Dis Dad's Geek Thread

New member and life long geek checking in.
Star Wars
Star Trek
Princess Bride
Civilization series
Comic Books

Oh Beverly, my nemi likes the same stuff I do...
On three . . . Favorite Disney Character?




Resurrecting an idle thread. Do any of you use Zello? It's a free global Push-To-Talk application for iPhone, Android, PC and Mac. Instead of talking one-on-one, you can create a channel and talk with people who share the same interest as you. I heard about it on a non-Disney podcast and have been lurking on a couple of channels to see how it works. Of course, you have those that push the First Amendment to its non-kid friendly limit but there are some channels that are pretty good.
Sounds like the Roger Wilco we used in my Unreal Tournament clan, but on a phone/tablet. Gonna have to give it a listen.
That sounds like something that might be cool for the DisDads to do!!:thumbsup2
Yeah it does... Can we make a channel or whatever, or is it moderated?
In case anyone's interested, there's now a DISdads channel on the Zello network.:cool2:
DisDadDoc said:
Steve's not so good with computers...

Hey, on BBC America, they're re-running a bunch of Doctor Who episodes. Today is Amy Ponds first appearance!

Wait!!!! You are also a Whovian? Rock on
Watched "Copper" on BBC last night. I had recorded it so I could fast forward though the commercials, had to stop and watch the ones for Doctor Who's new season! :rotfl2::thumbsup2

September 1st - BBC America - 9 p.m. Eastern - Asylum of the Daleks!!!
September 1st - BBC America - 9 p.m. Eastern - Asylum of the Daleks!!!

Can't wait! Love Matt Smith's Doctor (although Tom Baker is my favorite from growing up)

Every Daleks from the 40 years of Dr Who! :cool1:

Got a great idea for a Halloween costume. A pen on a string around my neck, and hash marks on my arms. Think anyone will get it?
Can't wait! Love Matt Smith's Doctor (although Tom Baker is my favorite from growing up)

Got a great idea for a Halloween costume. A pen on a string around my neck, and hash marks on my arms. Think anyone will get it?

I don't know what you're talking about?!? :confused3 And do you have any idea why I have all these marks on my arms?
Cinderella's Fella said:
So..., what did you think of the Doctor's new companion?

I think that little Dalek trick just made my night. And 4 y.o. DD loved the episode too. I am dying for Saturday already


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