DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 4

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*sigh*......you're not the only one! the show was awesome last night. i was kinda disappointed in the song selection because i only got 1 out of my favorite 3 songs, but i guess it's better than none. it's so funny that a pale, skinny white boy could be so soulful. and i'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes right now because all you've heard is "your body is a wonderland," but trust me........you don't know what you're missing! the best part was right before he started singing "bigger than my body" and he said something about this is how a real rock star moves....check out this daring rock star jump from the rafters....then he proceeds to jump off the drum platform which is like 6 inches off the ground as he starts the song... :laughing:

Awesome! Glad the show was great :)

just so you know, it's not that i think KD is ugly. i just HATE her acting! and of course her teeth bug me, too. and the girl needs to find a bra. ;)

HAHAHAHHA she TOTALLY needs to find a bra! I knew there was something else off about her..and i agree i don't think she is "ugly" either, just funky toothed and can't act..just to clarify ;)
Kirsten Dunst's teeth do bug me too. Can't she afford invisaline braces?

I have NO idea what singing program y'all are talkin about. I want to see the skinny soulful white boy! What show?

about kirsten dunst's teeth - i read somewhere that she doesn't want to get them fixed because she thinks they make her interesting.....:confused:

no, silly rabbit, there's no show. the skinny soulful white boy we're referring to is john mayer. i went to see him last night at phillips arena.......:cloud9:

Welcome! I also started on the board from Dawn's report recently. What a gal, spreading the love! And she's a great inspiration!

Dawn, I was the one who said they loved John Mayer. I know exactly what you mean about his soulful voice. DH & my favorite song of his is St. Patrick's Day, I don't know what it is about that song but when we play it at home it never fails that we start dancing "cheek to cheek". I definitely want to see him live someday, soon!

not so much an inspiration today......i'm up a pound!!! i think it's probably from the fried zuchini and spinach/cheese dip i had last night. lots of cardio in my schedule this week!

i love that song!!! my three favorites are "3x5", "another kind of green" and "belief." he sang "belief" last night. i've seen him 8 times and each time was awesome....he's worth the money to see live! my sister and i saw him in december 2005 at eddie's attic, which is a VERY small venue in atlanta where he started out at. he came back there for 3 nights and i was lucky enough to get tickets for one of them. there was like 200 people in the room.....:cloud9: i just love his voice and his music and his whole attitude......and i wish i could take his lips and transplate them to ray's face! :laughing: if anyone's interested, the atlanta journal constitution has a neat little slideshow of pics from last night and they include some factoids about him and the band....


ETA: check out some of those faces in that slide show!!! he makes the wierdest faces. i guess he's passionate. he reminds me of joe cocker with those horrible expressions!
Peeps Customize your maps for your Disney Vacation now!!


there so cool just got mine in the mail!!

I DID THIS TOO!!!:banana: I was so excited when I got mine! I have it in my folder of Disney stuff. Now, would you laminate yours or leave it the way it is? It remind me of a treasure map! pirate:

RE: Kirsten Dunst...I think she's ok. I liked her in Spiderman and Jumanji. First time I saw her was in the vampire movie with Tom Cruise. I thought she did well in that. However, she could use to add a few pounds. JMHO ;)

UM...I am proud of you for getting on the treadmill! :thumbsup2 I look at mine everyday! :lmao:

This wedding is getting closer and I have a few things to do this week for it. I will be working on the favors the next few nights and am waiting to hear from AC Moore on a delivery on the candles I need. I should have them by the end of this week.

I am disappointed in myself that i didn't lose the weight I wanted to. Don't know why I am having so much trouble doing this! It's frustrating! :mad:
I made big knots in the rope so you have something to hang onto.... ;)

Yesterday was good for me food-wise:

breakfast--bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch, carton of ff yogurt (total 340 calories, 3 grams of fat)

lunch--homemade bean burrito (refried beans, salsa, lf cheese) and a peach (total 495 calories, 12 grams of fat)

dinner--roasted chicken, 2 ears of white corn with lf margarine, tomatoes, glass of skim milk (total 465 calories, 10 grams of fat)

snack/dessert -- piece of carvel snickers ice cream cake (240 cals, 15 grams of fat) --- husbands 40th birthday today

grand total -- 1540 calories, 40 grams fat (goal is 1600-1700 cals, 40-45 grams). So happy happy happy!!!

Everybody ready to eat right and exercise this week? Summer is almost over! :flower3:

Have a great day!
Last night DD and I started Elizabethtown at 11:30 and it was 2 hours long. The movie was shot mostly in KY with some scenes shot here in Lexington. (Orlando was spotted at Starbucks!) And it's Cameron Crowe's semi-autobiographical story of his family in KY. His cousin was actually a friend of mine in college so I was anxious to see how the family was portrayed. It was a good movie!

LYNDA! How do you cut your toe in the bathroom? I'm glad you're OK but sounds like it will be sore. :hug:

I LOVED Elizabetown! Good movie, I thought. :thumbsup2

I was stepping out of the shower Saturday morning (We have a separate shower and tub in the master bath.), and I guess I stepped down on the corner of the metal frame of the shower door. And it cut my big toe. I think I would have been all right if had hit me on the callus, but it caught me just under the edge of the it instead. I won't go into further detail about that part because honestly, I don't think anyone wants to know. Let's just say it was disgusting and PAINFUL! It is a LONG and somewhat amusing story, but I don't have time to write about it now. Perhaps I can post the story if I have time tonight.

i'm going grocery shopping today and then tonight we're going to eat at mimi's cafe......then i get to see JOHN MAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!! any other mayer peeps out there? i know someone said they loved him....just can't remember who. i listened to him yesterday while mowing the yard to get myself in the mood. ray was laughing at me because i was singing while mowing......i guess the two don't go together, huh? :rolleyes:

I also enjoy John Mayer, and I would have loved to have seen you singing and mowing! :lmao:

Hi guys! Do I look any slimmer?

I JUST completed 12 (almost 13!!!) full speed minutes on my new tread mill! :yay: :yay: :yay:

That's ALL I could do without dropping dead, soooooo, I'm a little proud. I DONT exercise on any regular basis and THATS the reason for my SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWW progress. I have it in my head that I can lose this weight without getting active...just dieting.(!!!) be-cause that has worked in my younger years. NOT the case any more :mad:

You look skinny! ;)

Hey, 12 minutes is 12 minutes! That's how I see it. You did 12 minutes of something you probably wouldn't have done before owning that piece of equipment, and it's all about baby steps! I am proud of you too! :goodvibes Getting on my bike at home is still something I have to talk myself into a lot of the time. Once I am on it, I am all good (usually), but getting on there is the worst! I just think about all the other things I need to get done instead, but I make myself do it anyway. You SHOULD feel proud for making that step! Keep up the great work! :)

Monica!!!...You are so organized! I hope you get a nice long stay at the hospital. I think that for every child you have they should add one night to your hospital stay. :thumbsup2


Only about this am I organized. I also thought of well visits for the kids and 1 down, 2 to go. They all were squeezed in this week. Love my kids dr's.

If I got an extra day per kid, I'd have my own vacation in the hospital. I'm usually there 4-5 days anyways.


I'm here!! :surfweb: :surfweb: :surfweb:

Good to know!:thumbsup2:
Hope everyone is having an awesome day.

RE: John Mayer...I love his voice & would totally love to see him sing live some day. So jealous that you got to go...I'm sure it was a blast! :)

RE: Kirsten Dunst...I liked her in Spider Man, but her teeth bother me too...that sounds so mean to be that judgemental though, but seriously, if I had the money I'd be getting them fix. :rotfl:

Guess what?!?! I paid my trip off today! Yay!! It's paid in full & now I'm totally ready for this September trip....well except for the shopping I stlil need to do. ;)

Today is going much better then the past couple days eating wise. Last night I spent some time on the internet looking up recipes and trying to find a variety of ways to cook chicken because I'm starting to get a little bored with the way I've been eating it.
You look skinny! ;)

Hey, 12 minutes is 12 minutes! That's how I see it. You did 12 minutes of something you probably wouldn't have done before owning that piece of equipment, and it's all about baby steps! I am proud of you too! :goodvibes Getting on my bike at home is still something I have to talk myself into a lot of the time. Once I am on it, I am all good (usually), but getting on there is the worst! I just think about all the other things I need to get done instead, but I make myself do it anyway. You SHOULD feel proud for making that step! Keep up the great work! :)

Thanks. The stupid tread mill does make me feel better. DANG!!!! I was clinging to the diet only mentality. DANG! I tdoes have a nifty cup holder and magazine holder and plenty of space for my remote control! I figure If I can do it while watching a show on tv....WHAT oh WHAT can my excuse be? ((Give me time to think of one))...Anyway, I figure If I have to do it, YOU do too. "You" as in anyone reading this....heh heh! Let's have pretty numbers, Peeps!
Last night I spent some time on the internet looking up recipes and trying to find a variety of ways to cook chicken because I'm starting to get a little bored with the way I've been eating it.

have you tried the citrus grill seasoning? it's very yummy on chicken. it's in the spice aisle....i use it all the time! it's also good on shrimp and pork chops.

i came home from the gym today after a VERY hard workout (tricep pushups suck!) to find ray walking the dogs down the driveway, so i got out of the car and proceeded to help him walk them ON TOP OF the workout i just did. if i don't lose on friday, something's wrong!!!!!!

by the way, for those that have mentioned things about the new DDP stuff, i downloaded the new brochure and read it while i was eating dinner. two things i noticed that i've read differently on the DIS:

1. you do get a drink with your quick service meal. i was thinking that would stink if you didn't. what a pain to have to dig out a few bucks just to get a coke when the rest of it goes on your DDP card! i'm glad that was misprinted somewhere and not really true!

2. gratuitiy is still included on pizza delivery, private in-room dining, the dinner shows (hoop dee do, backyard BBQ, spirit of aloha) and the three meals offered at cinderella's royal table (dreams come true dinner, fairytale lunch and once upon a time breakfast).

just thought i'd clear that up. here's the link to the new brochure if anyone wants to see it. i'm guessing they have a separate one for the deluxe plan because this one doesn't mention the deluxe DDP at all.


also, did i read correctly on the DIS that the cost for the basic DDP is now $36.99 per person rather than $37.99?
hi peeps just checking in

i was good til dinner whenthe stress of the day kisked in and I succumb to a beer, 3 pcs pepperoni pizz and a donut...BUT before you trottle me I'd had oatmeal for breakfast, and a salad with 6 crackers for lunch and a after workout snack...so I think I am still under 1800 cals for the day. i gotta do some checking onf cal-king to be sure!

okay edited to show that i actually had 1900 cals today, which is more than i would like to have but should get me where i want if i follow the 12X desired weight theory.

but i did workout today and i worked arms...tomorrow is legs and hardcore cardio!
Pics of the tye dye shirts i made this weekend






Thanks. The stupid tread mill does make me feel better. DANG!!!! I was clinging to the diet only mentality. DANG! I tdoes have a nifty cup holder and magazine holder and plenty of space for my remote control! I figure If I can do it while watching a show on tv....WHAT oh WHAT can my excuse be? ((Give me time to think of one))...Anyway, I figure If I have to do it, YOU do too. "You" as in anyone reading this....heh heh! Let's have pretty numbers, Peeps!

:thumbsup2 Good for you! And I will try to join in that activity tomorrow night. Tonight I am still resting the stitched up toe. I think I might be able to ride the bike tomorrow because I can do it without shoes on, and it won't put pressure on my toe - at least I don't think it will. Guess we'll see.

And here's the rest of the story about my toe.

So, I stepped out of the shower and cut my toe Saturday morning. As soon as I did it, I knew it was bad. I also knew that I was wet and nekkid and needed to do something fast! :scared1: Let’s just say there are still traces of blood that I need to clean up in my bathroom. (It got on the grout! :scared: ) I quickly stepped off the bath mat and grabbed the toilet paper, which is on the other side of the room. :rolleyes: And I held some pressure on my toe with the toilet paper while grabbing my towel in the other hand and dabbing myself off. :laughing: I then threw on my underwear, grabbed the roll of toilet paper and headed for the bed so I could lie down and elevate the toe. I knew I needed to try to stop the bleeding, and I also knew that I would probably start getting light headed soon. I made it to the bed and laid down, bending my left knee so I could prop up the right foot on it. I held pressure on the toe and tried to stop the bleeding while trying not to think about the pain that I was really feeling now. After a few minutes I started thinking about the fact that I had a friend on her way over to visit. That was a good thing because she could take me to the ER or clinic if needed, but I was not fully clothed and lying on my bed with my foot up in the air, holding bloody TP against my toe. :lmao: I needed a plan! So, I thought to myself, ‘If she gets here before I can get up, I know she’ll ask if I’m decent, so I’ll tell her no, but I need her to come in anyway. I’ll throw the blanket over me and have her bring me the rest of my clothes so I can get them on.’ Well, that wasn’t necessary. I managed to get up and finish getting dressed AND get a brush and a little leave in conditioner through my still wet hair. THEN I started getting light headed, so back to the bed I went. I laid there a few more minutes and decided my next step should be to grab my makeup, which was already out on the counter, and head for the recliner in the living room. That’s exactly what I did. I had managed to stop the bleeding, but the pain was still intense. I finished doing my makeup in the recliner, and my friend still wasn’t there, so I called her cell, and she said she was almost there because she had forgotten she had to go pay rent. I told her I was going to need her to take me in to the ER or clinic and explained what happened. She arrived and looked up the phone number to the patient advisory nurse for me. I talked to a receptionist there, who told me that a nurse would have to call me back. My friend and I discussed the pros and cons of the ER vs. the clinic and looked at Vera Bradley’s website. (Thanks so much Wonders for getting me thinking about a new tote bag. ;) ) Well, after about 30 minutes, the pain subsided slightly, and I decided I didn’t want to wait anymore. We left, and I was still flip-flopping around about where we should go. I felt silly going to the ER now that I had the bleeding stopped (for the moment anyway), but we weren’t sure that the clinic could do stitches, and they might refer me to the ER anyway. I told my friend they needed a separate place for people who do stupid stuff! :rotfl: Well, I finally decided on the ER, where they seated me in the triage section, and I got seen very quickly! (Must have been the toilet paper wrapped toes that scared them. :rotfl2: ) They took my vitals and then we were escorted back to the room by a girl who clearly didn’t understand my problem because she walked so fast she was about 15 feet ahead of us by the time she reached the door. The doctor came to the room and felt gently along the sides of the cut to see if it pulled apart. When it didn’t, he said, “Well, it doesn’t pull apart with gentle pressure, so we can tape it up really good, or we can sew you up – whatever you want to do.” :confused: Aren’t you the doctor? And I don’t think it will hold together if I actually walk on it, so I tell him to sew me up. So, he goes away and comes back with the shot to numb it, and he keeps asking “Are you ready?” Well, it’s been a LONG time since I had to have stitches, and I don’t remember this part being THAT awful, so I lay back and say I’m ready. (Mind you, I am on an exam table – not a bed!) As he starts giving me the shot he tells me that it is going to feel like my toe is blowing up. :scared1: What?!? Why didn’t you mention this before? And then it hits me, and there was an INTENSE surge of pain! I grabbed the sides of the exam table, squeezed, and even let out a little bit of a yelp, which is SO not me! I have a high threshold for pain, but this may have been the worst pain I have ever felt! It was AWFUL! Then he said it should be numb now and tapped my toe with his finger. I said, “Oh yeah, it is now.” He left after telling me that a tech would be in to do the stitches shortly. Well, after he left, I started to get that queasy, gonna get light-headed feeling, but I was already lying down! I felt it move up my body, and I felt myself get clammy. The tech came in and started prepping, and I asked her to wait a minute, that the shot had made me light-headed. In trying to recover, I reached up with my cold, clammy arm to touch my warm forehead, thinking that would help, and I learned that I was not just clammy, but SWEATY! I had broken out into a full body sweat! Well, it peaked shortly after that, and I started to feel better, so I told her to go ahead. My friend distracted me with talk of wedding pictures and TV shows while the tech did the stitches. But I could barely feel a thing anyway. It was REALLY numb! So, it felt great for a while. Now my calf muscle is really sore from walking funny on that leg, and the arm in which I got the tetanus shot, which I expected to be sore yesterday, has just started to ache today. So, I'm in the recliner, feet up, taking Tylenol. Anywho, I hope I didn't make anyone woozy with my story.
And here's the rest of the story about my toe.

I then threw on my underwear, grabbed the roll of toilet paper and headed for the bed so I could lie down and elevate the toe. I knew I needed to try to stop the bleeding, and I also knew that I would probably start getting light headed soon.

So, I thought to myself, ‘If she gets here before I can get up, I know she’ll ask if I’m decent, so I’ll tell her no, but I need her to come in anyway. I’ll throw the blanket over me and have her bring me the rest of my clothes so I can get them on.’

he said, “Well, it doesn’t pull apart with gentle pressure, so we can tape it up really good, or we can sew you up – whatever you want to do.” :confused: Aren’t you the doctor?

As he starts giving me the shot he tells me that it is going to feel like my toe is blowing up. :scared1: What?!?

Wow! What a story...I just quoted some of my favorite parts. I especially loved the "blowing up" part. What kind of Dr. says that? (But I'm very sorry you had to go through that...luckily no stitches for me yet. Staples yes, but I was unconscious when those went in).

When you were describing getting dressed and everything right after it happened, I totally thought of the S.. and the City episode where Miranda hurt her back and was lying on the floor naked in the bathroom, and Carrie can't make it so she sends Aidan to help her. And Miranda is all mortified that he is seeing her naked, etc.

Anyway, I'm glad the worst part seems to be over. And I hope you're feeling better now.

Today, was the longest day ever. This class is INTENSE! And A. was being a royal A.hole. Whatever, I can't deal with him this week...this class needs all of my attention.

Ok, I need to go study a bit and get ready for bed. Hope everyone had a good day! :goodvibes
lynda - oh my god.......you're so brave! i would've said "tape that sucker up" if they gave me the choice of that or a shot/stitches!
Hi Melinda!!!
Is it too late to join this peep thread? It looks like too much fun! I got the link off Dawn's trip report and came to check it out.

I need some weight loss accountability and support. A few years ago I lost 40 lbs on ww. This past year or so I gained about 20 back. This spring lost about 10 and intended to keep going. Unfortunately, I am starting to inch up. I need to get going again and put a halt on my stress eating. My timing is probably a bit off considering my husband just left for two weeks of training and I am single handly parenting five (yes five, not a typo) girls. It's going to be an interesting two weeks!
WELCOME!!Its never too late here.:goodvibes Five girls?What are there ages??
just so you know, it's not that i think KD is ugly. i just HATE her acting! and of course her teeth bug me, too. and the girl needs to find a bra. ;)
I agree! Totally!!

I made big knots in the rope so you have something to hang onto.... ;)

Yesterday was good for me food-wise:

breakfast--bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch, carton of ff yogurt (total 340 calories, 3 grams of fat)

lunch--homemade bean burrito (refried beans, salsa, lf cheese) and a peach (total 495 calories, 12 grams of fat)

dinner--roasted chicken, 2 ears of white corn with lf margarine, tomatoes, glass of skim milk (total 465 calories, 10 grams of fat)

snack/dessert -- piece of carvel snickers ice cream cake (240 cals, 15 grams of fat) --- husbands 40th birthday today

grand total -- 1540 calories, 40 grams fat (goal is 1600-1700 cals, 40-45 grams). So happy happy happy!!!

Everybody ready to eat right and exercise this week? Summer is almost over! :flower3:

Have a great day!
:woohoo: You did super well.
I LOVED Elizabetown! Good movie, I thought. :thumbsup2

I was stepping out of the shower Saturday morning (We have a separate shower and tub in the master bath.), and I guess I stepped down on the corner of the metal frame of the shower door. And it cut my big toe. I think I would have been all right if had hit me on the callus, but it caught me just under the edge of the it instead. I won't go into further detail about that part because honestly, I don't think anyone wants to know. Let's just say it was disgusting and PAINFUL! It is a LONG and somewhat amusing story, but I don't have time to write about it now. Perhaps I can post the story if I have time tonight.

You look skinny! ;)

OUCH![/COLOR]Sending prayers your way that it heals fast.:hug:

I'm here!! :surfweb: :surfweb: :surfweb:
HI!!!:surfweb: :surfweb:

Only about this am I organized. I also thought of well visits for the kids and 1 down, 2 to go. They all were squeezed in this week. Love my kids dr's.

If I got an extra day per kid, I'd have my own vacation in the hospital. I'm usually there 4-5 days anyways.

Good to know!:thumbsup2:
I have been thinking of you.You are way more organized than I was.

Thanks. The stupid tread mill does make me feel better. DANG!!!! I was clinging to the diet only mentality. DANG! I tdoes have a nifty cup holder and magazine holder and plenty of space for my remote control! I figure If I can do it while watching a show on tv....WHAT oh WHAT can my excuse be? ((Give me time to think of one))...Anyway, I figure If I have to do it, YOU do too. "You" as in anyone reading this....heh heh! Let's have pretty numbers, Peeps!
I am going to have to try better to get some exercise in.Keep up the good work.

hi peeps just checking in

i was good til dinner whenthe stress of the day kisked in and I succumb to a beer, 3 pcs pepperoni pizz and a donut...BUT before you trottle me I'd had oatmeal for breakfast, and a salad with 6 crackers for lunch and a after workout snack...so I think I am still under 1800 cals for the day. i gotta do some checking onf cal-king to be sure!

okay edited to show that i actually had 1900 cals today, which is more than i would like to have but should get me where i want if i follow the 12X desired weight theory.

but i did workout today and i worked arms...tomorrow is legs and hardcore cardio!
You didn't do so bad.:hug:
Wow! What a story...I just quoted some of my favorite parts. I especially loved the "blowing up" part. What kind of Dr. says that? (But I'm very sorry you had to go through that...luckily no stitches for me yet. Staples yes, but I was unconscious when those went in).

When you were describing getting dressed and everything right after it happened, I totally thought of the S.. and the City episode where Miranda hurt her back and was lying on the floor naked in the bathroom, and Carrie can't make it so she sends Aidan to help her. And Miranda is all mortified that he is seeing her naked, etc.

Anyway, I'm glad the worst part seems to be over. And I hope you're feeling better now.

Today, was the longest day ever. This class is INTENSE! And A. was being a royal A.hole. Whatever, I can't deal with him this week...this class needs all of my attention.

Ok, I need to go study a bit and get ready for bed. Hope everyone had a good day! :goodvibes
Hope you had a good day! Hi!

sorry so long felt like talking to alot of people
Wow! What a story...I just quoted some of my favorite parts. I especially loved the "blowing up" part. What kind of Dr. says that? (But I'm very sorry you had to go through that...luckily no stitches for me yet. Staples yes, but I was unconscious when those went in).

When you were describing getting dressed and everything right after it happened, I totally thought of the S.. and the City episode where Miranda hurt her back and was lying on the floor naked in the bathroom, and Carrie can't make it so she sends Aidan to help her. And Miranda is all mortified that he is seeing her naked, etc.

Anyway, I'm glad the worst part seems to be over. And I hope you're feeling better now.

Today, was the longest day ever. This class is INTENSE! And A. was being a royal A.hole. Whatever, I can't deal with him this week...this class needs all of my attention.

Ok, I need to go study a bit and get ready for bed. Hope everyone had a good day! :goodvibes

:lmao: Thanks, well, at least I can laugh at it, right? :)

Sorry A. is being a pooh: head. Men!

lynda - oh my god.......you're so brave! i would've said "tape that sucker up" if they gave me the choice of that or a shot/stitches!

Well, I was pretty sure that if I didn't get the stitches, I'd be bleeding for the next few days on and off. And honestly, I wasn't thinking about the shot part, and I certainly didn't think it would hurt like that! :eek:
OMG Lynda!!! I am glad everything turned out okay.

Dawn, tricep pushups are the worst.

You know, about the diet without exercise thing... My DH is of the opinion that exercise is not important to weight loss. In fact, he rationalizes his lack of exercise by saying that he "doesn't want to be this big" and a belief that exercise will keep his bulk and not reduce his weight. He cautioned me that I shouldn't exercise so much because I will remain "big".

We have been dieting about the same length of time and with roughly the same idea (calorie reduction) and same amt of lbs to lose (65-75), since Feb or so with a 2 week WDW break in May, and some cheat days here and there. He has a semi-active job, doesn't exercise, and has lost about 20-25 lbs, and I have a sedentary job and have become a gym rat and have lost 40... so he looks at me the other day and goes wow you are a lot smaller, hmm, maybe exercise DOES help! :laughing:
OMG Lynda!!! I am glad everything turned out okay.

Dawn, tricep pushups are the worst.

You know, about the diet without exercise thing... My DH is of the opinion that exercise is not important to weight loss. In fact, he rationalizes his lack of exercise by saying that he "doesn't want to be this big" and a belief that exercise will keep his bulk and not reduce his weight. He cautioned me that I shouldn't exercise so much because I will remain "big".

We have been dieting about the same length of time and with roughly the same idea (calorie reduction) and same amt of lbs to lose (65-75), since Feb or so with a 2 week WDW break in May, and some cheat days here and there. He has a semi-active job, doesn't exercise, and has lost about 20-25 lbs, and I have a sedentary job and have become a gym rat and have lost 40... so he looks at me the other day and goes wow you are a lot smaller, hmm, maybe exercise DOES help! :laughing:

I do believe that exercise is the key.You are doing great!
I'm on dh's work laptop -

however, every morning I try and post - my posts get eaten!!

I do read often!! I have gotten very frustrated tho - money is tight and the tension is running high - the boys start college in less than 2 weeks, dd starts school, the supplies + clothes... and so far absolutely no word on a job for me!! :( So sad - I cant give up - but I just have nightmares thinking of all the negative ways "they" could view me! A 3rd grade position just went online today!

Lynda hope the healing is going good - ouch on the shot!

Kat GREAT post!! Thank you for sharing your experience - WTG on the loss!! :woohoo: what a loser!!

Newbies and lurkers Post more often!!

zigzagger another good start on a pre trip :thumbsup2 I highly recommend celebrating anniversaries in Disney! (last year our 25th!!)

Pre trip writers Y'all are busy bees!! :thumbsup2

Uma Hang in there girlfriend!! Find 15 more minutes today!!

Thanks for throwing out the rope to pull me in Peeps!! :grouphug: This journey isnt easy!!

Did anyone else watch the latest fat show? ABC and walking 500 miles? I hate the voting off, superior attitudes.... I wanted to go on that walk tho! But I'd probably be one of those bad attituders!!

Storms are finally passing by - what loud thunder boomers we had!! I've been up since 3 am!!

Make it a GREAT DAY!! The CHOICE is up to YOU!! Chose GREATNESS!!
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