DIS Fit - New Hopes, Dreams & Goals - Chit Chat Thread

Today was supposed to be rainy and snowy but it had turned out mostly overcast, I had my son help me get rid of all the winter pots last night but I could have waited till today ,,,ah well it's all done now.
I think I will reuse the new solar mini lights to decorate the new summer pots.
I am not sure what is making me so fatigued but I got up at 7 am and then an hour later I hit the sack for another 5 hours sleep....so weird.
This has been happening for the past few weeks. (Fatigue).
I am going to give myself a break from rebounding for the day and I took a Covid test just to be safe and it says no Covid so maybe I just needed extra sleep.
Time to soak a few seeds in preparation of planting them in the seedling nursery (this year I am trying Bachelor Buttons and Cosmos).

My try at growing veggies last year was an epic fail so I figured I'd try something new.

Busy Busy Busy day.....
I have neighbours that think it wise to feed the wildlife and have had such a crazy week because of them.
Sooooooooo I have mice on my patio area!!!!!!!!!!! OK I am freaking petrified of the little ones. I mean bone chilling afraid.
Yes I have tried educating new young neighbors but alas their brain is in their ,,,Oh my it rhymes with alas....
I called around and was told to get some outdoor (pet safe ) mouse traps. Note to others you must put a brick on top of them or the red, grey black squirrels will take off with them.
Well so far it seems to be working and they seem to be taking the bait,,, I need to wait 7 days and then any exterior brick holes I see will have to be filled as the last thing I need is for them to do is decide to take up residence in my home. (simile of me fainting).

Next big job is to cut down almost all of my rose climber as the Rabbits have demolished them,,,, bad bunnies.
Good thing Easter is coming up or we'd be making rabbit stew...not really but I tell my sons that.
I have been up and down with my exercising this week.
I am trying to get ready for allergy season ,,,I have a feeling things are going to be crazy this year.
I have chosen to throw out my Navage nasal wash system,,, I found black mold on it again and this is after disinfecting after each use .
I read some reviews online and see others are having the same issue. I am going to try the Hydra sense netti rinse product.
Fingers crossed it helps get me through the pollen.
Off to make some Tea with a bit of cinnamon sugar to spice it up.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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I don't get some neighbours. I hope the mice take up residence in their house. Then they will understand. It's at times like these I give my boys (now grown men) a talking to about being a good neighbour etc so that they don't become "one of those" neighbours.

There is some serious lack of parenting in "those neighbours" upbringing. Karma will win out in the end.
Like many, I put on a few extra pounds in the past 2 covid years. 3 weeks ago, I decided to drop some weight and have lost 6 to 8 pounds since then. It's still a very slow work in progress, but I have a brisk/fast walk for 20 to 30 mins every morning and really swing my arms. I loaded a step counter app on my phone and love checking it as soon as I get back to the house to see how many steps I burned and if I matched yesterday's target. It's like a little game.

I eat my dinner by 6pm then no snacks and no eating until lunch the next day. I have water and herbal tea at night. I have one coffee with a little bit of milk in the morning. Its a type of intermittent fasting but really just works as a bar against snacking and those hateful potato chips ;). I've lowered the carbs so eg have an open faced tuna sandwich for lunch instead of 2 pieces of bread and I've cut out pasta. I gave up my 2 glasses of wine while cooking and eating dinner and that has also really helped. I'm sleeping much better and have more energy. I wanted to do something that was sustainable and not a short term plan that I knew I could never maintain. I tried a glass of wine last Fri night after nothing for 3 weeks and it was just OK. No interest in a second glass and don't miss it at all. I do carry around a wine glass full of water while cooking dinner and while watching tv at night. Like a Linus blanket for ex-wine lovers. If it works, who cares. I'm 50 plus and my metabolism has really dropped over the past 10 years. I know that slow steady progress is the only realistic option for me. If I dramatically dropped 10 pounds a week, I'd wonder if I had scary health issues in the background. Nothing is easy but when I can feel my waist band on my jeans loosen and I need to tighten up my belt, its a huge mental boost and I feel like I've accomplished something concrete.

I understand that giving up wine and junk food cold turkey is not doable for everyone. I've surprised myself that I'm ok with it. I thought it would be a real struggle. And I'm starting to look forward to my fast walks and really leaning in to the walk. Hugs and big support to all who are trying to get healthy after the 2 past terrible garbage years!
Slow and steady can win the race. I had my gallbladder our Feb 2021. As I was going to have difficulty digesting fats I took it as a wake up call to change my eating habits. Watched (and counted) the calories and fat g started walking. Managed to work up to 3 walks a day of 8-10km in total. So far I've managed to lose almost 50lbs. (challenging food weekend this weekend so not quite there)

I don't miss many of the foods that used to be everyday staples in my diet. I've just learned to connect with food differently and incorporate excercise into my daily routing (walking and rowing, I'm not a gym person)

Everyone is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. I'm a little off my walking these days as I have a new puppy to watch. He's slowly starting to go 1 km around the block. As he grows he'll be able to go further and I'll be back up to my old total by fall. The last 10 lbs I want to lose will likely take me the next year to lose and that's ok.

Good luck with your new improved journey to a healthier life.
It's still a very slow work in progress, but I have a brisk/fast walk for 20 to 30 mins every morning and really swing my arms. I loaded a step counter app on my phone and love checking it as soon as I get back to the house to see how many steps I burned and if I matched yesterday's target. It's like a little game.
That's how I started my walking. Using a tracker to see how far, and time total it took me. And yes...it's a slow process. It's about lifestyle changes that are sustainable. I do try to cut back on carbs as well. I won't totally give them up, but I can definitely make wiser choices for most meals.
Slow and steady can win the race.
I agree...it's like the tortoise and the hare. Would I love to be at my goal within a month...of course!!! Reality says differently :( Oh well. I'll just keep on trucking along.
Just trying to keep myself occupied today. Don't have much mental capacity to do much today at work. Thank goodness I can plan for days like today and keep busy with mindless tasks.

Hoping to get to the gym tonight. I did get there last night. I seem to always be at the gym in time to watch that show on Global " The thing about Pam" So far...it's actually pretty good. I have gotten sucked in 😂 I'm just focusing on consistency (times going to walk & making more healthier food choices) and so far, so good!

I hope everyone has a great day today!
Kind of proud of myself tonight.

Pushed myself to go to the gym. Wanted to quit 10 minutes into my second set of hills/ incline, told myself to finish those. Then wanted to finish the last part with some speed and wanted to quit half way through that 😂. Pushed through and walked the last 2 km at a nice brisk pace. Finished 4 km in just under 46 minutes. Including an incline on level 8 🙂.

Plus I advocated for myself and asked for a raise. Crossing my fingers they meet my request
I hope everyone had a great week ahead!!! Hopefully it's a short week for most of us - gotta love a 3 day weekend - going into Easter weekend.

And just as I figured, Mother Nature has blessed us with a fresh snowfall that is currently falling 😡

Happy Easter week for everyone!!!!
Fingers crossed for a better week. Last week was just crazy,, so far staffing at my school is very bad, ,many staff away impacting everything. Sorry but the no cautions/mandates is negatively affecting things even with every adult in our building vaxed to the max.
I am practicing extra mental health stuff, exercise,, tranquil music background ,, sleep,,, family talk therapy,, fresh air.
Oh and after a month and a half of no coffee I threw caution to the wind and ordered one this morning,,, this was after the new supply classroom teacher texted me that he was unable to come (ill) in and there would be no replacement.😔

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend coming up.
Hugs Mel
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I have a few extra days off around Easter, I work two days this week and two next. I am very much in need of some relaxation but it probably won't really happen. My son is still refusing to go to school. We had a meeting with his guidance counsellor and kiddo agreed to go daily for 11:30, which would give him 3 learning blocks plus lunch and outdoor time with friends. and... hasn't gone once since. My parents have even offered to pay him to go, $5 a day if he goes. I'm beyond frustrated at this point, I've turned off the internet to his computer, I go up to wake him up from 7:30 through 10:30 every 30 minutes, nothing works. He claims to be "too tired" but then stays up until 2 or 3 AM and can't wake up. Saturday I got him up at 8:30 and he was up for the day, tired but he managed. The intention being he'd go to bed at a proper time, reset his rhythms. But of course, he stayed up too late and then Sunday couldn't get out of bed. I don't know what to do any more. Just lost with it all. His sleep habits have always been brutal, but at least when he was little he'd eventually go to sleep. Now he has no pattern and just stays up until he can't any more, but then sleeps until noon or later. Obviously not a good thing for school or normal activities.

The school told him he'd still go to the next grade so there is no real push, I can't even get him to do any online learning tools at this point. And we have a cruise booked the week of the May long weekend, I am really looking forward to it, I cannot wait! but then he misses another week of school. And how much fun will it be if he's going to sleep until noon every day? Because I want to be enjoying the ship and excursions and all of that. I considered just pulling him out completely and homeschooling, but I can't get him to do any of the work any way. I guess at least he's not at school being exposed to covid? Though the few days he's gone he has worn a mask even when it's not required.


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