DIS 'WISH' Challenge UPDATE Clipart example added!

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I think this is a great idea, what better a group of people with a need for staying healthy and losing weight and a love of Disney. This is WONDERFUL!!! I am doing LA Weight loss and now it is time to get serious. I have been doing for a year. The first six months I lost the first 30 lbs now I have 30 more to go to hit my goal weight... and I think I've just found the support group to do it. I will be starting on Monday with the take off phase and I'll be off and running. Thanks for everything. :Pinkbounc
I started off so well ( :( ) I don't know what happened to me!!! I lost 20 lbs or so, but have not dieted for about 8 weeks , cannot seem to get the motivation but need to!!!!!!!

I have only put back about 3 lbs which is a miricle in itself!!!

How can I lose this weight quickly and safely, I just cannot go back on the doctors diet (Lipotrim shakes) 400 calories per day !!!

Need to lose around 30 lbs or more.

<b>dlrhine</b> Thanks for posting here, too. Now you are an official WISHer. I hope you can visit often. Our support group is always here and ready to help if you need them.

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>

<b>rain</b> {{{HUGS}}} Linda. Sounds like you are having trouble finding the right eating plan for you. That is half the battle, you know. It doesn't sound like you did too much damage if you only gained 3 pounds.

You should post a plea for help on the WISH discussion board. I'll bet you get some terrific advice, if you do.

OK, I'm going to jump in and make it "official" also....

I started Atkins on July 22nd and did pretty good for a month or so. The results I saw were really encouraging! I initially lost about 9 pounds, but vacation and a couple of birthday parties really got me off track. I really want to hop back on -- I loved how good I felt (not to mention how my clothes were becoming a bit more roomy!) when I was exercising and eating healthier!
This is such a wonderful support group, and it was here that I first heard about the WATP tapes. This is now one of my favorite tapes! I am not a huge poster, but I read everyday and promise to jump in now and then!
Howdy folks,
I'd like to jooin this wonderfully supportive group.

I'm currently doing the Atkins diet and am having pretty good success. I'll be on it a month this monday and have lost 16 lbs as of last monday (weigh-ins every monday). I'm also doing a little walking. I'm now stepping up my excercise program lifting some weights and walking more often and more quickly.

My ultimate goal is to get down to 200lbs. My short term is to loose 50lbs. by the time our Dec 4th WDW trip.

...and away, and off we go!!
This is my "official" sign up (tho last night I committed on the Big People thread).
I lost 50 lbs a few years ago on WW then gained back 25 last year and about 20 more this year. Been struggling all summer to get it under control...losing and gaining the same 4 lbs! I've been living in about the same 5 outfits all summer, refusing to replace the wardwrobe I gave away 2 years ago. I'm starting to look pretty shabby kids....I want all those clothes gathering dust in my closet! (I'm not even mentioning the 50 lbs I still needed to lose when I stopped last time!)
I'll be doing WWAtkins......the first eight weeks Atkins, then after my birthday trip to WDW in Nov. switching to WW for life!
I know WW is what I can stay with for the long haul as it teaches you to lose/maintain with all types of food.
Exercise plan is to swim (luckily that's an option for many more weeks living in the desert) and walk...the safest things for my knees.
Now I'll be spending the entire weekend trying to figure out getting the clippy on my signature! (new to the world of computers).
You are a great bunch of people and I look forward to sharing this experience with you!
(attempted to edit to display new signature and clip art....but I think that part doesn't change in an edit of an earlier post.....I was so proud to get in on the first try....)
Newcomer here. Here's my story. Currently 5'8" and 200lbs. I say new mom but my baby DS just turned 13 mo but i guess I'm still a new mom:D . I weighed 190 before getting pregnant but in need to loose a little then. I went up to 240ish so I feel pretty good to getting down to almost pre-preg. I've gradually lost pounds over the last year doing nothing special but have stopped at 200.

My thinnest ever as an adult (in college so my DH says that does not really count!) was around 145-150 and I wore a size 8-10. For me that was really thin on my frame!! I wore short shirts and small shorts and no fat stuck out. I did Jenny Craig in college to get to that point. I maintained fairly well until getting married then gained a little. My DH was transferred for his job to another city but I had to stay put to finish school for a year and I lost weight again eating diet frozen dinners and doing the treadmill.

I worked at a hospital where they ate ALL THE TIME. Every week it seemed there was a full meal going on! So my weight creeped up over the years and then got pregnant so here we are.

My DH just recently went to the Cooper Center for a full health workup (for work) and did not get great results. He's not at all a big guy but has got a little belly starting. With our new baby I think he's gotten motivated to be more healthy. He's been walking/jogging and cutting out the junk from his diet and has lost several pounds. We kind of started Sept 1st and each have a log taped to the bathroom miroor to post exercise and weight (and cheats:rolleyes: ). I started at 200 and today weighed at 197!!!

So I plan to keep up my treadmill and avoid the junk and watch calories and fat mainly but not do too much carbs. I tried Atkins but went crazy after 2-3 days. I can't stand eggs after 2 days! I'm a healthcare professional and have issues with Atkins. Reducing carbs is good but to go extreme is not great on your body unless you are very careful which I think most people don't realize and understand the physiology of the body...ANYWAY...I'll keep posting here I guess. We have our Disney trip planned in Feb and I want to be happy with all the pictures!
I'm at day one..... Today is the first day of my new healthy living..... I really would like to lose 50 pounds by next summer and I'd also like to be more fit before my trip in December. I saw this group and thought I'd give it a try. Any great suggestions on how to start? Atkins isn't for me because of high colesterol and high bp. I'm trying to exercise every day and trying to choke down enough water.. LOL.... support would be great... and thanks:D
<b>LtlTee</b> Welcome to WISH. I'm really glad you decided to join us. There are a lot of WISHers who follow some sort of controlled carbohydrate eating plan, many of us follow Atkins, including me.

I hope you can visit often and participate here, it is very helpful to us all, when you participate, especially you.

<b>jdads2</b> Thanks for posting here, too. You are now an "official" WISHer. I'm glad you will be part of my support group. We have lots of Atkins followers here and you will find lots of great information, recipes and especially motivation and encouragement. Encouragement is a WISH specialty, you know.

Visit often and no lurking allowed, okay?

<b>ibouncetoo</b> I'm glad you made it all official, now I can add you to the member roster. I'll list your plan as Atkins, to begin with, send me a private message when you switch to WW.

Phoenix is my favorite place in the country, I love it more than Houston. I'm lucky to be able to visit that area in October and then again next February. You are so blessed with the weather there.

I think you're going to like it here on WISH. Visit as often as you can and participate a lot. I think you will find it very motivating to participate here.

<b>gillis95</b> Welcome to WISH, it's wonderful to see you here. I'll just list your plan as "eating sensibly" if that's alright.

You sound very determined and motivated and I bet you do great.

<b>twotoohappy</b> I'm so glad you decided to join us. Shall I list your plan as "eating sensibly"? If you decide to follow a more formal eating plan you can send me a private message and I can change the roster.

My husband had high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure before he started the Atkins plan. Now all of those numbers are normal. The Atkins way of eating is not for everyone, though. You need to find a plan that works for <i>you</i>. Finding the right plan is half the battle.

You have a reasonable goal and now you have the WISH support group. You are going to do great. Just remember to visit often and participate as much as you can, it's amazing how helpful that is for all of us.

<i>I love seeing new members join my support group. The support group is the best part of WISH. They are always here when you need them and all they ask in return is that you be there for them if they need help.</i>

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>.

Let's get started, then. We are on our way to goal and we are all going to be successful. Honest, it happens everyday :)

I have been "lurking" here too long. I need to actually participate in this group. I am doing a "diabetic" diet -basically following the food pyramid (and a lot like the old WW regiment). I started dieting Aust 18th and have lost 13.5 lbs. My goal is to loose 40 lbs. total by Christmas and 80 by next summer when I go back to WDW.
I'm making it "official" and hard at it. I started on Atkins a few weeks ago, lost some, and have stalled. I am starting on South Beach Diet Phase I, as of today. I really think the Atkins is great for me, but I like the way South Beach monitors the fat intake as well as the carbs. I am thinking that might work better for me.

I don't have an end weight goal in mind. I just want to be comfortable in my clothes and be healthy. As a short-term goal, I would like to lose 20 lbs. before our December trip to WDW and I am thinking it might be possible since I have lost about 8 on the Atkins and am hoping for more on the SB.

I am a stress eater and things couldn't be more stressful right now in my life, so I am determined to find other ways to relieve the stress besides EATING!! :) :)
O.K. I'm joining WISH!!! I need to make these changes in my life! I'm on WW, and have already lost 5 lbs!!!
Ok i'm making the commitment. I've never stuck at anything long enough to make a difference. Tried eating sensible, counting calories, joined WW. Always had the same 28 pounds to lose. I'm not joining WW but i am following the points system. I think with the encouragement from here i actually have a chance at doing it this time.
I just found this link to officially join. I posted yesterday on the main WISH board that I had started WW and now I want to officially become a member of WISH. This board has been great. When I am home and feel the need to eat i go get a big glass of water and Dis. I have been lurking alot today. I have already drank 70 oz of water today!!:bounce: :D :Pinkbounc
Hi all! What a great place! I too want to get in better shape and drop some weight in the mean time. Our last trip to DL my 3 yo told me I looked like the lady in Pirates ("shift your cargo deary")! I am 5'3" 201lbs -- scary, huh? Well, I'll be following Gary Null's Ultimate Lifetime Diet for the most part and making sure I get to walk/exercise at least 5 times a week. I haven't really thought about setting a goal weight, I just have an idea of how I'd like to look and feel more than weight. I think I'll shoot for 140 and see how I do.
Thanks for all the support!

<b>cajunfan</b> Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you decided to "delurk" and join us. I hope you will visit us often and participate here, it is helpful to all of us when you do that and it is helpful for you too. You'll see :)

cdnmickeylover also follows the diabetic diet. You will find her profile <b>HERE</b>. There may be other WISHers who also follow that plan.

My husband did not have good results from the diabetic diet so he gave up refined carbohydrates, instead. Good luck with this.

<b>Obsessed w/Disney in OH</b> It's great to see you here. Finding the right plan for yourself is a large part of the battle. We have a lot of WISHers following the South Beach Diet so if you have any questions about the program all you need to do is ask and you will receive speedy replies.

I think you're going to like it here, the support is wonderfully helpful.

<b>jel0511</b> Welcome to WISH! Sounds like you are having some great success with WW. Lots of WISHers follow the WW plan and love it. We even have a whole thread of WW friendly recipes tacked to the top of this board.

Visit as often as you can.

<b>IrishAngel</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you found us. I hope you can visit often.

The WW point system is an excellent program and we have lots of WW WISHers just waiting to help you along the way. If you have questions or need advice all you need to do is ask and you will receive many speedy replies.

We have a chat every Sunday evening at 7PM gmt. It is a trip planning chat instead of WISH chat but we have a lot of fun. I hope you will join us Sunday evening.

<b>DStar4cup</b> Welcome to WISH, it's great to see another Texan, here. No lurking allowed, though. I'm pretty sure that's part of the official bylaws ;)

I think you will find that joining in the discussions, offering support to others and participating as much as you can here is motivating and helpful. It sure keeps me motivated to participate on WISH. It's fun, too!

<b>mommykatt</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH, I'm so glad you decided to join us, here.

I don't know anything about "Gary Null's Ultimate Lifetime Diet". What is it like? I'll bet you do great with it. You're a WISHer now and all of your new WISH friends plan to help you do that.

<i>You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature if you want. What we do is begin with a <b>zero loss</b> no matter how much weight we may have lost before taking the challenge and then every time we lose 5 pounds we get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's lots of fun and quite motivating.

There is an excellent post by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the member clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b></i>

It is exciting to see more new members joining my support group. The support group is the best part of WISH. Men and women following every possible type of eating plan are always here for you just waiting to help you along that road to goal. All they ask in return is that you be there for <i>them</i> if they ask for help. WISH is a very helpful and motivating place, so visit as often as you can and participate in the discussions.

Let's get going, then. We are all on our way to goal and nothing can stop us now!

Onward and downward!

OK, sign me up! I started Atkins on Monday 9/8. My starting weight was 150 and I would love to get down to 130. I'd be happy though at 135. The 150 is thin for me. I had lost about 50 lbs over the past 2 years but put on 10 lbs this summer. I'm looking forward to everyone's support and supporting others. I also hope to get my 1st clippie by the end of induction.
Love my WISH clippie but how do i get a cheat free star one. Think that would really motivate me. I can do really well all day, go home, eat dinner, and then i spend the night going through the cupboards. Not even hungry, not even sure what i'm looking for.
Made one good change, completly addicted to popcorn so i've started air popping it instead of doing it in oil.
But i'd love one of the cheat fee days ones.

If anyone can help. Thank you.
Ok, after lurking on this thread for quite sometime I thought I'd introduce myself. I am 34 (as of today), married for 14 years and have three wonderful girls (11, 7, 2). I have been on many, many different diets throughout my life and nothing seemed to work for me. I can do well for a while then all the old habits come creeping back up. Anyway..I decided about a year ago to investigate gastric bypass. After many months of seeing the doctor and going to the nutritionist and the psychologist, I was finally able to have surgery on Aug 20th. I have lost 23 pounds of of this morning and am looking forward to a much healthier life in the coming months and years. Thanks for starting a thread like this, it gives much encouragement for everyone!!

How do we post losses? I am so excited that I lost 4 1/2 pounds on WW and still going strong. Is there a place to keep track, or is it up to the individual poster.
Just curious as I don't know how this all works. :confused:
Thank you.
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