Disney is not what it used to be. September 2022 Trip Report.


Jul 2, 2022
Disney is not what it used to be. If this is first trip going to Disney reading this, don't let this post deter you - you are still going to have a great time!
That said, for me, it's a little more hurtful because I've been going every year since 2010, hell, I even married at Disney's Wedding Pavilion.
There are some things that are terribly and are notoriously missing. So, unless you are revenge travelling like me, skip Disney for the next two years so they can get their bearings and get more bang for your buck.

1.- I was not expecting having to do my room for the whole duration of my trip. I stayed for 9 days at the All-Star Movies and I had read mouse keeping was bad due to lack of employees...not once was my room refreshed. I was expecting it to be every three days at least. We did get fresh towels and coffee everyday, though. We are not messy so it was not a big deal, but I love coming back to a bed done.
I don't know why Disney didn't offer their usual $10 dollar a day discount if you forgo room service like years prior, it would have at least made sense.

2.- Cast Members are a coin toss. At least half of their good people left and its noticeable. I had a terrible experience with a Cast Member in Disney Springs who made me feel like a criminal.
This all started on September 16th, when the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was happening and also the exact date of my three year wedding anniversary. It poured, not rained, but water above your ankles kind of rain. They closed many attractions which I was looking forward to. Being wet plus the strong air conditioning they have around the stores/rides made me sick the next day, actually.
They cancelled the shows (but still made a small appearance) and the first parade. The second one was delayed and terrible: lights were on and actors didn't dance around. I get it, for their safety.
They delayed the fireworks so much we missed it because it was still raining so we hid in a store, we saw some of it from a terrible location. A lot of people advised me to ask for a refund, I stuck around hoping it would get better and trying to put a brave face for my spouse, it never did get better. I wanted to see if one CM would sprinkle some magic my way since it was my Anniversary and it was absolute misery, but on my way out Guest Relations was closed (the one upfront by the entrance). So I thought, "I'll try later" because honestly, I was minutes away from hypothermia and urgently needed a hot bath. I actually got very sick the next day with flu-like symptoms, which cleared completely soon after. Next days were Universal Studios visits, so I was gone morning till afternoon.

Once back, I went to Lost&Found at Disney Springs since I had lost my MagicBand+ in a ride on my first day (Frozen, awesome CM couldn't find it and assumed it was in the water. It took PhotoPass pictures of strangers for two whole days, lmao), it had finally been found on my 6th so I went to that Guest Relations location. The lady was rude from the start, but I am not a confrontational person so I just kept being nice and tried to explain the situation and how miserable the experience was. She kept grilling me "since you stayed for the whole event, I won't do anything. Why are you asking for a refund NOW? Why did you stay?". It made sense, but I tried reasoning with her "have you ever stayed hoping things would improve and never did? I tried to salvage my anniversary celebration".
I was not looking for a refund, but access to a MNSSHP that same day or even a coupon for a hot dog...hell, some FastPasses would have been awesome.
In the end, she told me very rudely, "even if I wanted to do something, I don't have the system of the Magic Kingdom to help you".
So, I said "fine, thank you so much for your time. I'll be going to MK then."
And this is when I realized she conned me, she asked me "Could you please scan your MagicBand?". I shouldn't have, this was my mistake. Since she asked with a different tone I had a little spark of hope, I scanned it. She wrote in the computer, took like 5 minutes while I patiently waited and then the same, "sorry, I can't help you. I am not the Magic Kingdom park". So I thanked her again and told her I would try Magic Kingdom to follow her advice.

Off I went to Magic Kingdom from there (Bus to Poly then Monorail to MK). My family was already at EPCOT waiting for me, mind you. I went directly to the Guest Relations at MK where a very nice CM received me. I explained the whole situation to him and scanned by band. Very gently he told me: "it says here you already went to Disney Springs were they told you wouldn't be able to get helped because you stayed the whole event and it says here I am forced to refuse you". I just said thanks and left.
Well, damn. That lady was not only rude to me, but she actually took the effort to go one step further and make me feel like a criminal. This still makes my stomach churn. This whole interaction made my love for Disney disappear. I went cold turkey on purchasing merchandise after that whole interaction. I've been with my partner for 13 years now, it's officially the worst anniversary I have ever had. I just held back tears for the rest of the day, to top it off, she made me lose two hours tricking me into going to Magic Kingdom. I thought about writing a letter as an official complaint, but does it actually help?

3.- Lost&Found is still fantastic, but be careful. My family and me lost four items during my vacation: MagicBand+, hat, cellphone and my wedding rings. However, even when I made the report, they were not pared up until I went to Guest Relations and they manually found them, but they DID show up. I noticed my lack of rings while on the Sunshine Flyer on the way to the airport, immediately called and they were shipped thru UPS even before I was on my plane home. To be honest, this is the best service at Disney currently and I couldn't be more grateful.

4.- Everything is extremely expensive. Yes, you already know this. But not only in food but also souvenirs. Puzzles that used to be $12.99 are now $24.99. Sodas are now $5 each. Ouch. Ordering Amazon Prime Fresh helped us keep costs down, although it was pain that hotel concierge couldn't receive them and had to run to the lobby at 6 am to get my groceries in my PJs (I had chosen a 6 am - 8 am delivery).

5.- Magical Express was a fantastic experience, we missed it. I do miss my Mickey cartoons.
6.- Not being able to send things to your resort or to the front of the park. We wanted to purchase so many stuff at the start of the trip, but decided not to because we would have ended carrying it all day.
Once item was a Gargoyle from Memento Mori, but it was HEAVY! We got it on our last day which was a mistake, because we got a damaged item and now we are stuck with it. We wanted to get it from our first day but decided to postpone it due to being heavy.
7.- Shows/Characters/Rides not open due to lack of cast members. Things are going slowly going back to normal. But I really missed Fantasmic among other things like seeing foreigners at EPCOT.
I am Mexican, so being inside the Mexican pavilion with no Mexicans in sight was a very odd experience. Germany is doing great and the UK too.
8.- Crowds are insane. I suppose due to revenge travel, but I have been going on September for 10 years straight before the pandemic and it had NEVER been this crazy.

My next Disney trip, if it gets better, is going to be postponed until 2024, waiting on Epic Universe. I do hope you guys have a better time than me, as I am currently bitter and sad due to the whole thing
Disney is not what it used to be. If this is first trip going to Disney reading this, don't let this post deter you - you are still going to have a great time!
That said, for me, it's a little more hurtful because I've been going every year since 2010, hell, I even married at Disney's Wedding Pavilion.
There are some things that are terribly and are notoriously missing. So, unless you are revenge travelling like me, skip Disney for the next two years so they can get their bearings and get more bang for your buck.

1.- I was not expecting having to do my room for the whole duration of my trip. I stayed for 9 days at the All-Star Movies and I had read mouse keeping was bad due to lack of employees...not once was my room refreshed. I was expecting it to be every three days at least. We did get fresh towels and coffee everyday, though. We are not messy so it was not a big deal, but I love coming back to a bed done.
I don't know why Disney didn't offer their usual $10 dollar a day discount if you forgo room service like years prior, it would have at least made sense.

2.- Cast Members are a coin toss. At least half of their good people left and its noticeable. I had a terrible experience with a Cast Member in Disney Springs who made me feel like a criminal.
This all started on September 16th, when the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was happening and also the exact date of my three year wedding anniversary. It poured, not rained, but water above your ankles kind of rain. They closed many attractions which I was looking forward to. Being wet plus the strong air conditioning they have around the stores/rides made me sick the next day, actually.
They cancelled the shows (but still made a small appearance) and the first parade. The second one was delayed and terrible: lights were on and actors didn't dance around. I get it, for their safety.
They delayed the fireworks so much we missed it because it was still raining so we hid in a store, we saw some of it from a terrible location. A lot of people advised me to ask for a refund, I stuck around hoping it would get better and trying to put a brave face for my spouse, it never did get better. I wanted to see if one CM would sprinkle some magic my way since it was my Anniversary and it was absolute misery, but on my way out Guest Relations was closed (the one upfront by the entrance). So I thought, "I'll try later" because honestly, I was minutes away from hypothermia and urgently needed a hot bath. I actually got very sick the next day with flu-like symptoms, which cleared completely soon after. Next days were Universal Studios visits, so I was gone morning till afternoon.

Once back, I went to Lost&Found at Disney Springs since I had lost my MagicBand+ in a ride on my first day (Frozen, awesome CM couldn't find it and assumed it was in the water. It took PhotoPass pictures of strangers for two whole days, lmao), it had finally been found on my 6th so I went to that Guest Relations location. The lady was rude from the start, but I am not a confrontational person so I just kept being nice and tried to explain the situation and how miserable the experience was. She kept grilling me "since you stayed for the whole event, I won't do anything. Why are you asking for a refund NOW? Why did you stay?". It made sense, but I tried reasoning with her "have you ever stayed hoping things would improve and never did? I tried to salvage my anniversary celebration".
I was not looking for a refund, but access to a MNSSHP that same day or even a coupon for a hot dog...hell, some FastPasses would have been awesome.
In the end, she told me very rudely, "even if I wanted to do something, I don't have the system of the Magic Kingdom to help you".
So, I said "fine, thank you so much for your time. I'll be going to MK then."
And this is when I realized she conned me, she asked me "Could you please scan your MagicBand?". I shouldn't have, this was my mistake. Since she asked with a different tone I had a little spark of hope, I scanned it. She wrote in the computer, took like 5 minutes while I patiently waited and then the same, "sorry, I can't help you. I am not the Magic Kingdom park". So I thanked her again and told her I would try Magic Kingdom to follow her advice.

Off I went to Magic Kingdom from there (Bus to Poly then Monorail to MK). My family was already at EPCOT waiting for me, mind you. I went directly to the Guest Relations at MK where a very nice CM received me. I explained the whole situation to him and scanned by band. Very gently he told me: "it says here you already went to Disney Springs were they told you wouldn't be able to get helped because you stayed the whole event and it says here I am forced to refuse you". I just said thanks and left.
Well, damn. That lady was not only rude to me, but she actually took the effort to go one step further and make me feel like a criminal. This still makes my stomach churn. This whole interaction made my love for Disney disappear. I went cold turkey on purchasing merchandise after that whole interaction. I've been with my partner for 13 years now, it's officially the worst anniversary I have ever had. I just held back tears for the rest of the day, to top it off, she made me lose two hours tricking me into going to Magic Kingdom. I thought about writing a letter as an official complaint, but does it actually help?

4.- Everything is extremely expensive. Yes, you already know this. But not only in food but also souvenirs. Puzzles that used to be $12.99 are now $24.99. Sodas are now $5 each. Ouch. Ordering Amazon Prime Fresh helped us keep costs down, although it was pain that hotel concierge couldn't receive them and had to run to the lobby at 6 am to get my groceries in my PJs (I had chosen a 6 am - 8 am delivery).

7.- Shows/Characters/Rides not open due to lack of cast members. Things are going slowly going back to normal. But I really missed Fantasmic among other things like seeing foreigners at EPCOT.
I am Mexican, so being inside the Mexican pavilion with no Mexicans in sight was a very odd experience. Germany is doing great and the UK too.
First off what a horrible way to be treated on your anniversary. I'm sorry you and your partner had to deal with such callousness. I highly recommend writing and asking for a refund. FWIW, afew days ago my friend had his camera damaged by a faulty USB port in his room and after raising it with management they reimbursed for a very large amount of money. The only point here being Disney clearly provides quite a bit of power to their managers to remedy situations at their discretion, so even if that other person was terrible it doesn't rule out the chance that someone else will try to make it right.

I'm currently at the halfway point of a two week trip and it's noticeably more expensive, but I also get that there's a balance right now between hiring good staff and keeping prices in check that Disney's still struggling with. For the most part I'm ok with saving my souvenir money for buying things online after the trip, and maybe only eating apps at the table service restaurants I enjoy the most.

Which brings up the overall issue with cast members. Most have been great. In particular was our Mexican waited at San Angel Inn (I'm Mexican too so it was nice to have that connection). All the other staff there was latinx, and with the exception of Morocco found that the cultural exchange program is coming back to its full glory.

On the other hand, a few of the staff have been noticeably off putting. One in particular treated us as poorly as we had ever been treated at WDW. It doesn't compare to the horrible way you were treated, but it was striking to come across such a rude CM, especially when they dug in to really interfere with our ability to have it resolved through another CM.

Still having an amazing time, but can understand how your experience has turned you off. Hopefully these are things that will improve eventually.
Op, I am so sorry for what you went through. I agree with the previous poster to write and ask for a refund and explain your story the way you did here.
After a 4 year absence we just returned from a 4 night stay at Sports and wow did we notice a difference. First, we did not get any housekeeping for our entire stay, not even fresh towels and trash. Price gouging is on a different level with a small (normally 20 cents banana) costing $2.50. The last time I was there it was $1.00. I bought a kids meal for lunch and, as stated on their menu board, also took a small drink and a side of apple slices which are included. When I went to pay the cashier actually reached over to my tray and grabbed the bag of apple slices insisting they were not included. Even after pointing it out to her where it was written (with a photo advertising the exact meal i bought) she said no, her manager would not allow it and she was told to advise people at the cash. So if Disney has lowered itself to this level of cost savings I will have to re-think next years 8 day vacation with my family. Something so small but enough to lose a customer for good. Disney, however, does not care.
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First off what a horrible way to be treated on your anniversary. I'm sorry you and your partner had to deal with such callousness. I highly recommend writing and asking for a refund. FWIW, afew days ago my friend had his camera damaged by a faulty USB port in his room and after raising it with management they reimbursed for a very large amount of money. The only point here being Disney clearly provides quite a bit of power to their managers to remedy situations at their discretion, so even if that other person was terrible it doesn't rule out the chance that someone else will try to make it right.

I'm currently at the halfway point of a two week trip and it's noticeably more expensive, but I also get that there's a balance right now between hiring good staff and keeping prices in check that Disney's still struggling with. For the most part I'm ok with saving my souvenir money for buying things online after the trip, and maybe only eating apps at the table service restaurants I enjoy the most.

Which brings up the overall issue with cast members. Most have been great. In particular was our Mexican waited at San Angel Inn (I'm Mexican too so it was nice to have that connection). All the other staff there was latinx, and with the exception of Morocco found that the cultural exchange program is coming back to its full glory.

On the other hand, a few of the staff have been noticeably off putting. One in particular treated us as poorly as we had ever been treated at WDW. It doesn't compare to the horrible way you were treated, but it was striking to come across such a rude CM, especially when they dug in to really interfere with our ability to have it resolved through another CM.

Still having an amazing time, but can understand how your experience has turned you off. Hopefully these are things that will improve eventually.

Yeah, that's what surprised me the most, the way she tricked me so she could write something up in my account to avoid the possibility of another CM helping me or cheer me up in some way. Some CMs were fantastic and it was great watching them being upbeat and nice (I even did two Cast Compliments that I hope they get to see!) but it does show that Disney can't afford to replace or find a better location for these Cast Members who have a stronger personality. Another odd interaction was a character that pressured us into having babies (married three years, where is the baby?) but I am used to it in my family so I did not have a problem with that, lol.

I will try going again maybe in two or three years. Right now it's not something I want to come back to anytime soon unfortunately.
Op, I am so sorry for what you went through. I agree with the previous poster to write and ask for a refund and explain your story the way you did here.
After a 4 year absence we just returned from a 4 night stay at Sports and wow did we notice a difference. First, we did not get any housekeeping for our entire stay, not even fresh towels and trash. Price gouging is on a different level with a small (normally 20 cents banana) costing $2.50. The last time I was there it was $1.00. I bought a kids meal for lunch and, as stated on their menu board, also took a small drink and a side of apple slices which are included. When I went to pay the cashier actually reached over to my tray and grabbed the bag of apple slices insisting they were not included. Even after pointing it out to her where it was written (with a photo advertising the exact meal i bought) she said no, her manager would not allow it and she was told to advise people at the cash. So if Disney has lowered itself to this level of cost savings I will have to re-think next years 8 day vacation with my family. Something so small but enough to lose a customer for good. Disney, however, does not care.

The price-gouging was intense to say the least. With so many things missing it's not currently worth what you are paying for. I had my doubts about ordering Amazon Fresh and I eventually was happy I did because I ordered bananas and apples plus some sodas. I did have most of my meals at Disney, but those small things pissed me off.
Just back as well, a 7 day trip that was originally planned deluxe before COVID but changed to pofq under a promo and with room at 230/nite couldn’t pass it up. The resort check in was a breeze , used online arrived at 11am and updated my arrival time about 30 minutes before arrival. Our room was ready and went straight there. Some Very positive things, DAS services registered ahead was effortless and honestly, made a world of difference for us. Buses were good, not great… boat to DS was very good. Monorail n boats were good as well. Food allergies/issues were handled so well for me. Spoke with a chef and had notified them ahead. Sadly the Only place I had an issue was at pofq, our resort, was told chef was too busy 🤦‍♀️ And there was no area to even request help. POR was a World of difference, sign posted, chef came out.. walked me thru some options and he made it fresh. but, I’ve typically found pofq food court lacking compared to POR. Excellent service and so helpful AT POR. . So, we went there and ate at pofq once ( and I coincidentally got Very sick the following day, losing the entire day) but it was the end of the visit so I was just thankful for that. Sci Fi was helpful as well, RF cafe was very good as well and the loyalty sign up was Well worth it!
Was able to do Fla residency at Ds, as system glitches online, so that helped by avoiding GS at our first park.

I bought a LOT.. however, most of it just before leaving. Having bought LOTS OF XMAS Gifts, luggage and then told No pkg to room or being held at front was a Big Deal! Disney lost a lot of money as we were not going to lug packages all day and lockers are tooo small.

CM’s at the blue umbrella GS kiosks were mostly very helpful. There’s always one though, knew it as soon as I approached. After articulating the issue, she said couldn’t help. I knew she was wrong. Tried to re explain but she said it didn’t matter in the long run. Well, it Did matter to us but I was done and wound up not getting it resolved. At the next park, it was handled efficiently and a world of difference.

Yes, prices are high… food, $3.50 bottles of water, gifts have gone up atleast 20-30 percent. I used gift cards for most, so price was not an overall factor. But if it was CC, I likely would have purchased much less. And still would have shopped more if services were available.

It’s obvious that staffing is lower and some CMs need more training.. not many upbeat smiles like past years either, :(. . CM’s shouting to push crowds tighter was bad and unsafe imho… early 30 minutes in am is too limited and we didn’t take advantage of it but once.
The construction at Epcot is off putting, the breakdown of Several rides Every day at every park was moderately annoying. But, having visited so many other times.. it was okay. We took it easy.
One funny thing.. had meal at steak 71/contemporary. Our waiter saw the anniversary pin on my bag. And at the end of the meal said.. well normally id give you a dessert, but I know you ( meaning me) has food issues so I’m not bringing it. He totally ignored my husband, lol. My hubby was like… WTH.. he would’ve eaten it. We of course laughed it off later but waiter could have offered it to him.
Our visit was Good overall
Likely won’t be back for a year or two. No longer pass holders, no longer multi year visits of longer length, and shorter quick visits. Too much planning, spontaneity is basically gone. it’s a different feel now, def Not as Magical not In the Bubble as it used to be.
Wow this is truly an entertaining read… Its like a chapter book of How to Succeed at Failing the Disney Way.
Dismal Disney Worst MK Anniversary Ever and soon to experience the Epcot 40th Construction Celebration.
They keep announcing more Resort Updates/refurbs.
I truly believe they want some type of destruction at every location.
Thats the new way the Disney Way.
And let’s not be one of those people that compare Universal to WDW but they seem to have No problem with really fun team members and creative new ways to celebrate the holidays
Wow to walking through the Tribute Store and Dead Coconut Lounge
I will never endure Trader Sam’s ever again Never ! You need to find a great video on YouTube to enjoy the Vampy live entertainment Lounge Show at Dead Coconut Lounge immediately!

…Disney gives us the same decorations every year .
USO can’t give us enough newness to anticipate and enjoy. Creativity & Imagination is still alive .
Amazing to see they allow their team members to have fun and most of them can fix guest problems on the spot.
Universal does not have No in their vocabulary.

USO is selling those APs cause they know their crowds will be EPIC
Actully fun just to drive around the entire area off Destination Parkway to witness How Epic this is going to be!

Bio Reconstruct online provides lots of overhead from helicopter views … Haha to Epcot still nothing but a mess.
Quick somebody tell WDW what Anniversary means .
Maybe Universal has all the construction workers and Disney truly is having a problem with staffing, etc…
The end
Until the Grinch returns!
Why does my heart belong to the Grinch ?
Sorry Mickey Mouse

How did this happen to me ?
I was that Disneyland loyal legendary since 1968 and then visiting WDW alternating monthly visits since I lived in the middle of USA in Kansas City Heartland …
It is ChapekWorld now . Just visit and enjoy those memories but do not spend money except for basics . If you truly love Disney send a message the only way their data can interpret . A computer owns ChapekWorld .
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LOST 4 ITEMS..... Were just tossing items as you walked !!!!!! Real lucky you found all items
You need to buy a lottery ticket once you get home. But I have a feeling you would lost it.

Well, in my defense my MB+ was faulty from day one, lmao. It just wouldn't latch, my fault for pressing my luck even though my logic told me to try for an exchange. Two were from my friend's kids and not mine. 😜
We just returned too. We were there from 9 September to 18 September.

Stayed in Boardwalk Villas.

First off the good. I had never stayed in Boardwalk and it was an absolutely fantastic location. Before Beach Club was my favorite as I place location above all. I do think the villas at GF and the rooms at Riviera are nicer but they are also much newer. Boardwalk Villas could definitely use an update to the room and especially the bathroom area. We stayed in a Garden view deluxe studio but we were over looking the green so it was very easy to go to the pool, the weight room and the laundry area on the first floor. we were on the 5th floor so would sit on our balcony and watch the epcot fireworks each night. Another plus was being able to see the boat make the turn from epcot to Boardwalk so we could just go right down and meet it. Again, location was perfect for us as we mostly do Epcot and Hollywood.

Food at nearly every place we ate was fantastic as usual. I noticed the portions weren't massive, but still a ton of food and more than I would typically eat in a sitting anyway. I loved food and wine as always so that's a plus. Weather was pretty good. Did get some heavy rains the last few nights.

We really enjoyed Typhoon Lagoon, We'd never gone there before but had a lot of fun.

Guardians of the galaxy was a fun ride. The first time we rode it we absolutely were unimpressed. But come to find out it's because of two things. First we had some morons in front of us trying to video the entire ride with their camera light on so that was flat out rude to everyone on the ride and crazy selfish. I can't believe how people apparently don't think of others. Nothing like in a dark ride with a flash light in your face. the other issue was the ride wasn't working right so when it stops in the early part of the ride with the giant screen right before you go backwards the screen was blank and it paused for about 2 minutes (looking back it was probably because it thought the screen was playing). Anyway, didn't like it. Decided to give it another try the next day, loved it. the music does make a big difference and frankly the conga beat song is not my favorite. Unfortunately got it twice, but some of the other songs really impact the ride. Overall it was one of our favorite rides.

Disney is definitely nickel and diming people now and that's sad. But it was just my wife and I for our anniversary so paying for the Genie+ and the ILL wasn't a big deal with only 2 people.

Crowds were fantastic, never an issue at all.

But, that being said, it may be how we go about our trip.

We did early entry rope drop every day we were there. Pretty much got on our rides immediately and were able to ride the ones we wanted multiple times each morning. We would then leave the park around 11am, grab lunch and head back to hotel for pool or to just relax in the room. We really liked the boardwalk deli and the food stands at Boardwalk. Again, love this location. We generally would then head back out to the park (park hopper) about 4pm and the whole day I was stacking LL for the evening. So we'd hit up our rides grab food and then head back to epcot for food and wine and generally were back in our room by 9pm to watch fireworks.

The ONLY problem with Boardwalk is if boats aren't running due to storms. But you just walk or wait it out.

Overall a very good trip outside of the fact that the costs are rising pretty significantly.

As mentioned, I also lost my magic band+ because it just didn't want to latch well and one day taking off a poncho I guess it came off. But I carry extras in my back pack so not a huge deal. also, in my opinion, the Magic Band Plus is a waste of money, but we thought we'd try them out.

If I had a family with me or a large group, I think the Genie+ and ILL would end up being extremely expensive. We may not have needed to even do the Genie+ but I did utilize the ILL+ twice per day for each of us and it definitely did makes things smooth and perhaps even better than the old fast pass system, just at a cost.

Lastly, my favorite ride is Pirates of the Caribbean. Possibly because as a kid in roughly 1980 or so, I rode it and it was my favorite so it's something I now ride constantly :) Unfortunately the night we attended the Not so Scary party, it was closed the entire time of the party (13th of September) I wanted very much to see the cast members inside the ride as I told they would be, but didn't get to as it didn't run the entirety of the party. We had gotten to MK early because we had a 5:30pm reservation at Liberty Tree and I did ride POTC 3 times prior to dinner, but once party started it was closed. Kind of a bummer.

View from room



Disney is not what it used to be. If this is first trip going to Disney reading this, don't let this post deter you - you are still going to have a great time!
That said, for me, it's a little more hurtful because I've been going every year since 2010, hell, I even married at Disney's Wedding Pavilion.
There are some things that are terribly and are notoriously missing. So, unless you are revenge travelling like me, skip Disney for the next two years so they can get their bearings and get more bang for your buck.

2.- Cast Members are a coin toss. At least half of their good people left and its noticeable. I had a terrible experience with a Cast Member in Disney Springs who made me feel like a criminal.
This all started on September 16th, when the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was happening and also the exact date of my three year wedding anniversary. It poured, not rained, but water above your ankles kind of rain. They closed many attractions which I was looking forward to. Being wet plus the strong air conditioning they have around the stores/rides made me sick the next day, actually.
They cancelled the shows (but still made a small appearance) and the first parade. The second one was delayed and terrible: lights were on and actors didn't dance around. I get it, for their safety.

My next Disney trip, if it gets better, is going to be postponed until 2024, waiting on Epic Universe. I do hope you guys have a better time than me, as I am currently bitter and sad due to the whole thing
I was in the parks around this time, and can confirm the awful weather. I didn't go during the Halloween Party but saw at least one day mostly rained out of good stuff at MK, so I can empathize. The crowds were INDEED crazy... but only on the second half! I was there from Sept. 12th and even the weekend was dead, so I was shocked to see a jam-packed park on the Monday (19th) and later days. It was like everyone hearing about miserable crowds for all of 2021-22 heard about how dead September was and piled in!

Sorry about the mess with refunds. Eavesdropping at a Guest Relations center last year I heard a similar "Well since you were in the park the whole day I can't do anything" because one couple was stuck on Rise of the Resistance for hours and thus didn't get on some of the big rides.
Thank you for the trip report. I agree prices are out of control, and similar to you guest services experience, my interaction with them on my July trip had me feeling pretty bummed.
The only reason I’m going for MNSSHP is because we had tickets from last year that we moved to this year because we couldn’t make it.
After this trip, it’s going to be a while before we go back.
She wrote in the computer, took like 5 minutes while I patiently waited and then the same, "sorry, I can't help you. I am not the Magic Kingdom park". So I thanked her again and told her I would try Magic Kingdom to follow her advice.
Why in the world would she say that and give you the impression that the answer would be different at MK and then write that note. So crazy!

Another odd interaction was a character that pressured us into having babies (married three years, where is the baby?)
So surprising that they are not trained to not bring that up. A couple could be experiencing fertility challenges and it be a very sensitive topic.


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