DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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Spongemommie, your new little baby sure is a cutie. And there was a too cute pic of him (her?) with your sweet little Mayson the other day! What cuties!

ps Trying out my first ever signature... I forgot to ask if anyone already had Mr. Toad?!
Dene'!!! I see your new bling. CONGRATS!

Why... thank you for noticing... :cool2:

eeyore45 I've got an appointment for 2 weeks from tomorrow... and I'm staying far away from the fish and the seasonings until then. I'm kinda wondering if it wasn't the seasonings... it is a blend and I remember one particular seasoning being really strong in one bite, the problems started after that. Deal is, I don't know which it was... I just remember thinking it was strong and that I had tasted that flavor before. I kinda hope it isn't though 'cuz I just read the label... there are 21 ingredients and most are common herbs/spices... I'd never figure out which one it is.:confused3

Are you gonna make sure Jay the hunky trainer is available to do mouth to mouth? or should we send the Fireman...Fidge has him i think...

Can't pass out until March 12th if I have to wait on Jay... better send the Fireman! :rolleyes1
Spongemommie, your new little baby sure is a cutie. And there was a too cute pic of him (her?) with your sweet little Mayson the other day! What cuties!

ps Trying out my first ever signature... I forgot to ask if anyone already had Mr. Toad?!
Thank you i am loving HER (DAIZIE)is her name, mayson loves her they are so good together...:cutie:
Where is Melinda? Did she reach 1,000 and I missed it? Still pretty quiet around here.

Nancy - have you made those ADRs yet? Do you know where you want to eat? Where are you guys staying? You may have already answered this - I think I missed a few pages this weekend.

I finally finished my paper. I think I will go to bed. Tomorrow will be busy at work and tomorrow night we are taking all the youth to a baseball game. So I will check in when possible. Now watch tomorrow everyone will get all chatty and post like 10 pages.

Good night peeps!
Happy Anniversary to you and your DH Piggett!

I had a decent day overall. I got in 40+ min of exercise. WHOOHOOTY! The food was ok, but I did eat over my points. Better than not counting them at all I suppose, and at least I got my exercise in. Planning to do more tomorrow- probably longer too. It is supposed to be super nice here tomorrow so I plan on taking the little boy I watch for a LONG walk in his stroller. He is only 10 weeks old so he is a very willing participant for as long as I can last :goodvibes I also teach tomorrow afternoon, so that counts too.

Off to bed, have an early day tomorrow- Good night Peeps!
Posting my totals and marking my place...sort of. I am probably not going to be able to go back and read everything I missed for the past 3 DAYS! It has been crazy around here! And I am a bit overwhelmed, so I have decided to just pick up here. Hope everyone is well! :grouphug: I stayed within my calories and drank my water on Friday and Saturday. (In fact, Friday I drank about 150 oz. of water!!! It was helping a lot with how icky I was feeling due to AF.) Sunday was cheat day, and here are today's totals.

B: oatmeal & yogurt smoothie (220)
S: Quaker oat snacks (90)
L: SBD wraps (240) Activia light yogurt (70)
S: popcorn (100)
S: ½ cup DQ vanilla soft serve (140)
D: pork chop w/parmesan & Italian seasoning (380) red pepper strips & zucchini (40)
S: SBD oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (100)
S: pineapple/passion fruit Ben & Jerry’s sorbet w/sugar free cool whip (200)

TOTAL: 1340 calories & about 96 oz. of water
I had a hectic day today.Jury duty this week.Ugh.
Dene-that sounds scary. If it happens again go to ER and get checked out.
Think Skinny thoughts!
I wonder what UM is doing now?
Have a good night!!:)
Holy ADD Batman! I cannot stay still and study longer than 10 minutes before I am distracted by something! I need to focus!

But before I focus, I was talking to a friend of mine tonight. She was my roommate when we did the college program together in 2002. Still talk a lot but I haven't seen her since then and I'm constantly trying to get her to come to orlando for a visit with me. To no avail. I know money is tight for her but when I figure it out, the only extra cost for her is airfare which for the dates I want is pretty reasonable. And our other roommate lives in Nebraska. I'm trying to get her out here too. She is more likely to come but she is so busy that its hard for her. I just miss them a lot. It's pathetic but now that I'm home I really have no friends. I have the girls at school who I talk to, but we don't do stuff. I miss just hanging out and watching movies with the girls, getting dressed up and going out at night to a bar or club, etc. I guess I'm just a little lonely for some friends. I'm trying to get them both here for my birthday weekend (Memorial Weekend) but it probably won't happen. The truth is I don't really want to go to where they live. I know they both miss Orlando and I love it there too so I wanted our reunion to be there. Wow I sound really mushy and sad and I'm really not. Just, I don't know. Feeling a little sorry for myself maybe? Anywho, I REALLY need to study!

I might be back later though. Oh who am I kidding. I will be back later.
eeyore... that is a sad song :sad1:

We've lost several family members during my lifetime... in 1999-2000 alone we lost my mom's uncle (80's cancer), my cousin (18 car wreck), my sister-in-law (31 super rare strep infection that shut down her organs, she had 3 kids 1, 3, & 5), my mom's brother (60's cancer), my mom's best friend (50's emphasema or however it is spelled), and my mom's grandmother (over 100)... basically, everybody was on one side of the family. Anyway, it was accidents, sudden illnesses, long illnesses, and old age... some we got to say goodbye to, some we didn't.

And with all of them there have been the "if I'd known". Especially for significant things that it was the "last" time we did... there are so many "lasts" that I just don't remember with my husband, because at the time I didn't realize they would be "the last time". Luckily, two of his sisters, his aunt, my mother, and I were all with him when he died (his mother wasn't, but that's a crappy story about a crappy woman).

Wow... I'm about to start crying thinking of this... but DD(then 4) got to say her goodbyes to her father. We weren't going to have her go up to the hospital... thought it would be too traumatic. Larry was unconscious for a couple of days and my mom calls and says that Kayti "really" wanted to come to the hospital. At that moment it was like a bucket of warm water was poured over my head and this warm woosh went from my head to my toes and said "YES". So, I said yes. Larry woke up right about the time Kayti got there, they communicated (he couldn't talk much), she left, he asked where his mother was and was sad she wasn't there, he went to sleep and never regained consciousness before he died the next day.

Lately, I've been trying to live, think, and love a certain way and (major cornball country music moment) my philosphy can be summed up by Garth Brooks and Tim McGraw.

Garth Brooks... The Dance. And now, I'm glad I didn't know the way it all would end, the way it all would go. Our lives are better left to chance... I could have missed the pain, but I'd of had to miss the dance.

Tim McGraw... Live Like You Were Dying. I was finally the husband [mother, daughter, sister] that most the time I wasn't, and I became a friend a friend would like to have, and all of a sudden goin' fishin [WDW, shopping, to a movie] wasn't such an imposition, and I went 3 times that year I lost my dad, well I, I finally read the good book and I took a good long hard look at what I'd do if I could do it all again and then... I went skydiving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu, and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter, and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying, and he said, Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dyin'.

I've got the dance down... and I'm working on living like I'm dying. And everytime I say goodbye to someone I love, in person or on the phone, the last thing I tell them is that I love them.
Dene, thank you for sharing. That is such a beautiful story!!! :hug:

I know of friends that I've had to say goodbye too soon to - my bestest friend had cystic fibrosis, and in jr high and high school, you dont know what that is actually - but her mom was an amazing soul and allowed me to be there the night she passed... long story short, she sat up reached her arms up, the room was bathed in an amazing gold light... I know I was in His presence.

In my high school/college I had a bestest friend who was so vivacious, its hard to explain, you just knew his love for life was infectious. We went our separate ways (his mom said we were like brother and sister) he lived with a fun loving girl and I married and had kids. Then I had a dream he died. I found him, and we had a "clique" reunion. I told him of my dream, and we hugged and cried. He died not long after that -

I know of those songs you speak of too -

its so hard to know. When my ds21 was in 3rd or 4th grade we were driving to hockey practice and ran over something on a vastly busy highway... and smelled gas... and prayed. We had run over a "box" and had a hole the size of a silver dollar in our gas tank. (I asked ds what we should do, knowing God speaks thru kids easier than adults!) we drove to hockey and back home again. Two days later the Willis family was killed not far from the same stretch of highway... their van ran over "something" and their gas tank exploded...

Life -
Dene', my family can also relate to The Dance. My SIL had it played at my BIL's (DH's brother) funeral after he passed away at age 42 after having some surgery. It was over 10 years ago, but I still often think about how sad it was.

Besides my BIL, I lost my MIL and, unexpectedly, my favorite aunt within a little over a year. It was a very tough time.

Thanks Dene' and Sandy for the reminder to live life fully. I think we are all aspiring toward that goal by trying to live a healthier lifestyle so we'll be around longer for our family members.

I know I have felt trapped within my own body for too long and am thankful for all of the supportive peeps here, even though I may not have expressed it very well or very often.

My WW weigh in day is tomorrow. I'm hoping for some new bling like my hero Dene', but it is more likely to be next week than this week!
aldisney, and anyone else - re about boredsoxfan's posted poem... I didnt mean I hated her or her post.... but those lyrics... tough to read!! DH has heart disease in his family, his dad died way too early of heart disease... and also I talked about Reba McIntyre's "If I had only Known" she recorded it, and said she'd never sing it again, or record it again... lyrics:

If I had only known
It was the last walk in the rain
I'd keep you out for hours in the storm
I would hold your hand
Like a lifeline to my heart
Underneath the thunder we'd be warm
If I had only known
It was our last walk in the rain

If I had only known
I'd never hear your voice again
I'd memorize each thing you ever said
And on those lonely nights
I could think of them once more
Keep your words alive inside my head
If I had only know
I'd never hear your voice again

You were the treasure in my hand
You were the one who always stood beside me
So unaware I foolishly believed
That you would always be there
But then there came a day
And I turned my head and you slipped away

If I had only known
It was my last night by your side
I'd pray a miracle would stop the dawn
And when you'd smile at me
I would look into your eyes
And make sure you knew my love
For you goes on and on
If I had only known
If I had only known
The love I would've shown
If I had only known

I get weird sometimes, and dont mean to offend anyone. I also dont like the book "Love you Forever" that one creeps me out - how a grown woman would climb into an adult son's window and hold him and rock him and sing him... and the last chapter was weird too... I think I heard an author talk where the author's version of the book was much better, but then the editors got ahold of it, and then it got weird (only to me I'm sure!!)

No offense here. I am in tears reading those lyrics too. I knew you must have meant that you didn't like to think about what those lyrics say, none of us do. I have to say that I have loved on my family members a little more today because of what happened. I have to agree on "Love you Forever". I can't read it without crying. When my son was in 2nd grade, the class read that book to all the mothers for Mother's Day. The teacher had brought in her china and crystal for us to eat on. While we were eating, the kids read the book. We were all crying by the end of it. It had such a different meaning when your kids are reading it to you. :sad1:

Where is Melinda? Did she reach 1,000 and I missed it? Still pretty quiet around here.

Nancy - have you made those ADRs yet? Do you know where you want to eat? Where are you guys staying? You may have already answered this - I think I missed a few pages this weekend.

I finally finished my paper. I think I will go to bed. Tomorrow will be busy at work and tomorrow night we are taking all the youth to a baseball game. So I will check in when possible. Now watch tomorrow everyone will get all chatty and post like 10 pages.

Good night peeps!

Glad you got your paper done. I don't think Melinda got to 1,000 yet. She was waiting to say something profound. I have spent most of the day on the WPASADI board. I may be interviewed for the individual challenges. ;)

Dene - How scary was that? :eek: My son woke up last Tuesday with his lips and his eyes all swollen. We never figured out what it was. :sad2: The Dr's office told us to give him Benadryl, and that really helped. He had been gone with the youth all weekend, so I don't know what he could have gotten in to. He told me what he ate, and it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. I would say keep an eye on it, and if it happens again, go to the DR!

Shannon - Good luck with the studying! Hope all goes well on your test! :thumbsup2
Happy Birthday, Danielle! - sorry I'm late - as usual... :dance3: but good wishes just the same!
and also
Happy Anniversary to the Piggetts!!
Ditto. Sorry I'm so late.

Dene', my family can also relate to The Dance. My SIL had it played at my BIL's (DH's brother) funeral after he passed away at age 42 after having some surgery. It was over 10 years ago, but I still often think about how sad it was.

Besides my BIL, I lost my MIL and, unexpectedly, my favorite aunt within a little over a year. It was a very tough time.

Thanks Dene' and Sandy for the reminder to live life fully. I think we are all aspiring toward that goal by trying to live a healthier lifestyle so we'll be around longer for our family members.

I know I have felt trapped within my own body for too long and am thankful for all of the supportive peeps here, even though I may not have expressed it very well or very often.

My WW weigh in day is tomorrow. I'm hoping for some new bling like my hero Dene', but it is more likely to be next week than this week!

How true this is.

Speaking of songs that remind you of loved ones that have passed away. Everytime I hear the song The Last Tens Years by Kenny Rogers (I think) it makes me cry.:sad1: In the last ten years (where have the years gone) I've lost my dad, my paternal grandpa, my maternal grandma, my maternal grandpa, my step-sister, several aunts, an uncle, a couple of cousins, and a few dear friends.:sad1:

Thank God I still have my sister and 5 brothers. I wouldn't know what to do with out them.

To each dear peep that has shared a story, thank you. :grouphug:
Where is Melinda? Did she reach 1,000 and I missed it? Still pretty quiet around here.

Nancy - have you made those ADRs yet? Do you know where you want to eat? Where are you guys staying? You may have already answered this - I think I missed a few pages this weekend.

I finally finished my paper. I think I will go to bed. Tomorrow will be busy at work and tomorrow night we are taking all the youth to a baseball game. So I will check in when possible. Now watch tomorrow everyone will get all chatty and post like 10 pages.

Good night peeps!
It has been kind of quiet - I've been able to keep up and might still get to bed early!

I still didn't make my ADRs - I have a list, but I keep forgetting to get it out and make the call. I did call a few months ago in hopes that we could have breakfast at the castle on the Wednesday we are there. That worked out. I'm going to call this week about the rest.

Glad you finished your paper - you really have a lot going on.

I exercised today!
(But I also had a piece of caramel cake) :confused3
S.Poppins said:
Allie - who would you call at Disney?

I just looked on the Disney Photopass website, and they had a Contact Us link at the bottom. You could fill out the form and ask if you could still order the cd. Like I said, I think they would be able to "find" your photos if you were willing to buy the cd. I don't know for sure, but it is worth a try.
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Good Morning all---It was such a BEAUTIFUL day here yesterday--I hope that today is the same. Today is my 13th Anniversary---WAHOOO!!! I must be good all day since we are gon gout tonight. It was a rough weekend with all the food for the kids in my house. Our youth pastor better hurry up and come get all the extras--I want them gone. Hope that everyone has a good day.

Cue Fred and Barney (I know they're not Disney, but they're still good):
Happy Anniversary, Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, Ha-a-app anniversary! Happy, happy, happy, happy,happy anniversary- OK, I'll stop now!

Happy Monday everyone!

Back on the wagon again today and I am in for the exercise challenge. :yay: I even wrote it on my calendar as to which days/times I am going to do it this week. I am STILL sick, but maybe I can sweat the rest of this cold away. It is supposed to be nice here again today so that should help me stay motivated. For some reason when it is cold all I want to do is stay home and eat. When it is sunny and nice, I can manage to keep myself on track.
Hope you're feeling better. This back on the wagon business is tough. I didn't bring a lunch today because the kinder teachers always bring lunch for the b-day girl, but they didn't for me (boo hoo) so I was starving and ate the junk I found around the classroom. I did ride the exercise bike for 30 minutes while I helped my DD rehearse lines from Macbeth tonight ( got to be Lady McB; it was a juicy part!)

Thanks to everyone who sent b-day wishes today. I feel :love:

Just when I was getting back into jazzercise I have a sick kid home so I can't go.................I swear they are trying to keep me fat! ;) Hunter has a temp of 102 and can't stand up without his head hurting. So we may be taking a trip to the dr. if his fever doens't come down soon. Happy monday to me!! So I think I'll hang out here and pretend I'm at disneyworld.

I saw that you said he's doing better. I hope the barfing stops :thumbsup2

Okay, finally have time to tell you the weird thing that happened to me last night...

That's scary. That's nice that your DD checked on you.

Hello peeps.

:wave2: Christine!

Dene, thank you for sharing. That is such a beautiful story!!! :hug:

I know of friends that I've had to say goodbye too soon to - my bestest friend had cystic fibrosis, and in jr high and high school, you dont know what that is actually - but her mom was an amazing soul and allowed me to be there the night she passed... long story short, she sat up reached her arms up, the room was bathed in an amazing gold light... I know I was in His presence.

I feel so bad about MJ. It is shocking when people pass before their time, and MJ and his wife were so friendly on the WPASADI thread.

When my dad passed away 4 years ago, we had several small miracles that strengthened my faith. One was that the doctor's said he was in a coma and would not be coming out of it, but he woke up to talk to me one day. He told me I looked so pretty, and that meant so much, since I have always struggled with self-image. He also asked me why the guy from Home Improvement was on Family Feud instead of Louie Anderson. It was goofy, but that was so my dad. On the day before he passed, I got to take my kids and DH in, and we all prayed with my dad (he was unconscious again). He was fretting in his sleep, and DD grabbed his hand and said, "Grandpa, it's me, Julia." He squeezed her hand and settled down. Then, on the last day, all 6 of us kids were able to make it to his side. We got to see him kiss my mom good-bye after 58 years of marriage (he came out of the coma on the last day). After she left, he was pawing at the tubes and wires attached to him. At first, we tried to hold his arms down, then my brother said we should let him do what he wanted. When we did, he reached out towards Heaven. I always wonder who he saw. Jesus? An angel? My 2 brothers who were stillborn? My dad's parents? I even laughed thinking it might have been my mom's parents, who weren't too crazy about my dad, who had been a 22 y.o. Amercian sailor who swept their 16 y.o. Australian daughter (my mom) off her feet. Anyway, I know I'm rambling, but I just wanted to reinforce what others have said about appreciating your loved ones, and about death sometimes being an uplifting experience.

So let's kiss our babies (human or fur) a little more, make time to be with our friends and family, and if married, say yes ;) just a little more often. Then we can live with very little regret.
I realize my lips feel numb... like novacaine numb. And my tongue feels "funny". I look in the mirror and there are places on my tongue where my taste buds are so swollen and the tongue underneath (in a spot the size of a pencil eraser) are so swollen it looks like it exploded.
I had that happen to me when I was about 18 and it is so scary, I ended up in hospital with IV anti histamine. It turned out I was allergic to an anti-sickness drug I was taking but I had been taking them for a few days before the reaction. At one point they thought I had TB as my jaw kept locking. :scared1:

We've lost several family members during my lifetime... in 1999-2000 alone we lost my mom's uncle (80's cancer), my cousin (18 car wreck), my sister-in-law (31 super rare strep infection that shut down her organs, she had 3 kids 1, 3, & 5), my mom's brother (60's cancer), my mom's best friend (50's emphasema or however it is spelled), and my mom's grandmother (over 100)... basically, everybody was on one side of the family. Anyway, it was accidents, sudden illnesses, long illnesses, and old age... some we got to say goodbye to, some we didn't.
I'm so sorry for all your losses I didn't realise about your DH. I lost my Step Mum (59) a year ago and my Dad is finally getting back to normal (kind of) but what is most distressing is that in November my childhood best friend (age 3 to 10) who I was still in contact with took her own life, she had written me a really strange note saying how she felt incomplete the years when we weren't in contact etc which freaked me out a bit, I meant to call her but DH was involved in a car crash (not hurt just the car written off) so with sorting all that out I didn't get around to it, I then get a call about a week later to say what she'd done, apparently she had become really depressed but hid it well. At first I felt really guilty and then really angry because my step mum had fought hard to beat her cancer and here was someone choosing to end it. Sorry I'm rambling now, just wanted to send you a :hug:

I have spent most of the day on the WPASADI board. I may be interviewed for the individual challenges. ;)
Can you explain WPASADI for me I went over and had a look but it looked complicated. :thumbsup2

I did not multi quote again! I KNOW!!! As I sit here I am wiping away the tears of all your stories of appreciating life. I have one too.

One Sunday night in 1993, my aunt called to ask me to go to the hospital. My cousin had been involved in a car accident and had been life-flighted to the hospital near my house. When we got there we asked to see her and they took us into the little room and told us she was already gone. They asked my husband to identify her body and we waited several hours for my aunt, uncle, and cousins to arrive.

She was just a few weeks from her 21st birthday and a student at a Baptist college near us. She was serving as youth minister at a small church in a nearby town and the accident happened on the way home from church that night. We were very close...two girls in a family full of boys. All the way to the hospital, I prayed that she would be alright and not be paralyzed or have lasting injuries. It just never occured to me that she might die.

It took me a long time to get over that. How could God take her when she was serving him? She was planning to attend seminary and go into ministry. What could He possibly be thinking? As a Christian I now take comfort in knowing that she has gone home to be with Him. There is a plan here but only He has the big picture. It does make you want to hold everybody a little tighter though.

I was raised in a family that did not hug. I was never told that I was loved...although I knew I was. I'm still a litte funny about my personal space. Anyway I've made sure that my family is not like that. I hug my kids and tell them that I love them every day. I even tell my parents and grandparents...and you know what. They say they love me too. Life is too short....don't waste a minute. :)

WELL IF THAT WAS NOT MY 1000th POST IT SHOULD'VE BEEN. There's my philosophy in a nutshell. Sorry to bore you all. ;)

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