***DIS Recipe Exchange***Open to adults and kids-CLOSED


DIS Veteran
Feb 2, 2004
So, I am thinking of putting together recipes that I have recieved in the past and wanted to add in new recipes as well.
So, this exchange is one in which you will ONLY send recipes to each other.

You are to send 10-15 recipes to your pal.
You can handwrite them, put them on recipe cards, type them out....but they need to be recipes that you have tried before and liked. You could also base it upon recipes that your pal is interested in that maybe you recieved from your friends or relatives.

Since this exchange is only for recipes and nothing else to be included, you can sign up for 1-5 pals.

Sign up by-Friday-Dec. 15.
Names to go out by-Saturday Dec. 16, and mail your recipes out by-Wed. Dec. 20th. We should all have recipes from our pals by the new year :).

To join in, pm me the following info.

Email address-
Number of pals-
*For kid participants, I will try to match you up with other kids so that you have kid friendly recipes. I will need your name, parents name, age, and gender.
Are you willing to send internationally?
What sort of recipes would you be interested in?-(Please list a few types so that your pal has a variety to choose from). :stir: Ex.-Desserts, appetizers, ethnic foods, .....
I would love to join this, but can't we send these via email, it would make it easier and cheaper...????

Vicki in Oz :wizard:
gabrielle2106 said:
I would love to join this, but can't we send these via email, it would make it easier and cheaper...????

Vicki in Oz :wizard:

You could do that if you put together people wanting to do so, but this is just a fun exchange and a way to get mail that are not bills :rotfl: .
I'm in. An e-mail exchange would be fine with me since we can't send any extra goodies along with the recipes.
gabrielle2106 said:
You mean that some mail doesn't contain bills?????????????????????????
I want some of that!

:dancer: :dancer:

Vicki in Oz

:rotfl: You will get some in this exchange Vicki :thumbsup2 .

We have an Australian DISer everyone so if you are willing to send internationally, please let me know. :thumbsup2
Would anyone else like to recieve and sent out recipes in the mail?
mommytotwo said:
We need more kids to sign up-where are you at? :teeth:

I just pm'd you with my DD8's info. She's all about cooking!

Good morning everyone.
Just two days left to sign up.
Kids, kids, kids come and join us adults :).
I can't decide on this one. I would love to participate, but I am really trying to think about my recipe box at home. I think it is more full with recipes that I would LIKE to try but have not tried yet :guilty: since we are unoriginal and eat the same thing. And 1/2 of the things I make are not exactly "homemade" more "boxmade" :guilty:

But it sounds like fun, especially receiving recipes for dishes from Australia and Hawaii! :sunny:
dvcfamily41801 said:
I can't decide on this one. I would love to participate, but I am really trying to think about my recipe box at home. I think it is more full with recipes that I would LIKE to try but have not tried yet :guilty: since we are unoriginal and eat the same thing. And 1/2 of the things I make are not exactly "homemade" more "boxmade" :guilty:

But it sounds like fun, especially receiving recipes for dishes from Australia and Hawaii! :sunny:

Come and join us Lisa :).
Or how about Matthew, does he like to cook? He could get kid friendly recipes.
mommytotwo said:
Come and join us Lisa :).
Or how about Matthew, does he like to cook? He could get kid friendly recipes.

He does, and he loves to stand on the chair and help me when I am cooking. Sadly, I don't think he will need to stand on the chair this year for when we bake cookies :guilty: I think he will be tall enough to reach the counter.

Let me take a look at what I have. Like I said, my biggest problem is that I have so many recipes that people gave me and that I have cut out that I have not tried. For my bridal shower, my mom instead of a wishing well had everyone bring a recipe and 1 ingredient from the recipe. It was neat getting peoples "special dish" and a nice way to stock our brand new empty kitchen! :)
Are you matching names? Or are the people that prefer e-mail getting to send to more?
I prefer e-mail....and I will send recipes to everyone that wants some ::yes::
I have thousands and love to share.
Meriweather said:
Are you matching names? Or are the people that prefer e-mail getting to send to more?
I prefer e-mail....and I will send recipes to everyone that wants some ::yes::
I have thousands and love to share.

We are only doing snail mail exchanges.
The email idea was just an idea.


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