are doing it right so it will last. Even if you don't meet your goal of loosing another 30 pounds before your trip, take great pride in what you have been able to accomplish. If in doubt, (I mentioned this a long time ago) but find a weight that equals what you have lost and walk around with it some. 20, 30, 40 pounds makes a HUGE difference on you, your heart, your body and espeically your knees. Keep it up! I am proud of you.

Jamesnnick It is funny who you can see while on vacation. I ran into a couple that I went to church with and have literally known my whole life out in front of RNR in Hollywood Studios a couple of years ago. (I actually had a crush on their daughter when we were growing up!:confused3 ) Otherwise, your little test seems interesting. I am sure you will come up with a plan that you can live with and be happy. I wish you the best.:cheer2:

Eva What can I say? First of all, I am still here. I have been trying to workout more recently as we only have 8.5 weeks until Liz and I go to WDW to do the 5k and the Half Marathon so I have to make sure that I can. (Just seems like everytime that I go out for a walk or a run, I run into a snake. That will keep me at home!!) On another note, you remind me of somebody I know. You are the ultimate cheerleader that can show everyone else all the love and support that they need but forgets to do that for themselves sometimes. (The person that I know is..... me!) You have been doing a really great job with your efforts in the pool. I know that is where you feel comfortable but I would like to challenge you to do different types of cardio and exercise. I really started to drop most of my weight when I started going from the bike, to the treadmill, to the track, to the elliptical. That way you keep your body guessing so it keeps loosing. Therefore, you never plateau. Hope that makes since. Just keep it up. You are doing great!

My Update Like I said, I have been trying to ramp up my training. I have also started lifting again. My wrist is still tweaked a bit but I have to lift. I feel like I am loosing what little bit of muscle that I had. I am beign careful with it. I am using low weights and if it starts to hurt at all, I stop and do more ab work or cardio. Also, we had to get rid of one of my employees so my work schedule is going to change some until we can get someone else in there. (The joys of working in retail!)

I do hope everyone is having an AWESOME week! I hope you did go out and vote. It doesn't matter who you voted for as long as you did. This is one of the few ways our voices can still be heard! Talk to you all again real soon!

Hi team!! I hope we all had a GREAT week! Wow, what a week it has been... a new president and everything!!

Well, I have been fighting a outer and middle ear infection. I have not been able to be in the pool because of it. But, I am NOT letting it get me down! :) Thankfully the infection is going down and I will be back in no time! Bryan, I think you are so right about me doing some other exercise. Perhaps my body is just getting too used to the water. I just get to used to things sometimes.

I have some good news this week!! My husband and I had to run errands this weekend and usually I take the ECV cart through Target and other stores so that I won't deal with my bad back. But, I am very excited to say that all this weekend....I DID NOT TAKE OR USE THE ECV AT ALL!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: And, we parked a ways from the stores and I still did it with NO problem. I must be doing something right! :thumbsup2

I hope you all are well. Let's ROCK it this week! :grouphug: :woohoo:

Eve WAY TO GO!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week!

I am still stuck on 21 pounds. I am kicking up my exercise today!!!!!!
Hey Gang,

I have been officially hiding due to major stress & major stress eating!

I have managed to GAIN 5lbs. so that (I hope) is the kick to get me back on the wagon. Still down 28lbs but feeling defeated.
I've had an Aunt go on hospice & pass.
My BF Dad was sent from Florida to NJ for cancer treatment and not doing well which has triggered some major Dad issues with me. She was here visiting for a few days with her baby which was the light in the storm.
My most beloved Aunt was diagnoised with breast cancer, had her surgery and is having major issues soooooooooooo.

I have also had the virus that is going around the NYC area and it has been terrible and well over a week already.

I have scrolled back and still offer my support & love to all,

Eva That's great news to hear. I am so very proud of you. That shows a tremendous amount of resolve on your part. Great job!!

Kimis 21 pounds is great. I know people who haven't been able to loose 21 pounds in a year. I know you want to see it go away faster but I promise, this is the best way. I lost a lot of weight real fast about 10 years ago. Of the 52 pounds I lost, I put back on 35 pretty quickly. Reason: I didn't do it in a healthy, proper way so when I went back to eating some food, I put on the weight. Your doing wonderful.

Maria My gosh! It sounds like you have really been thru an ordeal. I am soo sorry for everything that you have been going thru. Thank you for coming back on here to let us know how you are.

Update I, too, am going through my own personal issue. Mine is off a different nature and not near as intense as what yours is like. I am having a problem with my eating habits right now. During the day, I eat pretty clean. Then, I get off work and go to the gym. Because of all of the calories that I burn at the gym, I am famished when I get home. I usually don't get home until after 8pm so all of that food that I am eating is not having a chance to fully digest before I go to bed. That means it stays with me as unwanted fat. I know what I am doing is wrong but I still can't stop eating. That would explain why the 4-5 pounds that I gained when I went out of town a couple of weeks ago is not wanting to leave again. I say all of this because I am hoping somebody or all of you here will hold me accountable. I want to look as good as I possibly can for the Half in January and I feel like I am blowing it. Please help me.

Love all of you!
Sorry all I have been gone the last couple of family has been visiting from out of town and I have been going to Disneyland with them. :love:

I am so glad to see all of you guys!! :grouphug: Thank you for all of the nice words of encouragement to me to keep moving. :yay:

KIMIS!!! I know it is no fun being stuck!! But, you will break though I just KNOW you will! :woohoo:

MARIA!!! I am so glad to see you!! I am sorry that all these things keep happening. Don't worry...things will clear up soon. I hope you get better real soon. I know what it has been like getting over being sick. As always, you are in my thoughts...:hug:

BRYAN!!! Sometime I wish I could give everyone a HUG!! Believe me I understand about the eating. I have a big habit of wanting to eat at night. For some reason I could eat sensible the whole rest of the day but as soon as 8:00 rolls around I get FAMISHED! I know that you have been doing so well with everything and I know how frustrating it can be trying to stay on the right track! :) Maybe you can pack veggies or a low calorie snack in your gym bag to satisfy the craving to eat so much on the way home. For me, the crunching sounds takes away the munchies. Or maybe a low sugar, high fiber snack to fill your stomach but not turn into too much fat later. Just a thought. :flower3: Keep up all your hard work! I just KNOW that you will do great in the HALF this Jan, and I will be there in spirit cheering you on!! :cheer2:

Well, for me...I have been real busy with my family from out of town. We went to Disneyland and all day from 9am-8pm I walked EVERYWHERE!! I could not believe it! That is right, I did not rent an ECV for the whole day and walked all around wherever my family wanted to go! :cool1: I was soooooo tired, but it felt sooooo good. I even got myself up and back to water class today after a week of not being there because of my ear infection that is finally gone. And if that was not enough, I went to Disney tonight for just a couple of hours.... :dance3: I am so happy!!:yay:

Let's keep it up everybody!! I know we can do it! No matter the matter the hurdle...we can do it!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! :cheer2: :grouphug: Remember the battle is not won by the SWIFT, but he who ENDURES TO THE END!! :thumbsup2 Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!
Evita That is AWESOME!!!!!! Way to go!!!! You are doing great!

Bryan Thank you for your words of encouragment!

Marie- I am sorry you are going through some horrible things. Take it one day at a time or even one minute at a time.

I too gained two pounds back which really sent me into a "pity party". It took me almost two weeks but I have finally lost them and one more. I am now at 22 pounds but I need to get my drive and ambition back. The holidays are here and I am really nervous. I wanted to lose about 50 pounds before our trip to disneyworld in 68 days but that would mean I have to lose 28 more pounds. I am wondering if it is possible? It won't happen if I keep getting stuck for two weeks or putting pounds back on.

As most of us are I love to eat when I am sad, worried, bad well you get the idea. My mom passed two years ago and for some reason this holiday season is the worst when it comes to missing her. My heart is breaking. I am not sure why this is such a hard year. I have had two new grandkids born in the last month and another due in January. They are the first babies born since she passed so I am wondering if the new births have something to do with missing her so much. She loved being a great grandma. At the time of her passing she had 6 great grandkids and in January she would have had 9. I am proud to say that 8 of those great grandkids (in Jan) will be my grandkids. I am fortunate to be close to all my grandkids and that is what keeps me going on somedays.

So back to my weight. I am praying for you all and I hope you keep me in your prayers too. Thanks so much for the encouragment and kind words.
Hey everyone! As we all have been a little during this time of year, I have been AWOL. Part of it has to do with work, training and a little stomach bug. Today was the first day I have been back to the gym since Wednesday of last week. Thursday, I did some volunteer work for my community and then over the weekend, I was a little below par. But today was a good day. I was able to go to the gym, do a pretty good back workout and then 2 hours of cardio. I did see a couple of friends of mine that I went to school with at the gym and I found out that one of them is in training to do the Mercedes Half Marathon here in Birmingham for the 3rd time. They said that there goal is to do the Disney Half together in 2010. (The husband is a very large friend of mine that ruptured his calf last year in 4 places. I applaud him for getting back at it.)

The negative side to the equation (and I should have expected this) is that my weight has not went down anymore. The good news is that my stomach is getting tighter so I guess I am adding some muscle mass. This surprises me with all of the cardio that I am doing but I will not complain if that is the case.

We are under 7 weeks to Marathon weekend. Liz, I am looking forward to our meet and greet!! I am really trying to kick up my training a couple of notches to be able to make a respectable showing. Not only for myself but for the DFD squad as well. If the next few weeks go by like the rest of the year, this is going to fly. That scares me some!:scared1:

Seriously though, Thanksgiving is just a couple of days a way. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Stay active. Eat smart (Moderation is key). Try not to let the holidays be a reason to take 3 steps backwards. You are all winners and deserve a winner's holiday!!

Sorry I have been MIA---life went and got busy.

Eve--you should be so proud of your accomplishments. It is amazing that you were able to do the whole day walking at Disney. That is wonderful!!!

kimis--I'm sorry you're missing your mom. I'm sure she's looking down at those grandbabies and watching over them. It's always hard to celebrate the holidays when we're missing a loved one. Good job on getting right back on the wagon...just think, you'll be going on your trip lighter no matter what. Even if it's not 50 pounds, it's still lighter.

Bryan--Sounds like you're really gearing things up for the race. I don't have a lot of good suggestions on the eating late issue. I know I'd have a really hard time if I didn't make it home at that time of night. Best of luck with your training. We're running with you in spirit!

Maria--I'm sorry you've had so many issues to deal with lately. Emotional things are always the toughest thing for me to fight through with this weight loss thing. I'm one of those feelings = food kind of people. I hope everything turns around and positive things start to happen for you.

Update--There's not much of an update here. I was changing things up a little bit to see how I'd have to eat to maintain this weight. I've decided that I want to lose a little more before I'm ready to stay at that weight. I need to ramp up my exercise because now that it's cold outside I'm not getting my walking in. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and has some time to focus in on all of the things you're all thankful for. I'm very thankful that I've had the chance to get to know some wonderful people on this board. Take care!
Hello everyone! I'm new here and wondering if this is the thread I should be on? I need to change my lifestyle and get on track before we go to WDW. We will be at POR from Jan 23-30 and then a RCCL 3 night cruise after that.

We are celebrating our 5th anniversary next year, and I was so skinny for our wedding. I am 5' 6.5", medium build, and was 132 pounds. I was wearing a 4/6 then, and now I'm a solid 10.

I haven't weighed myself in over a year. DH used the scale for mixing tile cement and ruined it. I'm probably 155 or so now, but I don't care about weight much. I'd like to drop a pants size before we leave. That's my goal!

Hopefully this is the right place for me. I know I don't have as much weight to loose as some people. I get so tired of "but you're so skinny!" I hate when people say that to me because I actually believe them and break from my plan. "Everyone else is bigger than me, so what's the problem. Go ahead and eat that XYZ" Wrong!!!


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