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I called the customer service area at careerbuilder this morning and the woman I spoke with told me that their tech problem acknowledged they had quite a few glitches with the site during the course of entries... especially with this past weekend. So I'm not sure about a video that was uploaded but hasn't shown... but mine never uploaded.... the final upload time was 10 hours 36 minutes and at midnight last night it just disconnected and refreshed that the submission period was over. She told me they are trying to figure out some type of resolution for the problems they had.
HauntedMansionFan -

I'll be interested to hear if they get back to you. We emailed them Friday or Saturday, can't remember which day. But I figured that wouldn't do any good considering it was the weekend.

I've read your saga...10 hours trying to upload. I don't even know what to say.

All I know is I uploaded mine twice. Each time, I got the "thanks for your submission" screen (or whatever it says), yet my video isn't up there.

I guess I just want to know that they received it so that it can be considered.
I'm interested to see if I get a response also. Like I said earlier.... I don't want it to come across like sour grapes, but its not anyone's fault that the site was up to par to handle the high traffic of information and you can't really penalize someone for that. I'm guessing there is a legal loop hole somewhere that says that nobody can be held responsible for tech issues, yada, yada, yada..... I started trying to upload my video at like 4:30/5:00 yesterday and kept trying until midnight. Just when the upload would start to make any progress the site would reset itself.... so I thought, maybe its my PC, so I tried my laptop.... nope, same problem. At one point I had both the PC and my laptop trying to upload, but to no avail. Oh well.....
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is a clause in the rules that says something to the effect of they can't be held responsible for server problems and the like.
Surpisingly I heard back from careerbuilder and this is what they had to say:

Below is the update that I received

“I spoke with the person in charge of handling Disney's CMO applications, and was informed that there was a technical issue with the vendor collecting the videos, that led to yesterday's inability to apply.

I was told that, since you do provide contact information on the 1st page of the application, they have that data, and will be contacting those via email today, providing instructions on how to re-submit the video.

Please keep an eye out on your inbox, and check the junk folders too just in case the email gets filtered by your client. It has not been sent yet but they will be doing so this afternoon.

For those that do receive the email, you will have until Midnight EST tonight to re-send your video.

We apologize for this inconvenience and wish you all good luck on the contest”

It looks like yesterday nobody was able to upload. There is hope yet!!!! It seems fair that they would only contact those that submitted info yesterday....
Yeah for you! As I stated earlier, I knew that a company like Disney would go out of their way to make things right and they are.

Let us know when it's up! :goodvibes
I just got the email as well, although I haven't received a follow up email with instructions - I completed the first part of the application several times (by the third time I got smart enough to copy and past my answers, lol), I hope one of them went through!!

Did anyone get the other email yet? :confused3
I can't imagine how frustrated you must have been.
Best of luck to you now that you'll at least get to submit it.
Thanks for sharing the communication from careerbuilder.
Now I wonder if I got the "thank you, stay tuned..." message yesterday
if I'll get the email, or I'm in?
The whole procedure, for me, required some major pixie dust!! I would so dread having to go through that again (but of course I would!)
Zulaya, Since it sounds like they have had several issues with the servers, maybe you should try to contact CareerBuilder and let them know you also sent in your video twice and it has not posted, just in case they are only contacting people who tried to upload their videos yesterday.

Good luck to everybody still trying!
I got the email saying they were sending an email with the correct instructions. However, I have not received said email and I have checked my junk mail and spam filters.

Has anyone received the email instructions? If so can someone email them to me at pampchef@qwest.net

So apparently if you don't get the email to resubmit they have your video?

Does that then mean that they aren't uploading all of them?

I'm just a little frustrated right now.
If it helps anyone, I uploaded mine last week, but it didn't show up for two days on the DreamCMO site. I'm pretty sure that they view all of them to make sure they are appropriate (people are dressed right, no X-rated stuff, no profanity, no music, etc.), so with the number of people trying to upload over the weekend, and with the technical glitch, I think that it might take several days to view and put up on the DreamCMO site all the videos that they received, and the ones that they will receive via email for the people they contact because of the glitch. If mine took about 48 hours to show up in a less busy time with no glitch, it might take at least that long for ones uploaded this weekend to show up. So everyone hang in there! :)

-Dorothy (LadyZolt)

So how can you explain that my video (which I am sure is not breaking rules) was originally uploaded on Jan 19, appeared to be accepted, and yet still doesn't appear after 9 days?

I also uploaded it again this last Friday, Jan 25, and still received an accepted screen.

I hope they just aren't showing all videos. I know I didn't have music, multiple people, anything unseemly...so I'm not sure what to think in my situation.
I just got the email:

Thank you for applying for the Disney CMO Job on the DreamCMO.com website. We have the first part of your application, but not your video resume. We had unforeseen amounts of traffic to the contest site yesterday which caused for back up of the systems. You may have tried to upload your video, but unfortunately we do not have it.

Because of the technical difficulties, we are giving you the opportunity to submit your video resume again which will be judged for the contest.

You must upload your video before tonight (Monday, January 28) at 11:59:59PM Eastern time.

And there's a link to enter the site, which I'm afraid to click on right now because I'm at work and can't upload my video until I get home...I don't want to risk it registering my information before it's time to process it.
They're also letting you upload it to YouTube and you just have to give them the URL (through the website I just posted; you can't just email them the link)


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