Disney Magic Kingdoms

What's needed to Welcome Cruella:

30 dog food tokens
20 phones
20 ear hats
15,000 biscuits

Tasks for phones (Rare)

Penny - Snuggle (2 hours)
Fairy Godmother - Helping Others (4 hours)
Pongo + Lucky - You Little Rascal (1 hour; The Park needs 1st level enchantment)
Cruella's Car drops on 2nd level enchantment

Tasks for hats (Epic)

Goofy - Play the Tuba (4 hours)
Patch - Play Pretend (4 hours)
Daisy - Visit Goofy's Playhouse (6 hours)
Perdita + Rolly - Just Had Your Dinner (1 hour; Radcliffe Residence needs 1st level enchantment)
Cruella's Car drops on 3rd level enchantment
The De Vil place drops on 4th level enchantment

As you can see, they REALLY want us to invest in those enchantment tokens.
With 20 of each Tokens required let’s hope the drop rate is better then the rest of the event has been and you should not have to enchant buildings to help with getting a character just with leveling them. They are trying to force us to make money purchases.
Because four of the event characters require buildings to be enchanted with nearly impossible to obtain tokens (other than buying them), the four characters have nothing to do for the rest of the event. Meanwhile, I have two characters (Fairy Godmother and Penny) searching for 20 rare phones and 3 characters (Goofy, Daisy and Patch) searching for 20 epic ear hats. With 5 days remaining in the event. At least the longest of the tasks is only 6 hours instead of 12 or 24 hours.
Don't worry, you can always buy the character for the low low price of just $9.99.
Ernie and Bert's love child needs 65 of each token to get to 10. Lovely...

How soon before I finish off this Luca set??
Well for 20 hours of collecting I have 1 hat and 4 phones for Cruella, I don’t see this going well. They are not getting cash but if I have to in four more days I will use gems, says at the moment I would need like 898 gems to welcome her, has to be less then that in four days. Sigh!
Well for 20 hours of collecting I have 1 hat and 4 phones for Cruella, I don’t see this going well. They are not getting cash but if I have to in four more days I will use gems, says at the moment I would need like 898 gems to welcome her, has to be less then that in four days. Sigh!

28hours down the line and I have 8 phones and 0 ears hats….I am not paying to get her and only have 83 gems left after buying the dog and the attraction (whichever one that was). Let’s just hope things improve…
I'm at 18 phones and 3 ear hats. Not doing well at all in the ear hat department. Honestly, these events are less and less fun each time they roll one out. If I have both gem characters and I'm still struggling they are just tightening the noose to the point where they should lose all their players. I can't imagine how players who didn't have the gems for the puppies can finish this event.
I'm at 18 phones and 3 ear hats. Not doing well at all in the ear hat department. Honestly, these events are less and less fun each time they roll one out. If I have both gem characters and I'm still struggling they are just tightening the noose to the point where they should lose all their players. I can't imagine how players who didn't have the gems for the puppies can finish this event.

I agree. The event for Raya I also found to be awful, but after the Luca event (which I finished easily and found to be very forgiving) I was hopeful that they were going to ease up a bit in the future on the difficulty. I guess not. This is easily the worst I've ever done, and I used to have minimal issue completing events- even without the premium characters and buildings. I just started collecting for Perdita last night. I do have enough gems that I'll probably buy the items to complete her if I need to, but it shouldn't have come to that.
Well, Cruella still needs 15 ear hats. :rolleyes1

Meanwhile, Ercole only needs 2 to go to Level 10. I stubbornly refuse to buy those hats.

Even so, I think I know who's going to be occupying the space in the castle first.
I have all the phones but only 4 ear hats. They just won’t drop. I don’t think Cruella will be in my park.
I also have all the phones but I have 9/20 of the Ear hats. Got almost two more days to collect and keep reducing number of hats I need in order to finish her with gems if needed.
20 phone and 2 ear hats. I pressed the "buy" button just to see how many gems it would cost to get the other 18 ear hats. It would be 548 gems or roughly 30 gems per ear hat.
Their logic is just.... illogical. I am 3 hats away, which refuse to drop. I checked the "buy" option, and it would take 98 gems. Do the math... it doesn't work. These idiot inters are so full of sh!t it's frustrating.


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