DIS 'WISH' Challenge UPDATE Clipart example added!

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Hi to all ! It has been a long time since I joined the challenge so I wanted to check in. There was a death in our family right after I joined and I did not get back until now. I have not lost an ounce! My dh has given me an incentive though. We are business owners and if I can meet a deadline by june 23 he will take me to DW in OCT! NO kids, just us for a week! He knows I will do anything to go so I am working diligently and will have no problem meeting my deadline. Now, Our original plans were for a trip in 2005, so I have 2 years less to loose the weight ! I am going to try atkins and we own a gazelle freestyle excersize machine. He set it up in a room with a TV so I can watch the news when I work out. I only have 21 weeks and had originally wanted to loose 40 lbs. I know that that is unrealistic and darn near impossible so my goal for this trip is 10-15 lbs and then to loose the rest before our next trip in 2 years with the kids. Thanks for the ears I needed to tell someone! :bounce:
Hi everyone..
Just an update.
Ok...I am off Atkins.
I know I know some people can do it can I admire you!:)
For me....I was sick and needed to start taking steriods...:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I tied my husband up with some string cheese and ate everything I could find..."High Carbs""""
:eek: :eek:
But I havent given up.
I have started to eat 3 good meals.... like WW.
No more eating at night.
I start Curves soon. I have to wait a week or so until
I am off the meds.
Since the down side of these meds is to turn into a human
balloon I will not get on the scale until things are better.
I can see all of you are doing so well.
This is how I am staying on the ball.
Thanks everyone!
Hi, I just found this thread and would like to join all of the Disners losing wt out there. My goal is 50lbs for now. Like a lot of you I have lost a lot of weight only to gain it back especially when I have encountered periods of extreme stress. But I am ready to try again as I need it for my health as much as anything else. I will be using WW, I had lost 40lbs last year before my father had unexpected heart surgery and my mother also had surgery, that she put off because of my father's, within three months. At least I did not put it all back on, I was able to keep 20 off, so that is kind of a victory for me now it is full steam ahead.
Ok - count me in too! We are taking an unexpected trip to Disney in December thanks to the military discounts. I have a goal of 40 pounds by then--although I could stand to lose 2x that!!
I would like to join in as well! My goal is to lose the 20 pounds I gained during law school (funny how they just creep on) by my wedding 8/23 followed by my Disney Honeymoon 8/24-9/6. I am not sure how realistic that goal is, but I will take it one pound at a time. I joined Gold's Gym back in April and tend to use the eliptical 3-4 times a week for 35 mintues at a time followed by weight training, but so far have not seen much of a difference (I feel better, but no significant weight loss). My plan is to continue being active and will try to eat more sensibly. I will mostly be counting calories. This group may just be the thing to keep my spirits up and to stay determined! I was so inspired reading through the 34 pages of posts today :)
Hi everyone. I am joining my daughter (ahutton) here on the wish board, and have just started on Atkins. I'm looking forward to losing weight and getting healthier, with appx 48 pounds to lose for now, maybe more.

Oh my goodness! I was only away about ten days. Look how many new friends I have, I think it’s so great to see all of these new faces :)

<b>theycallmewinnie</b> It sounds like you are determined, motivated and already successful already. What a wonderful addition to my support group you are going to be. You will help keep me motivated.

I control my carbohydrate intake too and it is an easy thing for me and it sounds like it’s working well for you, too. We have lots of WISHers who control their carbohydrate intake so you have a ready source for information if you need it. All you have to do is ask. I’m glad you decided to join us.

<b>Rain</b> It sounds like the lipotrim plan is giving the results you want. I’m so glad. Be sure and post on the check in thread occassionally so that I can keep up with your success :)

<b>dandave</b> I’m just tickled to see you here on WISH. I think you’re going to like it here. Everyone is so nice and just friendly and caring. You’ll see :)

I follow the Atkins nutritional plan, too and so do many other WISHers. If you need recipes or have questions just ask and you will get plenty of advice, quickly.

I think it is wonderful that you decided to take control while you had 30 pounds to lose. I waited a lot longer so it’s going to take me a long time to get this weight off. With the determined attitude you are exhibiting, I have no doubt you will reach your goal with ease.

Thanks for becoming part of my support group. I need lots and lots of support :teeth: You are going to see some great results with reducing your lipids following the Atkins plan. My husband certainly did.

<b>kellympmo</b> Welcome to WISH. I’m so glad you decided to join us. You sound like you have a plan and plenty of determination. Good for you taking control while you still only have 15 pounds to lose. Very wise decision.

You are going to do great, I can tell already. Thanks for joining my support group.

<b>FantasticDisFamily</b> Thanks for posting here too :) I make up the roster from this list, it helps me for new people to post here too :)

I’m just going to list your eating plan as “Nutritionist’s eating plan” if that’s alright with you. How do you like WISH so far? Isn’t it nice here? I can’t wait to read the check in thread for this week to see how everyone is doing.

Will you be attending the Michigan meet in June? I’ll be there and I would love to meet you.

<b> Poohbear123</b> It’s great to see you here on WISH, Faith. Sounds like you are determined and ready to get healthy. That’s a very good sign :) You are going to be a great addition to my support group. Look how successful you have been already!

I’m going to put you down as following a low fat/low calorie eating plan and you let me know if you decide to change :) I’m really glad you will be visiting WISH now.

<b>Jomrog</b> Welcome to WISH and a special welcome to my support group :teeth:

I’m following the Atkins plan and so is my husband and we have done so well getting healthy with it, especially my husband. There are lots of Atkins and other low carb people here on WISH. If you have any questions just ask and you will receive speedy replies.

You have a great attitude. I don’t doubt for a minute that you will reach your goal. We’re all going to help you do that. By my calculations this is day 9 for you, how are you feeling now?

<b>dixiegirl</b> Hi! I’m really glad you decided to join us. Your determination and motivation shine through your words. I think you’re going to like it here on WISH. Everyone is as helpful as they can be and so good hearted that you can’t help but smile when you read their posts. I’m glad you will be part of my support group now.

I’m going to put you down as following the LA weight loss plan. I think we may have a few other WISHers following that plan too. You should get lots of program help from them.

Welcome to the family. I’m glad you could join us.

<b>Liv2CdWorld</b> Good for you, grabbing control of your nutrition while you still have only 20 pounds to lose. I know it sounds like a lot but you are going to reach your goal easily, just wait and see.

I’m very glad you decided to join us. I’ll just list your eating plan as controlled carbohydrate.

<b>Rain</b> That is awesome progress!

<b>macs4us</b> I’m glad that you signed in here, too. It helps me to make sure I don’t miss anyone when I update the member roster.

Do you leave for your trip today? Have a <b>magical</b> time. I can’t wait to hear all about it.

<b>mestinkyfeet</b> What an unique user name :) Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH. I’m very glad you found the DIS and decided to join us here.
How is your eating plan working out so far? It’s been a week since you began, right? I’ll bet you are doing great.

I’m going to list your eating plan as “eating sensibly” if it is alright with you. I’m so glad you are going to be part of my support group now :)

<b>carole88</b> YAY!! Another WW. We have losts of WW WISHers. If you have any questions about the program all you have to do is ask. They will be there to give you answers and advice everyday.

You have a plan and a reasonable goal so I think you are going to do just great. I’ll bet you will reach your goal easily by October. I’m just tickled that you will be part of my support group now. Welcome to the family.

<b>madscrapper</b> Welcome to the DIS sweetie and a very special welcome to WISH. I’m very glad you have decided to join us. There are many other Wws here on WISH. You will have as much help and information about the program you could ever need.

I think you’re going to like it here–we have fun and we get healthy and we do it together. You’ll see, you’re going to do just <b>great</b>!

<b>magicmouse2</b> How nice you decided to join us here on WISH. Did you go ahead and start Atkins Induction? How is that working out for you?

There are many WISHers following the Atkins plan and everyone of them is helpful and caring so if you have any questions about the plan, just ask and you will receive a prompt reply.

How romantic and exciting to have a vow renewel. You must post a photo for us after the ceremony. I want to see how gorgeous you look in that size 10 wedding dress. I know you will reach your goal by September. You are too motivated and determined for any other possibility.

You are going to be a wonderful example for me. I’m glad you are part of my support group.

<b>JoNo</b> Hey! Another guy type WISHer, I’m so glad to see you here.

How determined you are to grab control of your eating habits while you still have a small amount of weight to lose. Good for you. You are a great new addition to my support group, you are going to help keep me motivated, I just know it.

Are you going to follow a formal eating plan?

<b>DrDolphin</b> A new DISer and a new WISHer. My favorite kind of person :)

Welcome to the DIS, DrDolphin, I’m glad you found us and I’m very happy that you will be here with us on WISH now.

I admire you so much for running in marathons. I don’t know that I could do that, bad knees you know :( We have several WISHers planning on participating in the 2005 marathon. They find planning on that to be very motivating.

Will you be following a formal eating plan?

I’m glad you will be part of my support group now. You are going to do great, I’m sure of it, we are all going to help you :)

<b>brendaroo</b> I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.

It’s great to see you here on WISH. Welcome to the DIS and a special welcome to WISH. You are going to make a wonderful addition to my support group. I can tell, already, because you are so enthusiastic and motivated :)

I think if you follow the Atkins plan carefully you should have no trouble reaching your goal by June 23rd. You’re going to do great, just wait and see. WISH has been a great help to me and it will help you too. All we ask in return is for <i>you</i> to help <i>us</i>.

<b>candylover</b> I’ll change your eating plan to eating sensibly. Atkins is not the eating plan for everyone so it’s a good thing that you figured that out and chose another plan. Those steroids wreak havoc with your system don’t they? They cause so much weight gain. I know you will be very pleased when you don’t need to take them any more.

Keep us posted on your progress, sweetie.

<b>LAWalz23</b> I’m glad you decided to join us here on WISH. We have a wonderful support group here and you are an excellent addition to the group.

I know that 50 pounds sounds like a lot of weight to lose but if you break it up into smaller minigoals it will help you not become frustrated and give up. I had at least 100 pounds to lose when I began in January and now I have at least 60 more pounds to lose but I just focus on getting smaller and try not to worry about the number on the scale. That is helpful for me. Just look ahead to losing 10 pounds when you begin, that’s not nearly as overwhelming sounding as 50 pounds, don’t you think?

There are a lot of WW WISHers here and they know lots of great stuff about WW. If you have any questions about the program just ask and you will receive plenty of answers and advice.

I think the best part of WISH is the support group which is composed of nice and caring people who follow all kinds of eating plans. We help each other here on WISH, to reach our goals, and now you are here to help and be helped too. I think that’s great :)

<b>Mommy Poppins</b> WOO HOO! A trip in December? I have a trip in December too, when will you be there? Staying at Shades of Green?

I’m really glad you decided to join us, Mommy Poppins, we have a lot of fun and we are all just getting so healthy. You’re going to enjoy visiting WISH and I hope you will visit often. Your goal sounds very reasonable to me. You want to lose 40 pounds by December. Sounds very reasonable to me–December is six months away. All you need to do is lose close to 7 pounds a month and you will reach your goal easily.

Will you be following a formal eating plan?

<b>giggles221</b> I have a little doll with your name...of course....there is no 221 attached but her name is giggles :)

Welcome to the DIS and a very special welcome to WISH, I’m really glad you decided to join us. My husband put on a few pounds during law school, too. Of course, that was a <i>long</i> time ago, he graduated in 1974 ;)

Look what a wonderful attitude you have about this project. Approaching your goal one pound at a time is very wise and helps keep you from becoming frustrated. I’ll bet you have no problem at all losing that 20 pounds by August. You’re going to do great, just wait and see, everyone of your fellow WISHers are going to help you. I hope you can visit often.

I’m putting you down as eating sensibly :)

<b>Mrs.Milo</b> Hi there! It’s great to see you here on WISH. How is our Milo doing these days? Hope he is staying in out of the heat. We have a nother mother/daughter combination on WISH, I think that is just wonderful.

I follow the Atkins plan and so do many other WISHers. If you have any questions about the program all you have to do is ask, you will get many quick replies.

I had over 100 pounds to lose when I began, good for you grabbing control while you had less than 50 pounds to lose. That shows that you are determined and motivated and <i>that</i> means you are going to help <i>me</i> stay motivated and determined too. Isn’t that great? I’m so glad that you are going to be part of my support group now :)

It just makes me smile to see so many new WISHers. Our support group is growing by leaps and bounds and the more the merrier, I say. I’m really glad you will all be with us now.

You may add the WISH challenge clipart to your signature if you wish. The WISH clipart is exempt from the DIS clipart guidelines so you don’t have to worry about that.

What we do is begin with a zero loss when we take the challenge, even if we have lost weight before we signed up. Then every time you lose five pounds you get to “trade up” to a new clipart. It’s fun and kind of motivating.

There is an excellent post written by our own Wovenwonder telling you how to add the clipart right <b>HERE</b>. If you need help with adding this clipart to your signature just pm one of the moderators here or ask for help on the technical support board.

<i>I sure hope everyone is ready to succeed because that’s what we do here on WISH, we <b>succeed</b>. It’s the greatest feeling in the world too. There’s nothing like success to make you feel proud and to make you smile. We do lots of smiling here on WISH and you’re going to smile a lot, too. After all....you <i>are</i> WISHers now :)

Welcome Back!
Thanks for the upbeat note...
It made me smile:wave:
Thanks for the encouragement, nativetxn. I know smaller increments work best, my problem is 50 was a smaller increment as I really should lose at least 100. I do know that every pound I take and keep off makes a healthier me so that is my motivator when I get in a holding pattern. This board is great as it lets all of us know we aren not alone. Keep up the good work everyone

Thanks also for the link to the clip art. Having the image there for all to see is an extra incentive.
<b>LAWalz23</b> You are not alone. I had over 100 pounds to lose in January, now I have 70 pounds to lose.

There are other WISHers who began needing to lose 100 or more pounds. You are not alone in this endeavor. You have <i>us</i> now but the really neat thing is that <i>we</i> have <i>you</i> now. Isn't that great?

You're going to love it here, sweetie. You are going to succeed and you are going to make friends and have fun doing it. You've already made one friend...<b>me</b>!
Ok, well I haven't been able to read all of the posts on this thread yet, but I do want to join. My doctor is a fanatic on weight control and excercise. Unfortunately, I usually ignore him. And now I have well over 30 pounds to lose. It really hit home when I looked at myself in our recent vacation photos. I hardly recognized myself. Well, I'm not too familiar with all of the diets that are out, but low carb diets seem to be very popular. And I seem to understand the concepts. I'm going to buy a book on the Atkins diet or something similar. I excercise little so I thought that I would start with a mile walk 3 - 4 times a week and progress from there. Any helpful hints are greatly welcomed!
I'm so glad I found you! I am, as of today, officially joining the group. Back in Feb. my doctor informed me that I have a disease that makes me gain weight even faster then most (like it's so hard to do in the first place!). I need to lose a total of about 100 pounds. To date I have lost 20! YIPPEE!! I am mostly following a low carb diet (not no carb, just low carb), and walking daily on my treadmill.

I love the DISboards, and now I have another great thread to follow. It's great to have such a supportive group to be a part of. Thanks for starting something so wonderful! I need as much help and support as I can get! Thanks again!
YAY!!!! More newbies for my support group! I love seeing new faces on WISH :)

<b>eva</b> I'm glad you signed up here, too.

Good for you taking control of your weight while you still have only 30 pounds or so to lose. Trust me, I know it's a lot of weight but if I had just done that, taken control <i>before</i> I needed to lose more than 100 pounds, I think I would be a happier person :)

You are going to do great. It was the photos of me at last year's DIScon that convinced me that I must do something about my weight. I understand exactly what you mean by seeing those photos of yourself. The next photos of you will be of a gorgeous and svelte person. Can't wait to see the before and after shots :)

I follow Atkins and so do a lot of other WISHers. If you decide to try that plan you have a ready made support group for that specific program. If you have any questions, just ask and you will receive lots of quick answers.

I'm really glad you are going to be part of my support group, now.

<b>lasmickey</b> I'm so glad you found us. WISH is a wonderful help to me and I just know it will help you too.

Don't focus on your long term goal, sometimes that can be overwhelming. Break it up into smaller goals and focus on those. In fact, just focus on each day. Sometimes I have to focus on each minute ;)

WISH is just a <b>magical</b> place. Our own Kelsie issued to WISH challenge and it has been such a help to us all. She is a special person and we love her.

You are going to follow a low carb eating plan? Will it be Atkins or another plan? Shall I just put you down as following a controlled carbohydrate plan? I follow the Atkins plan and eat between 20 and 30 grams of non-refined carbohydrates each day. I don't know too many people who eat zero carbs unless they are taking the Alex challenge :)

You are going to do just great, I'm sure of it. We are all going to help you!

We have a special WISH challenge clipart that you can add to your signature. It is exempt from the DIS clipart guidelines :)

We can't count the weight we have already lost. We begin at zero loss and then as we lose weight we "trade up" to a new clipart. It's a lot of fun :)

There is a great post by our own Wovenwonder that tells you how to add this clipart right <b>HERE</b>. If you need help just private message one of the moderators or ask for help on the technical support board.

<i>Well? Are you ready? You are, aren't you? I can tell. You are both so motivated and determined. You are going to be so successful at this weight loss stuff, I just know it.

I'm really glad you joined my support group. The WISH support group is the best part of WISH. People following all types of eating plans from all over the world who share a common goal with you. They are always available when you need them--ready to support, help, comfort or make you smile. All they ask is that you be there for <i>them</i> when they need you.

That sounds like a pretty good deal, to me. What do you think? Good luck with your project and get ready to <b>succeed</b> because you're WISHers now and that's what we do here...we <b>succeed!</b>

Thanks for the words of encouragement! Yes, put me down for a "controlled carbohydrate" plan. I'm following a strict diet that my doctor put me on, it's a bit different from the Atkins diet I think.
I've been around the boards awhile (mostly lurking) and just started reading this board. I thought I would dive in and join.

I've been overweight (to one degree or another) all of my life, since having two children (DD3 and DD5) I'm heavier than I have ever been. It's time for a change.

I joined Curves this week. I've never followed an exercise program. I've always felt embarrased in a gym or playing a team sport. I've tried, but it was never very much fun. I've been to Curves three times this week and have actually enjoyed it. So, I think I'm off to a good start.

I am attempting to follow the Curves diet.

I've never felt comfortable talking about weight loss with my friends, since most of them are thin and those who are not, have 10-15 pounds post-pregnacy weight to lose which makes my task of losing 75-100 pounds seem daunting. I haven't set an exact goal because I don't want to set myself up for failure.

So that's my story and I'm ready to

Kiss the FAT GOODBYE!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc


hi i was wondering if you could tell me a little about curves cause i was thinking of joining and dont know if i could exercise in front of people either . and could you tell me about how much it costs to join? thanks ripp
Thanks for the encouragement, Nativetxn. It is nice to know others are in the same position and are making strides. I just saw the 1/2 marathon group for 2005 and am making that my goal.
I just found this. It is great! Count me in. I am doing Weight Watchers and have lost 30# but need to lose another 20#.

<b>lasmickey</b> I've added you to our master roster and indicated that your eating plan is controlled carbohydrate.

<b>mchames</b> I am just tickled that you chose to delurk on WISH. If you have read any posts here, you have probably noticed that WISH is a fun, happy place with kind and thoughtful people who are always ready to help.

I'm really glad you will be here with us now. I could use you in my support group :)

By the way, you <i>can't</i> set yourself up for failure, here on WISH, it's against the bylaws, I'm pretty sure ;) Besides that your fellow WISHers are here to make sure that doesn't happen.

We have lots of "Curvey" WISHers here so you have a ready made support group just for that part of your new healthy life style.

<b>ripp</b> Where in the world have you been??? I was getting worried about you. I haven't seen you here on WISH in months and months. I hope that everything is alright at your house and that you have just been too busy for WISHing. Is that even <i>possible</i>? It's good to see you here again, my friend.

<b>LAWalz23</b> What an awesome goal. You are going to do great, I'm sure. You're going to make lots of new friends too.

<b>webprinter</b> Welcome to the DIS and a very special, <b>magical</b> welcome to WISH. I'm so glad you found us and I sure hope you will be able to visit often. I'm counting on having you as part of my support group :teeth:

Looks like you have already had great success in your quest for a new and healthy lifestyle. Good for you! I'm glad you will be here with us while you lose that last 20 pounds. I love seeing new WISHers add that "goal" clipart to their signatures. It renews my faith that I will do that someday, too.

We have lots of WW WISHers here and they love that program. You have a group of friends here, already, just waiting to help you if you need it.

Of course, the support group is made up of people who follow every eating plan imaginable and they are waiting to help you out too, or to just make you smile, or to just be here to listen when you need to talk.

<b>mchames and webprinter</b> I'm really glad you both have joined us. We've been waiting for you. We saved you a place :)

Now, we have some special clipart that you can add to your signature if you want. It is exempt from the DIS clipart guidelines, isn't that great? What we do is begin with a zero loss when we take the challenge, no matter how much weight we lost before signing up.

Then every time you lose 5 pounds you get to "trade up" to a new clipart. It's fun. I can't wait until I finally earn one of those little gold ones, they're so pretty.

There is a great post by Wovenwonder telling you how to add the clipart to your signature right <b>HERE</b>. If you need help with this just send a private message or email to any of the moderators or you can also ask for help on the technical support board.

<i>Okay, then. Are you ready???...set???...then <b>GO!!!</b> You are on your way to goal, now and you are going to have so much fun getting there. Every other WISHer here is going to help, you won't be alone....we'll be right behind you, all the way :) </i>

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