Disney Dream Job Contest


DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2006
As so many DVCers mention working for Disney, I thought this might be of interest:


Disney Park Dream Jobs

The majority of U.S. workers surveyed thought it would be fun to work at a Disney theme park (57 percent). Most respondents dreamed of navigating the waters as a Jungle Cruise Skipper (28 percent) while others chose to take the royal route and see if the glass slipper fit as a Fantasyland Princess-in- Waiting (20 percent). Still other respondents wanted to get chills and thrills by being a Haunted Mansion Butler or Maid (19 percent).

Where Dream Jobs Come True

As Disney is traditionally the place 'Where Dreams Come True,' Disney's domestic theme parks are giving Americans the chance to live out their "Dream Jobs" in conjunction with its "Year of a Million Dreams" celebration. Interested parties 18 years and older are invited to submit their virtual resumes online from January 24 through February 20 at http://www.careerbuilder.com/disneydreamjobs to win the opportunity to work at a Disney theme park for one day. Participants will be asked to showcase their most original and creative Disney resumes including why they want to work at a Disney Park, qualifications and skills for their desired position, as well as why this is their Disney Parks "Dream Job." Five finalists will be selected for each "Dream Job" by the public to win the chance to become a Jungle Cruise Skipper, Haunted Mansion Butler or Maid, Apprentice Pirate, Fantasyland Princess-in-Waiting or a Disney Park Parade Performer. Winners will receive a trip to the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California in June 2007 where they will live out their dream jobs. Complete rules and regulations can be found at the above website.


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