Disboutiquers Part 10 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Does anyone know if you can return fabric to Joann's if you have the receipt. I bought a ton of Valentine's Day fabric and I really just don't love it. Rather than make something I don't like I think I'm going to return it if possible.
Ok, I need some ideas. My DD4 is all day pre-k. She loves school and no problem getting her to go. The techer has talked to me, and said she is very bright but she thinks she needs to be center of attention. Also if one kid is at the teachers desk then she thinks she need to be there too. She also thinks she needs to worry about and tell other kids what to do. Any ideas on how I can get her to stay focused and not worry about everyone and everything else, She will be 5 in March!

While I'm at it, any ideas on how to pitty train a STUBBORN selective potty trainer? She was in panties for a month and decided she was going to wear pull ups instead. She knows what she is doing and some days she will do great and then other days she just says no, and comes tell you when she has done something in her pants. It's so frustrating!

If you get an answer for the first one...let me know because we have the same issue!! Aisling is SOOO bossy. My day care providers put a positive spin on it that she's a great helper and a natural leader...I don't think her Kindergarten teacher will be as kind in the fall ;)

What worked for us and potty training was as soon as we got home, we took off all Ash's clothes and put on a nightgown...just a nightgown. And we made her walk around the house like that. Worked like a charm. (I knew that she wouldn't go as far as peeing on the floor).

Good Luck :hug:
...only because she is sooooooooo tired of gold brocade. Maybe by next January she (and by "she" I mean "I") would be willing to do it again....and we could even find a gold brocade-y tablecloth on clearance left over from Christmas! :rotfl:

I don't think I quoted the right thing! Anyway, I have said this before, but I really think October is the very best time to go to Disney. It is not as hot as the summer but it is still nice and you can go swimming and the crowds are low. That is the time we went until the kids were too old to pull from school.

I am so behind and we are almost to the end of this thread! I actually sewed something today instead of thinking about what to sew, so that is an accomplishment. I am behind on my laundry though!
Ok, I need some ideas. My DD4 is all day pre-k. She loves school and no problem getting her to go. The techer has talked to me, and said she is very bright but she thinks she needs to be center of attention. Also if one kid is at the teachers desk then she thinks she need to be there too. She also thinks she needs to worry about and tell other kids what to do. Any ideas on how I can get her to stay focused and not worry about everyone and everything else, She will be 5 in March!

While I'm at it, any ideas on how to pitty train a STUBBORN selective potty trainer? She was in panties for a month and decided she was going to wear pull ups instead. She knows what she is doing and some days she will do great and then other days she just says no, and comes tell you when she has done something in her pants. It's so frustrating!

Let me know when you figure out the potty training thing. :sad2: I'm in a very similar boat.

On the school thing, I would go observe her in the classroom. You could go on the pretense of helping out. I help in Luke's classroom once a week and I find it veeeery interesting! I learn a lot about the kids, their personalities, how they mix, who conflicts with who and why, and I have learned a lot about the teacher and her relationship with the kids as a group and individuals.
If you get an answer for the first one...let me know because we have the same issue!! Aisling is SOOO bossy. My day care providers put a positive spin on it that she's a great helper and a natural leader...I don't think her Kindergarten teacher will be as kind in the fall ;)

What worked for us and potty training was as soon as we got home, we took off all Ash's clothes and put on a nightgown...just a nightgown. And we made her walk around the house like that. Worked like a charm. (I knew that she wouldn't go as far as peeing on the floor).

Good Luck :hug:

Well peeing on the floor she willd along with playing in #2. Can you tell I have my hands full with this one. I never would have imagined playing in #2, but yet she has done about 5 times.:scared1: My oldest trained in a day, she pee pee in her panties and that was it. :cloud9: I'm going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:headache:

I don't even want to think how she will be in kindergarten. When I'm already having talks with teachers at a pre-k level, it's going to be long shool yrs.
If you get an answer for the first one...let me know because we have the same issue!! Aisling is SOOO bossy. My day care providers put a positive spin on it that she's a great helper and a natural leader...I don't think her Kindergarten teacher will be as kind in the fall ;)

What worked for us and potty training was as soon as we got home, we took off all Ash's clothes and put on a nightgown...just a nightgown. And we made her walk around the house like that. Worked like a charm. (I knew that she wouldn't go as far as peeing on the floor).

Good Luck :hug:
Someone had suggested that for Jenna. They said to put a sundress on her and she will go in the potty. Well it didn't work. I have not shampooed that much carpet in my life. It was horrible:scared1:. That lasted for two days and then back in pull-ups.
Someone had suggested that for Jenna. They said to put a sundress on her and she will go in the potty. Well it didn't work. I have not shampooed that much carpet in my life. It was horrible:scared1:. That lasted for two days and then back in pull-ups.

I so understand what your saying. I said her carpet will never be the same. I will have to replace it.:scared1:
Well peeing on the floor she willd along with playing in #2. Can you tell I have my hands full with this one. I never would have imagined playing in #2, but yet she has done about 5 times.:scared1: My oldest trained in a day, she pee pee in her panties and that was it. :cloud9: I'm going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:headache:

I don't even want to think how she will be in kindergarten. When I'm already having talks with teachers at a pre-k level, it's going to be long shool yrs.

Someone had suggested that for Jenna. They said to put a sundress on her and she will go in the potty. Well it didn't work. I have not shampooed that much carpet in my life. It was horrible:scared1:. That lasted for two days and then back in pull-ups.

Let me know when you figure out the potty training thing. :sad2: I'm in a very similar boat.

On the school thing, I would go observe her in the classroom. You could go on the pretense of helping out. I help in Luke's classroom once a week and I find it veeeery interesting! I learn a lot about the kids, their personalities, how they mix, who conflicts with who and why, and I have learned a lot about the teacher and her relationship with the kids as a group and individuals.

Ladies...I am so sorry about the potty training torture you went though. I really had it easy...I'll admit it. But if it makes you feel better, Aisling didn't sleep through the night AT ALL until she was 2 1/2!!! Not a SINGLE night. And DH works nights so he missed all the fun!
So I have thrown all pretense out the window. I am admitting that I am planning my family's first trip to Disney World around Auntie's sewing schedule. :lmao:

Help me pick a month. I have it narrowed down to 3.

So what month??

I say October. 1) Because I don't think it gets THAT much colder in Dec or Jan (I've been in Jan, but maybe I'm just a New Englander and it doesn't seem cold in comparison). 2) Because you get to go to MNSSHP. 3) Because I'll be there and so will a few others from the Disboutiquers! :rotfl:

Someone had suggested that for Jenna. They said to put a sundress on her and she will go in the potty. Well it didn't work. I have not shampooed that much carpet in my life. It was horrible:scared1:. That lasted for two days and then back in pull-ups.

Well, at least you guys are making me laugh. DD potty trained pretty easily. I swear it was just as soon as she saw the "big kids" in her daycare going on the potty that she was doing it too. DS2 is a little more difficult. I think I may just have to wait until warm weather and play outside with him al fresco. Him, not me. :scared1: Similar technique as yours, but the mess is outside!
She could make warm weather dresses like this but in a Halloween theme.

OMG!! These Minnie dresses are soooo ADORABLE!!! Is there a specific pattern you used?
Let me know when you figure out the potty training thing. :sad2: I'm in a very similar boat.

On the school thing, I would go observe her in the classroom. You could go on the pretense of helping out. I help in Luke's classroom once a week and I find it veeeery interesting! I learn a lot about the kids, their personalities, how they mix, who conflicts with who and why, and I have learned a lot about the teacher and her relationship with the kids as a group and individuals.

I've been told that this class is all friends. They are all social and everyone gets along. I guess it's a good thing. There are only 12 kids in the classroom. I will talk to the director of the pre-school. Thanks for the idea
I think anything cotton would dry quickly. My DGD wore this dress to Disneyland last summer and played in the water whenever she saw it and dried nicely when she was out of it!


Okay, back to lurking! Great job on all the outfits! Prayers for those who need them.


Super cute! Did you make this? I want to make an apron soon but just can't seem to find the time to start with new items for no reason.

Does anyone's walmart still have the royal blue pooh print with the gang catching fireflies? Wendy was going to pick some up for me (thanks Wendy!!!)
But they were out...

I get so jealous every time I read about walmart and fabric!

The Big Give has motivated me to sew again. This is what I made to get started.

I had Drew model it for me when it was done because Madilynn was asleep. Of course when Madilynn saw that picture she would have none of that. The hat had HER name on it, she would be the model :)

And as a bonus here's a picture of Drew from Saturday wearing his Mickey Shirt from Nancy (aka Dreamer & Wisher) with the Mickey that greets us at Children's Hospital.

I LOVE the hat! It would be perfect for my some day cat in the hat outfit!

Look how close to 250 we're getting again!!!

If anyone is bored and wants to help me with an internet search, I am looking for this fabric:

But in BLACK. It's haunting me...You guys know what it's like to be haunted by a fabric, right?

I saw it two months ago and went to get it today. The lady looked at me like I was crazy and said 'Oh, that's long gone!'

It's made by Seattle Bay and doesn't seem to have a name other than 'rose.'

Sorry, never seen it, but did check so you know people read everything!

Ok, I need some ideas. My DD4 is all day pre-k. She loves school and no problem getting her to go. The techer has talked to me, and said she is very bright but she thinks she needs to be center of attention. Also if one kid is at the teachers desk then she thinks she need to be there too. She also thinks she needs to worry about and tell other kids what to do. Any ideas on how I can get her to stay focused and not worry about everyone and everything else, She will be 5 in March!

While I'm at it, any ideas on how to pitty train a STUBBORN selective potty trainer? She was in panties for a month and decided she was going to wear pull ups instead. She knows what she is doing and some days she will do great and then other days she just says no, and comes tell you when she has done something in her pants. It's so frustrating!

I've heard of the make the kids clean it up themselves theory (when you they KNOW what to do and how to use the potty, etc). I don't think it sounds like your adorable daughter would care though. :confused3

I think I once saw a storm trooper graphic on the board? I want to make one but can't remember who made it or if it ok to copy the design. Does anyone else remember?

That was our most talented Jeanne!

Does anyone know if you can return fabric to Joann's if you have the receipt. I bought a ton of Valentine's Day fabric and I really just don't love it. Rather than make something I don't like I think I'm going to return it if possible.

No idea, sorry.

After Disneymommieof2's awesome outlet find I started googling for fabric outlets.

I found this one:
and I thought that someone on this thread lived near there.

Wow! Wish someone could find one near me!
You are so right that my DD would not care. She is my spit fire, and everyone wonders why I put her to bed at 7! Now you all know, I need a break!:rotfl:
Here is a Pooh Valentine shirt for Megan, the MindyMouse1 Big Give! She is 12 but likes Pooh so hopefully she'll like it! They are going in February, but I don't think it is a holiday specific shirt either, just Pooh holding a heart!


Fantastic outfits! Love the pants, are those a farbenmix pattern or are they off of youcanmakethis? Wonderful job!

I have to admit... I love those pants, too. My dd was over the moon when she saw them, so we will be making a lot more in the future. The pattern is a Farbenmix pattern -- Solana.

I have the peasant top (did you flare out the bottom or anything?)..but dont have that skirt pattern, but its really really CUTE!!!! I might try to fiddle to get a look like that - I do have a few skirt patterns, maybe I can combo a few??? anyway its adorable - i'd love to see the other looks the pattern can make - i have a wish list on ycmt!! lol!!

No. I followed the pattern as is. I think because I added some shirring to the bodice it made it flare a bit. I love how it turned out though. About the skirt... here are a few I've done. Like I said, it is pretty easy to do and learn to modify.
Here is the pattern as written...

And the back

Here it is with the first 2 layers shorter on one side....

Here it is with layers 2 and 3 the same length and layer 2 as tulle. I also added a little ribbon detail.

And I've done one with a "wavy" 2nd layer, but I don't have a pic for some reason. Anyway, that is just a few ways that one pattern can be changed up.

all are adorable!!! Love the peasant top! Now I am trying to figure out how to make Carla's peasant top like that! Love the skirts and the fun pants! Did you make the brown top with the pants too? What pattern did you use?

Yes, I made the brown top, too. It is McCall's 5422, but I think it is out of print now. Also, the smallest size is a 7, so I had to cut it down a little. It is very basic though, so it was easy.

OK, so I promised pics of the stuff I made this weekend.

Thanks for sharing. I think they look great. Thanks for sharing the raglan hoodie especially. I'm glad to hear it went together fairly easily. We don't have much need for flannel down here, but I'm thinking this week I'll be wishing we had some flannel jammies.


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this because I'm brand new to this forum. I am so in awe of everyone's talent! I've been lurking a lot over the last few days and keep coming across the cutest Mickey fabric. It's a lime green fabric with multi-colored Mickey head "swirls" on it. Does anyone know where I might find some of this fabric? I don't sew, but my mom does (a little), and I'd love to make something for my DD out of this fabric. Any help/advice is appreciated.


How much are you wanting. I think I have some. I bought it and just really can't figure out what to make with it. Okay, I just checked. I have just shy of 2 yards. On the salvage it shows it is #CP11149, and it is made by Springs Global. Hope that helps some.


The outfits look great. I'm sure they will be thrilled.
Don't feel bad- I bought a BOLT of the red dot. I have fabric issues lol.

So I have thrown all pretense out the window. I am admitting that I am planning my family's first trip to Disney World around Auntie's sewing schedule. :lmao:

Help me pick a month. I have it narrowed down to 3.

For us.... October... hands down. Low crowds. Nice weather. Dec and Jan are nice, but the weather can be unpredictable. We're wearing shorts one day and jeans and long sleeves the next.

Does anyone know if you can return fabric to Joann's if you have the receipt. I bought a ton of Valentine's Day fabric and I really just don't love it. Rather than make something I don't like I think I'm going to return it if possible.

Yes, you can -- with a receipt as long as you have not cut it or washed it. I don't know if there is a minimum amount you had to have bought either.
I get so jealous every time I read about walmart and fabric!

I will, soon, too!!! Mine is down to two puny aisles. It's so depressing, I know it will be gone shortly.

I'd be nice if Wal-Mart would at least publish a list of who still has it. Or sell it online.
I will, soon, too!!! Mine is down to two puny aisles. It's so depressing, I know it will be gone shortly.

I'd be nice if Wal-Mart would at least publish a list of who still has it. Or sell it online.

I was checking out yesterday at Walmart with some fabric and the lady that checked me out said that every single person that came through the checkout tonight had some fabric or sewing stuff. this made me think, why are they closing down the fabric department soon. I think I heard it will be 6-9months before they remodel our fabric department.
Ladies...I am so sorry about the potty training torture you went though. I really had it easy...I'll admit it. But if it makes you feel better, Aisling didn't sleep through the night AT ALL until she was 2 1/2!!! Not a SINGLE night. And DH works nights so he missed all the fun!
Ok that makes up for it then. Jenna slept all night when she was just two weeks old. She scared me too.
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