Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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We've decided that we're going to go to Ohana's for breakfast for my DD's birthday celebration. I would like to make her something with a red fabric that has white hibiscus flowers on it - similar to what Lilo wears. Does anyone know where I can find fabric like this? Or have a name of a fabric that I can order somewhere maybe?
hi all , i have been lurking but having computer issues. just wanted to pop in and say hi. i am busy planning a baby shower for my girlfriend...her 4th boy. it is a nursery rhyme theme. i bought some of the nursery rhyme fabric walmart had. do you think the light green one is too girly to make some burp cloths and such?

my only new creation is a pair of jeans with a ruffle and a little appliqued shirt because i took mia to her first show
it is touring a couple of states i know...unfortunately i did not love it. mia thought it was great though and thats what matters. there is even a cd with the songs. i will try to upload her picture soon.
Lori, the outfits are just beautiful! I love the japan one the best. Hope you are not too busy and get time for yourself.

oh thanks... I have been sewing like crazy when I can. I have to save some money up... so I have been busy with listing like crazy...
Where are you staying? What changed? I did see the crown in the pattern section on the first page with the bookmarks. You are going to WDW about the same time we are.

We are doing a split stay between CSR and BCV.

We were staying at CBR pirate themed room....and the more we got thinking about it (2 families) we decided to switch to ASMu family suites...I think the space for a 2 & 5 yr old will be good for a whole week (and I will probably need the space too:rotfl2:)...and it saved us some money...so that was a bonus also....
I was wondering if anyone from the disboutique would be going the same time as us!
Small update on my cousin.

She is doing "better". Her blood pressure is not as low as it was yesterday. She seems better able to breathe. I guess they did a bunch of tests today and over the weekend so now we wait for the Dr's to review the results.

Hopefully, she will continue to do better.




(sorry for the bad fit but the dress form is a size 2 and the dress is size 7)


Hi Linette!!! WOW!!!! Those are wonderful!!! Love your new fabrics too!! That Genie is AMAZING!! love it! you are just so talented!!!!

Small update on my cousin.

She is doing "better". Her blood pressure is not as low as it was yesterday. She seems better able to breathe. I guess they did a bunch of tests today and over the weekend so now we wait for the Dr's to review the results.

Hopefully, she will continue to do better.

Thanks so much for the update - I've been thinking about her all day - will keep praying!
Small update on my cousin.

She is doing "better". Her blood pressure is not as low as it was yesterday. She seems better able to breathe. I guess they did a bunch of tests today and over the weekend so now we wait for the Dr's to review the results.

Hopefully, she will continue to do better.

I'm so glad that there has been some progress. Hope things continue to get better. I'll keep praying.
Shannon and Beth :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
thank you so much for lifting my spirit with your kind words:grouphug: you have me crying, it is good to know that some people care....

Shannon I am embarrassed to say that that is one of the easiest dress, mostly rectangle shapes I was going to post how to make it but felt bad as you all know how "little talent" I have ....you cut the dress right in the fabric just using measurement
I will try to post it soon

Once again thank you so much:hug:

Please please post how to make those dresses! You are very talented! I'm not sure that I could do your dresses justice if I were to try to make them, but I would love to try. Both of my girls saw them and were in awe!!
First Question...back sometime ago someone had posted a picture of a crown for appliquing...it was the cute one some were using on the pink halter tops...Anyone remember? If I could I would like that.

Second, I had posted maybe a week ago about doing a reusable grocery bag swap...and wondered if there would be any interest, I did have a couple say they were, but would like to get more people, I think it would be interesting to see what others come up with for the swap.
Would be one of those "you make X # of bags you get the same amount back.
Just let me know, I do have a couple of tutorials that I posted that we could use. :thumbsup2:

Thanks everyone...have a great evening...BTW...I am so excited...we changed our ressies for FREE DINING!

I would be interested in participating. I was just thinking last night that i needed to go back and find the tutorials you had put up, because I really loved the grocery bag one!
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well today...I was away all weekend...well away from here...Katie's party was Saturday and it was great. Her BFF from home was able to come and her BFF from here was here and they all got along great. We had 13 kids at the party from 2 years old to 11! What fun! And they all played so well together! It was raining all day, so they had to stay inside, but it really was fun.

I had also won the in home celebration kit, so that was her party "theme"...we just had all Disney stuff. We got to played games and had gifts for everyone! It really was fun.

Then Sunday came...it seems that somebody at the party had a stomach virus...uh oh! It was a fast moving virus...as in I was fast moving to the bathroom all day Sunday. Then Monday morning at 2am Timmy was fast moving, then Katie at 5am! What a day it was yesterday! I had to do tons of laundry all day long! I hate the smell of puke! Poor Timmy had the worst of it...I was getting worried and almost took him to the hospital last night, but he started drinking and making urine. He is much better today.

I did skim the weekend and as usual you guys are all so talented and so supportive...I love being a part of this group! I know there are those that need prayers, and some that need them that didn't ask...I pray for you all everyday. New babies to get ready to welcome...congrats to be said...what a great place!:grouphug:

BTW...I will post pics of Katie's party when photobucket acts right...:headache:
Here are the latest creations to come out of my sewing "room". I have 3 more to finish, then I need to decided what my girls will be wearing for Easter. I am having the hardest time deciding on what style of dress and what fabric to use.

Here is the one for my nephew


Just wanted to say, I love popping into your thread and seeing all your creations. You are all inspiring! :)

I am wanting to add a cuff of fabric to the bottom of some of my dd's capri's to match some of her t-shirts for our trip. Is this a simple thing to do? I was wanting to do a ruffle, but I think she thinks she's getting too old for ruffles now! WAH! I tried to do a google search but couldn't come up with any directions...maybe b/c it's too simple, most people would just wing it? :laughing:
Hello were back! We had a great time but it went way to fast and did not get everything done! We did end up joining the Disney vacation club :cool1: so we will have more chances to get things done. I would not suggest to ever go with a big group! We had 11 people 2 familys that could not get on the same page if you know what I mean. I think I cried due to stress and frustration 3 times! Not my idea of a magical trip but all in all it was great! I Think all the stuff made since we have been gone is really cute I love the villain Cinderella set! Well if you would like to see some of our pictures please feel free....
Welcome back and "welcome Home!' Where did you buy? We own at Animal Kingdom Villa's.

Sorry it was challenge with extended family.

Welcome Home! and let me tell you that is a phrase I love hearing when we are at WDW. So welcome to DVC also, it is one of the best purchases we ever made
I know what you mean about big groups. We have tried it a couple of times with mixed results. Glad you still had a good time.
I agree! I love hearing "Welcome Home!' I may have asked you this efore but where do you own?

I just got a call from Walmart management on the fabric departments. It seems to be true-they are ALL going away.

When a store is remodeled (and most are currently scheduled) the fabric goes Bye bye.

I am not pleased, but did have a very productive conversation with this Manager. He seemed to be on our "side" and will relate that to the higher ups. But I am not holding my breath. Come August my local Walmart will start the remodel. The fabric should start going on sale in May.
Oh NO!
Last week when I went to mine I was talking to the lady cutting my stuff and she said mine was supposed to close a few months ago but HQ got so many calls that they decided to keep it! She also said that one was one of the best ones sales wise so I am hopeful it will stay put for awhile....

Okay guys, it my turn to request the "power of prayer".

After school today Chianna, my oldest (9 yrs old) was showing me her Developing breast and teasing her i lightly squeezed it and noticed it was VERY HARD. So I took her to her room and had her take off her shirt and I did a breast exam on her. She has a walnut size AND a small grape size lump in her right breast.

Of course I called my mom then the doctor....hey, we all know that mom knows best. We have the first avaiable appointment in the morning. Of course husband is woking, so he won't even be in town. But im so scared after just telling her that we are not gooing to stress out or think about it I am! ! !

I would just appreciate any prayers you may say this evening for strength and the well being of my "baby". Thanks
Please keep us posted! Prayers said!!!!!!

Ok I finished my other daughters dress for our Disney trip. I am not sewing again for long long time. I don't have the patience or the talent to do this stuff! But it turned out decent and she is happy with it so that's what really matters.

Great job!

as I been in a state of perpetual depression, but decided that this is what keeps me going:grouphug:

Michelle: sorry for the many text---I tried sending you a slide (pictures) but had to do it one at a time--- something was up with photobucket also as it was taking me forever---

I hope everything is OK with Chianna:hug: I know it will

hope you like these



the other ones I have to yet download in photobucket




(sorry for the bad fit but the dress form is a size 2 and the dress is size 7)

and some fabrics I ordered from fabricsgalore ---they were on sale!!!---


I specially love this one

part of my give project

which I am still working on (maybe I will redo !!!) i know, I know it looks really bad!!!!!!!

I will hopefully go back and read few pages

Linnette, I am so sorry to hear you are depressed:hug: Please don't stop posting we all care about you!

OMG your dresses are stunning PLEASE post the Tutorial!!!!!!! LOVE THEM! Oh and your Goofy! gorgeous!
Did some rather simple cute things this weekend... have been so busy with life lately... not much time for sewing



Lori, Those are GREAT!!!!!

I know you will be impressed to hear I finished outfit #2 for Olivia's Big Give...this is for her older sister who does NOT like frilly things! She does like Minnie so I made a top and shorts for her! [/SIZE]




I am going to ship them out this week! Won't they be surprised to get an early box! :wizard: I really think this is just as (or more) fun for us as the Wish kids! Thanks for letting me participate....Teresa..and thanks for all of your work on coordinating for this family!!!!

ETA: I remembered someone asked me if I sewed the ribbon in (by opening up the side seams) and this time I did! Thanks for the tip!!!!
LOVE the Tshirt with the ribbon!

This is only my second post in the disboutiquers board. I completed 2 more dresses for my DD3 over the weekend. Nothing spectacular but will be nice and cool for her to wear in WDW in May and August. I also went shopping for more Disney fabric this weekend and had some good finds at Hancock fabrics.
Looks cute to me
Small update on my cousin.

She is doing "better". Her blood pressure is not as low as it was yesterday. She seems better able to breathe. I guess they did a bunch of tests today and over the weekend so now we wait for the Dr's to review the results.

Hopefully, she will continue to do better.
Thanks so much for the update. So glad she is doing better!

Well George went back to work today! I think he should have taken the rest of this week off but he didn't listen to me. His dr yesterday told him he would be happy to let him stay out the rest of the week. Problem is George is just a really good employee and being the boss he always sets the example even if it means he is in pain:confused3 Heck when he had his colon removed he only took 2 weeks off :headache: So 2 weeks for a hernia no matter how rough it was he just wouldn't take off. Thankfully his boss told him to take it easy and make it a light week. So I am hoping he comes home early but we shall see.

Ok why do I do this to myself. I just cut out almost 200 4 inch squares edged them all of to make a dress for my nice and my girlfriends little girl for her bday. Well I miss calculated and I didn't make the dress long enough:scared1: So the final row will just e solid one material. Oh well I hope it looks ok.... I need to finish the one dress by Sat for her party! I have the bodice done and now I just have to attach all the sq for the 3 rows of patchwork and the solid row then ruffle away. Now is when I wished I wasn't so askeered of my ruffler foot! :eek:
Just wanted to say, I love popping into your thread and seeing all your creations. You are all inspiring! :)

I am wanting to add a cuff of fabric to the bottom of some of my dd's capri's to match some of her t-shirts for our trip. Is this a simple thing to do? I was wanting to do a ruffle, but I think she thinks she's getting too old for ruffles now! WAH! I tried to do a google search but couldn't come up with any directions...maybe b/c it's too simple, most people would just wing it? :laughing:

A cuff would be pretty simple. Basically, this is what you'll do.

1. Cut off the hem at the bottom of the pants.
2. Open the seam (with a seam ripper) just a couple of inches on the side of the pants (at the bottom - this is going to make it easier to finishe the pants later).
3. Measure the width of the entire bottom of the leg of the pants.
4. Determine how long you want the cuff to be.
5. Now you do math.
a. Take the measurement from #3 + 1" for seam allowance
b. Take the measurement from #4 x 2
When you do the math, this will tell you what size of a piece of fabric to cut x 2 (one for each leg)
6. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise (this is the measurement from #4) and press wrong sides together. Do the same for both pieces of fabric.
7. Pin the fabric piece to the right side of the pants that you're embellishing - making sure to leave a 1/2" hanging off the edge on the inside seam section for seam allowance.
8. Stitch the fabric piece to the pant leg and finish the seam by either zig zagging or serging.
9. Turn the pants inside out, making sure that the cuff part is extended down (not folded up like it was when you were sewing) and stitch the seam that you opened in #2, as well as the stitching the seam of the newly created cuff. Finish the seam with a zig zag stitch or serging.

Fold the pants right side out.

You're done!
Drive by post, but I just had to say:

Jeanne! That Piglet set is AMAZING!!! Love it!

Linnette, Don't sell yourself short! Your stuff is wonderful! Your applique is GREAT! The Belle dress and the Tink dress are Leighanna's favorites!

Cathy, LOVE the Bambi outfit, and your Big Give outfit is wonderful too!

I wish I had a trip planned soon so that I could be busy sewing again!

All of the other stuff posted lately has been wonderful too!

I do have an Easter dress to make Leighanna yet! I just have to figure out what I am doing!

I made the other wall hanging that is being offered from YCQT.
I think I may become a "quilter" after all!
I should have used my "walking foot" as I was finishing this! The sides got a little wonky from trying to sew through all those layers. I should have put a binding on it instead of trying to turn it right side out. Oh well, not too bad of an attempt for my second quilting project!
Second, I had posted maybe a week ago about doing a reusable grocery bag swap...and wondered if there would be any interest, I did have a couple say they were, but would like to get more people, I think it would be interesting to see what others come up with for the swap.
Would be one of those "you make X # of bags you get the same amount back.
Just let me know, I do have a couple of tutorials that I posted that we could use. :thumbsup2:

Thanks everyone...have a great evening...BTW...I am so excited...we changed our ressies for FREE DINING!

I'm still interested, let me know what interest you get.

Linette - I had been wondering about you lately. Glad to see you back and still putting us all to shame the way you whip out the cute outfits!!!:goodvibes My oldest DD loves the Belle one. I like the way you did the accent on the bodice for the top of Belle's dress.

So much cute stuff lately, I just can't quote it all! Love the simple sundresses so many have been doing, they are great. Also, the Piglet vida fluffy & pink. Rates A+ in our book!:thumbsup2 Cute Easter baskets, and so many other things I just can't remember who made them.

Having a hard time getting my mojo going, but am really enjoying seeing everyone else's creativity & cute kids!!:cutie:

:3dglassesHave a great day everyone.:3dglasses
Thank you so much!!!!!!!! :)

a cuff would be pretty simple. Basically, this is what you'll do.

1. Cut off the hem at the bottom of the pants.
2. Open the seam (with a seam ripper) just a couple of inches on the side of the pants (at the bottom - this is going to make it easier to finishe the pants later).
3. Measure the width of the entire bottom of the leg of the pants.
4. Determine how long you want the cuff to be.
5. Now you do math.
A. Take the measurement from #3 + 1" for seam allowance
b. Take the measurement from #4 x 2
when you do the math, this will tell you what size of a piece of fabric to cut x 2 (one for each leg)
6. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise (this is the measurement from #4) and press wrong sides together. Do the same for both pieces of fabric.
7. Pin the fabric piece to the right side of the pants that you're embellishing - making sure to leave a 1/2" hanging off the edge on the inside seam section for seam allowance.
8. Stitch the fabric piece to the pant leg and finish the seam by either zig zagging or serging.
9. Turn the pants inside out, making sure that the cuff part is extended down (not folded up like it was when you were sewing) and stitch the seam that you opened in #2, as well as the stitching the seam of the newly created cuff. Finish the seam with a zig zag stitch or serging.

Fold the pants right side out.

You're done!
:hug::hug::hug: as I been in a state of perpetual depression, but decided that this is what keeps me going:grouphug:

Michelle: sorry for the many text---I tried sending you a slide (pictures) but had to do it one at a time--- something was up with photobucket also as it was taking me forever---

I hope everything is OK with Chianna:hug: I know it will

hope you like these





the other ones I have to yet download in photobucket:sad2:





(sorry for the bad fit but the dress form is a size 2 and the dress is size 7)

and some fabrics I ordered from fabricsgalore ---they were on sale!!!---


I specially love this one

part of my give project

which I am still working on (maybe I will redo !!!) i know, I know it looks really bad!!!!!!!:rotfl:

I will hopefully go back and read few pages

PS: Crystal I email you:hug:


All of the dresses look amazing. And the Genie applique - gorgeous!

hi all , i have been lurking but having computer issues. just wanted to pop in and say hi. i am busy planning a baby shower for my girlfriend...her 4th boy. it is a nursery rhyme theme. i bought some of the nursery rhyme fabric walmart had. do you think the light green one is too girly to make some burp cloths and such?

my only new creation is a pair of jeans with a ruffle and a little appliqued shirt because i took mia to her first show
it is touring a couple of states i know...unfortunately i did not love it. mia thought it was great though and thats what matters. there is even a cd with the songs. i will try to upload her picture soon.
I need to know more about this Pinkalicious show. DD's 4th birthday in June is going to be a pinkalicious theme.

I just love these tink ones! My girls have all requested to be tink fairies for halloween. :)

Stroller Swap Info!
For all of you that were interested in the stroller swap, I started a thread on the budget board named Pixie dust express! (It's also in my sig) I've got the first swapper and the first stroller will be going down on the 12th.! Yeah!!!! I can't wait!!!
Linnette- Your dresses are beautiful! I hope you are able to fight this depression. I know just how hard dealing with depression can be- I have been there several times in my life.
I'm curious- how did things come out with the woman who wanted you do do all the wedding stuff? Today is supposed to be a nice day in our neck of the woods- maybe you can try and sit in the sun a few minutes today. In any case I'm thinking of you and wishing you good thoughts!

Livindisney- was it you who was afraid of quilting? You shouldn't be! This quilt that I am working on is more like a giant applique than a normal quilt- I bet you might like foundation piecing. Tom, that goes for you too- I KNOW you would like foundation piecing. Normally I find making quilts to be relaxing. But I'm just not an applique person, as much as I want to be.

And who asked about the Sookie Stackhouse books and if they could read the second before the first???? I don't know why but I have had your question stuck in my head- I know you posted it Sunday night. Did you start reading? You can read it out of order, but I think reading the first book is important, after you read the first, its easier to read the others out of order because the first book establishes how Sookie meets Bill and Eric and other key characters.

Yesterday I went to a unfinished furniture shop and bought a pine low, long bookshelf and had DH carry it up last night- I put it in our living room (which functions more as our family room) and got all the toys that were piled in a corner between 2 couches and organized them on the shelves- ahhhh, now she can SEE the toys and it's much more organized.

I forget who posted the Minnie Mouse dot outfit- but I LOVE it- it was a Big Give outfit.
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