DIS 'WISH' Challenge UPDATE Clipart example added!

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Hi <b>NC Redding</b>. Those cameras just don't lie, do they? It was photos of myself at DISCON last year that made me realize that I <b>had</b> to do something.

Sounds like we have about the same amount to lose. I started off with 100 pounds to eliminate and now I have 60 or 70.

My husband and I both do Atkins, it's helpful to be following the same eating plan and Atkins has given him some pretty dramatic health improvements, as well as causing him to get lighter :)

I'm really glad that you will be part of WISH now. We have lots of controlled carbohydrate WISHers here and people following every other possible eating plan, too.

The best part of WISH is the support group. There is always someone here on WISH ready and waiting to help you face a challenge or celebrate a victory. I'm sure that you are going to find WISH to be very helpful, I sure have.

You may add the WISH member clipart to your signature, if you wish. There is a great post explaining how to do that right <b>HERE</b>. If you need help adding it to your signature just send glo or Kelsie a pm or post on the technical support board, they are very nice about helping with things like this.

Every time you lose 5 pounds after taking the challenge, you may “trade up” to a new clipart. It’s just a very creative idea that our Kelsie came up with to make our journey on the road to goal a little more fun. It’s rather motivating too.

I’m am tickled that you are part of my support group now. I’m always just a pm away, so holler if you need help. Glo and Kelsie are very helpful too, never hesitate to call on them.

As a matter of fact, every single person on WISH is helpful, so call on them too :teeth:

You are going to do great with this weight loss project of yours, I’m sure of it. All of us here plan to help you and all we ask in return is that <i>you</i> help <i>us</i>. I think it’s a pretty fair arrangement :)

No lurking. Your participation on WISH is helpful to all of us, and I think you will find that it is particularly helpful for you, too.

Get ready to succeed, you’re on the way to goal!


<b>Banshee</b> I sent you a private message
Count me in with all the "losers." I started low carb two weeks ago and managed to take off 4 1/2 pounds. I'll be looking for hints and helps from the boards to continue. We are doing a Florida vacation in early July and I have a class reunion in September, so I am looking forward to having any photographs taken at these two events to be less traumatic than they would be at my current status.
Just thought I would update you all on this Lipotrim diet firstly it is working very fast!!!!!
I am now on day 11 of the diet and have lost 17lbs ah well still around 30 to go but I have hope.

Well done everyone else, you are doing so well

I'm jumping in!
I have put on 20 pounds in the past year, and I was already 10 pounds above my ideal weight. It was the stress of moving to FL, depression, etc. that helped put on the weight. I lost my desire to excersize. My preferred form of excercise is doing yard work. I left behind a beautiful yards full of flowers when we moved, and I just had no desire to start over here. So, I sat. I sat, and the pounds piled on.
I went to the doc 2 weeks ago,and he did blood work. I got a call on Thursday from his office, saying that my cholestoral needs improvement, I need to lose weight, and my Triglycerides are a whopping 301!!:o Everything else is fine.
On the same day, I got back some Easter photos. There was one of me in there, and dang!! I didn't realize that I looked like that. :(
I started Atkins on Friday. I'm doing OK. I'm a little grumpy and my head hurts. I have harmed no one in pursuit of a Krispy Kreme, however. ;) The Krispy Kreme is really the only thing I've craved. I've been walking, and playing putt-putt. I know putt-putt probably doesn't count as excersize, but it's a start.;)

Well, it feels better just typing all that out. Admitting it (even to myself) is a biggie for me. I'm ready to lose the weight, lower those Triglycerides, and get healthy again. :D
Thanks for starting this thread-it is obvious it is motivating everyone! I gained 10lbs last year due to a medical problem. I have lost about 6lbs of it through medication and exercise (it has taken a long time). I still have at about 15lbs to lose to be at a good weight and want to do it by our September trip!! I am going to try to exercise the same amount, eat better at lunch, try not to snack from the vending machine :rolleyes: and make more dinners at home.
Good luck to everyone. :D
Hi Katholyn,

Ok, I finally found time to post here. So count me in "officially". :)

I noted some of the details in my stopping in to say hi post but here's a recap.

I'm counting carbs - not low carb though for a variety of reasons but limited. 125-130 g each day along with 5-8 servings of protein (usually lean) and I'm allowed 4-6 servings of fat although I try not to use that much "added" fat. I met with a dietician to design an eating plan that would help me achieve not only weight loss but would help me accomplish several other health goals. I can "shift" the protein and fat to some extent during the day but try to keep the carbs pretty stable; 30 g each at breakfast, lunch, & dinner and then 15 mid morning, mid afternoon and in a bedtime snack. Because meal times can vary I will skip the snack if I am going to eat two meals within 4 hours of each other. Otherwise the snack is essential for me.

I had already lost 40 pounds during 2001/2002 from my all time heaviest but had held pretty steady for the last 5 or 6 months. This leg of the journey began in earnest on January 31, 2003. In addition to the eating plan noted above I have been diligent about a minimum of 30 minutes of either walking or bike riding each day (ok 6 out of 7 - if I make M-Sat I reward myself with Sunday off!) Recently that has kicked up to 40 - 45. Usually M-Th that is broken into 15 minute segments squeezed in as walks around my campus building, so there is stairclimbing action in there.

Prior to stopping in to the WISH board I'd taken off 45 pounds. Since I am getting ever closer to that "normal weight" range I know that the loss slows down and that there will be times when I plateau as fat turns to muscle, etc.

I think that covers it! So count me in for the fun! I'm aiming at making the "ideal" for my height by mid-Oct.

:wave: Hi my name is Faith/Poohbear123 and I have High Blood Pressure due to my Weight!:rolleyes: So, I have decided to do SOMETHING at the age of 45 and lose 50 pounds!;) So far, I have been on my Plan for 3 weeks and have lost 8 Pounds!:bounce: I weigh in again on Thursday, and hope to get below 200! I started at 211 and am now at 203!;) This on a 5'2" frame!:rolleyes: I am on a low fat Low calorie diet. I maintain 900-1000 calories a day and about 25-30 fat grams a day. I have also started back to walking and go at least 4 times a week. I have really stuck with this diet, as before I would have given up by now.:rolleyes: Thank you all for your support, and best of Luck to everyone!;)
Hello WISHer's. I got my clippie yesterday but never formally introduced myself & accepted the challenge.

I started Atkins & I'm on day 4. I have a very cheap scale that registers 5lbs. without me standing on it :confused: but I'll go by the number it says so I can track weight loss. At weigh-in I was 170lbs. I am only 5'2.5", so that makes me overweight. I should be around 120 or so for a healthy bodyweight. I am aiming for 125 eventually but hope to chip away. 10lbs would make me happy.

I want to be healthier so I have more energy & can feel better about myself. There's nothing I hate more right now then a mirror or getting my picture taken:eek: :eek:

I will do my part to support you too. If there is anything I can say or do to help, just ask me!!

Good luck to all & TIA for the support!!:p
Like so many other posts on the WISH board, I too have decided that it is time to drop the extra weight and get fit. I'm guessing that I would like to lose around 60-70 lbs. I have to get out and get a good scale this weekend.

I am going to be following LA Weight Loss - my appt is this afternoon to get started. Although I am not a new member to the DIS, I am new to the WISH board. I'm looking forward to getting fit with all of you.
I don't even really know where to begin. I would like to initially lose 20 lbs but my ideal goal is 25-30 lbs.

I'm not sure of the method yet, but have been seriously thinking about a low carb, low fat diet. Similar to Atkins, but without all that sausage/bacon ;)

Anyhow, I'll be starting on Tuesday.
Hi all,

Just an update on the lipotrim diet, I have now lost 19lbs in just over two weeks!!!
I am desperate to eat food though in place of these shakes.

I am "in" but haven't had a chance to get over here since my original post.

My husband and I are doing Atkins, and for exercise we are trying to walk and begin yoga.

I would like to lose 100lbs, but will stop when I look and feel healthy again.

Started Atkins just after my original post (actually it was 5/13/03) , and have lost 10lbs so far. I even made it through Disneyland yesterday just eating a pickle!!!

I will be leaving on a trip for 8 nights next Friday, and I do not plan to be strict, as it is our anniversary trip (a bit early due to family obligations), so we will see what happens....
I hope it is not too late to join in.
My dh and I just returned last week from 5 days at Universal Orlando but next year are planning our first trip to WDW.
I was so down after seeing our vacation pictures. My arms in tank tops:(
I have over 40 pounds to lose, it seems unattainable right now.
But I have put down my pepsi for a glass of water and I am starting as of now. It will be nice to see some numbers under my name as I plan our trip.
I am going to do a simple hunger/fullness plan of eating with just a simple 30min aerobic tape daily.

Hi Everybody!

Please include me in the challenge. I will be doing WW. I know it works for me as long as I keep track of everything that I eat. My husband loaded the journal and food list on my Palm for me. Hopefully this will help me keep track. I hope to loose at least 35 pounds by the time we leave for our Magic cruise in October.

Good luck everybody!
....again...Just like many of you, I have gained and lost so many times, each time vowing never to put the weight back on again and quicker that you can say "krispy kreme" the pounds begin to creep back on.

Well, I need to loose about 85 pounds once and for all. I know I'll feel better, look better, be happier and a whole lot healthier. My kids are 4 and 7 and I need to be around for a long time and carrying all this extra weight isn't doing anybody any good.

I tried Atkins recently and while the initial 3 week weight loss was impressive, it was too hard to stick with. So, I will follow WW, but a moderately low carb version. My husband has about 25 pounds to loose, but after he gives up the beer and M&Ms, he'll drop that in a month, but it's great to start out together.

Good luck to everyone!

I need to lose 12-15lbs for our September trip to WDW. We are renewing wedding vows and I need to fit into my size 10 wedding dress:( :eek:

I have tried cutting out desserts and eating more fruit and salads as opposed to big meals. I also go to the gym twice a week but I am not seeing any results. I have read about the atkins diet and I am going to try this.:Pinkbounc
Well, It's official... Count me in. I need to lose about 15-20 lbs. When I saw our pics from WDW, I was in shock... I'm not the scrawny guy I used to be... Diet, here i come!
I have lost, gained, lost, gained, and now really need to get down to business. I am single, live alone and hate to work out solo -- so I hope that you all can be my virtual buddies.

WDW trip planned in Oct 2003 to run the 10k race, and Jan 2004 to run my 2nd wdw marathon!!!
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