DIS Unlimited Podcast Disney Virtual Roundtable Discussion Episode #1

I don't think the show biggest problem Tuesday was that they are all white males. What is a big problem is that they all pretty much think a like. That has been a problem for a while now and it included even when the females like Deni, Jackie, Erica, Kathy etc. were on the show. It got worse over the years as an even more prevalent group think mentally set in on the staff. Pete had become increasingly guilty of it himself, too, over time.

I don't care what group boxes the different thinkers check off, but the show definitely needs some to freshen it up. It really misses people like Steve, JeniLynn and even Fiasco.
I don't think the show biggest problem Tuesday was that they are all white males. What is a big problem is that they all pretty much think a like. That has been a problem for a while now and it included even when the females like Deni, Jackie, Erica, Kathy etc. were on the show. It got worse over the years as an even more prevalent group think mentally set in on the staff. Pete had become increasingly guilty of it himself, too, over time.

I don't care what group boxes the different thinkers check off, but the show definitely needs some to freshen it up. It really misses people like Steve, JeniLynn and even Fiasco.
Don't qualify it - Fiasco would be a valuable asset right now!
I thought Disney was loved by all ages! The comments about middle aged and elderly men were very insulting. They team has been thru hell and back and they are trying to provide us with free Disney content while working thru a horrible situation. Like I have said many times to viewers . If you do not care for the content shut it off. Craig Ryno and Erica have been outstanding the last few months and deserve respect and praise for all that they do.
Great job on the new podcast after all the challenges! The only thing I would do is get a new studio sooner than later. Tired of everyone using a zoom format. Just my opinion. Glad it's back.
Ok, I’m going to weigh in here on the 1st ‘new’ show.

If anyone thinks their attorney(s) said “Go ahead and talk about what happened, about Pete, the lawsuit(s), the SH in the workplace, anything to keep your fans happy.” think again. He said, as anyone’s attorney would say “Do not say anything about what happened. Nothing at all, not even an apology until it’s over and done and settled.” And it’s a civil matter; it’s going to go on for years.

Every one’s opinions are theirs. They are not right or wrong. They are just that, their opinion. We all don’t agree on everything. It’s what makes life interesting and what makes for interesting conversations.
  • The show was rough, disjointed and awkward. It was their first show “AP” (after Pete). They were all on pins and needles.
  • Three months is not a long time for what was needed. It can take up to 6 months to a year to get to putting out a new show of production quality. What we saw is just a start. They all have full time jobs. No one on the show does the show’s podcast exclusively. I once spent 7 months preparing for an organization’s 1st weekly podcast. Lining up talent, writing scripts, rustling up guests, laying out the show format, etc. I left the podcast (as I said I would) after the 1st show, leaving them with 11 other shows to do.
  • We saw 3 key people from TDU/DUT, all top management. They were who should have been on the show. They weren’t necessarily the people who would have made the show better; but they were needed on this 1st “new show.”
  • As I have written before, the show needs structure. At least one other show about Disney uses a teleprompter. That means someone is writing a script. This is something they need, not for everything, but some of it needs to be scripted. The show needs segments, where we all have something specific to look forward to at a specific time frame.
  • They talked about one ABD trip, and people are complaining. It's the ultimate Disney fan ABD trip. Yes, they are going to promote them. Kevin spent about a minute and 45 seconds talking about both trips. John spent 2 minutes and 45 seconds talking by himself and with others about the same ABD trip. Total time was 4:30. Yes, the trips may not be for everyone. But those trips sell out every time so they must be doing something right. I for one am trying to get time to go on a Backstage ABD trip. So I want to hear about them and when they are offered. Some others may not. Again we’re all right. If they had a script, rehearsed a bit it probably would have lasted 2:45.
  • Don’t complain about the lack of a studio. The old space worked because it was in someone’s home and they made it work. Rent isn’t cheap in Florida. They don’t just need a space. They need a space they are going to use for how many hours a week, at most 6? It needs to be secure and in a safe area. But who wants to pay $2,500 or more a month for 24 hours of use? It needs utilities, high speed internet, and comes with more bills.
  • Zoom is good, and Zoom is bad. Zoom is what it is, very different than a live, in studio broadcast. Even a taped “radio” version will be different than a live, video version. But for now, it works like it did during the pandemic.
  • Craig is Craig and he wears a lot of hats. He produces the show, he executive produces the show. He writes some of the show. He’s also the Technical Director (runs the controls) and he hosts the show. This is just for the Tuesday show. He also does a number of other shows and video pieces for online content. This requires writing the limited scripting, shooting the raw footage, editing the final content and posting it online. Nothing about what they do happens immediately or overnight. Give him a lot of leeway and a break or 10.
  • If anyone thinks this is what the future holds, please tell me the winners of each race for this year’s Breeders Cup in a month and Powerball for this Saturday night because you must be able to predict or see into the future.
Again, no one can say anything about what transpired with Pete. This most likely came from their lawyer telling them not to say anything. I know; I was involved with a very small, by comparison, situation many years ago. The attorneys said “Don’t talk to anyone about this. It can and will be exploited by the public and by the opposition.” If anyone wants to know what is happening with the lawsuit, go to the Orange County, FL website and look it up there. If anyone thinks “We have a right to know” think again. This is a private matter between the parties involved.
Ok, I’m going to weigh in here on the 1st ‘new’ show.

If anyone thinks their attorney(s) said “Go ahead and talk about what happened, about Pete, the lawsuit(s), the SH in the workplace, anything to keep your fans happy.” think again. He said, as anyone’s attorney would say “Do not say anything about what happened. Nothing at all, not even an apology until it’s over and done and settled.” And it’s a civil matter; it’s going to go on for years.

Every one’s opinions are theirs. They are not right or wrong. They are just that, their opinion. We all don’t agree on everything. It’s what makes life interesting and what makes for interesting conversations.
  • The show was rough, disjointed and awkward. It was their first show “AP” (after Pete). They were all on pins and needles.
  • Three months is not a long time for what was needed. It can take up to 6 months to a year to get to putting out a new show of production quality. What we saw is just a start. They all have full time jobs. No one on the show does the show’s podcast exclusively. I once spent 7 months preparing for an organization’s 1st weekly podcast. Lining up talent, writing scripts, rustling up guests, laying out the show format, etc. I left the podcast (as I said I would) after the 1st show, leaving them with 11 other shows to do.
  • We saw 3 key people from TDU/DUT, all top management. They were who should have been on the show. They weren’t necessarily the people who would have made the show better; but they were needed on this 1st “new show.”
  • As I have written before, the show needs structure. At least one other show about Disney uses a teleprompter. That means someone is writing a script. This is something they need, not for everything, but some of it needs to be scripted. The show needs segments, where we all have something specific to look forward to at a specific time frame.
  • They talked about one ABD trip, and people are complaining. It's the ultimate Disney fan ABD trip. Yes, they are going to promote them. Kevin spent about a minute and 45 seconds talking about both trips. John spent 2 minutes and 45 seconds talking by himself and with others about the same ABD trip. Total time was 4:30. Yes, the trips may not be for everyone. But those trips sell out every time so they must be doing something right. I for one am trying to get time to go on a Backstage ABD trip. So I want to hear about them and when they are offered. Some others may not. Again we’re all right. If they had a script, rehearsed a bit it probably would have lasted 2:45.
  • Don’t complain about the lack of a studio. The old space worked because it was in someone’s home and they made it work. Rent isn’t cheap in Florida. They don’t just need a space. They need a space they are going to use for how many hours a week, at most 6? It needs to be secure and in a safe area. But who wants to pay $2,500 or more a month for 24 hours of use? It needs utilities, high speed internet, and comes with more bills.
  • Zoom is good, and Zoom is bad. Zoom is what it is, very different than a live, in studio broadcast. Even a taped “radio” version will be different than a live, video version. But for now, it works like it did during the pandemic.
  • Craig is Craig and he wears a lot of hats. He produces the show, he executive produces the show. He writes some of the show. He’s also the Technical Director (runs the controls) and he hosts the show. This is just for the Tuesday show. He also does a number of other shows and video pieces for online content. This requires writing the limited scripting, shooting the raw footage, editing the final content and posting it online. Nothing about what they do happens immediately or overnight. Give him a lot of leeway and a break or 10.
  • If anyone thinks this is what the future holds, please tell me the winners of each race for this year’s Breeders Cup in a month and Powerball for this Saturday night because you must be able to predict or see into the future.
Again, no one can say anything about what transpired with Pete. This most likely came from their lawyer telling them not to say anything. I know; I was involved with a very small, by comparison, situation many years ago. The attorneys said “Don’t talk to anyone about this. It can and will be exploited by the public and by the opposition.” If anyone wants to know what is happening with the lawsuit, go to the Orange County, FL website and look it up there. If anyone thinks “We have a right to know” think again. This is a private matter between the parties involved.
Very interesting analysis Danielle. Good points all around.
Just wanted to add, on the awkwardness of the interactions and the appearances of being ill-prepared - Zoom discussions are HARD. I've done a number of things on Zoom that run the gamut of corporate meetings (including formal meetings under Roberts Rules of Order with voting, discussions, motions, objections), seminars, and even some test podcasts...doing this virtually is REALLY HARD.

The main problem is that you can't see anything other than what is presented on camera. When in person and having discussions, you can see visual cues from people that can help direct a conversation, who is responding, etc. that don't come through easily if at all through a zoom camera. In person discussions flow much better.

Give it time. They can get used to the virtual stuff, or eventually figure out a new location and get back to in-person broadcasts, but I'm not holding my breath on the latter.
Just wanted to add, on the awkwardness of the interactions and the appearances of being ill-prepared - Zoom discussions are HARD. I've done a number of things on Zoom that run the gamut of corporate meetings (including formal meetings under Roberts Rules of Order with voting, discussions, motions, objections), seminars, and even some test podcasts...doing this virtually is REALLY HARD.

The main problem is that you can't see anything other than what is presented on camera. When in person and having discussions, you can see visual cues from people that can help direct a conversation, who is responding, etc. that don't come through easily if at all through a zoom camera. In person discussions flow much better.

Give it time. They can get used to the virtual stuff, or eventually figure out a new location and get back to in-person broadcasts, but I'm not holding my breath on the latter.

They had months to figure this out. For the grand reopening, this came off as very unrehearsed and underplanned. Doesn’t give me a lot of confidence for the big creative swings they said they’d be able to take without Pete. There wasn’t even any discussion of that vision up top.

This is just more of the same, with the same aggressive advertising and somehow less enthusiasm.
They had months to figure this out. For the grand reopening, this came off as very unrehearsed and underplanned. Doesn’t give me a lot of confidence for the big creative swings they said they’d be able to take without Pete. There wasn’t even any discussion of that vision up top.

This is just more of the same, with the same aggressive advertising and somehow less enthusiasm.
I see a lot of people dismissing the poor production quality on an unfamiliar format (Zoom), and the awkwardness of not being in the same physical space. Maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't they literally do dozens and dozens of shows via Zoom during the pandemic? I mean, it's the exact same crew, and Covid wasn't exactly back in the dark ages.

Plus, I'm not convinced that a sophisticated studio space is actually needed. The "Bob Varley Studio" was nothing more than Pete's spare bedroom with one "decorated" corner, the bay window, a table, some chairs, and a bunch of randomly hung lights. There wasn't even any acoustic paneling on the walls or ceiling off camera, or a separate engineering space (just Fiasco or Craig "back in the corner"). The possibility that Pete's dogs, an Amazon delivery, or the front doorbell might interrupt a show was always present. Sure, you'd hope they have aspirations to do better and prepare the best possible space to produce their content, but what existed before isn't exactly the highest bar to surpass.
I see a lot of people dismissing the poor production quality on an unfamiliar format (Zoom), and the awkwardness of not being in the same physical space. Maybe I'm mistaken, but didn't they literally do dozens and dozens of shows via Zoom during the pandemic? I mean, it's the exact same crew, and Covid wasn't exactly back in the dark ages.

Plus, I'm not convinced that a sophisticated studio space is actually needed. The "Bob Varley Studio" was nothing more than Pete's spare bedroom with one "decorated" corner, the bay window, a table, some chairs, and a bunch of randomly hung lights. There wasn't even any acoustic paneling on the walls or ceiling off camera, or a separate engineering space (just Fiasco or Craig "back in the corner"). The possibility that Pete's dogs, an Amazon delivery, or the front doorbell might interrupt a show was always present. Sure, you'd hope they have aspirations to do better and prepare the best possible space to produce their content, but what existed before isn't exactly the highest bar to surpass.
Glad you said this.. I thought the same. They did a good job of it during the entire pandemic. Today was a chemistry / lack of preparation/ lack of diverse opinions issue.

I wonder if they're trying to find a studio on neutral territory- not at any employee's house - as a new HR measure. To avoid a repeat of past abuses. And to ensure that if an employee leaves the company, the studio doesn't leave with them.
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I really don't care about a studio look since I mostly listen to this show. If the content is good, it doesn't really matter. I also really don't care about technical delays, the internet sucks sometimes. Craig knows what he's doing and sometimes stuff pops up.

I'm surprised that after months off that all they did was change the new logo/opening for the show. @DanielleC mentioned needing 6-12 months for a show, which is ridiculous. This isn't the Today Show or Meet the Press.

The content people consistently like are restaurant reviews, shopping tours, hotel reviews, park reviews etc. You see that in this thread and others over the last few years. What content is absent from the Tuesday show? Everything they are praised for.

The Tuesday show should be about reviewing the videos they made. Answering/commenting on the things the audience commented on in the videos, giving behind the scenes stories or talking about things around the videos that got cut or they didn't get a chance to discuss. A lot of people enjoy the banter and back and forth and watching Erica, Craig and Ryno having fun in the parks. That banter and fun is missing from the Tuesday show.

This also is a space to cross-promote other videos or bring awareness to the platform. How many people don't know the forums exist? How many people that listen don't know there is more content on Youtube?

At this point, do you even need a Tuesday show?
I think I'll be sticking to the videos with Craig, Ryno, and Erica out in the parks and doing dining reviews. Much more fun and upbeat. And I like Craig's breaking news updates. They are timely and the topics haven't been hashed out for days before the Tuesday show even rolls around. And I'm not so interested in cruise line or ABD (at least right now, definitely out of the budget)!!
Don’t complain about the lack of a studio. The old space worked because it was in someone’s home and they made it work. Rent isn’t cheap in Florida. They don’t just need a space. They need a space they are going to use for how many hours a week, at most 6? It needs to be secure and in a safe area. But who wants to pay $2,500 or more a month for 24 hours of use? It needs utilities, high speed internet, and comes with more bills.
While cost is a challenge and perhaps John wants to see how the current legal issues settle before outlaying more funds, it's completely fair for fans to miss the studio aspect, which allows for a completely different vibe and conversation. Anyone who uses these tools for work knows the major difference when you connect in person. Between the prep times, weekly show, aftershow, and potential other shows - it could see plenty of use. I'm sure they already explored this option, but an employee's garage or extra room would suffice - and the company could pay them a small rental fee for their trouble.

I do agree that Kevin and John should be able to promote their trips - after all the business supports the podcast. I would recommend perhaps letting Kevin discuss other topics first, to eliminate the '...and here comes Kevin again to hard sell you" vibe every time he is intro'd. Also, it would be fine to let them zoom in for their contributions when they join, if their travel to any proposed studio is a major blocker.

All this being said, I have a feeling these are all smart people who have thought through these things already - so I'm probably wasting my typing (but it's Friday and my work motivation hasn't awoken yet).
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I wonder if they're trying to find a studio on neutral territory- not at any employee's house - as a new HR measure. To avoid a repeat of past abuses. And to ensure that if an employee leaves the company, the studio doesn't leave with them.
Is DUT run entirely remotely, or do they have a brick and mortar (even just an office space without public access)? I know the WOD crew (Derek, Melissa, etc.) seem to do just fine producing their show from the conference room in their offices.
The content speaks for itself and the numbers will support (or not) whether it’s worth people’s time (or not). I think the team understands the role of audience feedback and how this commercial enterprise works. If this is a long-term endeavor, one hopes that sufficient effort and resource will be put into it to achieve whatever goals have been set for the show.

As it stands now, a series of decisions have been made to rebrand (the logo and name) - maybe not a home run here in my view - but that’s what they put forth. They have elected not to use a studio for now (financial reasons or otherwise) which people care or don’t care about and went with the talent they had in a format that they thought would work. These are the decisions (bypassing all the excuses) and it is what it is.

Whether or not it works - is in the eye of the beholder and the audience reach achieved. In terms of my read on it - If the goal was to get something back online sooner rather than later - I guess it’s mission accomplished and I am sure the die-hards will support it for whatever it is and continue to accept it. If the goal was to come back stronger, add more creatively (as promised) thus grabbing more eyeballs, and shed the cloud of the legacy leadership - I feel it’s a swing and a miss for many of the reasons already stated.

Since it seems iffy to just root for failure here, I do think there is sufficient talent, experience, and potential creativity to accomplish more than what has been put forth in the first run.
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To those saying they can't say anything because of legal issues, there's ways to acknowledge everything that transpired int he past couple of months without getting them into trouble. They could easily address it with a simple statement and qualify it by saying they can't comment more due to pending litigation or something. There are many outside of these boards who watch the show and are completely oblivious to all that's transpired. Felt like it was a missed opportunity to not acknowledge the past couple of months besides that weird opening from Craig.

I'm not going to fault them for all the advertising they do, as it's a goal of these shows to conduct outreach for the agency. Plus it's a free show, I almost expect there to be some sort of advertising.

I don't think they necessarily need a professional studio but they've hyped up getting a new one that they've forced themselves into it being a necessity. There's plenty of professional organizations that have been doing virtual conferences, webinars, etc. since before the pandemic. It's the on-air talent and production that need to improve. If they're going to continue having John/Kevin on, they need to look like they actually give a crap. Get some decent mics (no airpods or wired headsets). Content creators with a tenth of the following that the Dis has uses better equipment/curated backgrounds to livestream out of their bedrooms. These guys all looked like they just grabbed their phone and/or a crappy webcam from Best Buy and found a random corner of their house 10 minutes before the show was about to go live.

The biggest takeaway though is that the show desperately needs a personality like PW's. I started watching Dis/DVC show content around the time of the pandemic when we were interested in buying DVC. He had the natural talent of engaging the audience in a way that felt genuine and that you were part of the conversation (whether or not you agreed with his views). This episode felt VERY flat and boring, like sitting through a church sermon and I found myself fast-forwarding through parts that just didn't entertain me. For better or worse, he was the show and in order for this new one to succeed they need someone like that. I'll add that it's not even unique to this show, as I think the DVC show is starting to feel a little flat too, although I applaud Paul/Amy's efforts to breathe new life into it and feel that they could eventually get there.

There's a lot of Disney content creators out there, some of whom have a similar format to what this show does. If this show wants to continue/succeed it can't rely on its past stature and group of hardcore fans unless they think the current level of engagement is good enough to sustain production, pay salaries, etc. I don't think the show will have a problem keeping around the loyal fans no matter how bad production and talent are, but for some of the more casual fans like me, I can easily choose something else from my backlog of shows and content to watch if this is what to expect going forward.
I'll add that it's not even unique to this show, as I think the DVC show is starting to feel a little flat too, although I applaud Paul/Amy's efforts to breathe new life into it and feel that they could eventually get there.
I think Paul & Amy are better funded, but I will also say that so far, despite taking the laboring oar between just the two of them, they are really putting in the effort. Even if it doesn't all land, they are trying new things, new twists on old (they seemed to navigate through several Zoom calls just fine, even without a dedicated "producer" in the corner), and seeking feedback both on their YouTube channel and on Patreon (which they are CONSTANTLY adding to) on how to be better. Granted, their subject matter (DVC) is narrower and more easily focused, and things did get off to a bit of a slow start, but they are moving forward by putting in real effort and presenting content that is entertaining as well as informative (with nothing more than the typical 20-second roll call at the beginning of each video of the various World of DVC entities that support their content).
I think Paul & Amy are better funded, but I will also say that so far, despite taking the laboring oar between just the two of them, they are really putting in the effort. Even if it doesn't all land, they are trying new things, new twists on old (they seemed to navigate through several Zoom calls just fine, even without a dedicated "producer" in the corner), and seeking feedback both on their YouTube channel and on Patreon (which they are CONSTANTLY adding to) on how to be better. Granted, their subject matter (DVC) is narrower and more easily focused, and things did get off to a bit of a slow start, but they are moving forward by putting in real effort and presenting content that is entertaining as well as informative (with nothing more than the typical 20-second roll call at the beginning of each video of the various World of DVC entities that support their content).
Agreed, I do like the new content they rolled out with the opening of VDH. My comment on starting to feel flat was more for their talking heads episodes. Like what you say, the subject matter is narrower so there's only so much they can talk about. But to speak to the personality aspect of it and how much of a difference it makes, having Derek and Panda on the more recent shows were 10x more entertaining than having the moderators from their FB group on.


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