Disney Cruise Swap : Final details

Yea...I always tape them...just to make them more secure....and this package was no bigger or heaver than the last few swaps I've done...and I've never been told I can't tape the seal. I guess I could see them getting stricter on the flat rates...if to many people are "stuffing" them super full...but hey they said as long as it fits it's a flat rate...I still think even if the top is taped...it fit...After all it's not like I had things popping out the sides or had the package taped shut because I couldn't get it to shut. Oh well..it's on it's way. :banana:
Well according to USPS Taping is allowed BUT what is NOT ALLOWED is putting the stamp on THEN taping it up as it nulls the postage (Ask me how I know THAT one... 40 bucks later...)


I shall look into it before I mail off the Ride Swap stuff or perhaps Cindy will with the Cruise Swap because if they are getting stricter we shall have to work around it because while we can close them on the original lines (least I can) they are awfully bulky ;) and there is no way Id dare send them without tape

i've sent bulky stuff in a flat rate priority envelope before and my postal clerks are very strict. they run my package through this 1/4 inch opening "stencil-like" plastic thing. if it doesn't fit through, they give it back to me.
Disneyland_emily said:
Well according to USPS Taping is allowed BUT what is NOT ALLOWED is putting the stamp on THEN taping it up as it nulls the postage (Ask me how I know THAT one... 40 bucks later...)


Yikes :faint:

I'm thinking we wouldn't have such bulky items if we didn't package each item in it's own ziplock and then again in a bigger ziplock...IMO I think that add ALOT of the bulk. I understand for the ease of sorting and making sure everyone gets what they need and for weather factor (with the whole lot of goods)...but it for sure adds alot of bulk to the envelope....hmmmm maybe I'll try using regular (long) envelopes next time instead of gallon sized ziplocks then put all the envelopes into a big ziploc.
scrapperjill said:
Anyone else have that sort of problem?
Yes! A few swaps ago I taped the envelope up and the gal at the counter gave me a hard time. She said if it had to be taped then it would cost more. She let it go that time but warned me that it might get rejected. So now I make sure to tape up the INSIDE of the flap if there's any bulging like it might rip. (I've also not gone back to that post office with my swap stuff. ;))
Okay so I spent the last hour on the USPS site and came up with no answers so I emailed USPS with the following:

Is there a width requirement/maximum for the Flat Rate Priority
Envelopes ($3.85)? I have heard people commenting that their post office is
starting to enforce a width limit (One was 1/4 inch) on the envelopes
even when the Flap closes easily (which is what the USPS.com site states
is a requirement with no mention to widths at all except for mentioning
they are non-alteritable)

I will be sending 60+ Flat Rate Envelopes in the following month I
would like to know in advance if I will have problems as they will all be

The envelopes I will be sending will be about 1/2 inch thick but still
close easily
I'll let you guys know what they reply with as if it is some obscure policy or new thing- its going to prob affect the swaps so I'll keep on top of it

This would be a shame :confused3 if we couldn't mail our stuff :guilty: for the flat rate!
I just put my envelope in the box outside the post office....hope it doesn't come back :earseek: !!!
So now I make sure to tape up the INSIDE of the flap if there's any bulging like it might rip.

This is exactly what I was thinking of doing next time, as I was able to close the flap, but just wanted some extra reinforcement.
Hi Ladies,
I recieved packages from the following :

Dreaming of BCV
American Scrapper

Cyndi princess:
I am ready to go out the door and mail my package. I will do flat rate and see what they say. :cool1:
Yea...when I mailed it they did say...We'll do it for you this time...but it may be sent back to you. I havent' got it back yet...so lets hope it's on its way to you. :goodvibes
Hi All!
Had earmarked today to "finish up" and get it in mail by tomorrow... as always the best laid plans! Three trips to pediatrician in one week and one emergency room visit tonite, (my son took a bad spill and fractured his knee) ouch! So it looks like Monday for me.
Sorry like always! But worth the wait none the less :goodvibes

Okay so the USPS was NO help at all.... My answer from them:

"Thank you, Emily, for visiting the web site regarding the width
requirements. I apologize, for any inconvenience that this may have caused
you. For assistance, please contact the local Mailing Requirements
office at (801) 974-2907.

If I can be of assistance to you in the future, please don't hesitate
to contact me. Thank you for using the United States Postal Service."'


TinkerKat said:
Hi All!
Had earmarked today to "finish up" and get it in mail by tomorrow... as always the best laid plans! Three trips to pediatrician in one week and one emergency room visit tonite, (my son took a bad spill and fractured his knee) ouch! So it looks like Monday for me.
Sorry like always! But worth the wait none the less :goodvibes


I'm one of those disgusting people that always try to find the positive in every situation....if your son's is still in a cast or immobilizer for your trip to Disneyland in July, then you'll get to bypass many of the lines! :rolleyes:

I had the second of two foot surgeries two weeks before a three day visit to Disney World a year ago. By doctor's orders, I wasn't allowed even to use crutches, so I was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks. We bypassed about 75% of the lines....my 15 year old loved every minute!! BUT, I was very, very happy on our next visit to be able to stand in line.

Hope your family is feeling better.
Twigs said:
I had a similar problem on Tuesday. I was mailing my circle journal in a flat rate envelope and it fit and the envelope closed OK, but I put a strip of packing tape across the flap so it would be more secure. The clerk in the post office, who is always very nice, said that they aren't supposed to accept flat rate envelopes that are sealed with tape. He weighed it and because it weighed less than a pound he told me that he thought I could get away with it. I told him that I had always gotten those envelopes with tape, but he didn't respond to it. I was thinking about it later and thought that maybe people have been cramming too much in them (making them bulge a lot) to get away with the flat rate. (Which I didn't think had anything to do with it being flat)
What is the charge if it weighs more then 8 ounces and less then 1 pound?
This sure is getting complicated...I have to agree with Scrapper Jill that adding the ziplocks does 'bulk' up the envelope....I try to squeeze out all the air but it still is in there X 24!
Maybe it would be better to put everything in one bag....more work for the hostess, I know, but will help us fly under the radar.... :earseek:
Hi ladies,

I recieved packages from the followwing yesterday :


And thank you to those who put in the little extra's I loved them. Only a few more packages to go.

Cyndi princess:
GrayFal said:
I try to squeeze out all the air but it still is in there X 24!

Please tell me that X 24 was a typo....I only sent 23! Cyndi if I was short by one...then, of course, don't send back to me the item I made. Things have been so crazy, I have no doubt that I missed the change in the total number!! :earseek:
happylady said:
Please tell me that X 24 was a typo....I only sent 23! Cyndi if I was short by one...then, of course, don't send back to me the item I made. Things have been so crazy, I have no doubt that I missed the change in the total number!! :earseek:
BIG Typo !
Didn't mean to panic you :confused3 ...my last swap was 24 :rolleyes1 ......sorry :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: !
Okay...so how many were there?? For some reason I only did 22-23 at first (i don't remember)...then had to whip up another one..and then another one to make 24 total....I still came out short...and made a note that one of the packs wasn't complete and to send that one back to me. :rolleyes: I couldn't figure out why I was so confussed on the number of itmes to make...and then I couldnt' figure out where I got the numbers that I did. So either i ended up 1/2 a complete pack short...or 1/2 a pack over :goodvibes

I'm glad my package arrived at your house...and not back at mine. :teeth:

I also think using less ziplocks is something we should consider...I know more work for the host...but less bulk for us...and less waste in ziplocks...not to mention the savings in $$ from buying a box of them for each swap. I was actuall at the store the other day...and saw that press and seal stuff...and thought I might give it a try next time...


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