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Can someone point me to where it was posted that DVC Fan property was sold? I know I saw it but don’t know where. Was it here or on the other site? Who owns it now?
Regarding #3, Pete has been sued by Amex for that debt, which is a matter of public record. So it isn't just that he has the debt but that he apparently hasn't been paying it.
Additionally: Dreams response to the lawsuit is that Pete acquired that card without proper approvals. They are trying to remove themselves from their obligations to repay that debt.

(That was at least how I read it... I'm not a lawyer)
I had followed Jennylynn for awhile before she got on the Dis. If I remember correctly, she did The Disney Driven Life, which had gotten pretty popular for awhile, and then had a short lived podcast that I listened to, and I think I remember her then finally getting some paid jobs that involved Disney and I was really impressed because I thought she was living the life most ardent Disney fans wanted.

During that time, I also listened to Dis Unplugged (I know a lot of people predate me but I started listening not too long after Bob passed). I remember at one point I stopped listening because Pete drove me crazy because i thought he was a major jerk. But after a while I realized I really liked the others and started listening again. Pete eventually grew on me and I liked him and his curmudgeonliness.

But when JL joined I remember saying "oh no" when hearing the announcement. I associated Pete and DU with all the miserable things about Disney- the complaints and the rants and the things you just wished Disney would fix. And JL was always the happy, light things about Disney - all the joy and happiness you get from Disney, despite the problems. I knew from day one that then working together would never work. I always had cognitive dissonance watching Pete and JL together.

Anyway, sorry for the dissertation. Just seeing JL's communications on the other side reminded me of all these thoughts.
Reading all these comments about moderation makes me semi believe that the mods have been enablers of the behaviour in question. Giving more power to the individual by making him more untouchable and accountable . I think the even the way this board is setup if reading how people questioned the departure of others is true should raise red flags about this board and those who have abused moderation power.
Reading all these comments about moderation makes me semi believe that the mods have been enablers of the behaviour in question. Giving more power to the individual by making him more untouchable and accountable . I think the even the way this board is setup if reading how people questioned the departure of others is true should raise red flags about this board and those who have abused moderation power.
In my time as a mod. Pete was seldom involved in day to day decisions from at least what I could see. I’m sure he was involved in things but communication to moderators really wasn’t there all that much. I can’t speak for webmasters and their roles all vary.

I was a mod of the rumors and news board for roughly 5 years. There were a set of rules to abide by much of which posters agreed to when signing up for this site to begin with. I can assure you I was not intentionally trying to enable or encourage or cover up any problematic behavior. Quite the contrary. At the end of my time here I questioned so many things which is what led to my leaving. I tried to enact change but it did not occur at that time.
I think the being treated like a child is what I found most offensive.

Do you remember what they were?
Yes and no. I know I certainly tried for better communication. I felt there was a lack of communication or at the very least the communication that was happening was poor. In the grand scheme of all of this I don’t think it’s that important to discuss right now.

I just wanted to be clear that mods were not directly taking orders from Pete and that we were not enabling his behavior. Much of what has been discussed here and other places is new to me. I of course had always heard rumors or small things here and there but not like this.
This whole thing is vile, what a sick human being. Hard to believe his long time friends would be oblivious to this whole situation, seems to be a pattern of how he operated over the years.

At least there's solace that alot of long time posters have come back and offered support, this was once a great community that has been chipped away over the years because of some power hungry individuals. If Pete were the enabler of that and it was the innocent who carried out the orders, I wonder why it was always done with such enthusiasm.
Reading all these comments about moderation makes me semi believe that the mods have been enablers of the behaviour in question. Giving more power to the individual by making him more untouchable and accountable . I think the even the way this board is setup if reading how people questioned the departure of others is true should raise red flags about this board and those who have abused moderation power.

I have to say that some of the accusations and assumptions made in this thread about me, other mods, and the webmasters are quite far-fetched and rude, but this one is the most outlandish and, quite honestly, disgusting. Unless you are in the position of moderating a forum and all that entails, you absolutely do not know what goes on behind the scenes especially when working with someone who is being accused of the heinous acts described. The lack of compassion shown here is awful. While the experiences I had were no where near as heinous as what Sean and Dustin are alleging, I am trying to process this all myself. It’s been almost ten years since I left. None of you were in my shoes or those of the podcast team, DU agents, staffers, mods/webmasters. I don’t feel this is the time nor place to pile up on me (or them). It is doing nothing but causing more angst in an already traumatic situation that everyone is trying to work through.

Again, the Unplugged forum was an anomaly so much so that certain expectations were held here as opposed to other areas of the site. It was a regular point of conversation behind the scenes. Decisions were made. Expectations were to be upheld. If guidelines were not followed, actions had to be taken. I’m sorry to hear that some folks are holding onto that to this very day. When you are dealt a specific set of cards, sometimes the hand you have to play isn’t the ideal, but you do the best with what you have. I was also in the unique position of freelancing for wdwinfo and the blog as well as filming some segments with Dustin right before he left so my communication with the powers that be was much different than other mods.

If there’s any hope of this being a kind and welcoming place in the future, I’d suggest taking a step back and analyzing some of the commentary made in this thread. Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? As one who was groomed into putting someone on a pedestal only to have reality slap you upside the face, my answer would be a resounding no.
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This is all very sad. Not surprising but still abhorrent. I do feel bad for everyone involved, most of all the victims, next the innocent co-workers/friends/family, and yes, even a little for the accused. This kind of stuff can ruin a company/group. I’ve seen it happen before. I am hoping for the best for the employees. I will continue my financial support for them, because that was always the intention, not supporting the figure head. As for the moderating policies, it’s the company’s money, time, and equipment. We don’t pay directly to participate. It’s their sandbox, and their rules to make. I, however, don’t condone any mistreatment or ill will of the volunteer moderators by the company or board participants.
There is so much catharsis going on in this thread!
So true!

I meet with a therapist once a month (I call it my "monthly keeping my head screwed on straight" appointment🤣 ) and had my regular appt today. So I figured I'd I asked her why does this story bother me so much. It was over 10 years ago when we went on the ABD trip with Pete & the podcast crew and it was a joyful time.

She explained it two ways.

1 - Because as a mother, it prob really freaked me out that I even let my child (who is now almost 21) be around someone like that. Yup, that was THE FIRST thing I thought of when I read this story: That and the gift Pete bought for my kid while on that trip.

2- He's a narcissist and they are really good at fooling people. The therapist said she's almost had some narcissists fool her. But what I found fascinating, is she told me all the things that narcissistic people do - and I asked if she was reading these message boards. Apparently it's a textbook case. Crazy!

I think like many of us fans/clients - the shock is over now, I'm just in a state of disgust now.
What was the deal with Federico? When they launched Si Disney they said he was married. All of a sudden he was everywhere including the Tuesday show, dining reviews and cruises. Then he was supposed to go on a cruise but was called back home for an "emergency". We never saw him again.
Federico wasn't married. He went home on a family emergency, then came back, then went back home (Columbia). He heads the Sí Disney podcast that also includes Meli and Jimmy (Argentina). Maybe the English listeners don't see him, but the Spanish ones do. He and I were on a cruise last November - he's a really nice person, as are Jimmy & Meli.
Ancay eway eakspay niay igpay atinlay or will it get censored? 🤔
ifyay ityay eaksbray ethay establishedyay uidelinesgay ityay illway ebay deleted
The WTH is going on? thread just got closed.
We don't need multiple threads saying the same thing, and rather than merging I'll close them. It'll keep the conversation in one location.
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