DisDads Movies: Previews, Reviews, and Recommendations

DisDads Assemble!

As I posted on the main thread, I saw The Avengers last night. I've never been to a midnight showing of anything, but it was a cool experience. Tons of energy in the crowd but sadly only one guy was painted green "Hulk-style". The place was sold out but I didn't expect the crowd to be there so early. Me and two friends got there at 11:15 for the 12:01 show and we had to sit in the sort-of-front-row about 10 feet behind the really crappy seats. We were definitely looking up at the movie more than out at the movie but we didn't care. It was just a little difficult at times to take in everything that was going on.

Right off the bat things got interesting when they showed the trailer for The Avengers right before we watch The Avengers. The manager comes out and tells us that they had a problem with the IMAX login (apparently they get the film remotely as opposed to having actual film onsite- who knew?) and we were stuck with Hunger Games. The crowd grew restless and they appeased us with free passes to another IMAX show in the future for our inconvenience. Not bad. So finally around 12:40 the right movie started.

I won't give up any spoilers, but I'll just say it was head and shoulders above Iron Man which most fans including me would say has been the best Marvel movie so far. At 2 hours 23 minutes, it was long enough to get in to each character (although Hawkeye got short-changed a little) with plenty of action. I also wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did. There were at least a half dozen genuine laugh out loud moments. Surprisingly, the Hulk steals the show. When Banner finally "Hulks out" the crowd went wild.

If you have the flexibility at work, you guys should duck out of the office and see it this afternoon before the rest of America gets in line. Go ahead, you deserve it. Tell your boss I said it was ok.
DisDads Assemble!

As I posted on the main thread, I saw The Avengers last night. I've never been to a midnight showing of anything, but it was a cool experience. Tons of energy in the crowd but sadly only one guy was painted green "Hulk-style". The place was sold out but I didn't expect the crowd to be there so early. Me and two friends got there at 11:15 for the 12:01 show and we had to sit in the sort-of-front-row about 10 feet behind the really crappy seats. We were definitely looking up at the movie more than out at the movie but we didn't care. It was just a little difficult at times to take in everything that was going on.

Right off the bat things got interesting when they showed the trailer for The Avengers right before we watch The Avengers. The manager comes out and tells us that they had a problem with the IMAX login (apparently they get the film remotely as opposed to having actual film onsite- who knew?) and we were stuck with Hunger Games. The crowd grew restless and they appeased us with free passes to another IMAX show in the future for our inconvenience. Not bad. So finally around 12:40 the right movie started.

I won't give up any spoilers, but I'll just say it was head and shoulders above Iron Man which most fans including me would say has been the best Marvel movie so far. At 2 hours 23 minutes, it was long enough to get in to each character (although Hawkeye got short-changed a little) with plenty of action. I also wasn't expecting to laugh as much as I did. There were at least a half dozen genuine laugh out loud moments. Surprisingly, the Hulk steals the show. When Banner finally "Hulks out" the crowd went wild.

If you have the flexibility at work, you guys should duck out of the office and see it this afternoon before the rest of America gets in line. Go ahead, you deserve it. Tell your boss I said it was ok.

I saw Avengers last week Wednesday. I agree with this review. :thumbsup2 I think my friend put it best:

My Friend: "Avengers is better than whatever your expectations are." (Paraphrased somewhat)
His friend: "I have pretty high expectations."
My Friend: "Better than that."
Just returned from 5 day cruise with 3 days of rain. I saw John Carter. It was really good. Lots of action, good story, great special effects. Disney dropped the ball in advertising this one.

Money Ball was good, not a baseball fan but found the whole science thing interesting.

The Muppets is the first Muppets movie my kids would actually watch and pay attention. I enjoyed it for the whole nostalgia thing.

When John Carter hits redbox make sure its on your list.
DisDads Assemble!

As I posted on the main thread, I saw The Avengers last night. ....

Chris, based on what you had post over on the DDC thread I with ahead and bought ticket of the Imax 3-D show for tomorrow morning. Reading your review just made me glad I did that. Thank you!
Funny thing was, on our Anniversary getaway to San Diego (Cinco de Mayo weekend), wifey was the one who wanted to go out...to the movie...Avengers. It was great. The following week on date night...she picked Avengers again. We don't see movies twice in theaters, so this is saying something.

Pick one movie to see this year, as long as it's Avengers.
My family just went to see the Madagascar 3 movie,(2d version). We all liked it, actually better than the other two we all thought. Predictable, but entertaining.

We bought the Muppets dvd for our trip to FL, and the kids watched it over and over again. My DD7 loves Miss Piggy, and DS4 loves Animal. Who doesn't.
I saw Avengers last week Wednesday. I agree with this review. :thumbsup2 I think my friend put it best:

My Friend: "Avengers is better than whatever your expectations are." (Paraphrased somewhat)
His friend: "I have pretty high expectations."
My Friend: "Better than that."

Took my son age 5 to see Avengers and I'm not going to lie both of us thought the movie was AWESOME!! Very cool to share that experience with him
This article was on IGN today...

Hey, remember when Disney and Guillermo del Toro made the big announcement at Comic-Con two summers ago that they would be rebooting Haunted Mansion? Yeah, I'd practically forgotten about it too. But now GDT has provided an update on the project, and it sounds like it could still happen.

"I delivered my last draft five weeks ago," he tells Collider. "I have a meeting with [Disney] in three weeks. I know they like the screenplay. … That’s what I know. I know their reaction to the draft was good. We have a bunch of conceptualist art, but you never know … to predict anything else is hard for me to know."

Del Toro adds that while he joined the film as a writer and producer, he thinks Disney is holding out for him to direct. Which isn't going to happen quite yet as he's still got to finish up his highly anticipated giant robots/giant monsters flick Pacific Rim for next summer. And beyond that, "I don’t know what I’m going to do next,” he says.


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