DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 2

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I have lurked from time to time but I havent been active on the boards since last summer. There has just been so much going on and I was so blue all the time. I was beginning to feel like Debby Downer dragging you all down with me!


So, is it okay for me to just come back after such a long absence?

OF COURSE!! Welcome back. And we are here for bad times as well as good ones, so post away. Wow, what a lot you have been through... :hug:

Hey everyone. Lot's of emotion here this weekend. I'm still riding on Sandy's accomplishment. Allie's and her daughter's too. It made me run on my tread mill yesterday as much as I could. Makes me think I'd like to try a 5K in WDW some day. Or even a few here.

Inspiration comes from so many places. This is the best thread I've ever been a part of. I thank ALL of you. I've just been so successful in dieting when I am here actually dieting. The numbers just keep going down and I am so pleased.

The friends you make here are hard to find in your own hometown. I feel everyone truely cares. It's so nice that I can come here and feel so homey.


Lots of familiar faces joining us or rejoining us. It's nothing but a big party over here! The more the merrier.

I wish that we all lived closer!!

:hug: This year can only be better--right? Congrats on your trip to Scotland. I would love to go there one day.

It has not been a good weekend for me. Lets just say back on the wagon bright and early in the morning.

Tomorrow is a new week! You can do it!

Mr Kat worked all weekend so that makes it easier for me to stay on track.

Food for yesterday:
B: coffee
L: 2 english muffins (200), bit of ff cream cheese (20), smoked salmon (80), onion, one egg (70)
D: .5 lb crab legs (260), light butter (100), artichoke (60), broccoli (40), potato (100)
S: 1 bag FF popcorn (180), 2 miniatures (80)
Total: 1300. Exercise: None (unless you count 2 hrs at Walmart!)
snowwhite-WELCOME BACK! :goodvibes so sorry to hear about your crappy year. i'm sure things will turn around. my brother was 15 when my dad and my stepmom (his mother) split up and had a hard time with it. one day we had a talk about it and i explained to him that right now it stinks, but that this could lead to new and better things
have fun and be careful in scotland! how exciting!:
Thank you!!:)

Snowite~ Welcome back! I was gone for a while, too. I also felt like a downer and didn't want to infect everyone with my bad mood.

Tiny little update on me~ I didn't do so well of Friday, points were off the charts again. I did much better yesterday though. It's DS's b-day today and he wants to go to Macaroni Grill. I looked up points this morning and :scared1: :eek: :scared1: Most entrees are 20 or more pts!!!!!! I have a plan and I'm going to stick to it. There is a Skinny Chicken meal that is 6 pts paired with a salad it's 9 pts. If I am careful with my choices between now and then, I'll be just fine. :goodvibes
You sound like you are already planning and making great choices! You are also entitled to blow it once in a while.I was doing well with my points but yesterday I went to the North end in Boston(Italian food heaven) and had pasta,home made bread capuccino and a canoli. I enjoyed it and got back on plan today!:thumbsup2

:hug: This year can only be better--right? Congrats on your trip to Scotland. I would love to go there one day.
It has not been a good weekend for me. Lets just say back on the wagon bright and early in the morning.
I think that it must have been a rickety old wagon because a lot of us fell right off:rotfl2: I am wicked excited about seeing Scotland but feeling a little crazy for going alone.

OF COURSE!! Welcome back. And we are here for bad times as well as good ones, so post away. Wow, what a lot you have been through... :hug:
Thanks! I do think the walking in Walmart counts as exercise. Maybe not cardio but it counts.;)
I have lurked from time to time but I havent been active on the boards since last summer. There has just been so much going on and I was so blue all the time. I was beginning to feel like Debby Downer dragging you all down with me!

In the past few months this is a little of what wass going on:

Mom got diagnoses early alzheimer's disease and seems to be progressing a lot faster than we anticipated
Dad has lung cancer but right now it is in remission
Younger sis has COPD and will not quit smoking despite hospitalized several times
Husband moved out and filed for divorce-as it turns out this is not a bad thing
Daughter in college and bills are killing me-but she got some scholarship money and a 4.0 this semester!
Son having trouble in school since husband left-starting to do better
One friend died and another has stage 4 breast cancer and is not doing well-feel so helpless and sad for her and her kids
Multiple home repairs and concerns-flood,leaks,broken window,things keep falling apart and I keep duct taping it all for now
daughter wrecked my car-she is ok but car was ruined so there was another unplanned expense
I guess when it rains it pours but I am going to make the best of it. I refuse to let this stuff destroy me.

Now on the plus side:

I decided to change my own luck
I started taking taekwondo lessons and already earned my second belt and lost some pounds
I rejoined weight watchers and got my 5# star but I need the support I get here more than just at ww mtgs
I am walking as much as possible
My son and I are taking a quickie trip to WDW in Feb! Woo Hooty!:banana:
Since I needed a car I got myself the one IO have been wanting for years a new shiny light blue Rav 4. Okay not new but new to me. it is a 2007.
I may just be losing my mind but I am going by myself (despite fear of flying and doing stuff by myself) on a plane to Scotland to meet my pen pal, a handsome,sweet Scottish guy. I cant believe I am doing this!:eek:

So, is it okay for me to just come back after such a long absence?
First of all....WELCOME BACK!!!!! ((Big fat HUG!!!!))
Seconly....This is SO your year!!!!!!!!!

I'm excited about your Scottish "pen-pal" ;) Don't be woo'd by his accent :lovestruc Hee hee!

I'm starting to revert to lurk mode. I checked in several times yesterday but didn't post any. I need to stay on track; if I don't, my weight will control me. I'm having a hard time getting on the TM this weekend. I think it's just so cold out and all I want to do is curl up and watch tv.

NO lurk-mode! :rolleyes: You are family, not a ficus tree in the corner!

As we speak, I'm curled up in bed dying with a cold and slight fever so I can't get anyone up and moving today. My TM is just sitting there today too (and yesterday). I don't have DISH network any more and there's nothing on TV right now. POOH!

We love you!!!!
As we speak, I'm curled up in bed dying with a cold and slight fever so I can't get anyone up and moving today. My TM is just sitting there today too (and yesterday). I don't have DISH network any more and there's nothing on TV right now. POOH!

We love you!!!!

Wendy I hope that you feel better soon. Don't really know what cold remedy foods you can have with SB. I woulf offer you some meds from CVS that I got basically for free, but by the time they got there you would be better. If you have not checked out the CVS thread you should. This week alone I got $100 worth of stuff (that I needed anyway) for $20.
First of all....WELCOME BACK!!!!! ((Big fat HUG!!!!))
Seconly....This is SO your year!!!!!!!!!

I'm excited about your Scottish "pen-pal" ;) Don't be woo'd by his accent :lovestruc Hee hee!

NO lurk-mode! :rolleyes: You are family, not a ficus tree in the corner!

As we speak, I'm curled up in bed dying with a cold and slight fever so I can't get anyone up and moving today. My TM is just sitting there today too (and yesterday). I don't have DISH network any more and there's nothing on TV right now. POOH!

We love you!!!!

Hi Wendy! I am hoping to be wooed by his accent !Actually he sent videos so I've already heard it and it is very nice.Must keep thinking friends,pals,buddies,baby steps...so hard!
I feel like I missed so much. Way too many posts to read back.Someone hit the highlights. How was the Peeps meet?
Hope you feel better!:hug:
I'm starting to revert to lurk mode.

no lurking!!!! come out and play! :goodvibes

As we speak, I'm curled up in bed dying with a cold and slight fever so I can't get anyone up and moving today.

:hug: feel better soon.

snowwhite - you asked about the peep meet. if you're referring to the one in september at 'ohana's, then i know wendy wrote about it in her TR and so did i. you can find the link to my TR in my siggie (the september 2007 one). it's easy to find because i have links to the next installment at the end of each installment. i wish i could've gone to the kona cafe meet later that week! the ohana one was fun but it was so loud and chaotic in there that i didn't feel like we all got to talk to each other as much as we wanted to.

RAY BOUGHT GUITAR HERO TODAY! :rockband: we've been playing a good bit of the day and my back is KILLING me! must be the way i have to hold the guitar and my scoliosis that don't mix. OUCH! :headache: it's a fun game, though.
no lurking!!!! come out and play! :goodvibes

:hug: feel better soon.

snowwhite - you asked about the peep meet. if you're referring to the one in september at 'ohana's, then i know wendy wrote about it in her TR and so did i. you can find the link to my TR in my siggie (the september 2007 one). it's easy to find because i have links to the next installment at the end of each installment. i wish i could've gone to the kona cafe meet later that week! the ohana one was fun but it was so loud and chaotic in there that i didn't feel like we all got to talk to each other as much as we wanted to.

RAY BOUGHT GUITAR HERO TODAY! :rockband: we've been playing a good bit of the day and my back is KILLING me! must be the way i have to hold the guitar and my scoliosis that don't mix. OUCH! :headache: it's a fun game, though.

My son is addicted to this he has 1,2, and 3. He now wants rock band. He can have it when he pays for it :rotfl2:
Hey, there, Peeps! :yay:

Today I went to the eye doctor for the first time. I'm getting spectacles! :clap: I'm kind of excited about them. They won't be ready until Wednesday, but I will post a pic so you can tell me whether I look any smarter!

DH and I went to Applebee's for lunch, and I was sooo tempted to cheat. I really wanted the Asian Chicken salad! But the dressing has sugar in it, and there are crispy noodles and the chicken has breading on it. (I am on Atkins). But I finally forced myself to order a steak with bleu cheese and bacon on it, and veggies. I'm happy I did. Mine came with a little dessert, but I gave it to DH.
heather - i justify DH's spending on video games with my spending on disney stuff. :rolleyes1 :laughing:

DH and I went to Applebee's for lunch, and I was sooo tempted to cheat. I really wanted the Asian Chicken salad! But the dressing has sugar in it, and there are crispy noodles and the chicken has breading on it. (I am on Atkins). But I finally forced myself to order a steak with bleu cheese and bacon on it, and veggies. I'm happy I did. Mine came with a little dessert, but I gave it to DH.

i LOVE this salad! i think you can get the chicken grilled instead of fried. but that still doesn't solve the problem of the dressing.

did you see the salad they have with shrimp and spinach? i love that one too. not sure if you can have that one on atkins or not.
I had a great time at dinner and stuck with my plan! I had a few bites from the shared appetizers and a skiny piece of cake DS and I made. I am very proud of myself.

I did go 1/2 mile on the TM today, but it's not enough. I need do at least a mile everyday, should be more. I'm going to have to start challenging myself more. I'm already doing a 15 min mile, I just have to go the whole mile. That'll be my goal for the early part of the week. I want to walk the entire distance from my house to the mouse this year. I did the math and need to do 3 miles a day. I'm already behind a lot.

I've got to run and work on my taxes a bit. I got one of my W-2 forms so I need to enter it into our tax program. TTYL!
no lurking!!!! come out and play! :goodvibes
:hug: feel better soon.
snowwhite - you asked about the peep meet. if you're referring to the one in september at 'ohana's, then i know wendy wrote about it in her TR and so did i. you can find the link to my TR in my siggie (the september 2007 one). it's easy to find because i have links to the next installment at the end of each installment. i wish i could've gone to the kona cafe meet later that week! the ohana one was fun but it was so loud and chaotic in there that i didn't feel like we all got to talk to each other as much as we wanted to.

RAY BOUGHT GUITAR HERO TODAY! :rockband: we've been playing a good bit of the day and my back is KILLING me! must be the way i have to hold the guitar and my scoliosis that don't mix. OUCH! :headache: it's a fun game, though.

Thanks for the info on the peep meet. I didnt get to go either. Maybe next time if it becomes an annual event.

My son is totally obsessed with guitar hero but I havent tried it yet. Looks like fun
Back to DS's b-day, he wants to be a chef when he grows up and he asked for baking pans for his b-day so he can bake his own two layer cake. He was going to make a boxed cake but I am surprising him with a baking lesson. :goodvibes

Mine too. He wants to be a pastry chef and work at WDW.

Hey, there, Peeps! :yay:

Today I went to the eye doctor for the first time. I'm getting spectacles! :clap: I'm kind of excited about them. They won't be ready until Wednesday, but I will post a pic so you can tell me whether I look any smarter!

DH and I went to Applebee's for lunch, and I was sooo tempted to cheat. I really wanted the Asian Chicken salad! But the dressing has sugar in it, and there are crispy noodles and the chicken has breading on it. (I am on Atkins). But I finally forced myself to order a steak with bleu cheese and bacon on it, and veggies. I'm happy I did. Mine came with a little dessert, but I gave it to DH.

Good job BO! I'm so proud of you. I would have skipped the bleu cheese, it doesn't work for me. A steak sounds yummy.

As we speak, I'm curled up in bed dying with a cold and slight fever so I can't get anyone up and moving today. My TM is just sitting there today too (and yesterday). I don't have DISH network any more and there's nothing on TV right now. POOH!

What no more books to read? Try making some chicken soup. Feel better.

I had a great time at dinner and stuck with my plan! I had a few bites from the shared appetizers and a skiny piece of cake DS and I made. I am very proud of myself.

I did go 1/2 mile on the TM today, but it's not enough. I need do at least a mile everyday, should be more. I'm going to have to start challenging myself more. I'm already doing a 15 min mile, I just have to go the whole mile. That'll be my goal for the early part of the week. I want to walk the entire distance from my house to the mouse this year. I did the math and need to do 3 miles a day. I'm already behind a lot.

I've got to run and work on my taxes a bit. I got one of my W-2 forms so I need to enter it into our tax program. TTYL!

I am trying to get back to my 13min. mile. I have to run more. Working on it. I also have to do at least 2 miles. I know what you mean about pushing yourself. Saturday I almost feel off the treadmill. I'm ok, it was funny though. Not easy being so out of breath and trying not to laugh.

It's another week. Do you want to be on the negative on Friday or the positive. This is the only way permissible to be negative.

Quickie post. Gotta get going.

Snowwite.....Welcome back, sweetie! Wendy's right...this is your year! Ooo.....Scottish man, huh?

Wendy....Feel better! :hug:

Happy Monday Peepers :)
Its a snowy one here in MA!! My curves was closed for the morning so i guess i will have to go tommorow instead for Weigh-IN...i was actually pretty darn good this weekend, other than some snackies i had while watching the Pats game sat. night..but i was proud how much better i was than usual for the weekend!
Gotta get ready for work..i almost wish that the office was closed today, a nappy tea drinking snow day would be nice!
have a good day everyone! :)

* Update: my terrific new boss said that the roads were bad and the lot wasn't plowed at work yet, so i can just work from home this morning and see if it gets better by noon, then i can come in...how cool is he!
Good Morning Peeps!:goodvibes

Quick post to say "HI" and to let you know I am still around. Without being able to DIS at work, I am not getting here as much! DARN!!!

:hug: For those who need it!
:wizard: A little magic for those who need a pick-me-up!

Happy Day!!!:goodvibes
Good morning everyone. Lets see I have otameal for breakfast, 100 calorie snack and 3 bottles of 20 oz. water. Also have a smart ones for lunch. FOr supper we are doing breakfast food--bacon, eggs, grits, and biscuits. That will be easy to count. Hope that everyone has a great day.

Remember it is worse to never try--than to fall down and get back up. That is what I keep telling meyself.
Sandy321 I am proud of you and hope someday I get to run in that marathon. I cried everytime you said you did. I have a rule no one should Pakey Sorry you won't probably read this until you get home but have a fun trip. I am sure you won't gain more thatn 5 lb because you'll be walking around so much. But enjoy and give Mickey a give kiss for me.

Punkin I talked to my cousin yesterday and he said it was way too crowded for him. He said the waits to get onto rides were like 2 hours and people were pushing him in line:eek: Then I talked to his wife and she said that if you weren't in the parks by 12 you couldn't get in at all for that day.

I tried to quote others but it won't me. I'll go back and read the rest now. The kiddos have a snow day today. We were supposed to get 8 to 10 inches well guess what it's only 2:sad2: The kids are happy because they have no school, mommy's not so happy because I have to go to the bank to get a cashier's check. Me and DH bought a new car and we need a cashier's check for tomorrow when we pick it up. It's a Honda Odessy in black cherry pearl, very pretty. Can't wait to put my grumpy on the back window, it says "back off I'm grumpy". I bought in WDW 4 years ago and have been waiting to put it on my car. Anyway, I did ok at the christening yesterday. I had a small piece of steak (about half of a deck of cards), salad, a piece of chicken piccata (my favorite chicken dish), and half of my plates was steamed veggies and a diet coke. Then of course a coffee and a small piece of cake. It was banana filled I couldn't resist. Anyway I told the kids if they are good at the bank we'll go to the mall and go to Build a Bear, they got gift cards from Santa. Talk to you later.

Misty - I hope you are feeling better today. :hug:

Any news on Allie and her daughter and the marathon?

You guys are great - knowing you were here, it helped me push myself -

for your enjoyment a few pics...


Love it, thanks for posting

Hi everybody! :wave2: I just wanted to stop in a say hello! Thanks for the birthday wishes on Tuesday ~ I got the message from Amy (Harley) that I needed to get my buns on here and check it out. It's nice to be remembered, especially since I have been such a slacker on keeping up with this thread...I still love you all though! :grouphug:

I am starting back on my serious weight management journey tomorrow and part of my goal is to get back up to date with my Peeps! :hyper2:

Welcome back. We have never met, my name is Laura and I am doing WW.

pakey---HAVE AN AWESOME TRIP!!!! YOU DESREVE IT :hug: My mom makes her own food for her children as well---was mad when the people only had a microwave for people consumption. She could not phathom her babies eating cold food. She told them that she only has one microwave as well---but we are family---I swear they treat their dogs better than they did us lol

DH's aunt when we puppy sat a couple of years ago made us microwave his food too. DH thought she was nuts.

I have lurked from time to time but I havent been active on the boards since last summer. There has just been so much going on and I was so blue all the time. I was beginning to feel like Debby Downer dragging you all down with me!

In the past few months this is a little of what wass going on:

Mom got diagnoses early alzheimer's disease and seems to be progressing a lot faster than we anticipated
Dad has lung cancer but right now it is in remission
Younger sis has COPD and will not quit smoking despite hospitalized several times
Husband moved out and filed for divorce-as it turns out this is not a bad thing
Daughter in college and bills are killing me-but she got some scholarship money and a 4.0 this semester!
Son having trouble in school since husband left-starting to do better
One friend died and another has stage 4 breast cancer and is not doing well-feel so helpless and sad for her and her kids
Multiple home repairs and concerns-flood,leaks,broken window,things keep falling apart and I keep duct taping it all for now
daughter wrecked my car-she is ok but car was ruined so there was another unplanned expense
I guess when it rains it pours but I am going to make the best of it. I refuse to let this stuff destroy me.

Now on the plus side:

I decided to change my own luck
I started taking taekwondo lessons and already earned my second belt and lost some pounds
I rejoined weight watchers and got my 5# star but I need the support I get here more than just at ww mtgs
I am walking as much as possible
My son and I are taking a quickie trip to WDW in Feb! Woo Hooty!:banana:
Since I needed a car I got myself the one IO have been wanting for years a new shiny light blue Rav 4. Okay not new but new to me. it is a 2007.
I may just be losing my mind but I am going by myself (despite fear of flying and doing stuff by myself) on a plane to Scotland to meet my pen pal, a handsome,sweet Scottish guy. I cant believe I am doing this!:eek:

So, is it okay for me to just come back after such a long absence?

I'm sorry to hear about what happend, here's a hug:hug: A scotty huh, :thumbsup2

Hey everyone. Lot's of emotion here this weekend. I'm still riding on Sandy's accomplishment. Allie's and her daughter's too. It made me run on my tread mill yesterday as much as I could. Makes me think I'd like to try a 5K in WDW some day. Or even a few here.

Inspiration comes from so many places. This is the best thread I've ever been a part of. I thank ALL of you. I've just been so successful in dieting when I am here actually dieting. The numbers just keep going down and I am so pleased.

The friends you make here are hard to find in your own hometown. I feel everyone truely cares. It's so nice that I can come here and feel so homey.
Lots of familiar faces joining us or rejoining us. It's nothing but a big party over here! The more the merrier.

Amen to that

Hey, there, Peeps! :yay:

Today I went to the eye doctor for the first time. I'm getting spectacles! :clap: I'm kind of excited about them. They won't be ready until Wednesday, but I will post a pic so you can tell me whether I look any smarter!

DH and I went to Applebee's for lunch, and I was sooo tempted to cheat. I really wanted the Asian Chicken salad! But the dressing has sugar in it, and there are crispy noodles and the chicken has breading on it. (I am on Atkins). But I finally forced myself to order a steak with bleu cheese and bacon on it, and veggies. I'm happy I did. Mine came with a little dessert, but I gave it to DH.

Applybee's I get their WW dishes. Very good chicken one they have. Half of the plate is broccoli and they have WW french onion soup which is quite tasty too.

Mine too. He wants to be a pastry chef and work at WDW.

That's what I want to do when I grow up. I told DH I want to go to school for it when the kids are all in school and then we can move to FL

Happy Monday Peepers :)
* Update: my terrific new boss said that the roads were bad and the lot wasn't plowed at work yet, so i can just work from home this morning and see if it gets better by noon, then i can come in...how cool is he!

He is very cool. That's great. It's snowed here too but we only got 2 inches, the kids are happy.

Good morning everyone. Lets see I have otameal for breakfast, 100 calorie snack and 3 bottles of 20 oz. water. Also have a smart ones for lunch. FOr supper we are doing breakfast food--bacon, eggs, grits, and biscuits. That will be easy to count. Hope that everyone has a great day.

Remember it is worse to never try--than to fall down and get back up. That is what I keep telling meyself.

Good plan to me. I love breakfast food for dinner, we just did that last week. Have a great day everyone.


We did it!!! :cool1: :yay: :banana: :cheer2: I don't know if Sandy reported it or not, but DD and I finished the 5K in 58:30 minutes. The timer said 1:00:30 when we crossed the finish line, but I forgot that it took us a little over 2 minutes just to GET to the start line. :headache: DD did great! She couldn't run much because I made her drink a little water before (note - you are to never change your routine before a race), and it made her stomach a little upset. (probably from all the sloshing;) ) Anyway, once we got to mile 1 and realized that there were still ALOT of people behind us, and that they couldn't really sweep anybody, we just enjoyed ourselves and walked the whole time. It was a great experience for both of us.

I won't have much time to spend on here today because I have lots of :laundy: and other RL things to do.

Oh, I got on the scales and I LOST weight at Disney! I won't report numbers until Friday, but I am excited! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Happy Monday Peepers :)
Its a snowy one here in MA!! My curves was closed for the morning so i guess i will have to go tommorow instead for Weigh-IN...i was actually pretty darn good this weekend, other than some snackies i had while watching the Pats game sat. night..but i was proud how much better i was than usual for the weekend!
Gotta get ready for work..i almost wish that the office was closed today, a nappy tea drinking snow day would be nice!
have a good day everyone! :)

* Update: my terrific new boss said that the roads were bad and the lot wasn't plowed at work yet, so i can just work from home this morning and see if it gets better by noon, then i can come in...how cool is he!

Great job this weekend!!

We don't get snow days very often down here...

I wasn't so good yesterday, probably ended up more liks 1500-1600 than my target 1200-1400. Food:
B/L (woke up late!): Lean Cuisine flatbread (330), veggies, ff pringles, and dip (150), 1 100-cal pack of blueberry muffins, coffee
D: Turkey sub (600? 700?)
S: block of monterey jack (110), ff pringles (60), 2 hershey's special dark miniatures (80)
Total: 1500? Exercise, 45 min on the arc trainer.
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