~DISappearing PEEPS~Vol. IV Come Play With Us!!!!!

Weighed myself on friday for a starting weight and was pleasently surprized!:banana: Working hard to be lower next week.
I was up .6 on Friday, and more over the weekend. Heading back down now. Hoping the strength training is starting to pay off in terms of metabolism. It is in how my clothes fit.
I was up .6 on Friday, and more over the weekend. Heading back down now. Hoping the strength training is starting to pay off in terms of metabolism. It is in how my clothes fit.

The strength training is a big plus, keep up the good work!
Hi! I'm a Disney fan. I have been married almost 12 years to a great man and we have two dd ages 7 & 10. I am a social worker. I use to do child protection but now I work with adults who are mentally ill or mentally retarded. I'm 108 pounds over my ideal weight and really need some motivation or a swift kick in the butt. I'm kicking off my weight loss today.

I would love to join you guys. Just started training for my second triathlon and have a hundred pounds to lose. (not all before the tri in september but would love to have lost fourty by then:)) My big pitfall is food, any and all help would be welcome!

Welcome! :)

I missed posting last week when I was up +0.8. I had a rough week. :headache:

This week I more than made up for it... am -4.2. I have been running around all over preparing for DS's graduation and family coming into town, and running around even more since they have arrived. In doing so, it's kept me from snacking, since I'm keeping busy, and I have one rule I swear to never break... don't eat in the car. That one helps me out tremendously.

Hope you all have a fantastic week this week! :goodvibes
I had a typical week. I am -0.6 for this week. Working to stay on the downward trend. Hope you all have a great week! :goodvibes
I had lost like 6 pounds my first week on WW, my daughter's communion party totally threw me off, just dusting myself off and back on track.

Determined to stay on this and hope to lose at least 25 pounds before our trip. Please please please help me stay on this. PM me, call me, hunt me down if I go a day without posting! I need this.

Let's do this!
OK, Mony, we've got each other's backs. I have been doing that dance up and down the scale. I have kept up the exercise even with all that's going on with work, etc, and it seems to be helping. I'd like to lose at least another 5 lbs. before our WDW trip in July. I know that's not a big goal, but it's realistic, and it would put me back where I was a year and a half ago, and I felt pretty good there.
OK, Mony, we've got each other's backs. I have been doing that dance up and down the scale. I have kept up the exercise even with all that's going on with work, etc, and it seems to be helping. I'd like to lose at least another 5 lbs. before our WDW trip in July. I know that's not a big goal, but it's realistic, and it would put me back where I was a year and a half ago, and I felt pretty good there.

I got everyone's back as well. I lost 16.4 pounds before I went to disneyworld. I did well eating wise in disney but I ate worse the week I got back. Back on track as of monday and I feel so much better. I'd like to lose 7 pounds by my sister in laws bachelorette party in mid july! We can do it!

If anyone wants to be my friend on loseit.com private message me and I will give you my user name.
OK, Mony, we've got each other's backs. I have been doing that dance up and down the scale. I have kept up the exercise even with all that's going on with work, etc, and it seems to be helping. I'd like to lose at least another 5 lbs. before our WDW trip in July. I know that's not a big goal, but it's realistic, and it would put me back where I was a year and a half ago, and I felt pretty good there.

I am always good the first week or two and then I just don't know what happens. Vicious cycle I'm done riding.

I love following weight watchers on-line, I keep everything organized that way and I can use the tracker to calculate anything. It keeps me honest.

What are your July dates? We leave Aug 5th. Driving. With my mom and 4 kids. In a mini van.:dance3:
We're going July 19-26, then on to Boston for a convention.
Daily check-in! :wave:

Cruisin along :drive

Eating delicious brocooli for lunch and a weight watchers 5 point meal.

Staying active and doing my best!

Have a great day!
I am working hard!

Took mom to have surgery this morning on her hand and she wanted to go to breakfast. If I didn't take her she would have driven against Dr.'s orders, and so I did.

I got some eggs, potatoes (which I only ate half of) and didn't realize they would give me two big ham steaks, so I brought those home for later. I did have the bacon and calculated all points to the best of my ability. I didn't eat my usual breakfast cause I had to be up before 5am. So, I guess that counted for lunch and breakfast.

I did have a small green salad for a snack when I got home to even stuff out. I still have 18 points which is plenty for dinner.

That was a win for me becuase I made better choices instead of just eating everything, so yea me!

I weigh in on Mondays to keep myself accountable over the weekend. Hoping for at least a 2 pound loss.
I am working hard!

Took mom to have surgery this morning on her hand and she wanted to go to breakfast. If I didn't take her she would have driven against Dr.'s orders, and so I did.

I got some eggs, potatoes (which I only ate half of) and didn't realize they would give me two big ham steaks, so I brought those home for later. I did have the bacon and calculated all points to the best of my ability. I didn't eat my usual breakfast cause I had to be up before 5am. So, I guess that counted for lunch and breakfast.

I did have a small green salad for a snack when I got home to even stuff out. I still have 18 points which is plenty for dinner.

That was a win for me becuase I made better choices instead of just eatig everything, so yea me!

I weigh in on Mondays to keep myself accountable over the weekend. Hoping for at least a 2 pound loss.
You did great.

Keep working... Pixie dust for your mom.
Great job, Monica.
I did not do well on the eating this week. Lots of meetings, awards dinners, etc. meant that I was out late and caved to dessert, extra bread, and so on. I have a good dinner already cooked for tomorrow, and no plans to go out until next Thursday (end of the school year party). My biggest failing has been not tracking what I'm eating, then I get in that mindset that it doesn't matter what I eat. For tomorrow, I will track everything. I'll just take it one day at a time from there.
My days are weird, I am not hungry the last two mornigs and have missed my normal breakfast eating time and today I didn;t eat until almost 1pm. I know that is not good, but it is what it is.

DH and I took a nice walk while the girls rode their bikes. HOpe to do alot more of those in the coming weeks.
My days are weird, I am not hungry the last two mornigs and have missed my normal breakfast eating time and today I didn;t eat until almost 1pm. I know that is not good, but it is what it is.

DH and I took a nice walk while the girls rode their bikes. HOpe to do alot more of those in the coming weeks.

Just keep moving forward... Make sure you eat enough or you might relapse


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